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Jump One: Unknown Location

Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Looks like." Linda answered with a shrug, having arrived a moment earlier. "Either that or we're getting chewed out for something, but that usually means the whole squad getting yelled at, so yeah, my money's on 'private briefing' as well."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As Kenzo entered the bridge he took no more than a few steps in before snapping to attention with a crisp salute, only dropping it when asked to join the Admiral over at the map station, once there he took a glance at the miniature hologram of the still ongoing battle around him, countless diminuative specks obiting several larger blobs of light, If the centerd color and blob was to be beleived as our current position or ship, then we were currently... On the winning side for once, unless this third color decided to start something...

After Stukov told him of the plans for the final Harbinger ships, Kenzo took a closer glance at the map Hologram, before answering...

"Is this gonna be a clean sweep? Or data retreival?"

Kenzo knew if they were going through the trouble of boarding the vessel it had to be for better intell, otherwise there'd be no reason not to destroy it... Unless...

"Or... Are we gonna be setting a trap, Sir?"

Kenzo knew that during the crippling process, the translight comms were usually destroyed, but that was usually tied in to the ships engines and almost always go offline at the same moment if not soon after... But maybe something could be used with there normal comm system...

And then Kenzo began feeing a pair of eyes boring into him, soon acompanyed by a hand to slap down on the map table beside his, Kenzo didn't even have to look to know it was Admiral Buckley, guy had it in for me scince... Well... Forever!

His suspicions were confirmed when a venomous if not extremely simplified declaration of what his mission was to be, accompanied with what could be considered one of the largest flops of his own military career...

(Tillan... An old asteroid based smuggling colony... A botched Intell Op, our unit walked right into an ambush, and took out almost half the unit with there pre-placed IED's... We had went in with over seven men, and ended up forced into an embarrassing retreat, dragging back the final three of them personally... Even with a round in my side... If memory serves correctly, one lapsed into a coma and died soon after, one lost a leg and was reassigned to the engineering division, and the third is still on active duty... Unless he couldn't get off world during the final days back home...

That Buckley would bringing this up means he's trying to provoke a reaction...? Lets play this HIS way then...)

"Oh, Admiral... I hardly noticed you there... And isn't lurking around beneath an officer of your stature? I find the habit a bit... Spookey..."

Kenzo makes sure to add an emphasis to the candid Internal Affairs slang term "Spooks"

His own veiled insult to match another, the exchange was cut short by a controll officer entering the bridge. At the new arrival Kenzo returned to a standing position instead of the slightly leaned one he had taken to gaze and study the Heatmap.

After the news that his Pegasus was already outfitted and ready for him and his team, He answered the Admirals with a crisp salute and exited the bridge to meet up with his unit.

Kenzo looks around, and with a grin, begins...

"We got ourselves a horse... We can charge as soon as everyones ready... Now... Who's up for boarding a Harbinger Vessel and taking the fight to them for once?"

Kenzo slides on his Helmet, the visor depolarises from opaque to transparent, so that everyone can still se him

"I'll meet whoevers coming in G-Hanger..."
And with that Captain Aramada set himself once more as a Green Nav point and began he walk to the G-Hanger... Readying himself for... Something that's... Never been done before...
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Heinrich listened to Kenzo's speech, and watched him leave the room. Now Heinrich has a choice to make. He could either, go with Kenzo to the Harbringer ship, or he could stay and defend this ship. Heinrich thought for a moment, he decided he would go with Kenzo. Heinrich sighed and left for the G-Hanger.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

With nothing else to do Grantham decides it would be best to join the rest in combat. After all, what better way would there be than live combat to showcase his abilities.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Heellll..." Linda says slowly, under her breath. "Alright, I'm in."

The markswoman does a quick mental inventory to make sure she really does have anything she needs, then falls in step behing Aramada with a shrug.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Niles checks his gear to make sure he has everything, including a cigar and a few extra ration pouches for afterward. Silently he follows the procession.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Terra lets out heavy sigh, groaning and rubbing her temples, not meaning to disrespect her CO but in frustration at the private briefing and the short notice of the aforementioned attack. However she quickly shook her head and worked it off, before snapping crisply to attention and saluting Kenzo before replying in her usual business-mind and professional attitude, "Yes sir! Allow me to run and grab a fresh supply of ammo and I'll be right back ready to deploy! About goddammed time we finally got able to go on the offensive!" She said as she rushed off to grab the aforementioned ammunition and quickly returning to where Kenzo and her fellow soldiers were gathered outside of the bridge.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Once the group had entered the G-Hanger, one of the pilots waved his helmet over his head. "Hey, Kenzo. They sendin' you in on this Op?" It was one of the more frequent flying pilots for the squad, Captain "Rabbit" as he preferred to be called, though none of the soldiers knew his real name. "Looks like I'm the only one crazy enough to bust into a Harbinger ship, eh?" he says, donning the helmet and pulling down the black visor, hiding his Indo-American face. "Let's get this show on the road, jarheads." he says, leading them to his Pegasus, which seems to have some kind of special attachment on the front of the cargo bay, almost like a stinger. "If this doesn't punch through their hull, I dunno what will."

Up on the bridge, comm signals were flowing in from the fleet as they slowly trickled back into the Star's F-hanger, and a comm signal came in from the Humanoid ships. Admiral Stukov opens it to a visual display, and prepares to negotiate. "You have my thanks, whoever you are, but you're blocking my path. The aliens on the other side of your ship are a hated enemy of my race, and we will stop at nothing to destroy them." he says, Stukov adjusting his position in his chair slightly and leaning forward. "You are quite welcome. But I cannot allow that. I am here to offer you both protection from the aliens who just attacked the both of you. They are a fearsome foe, and unless you stop your war and join us, you will be destroyed by them. You can take my offer, or I'll leave you here to settle your differences." he says, then leans back in his chair, the rest of the bridge staff having stopped dead in their tracks from this realization: Stukov was actually going to let them twist in the wind if they didn't join him. Ariok would then receive warnings of a hacking attempt on their comm system, the aliens to their Starboard side trying to hack in to the current conversation.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok glanced boredly as the hacking attempt from the other fleet came to his attention. He didn't block it outright, though he easily could have, and instead simply directed it as he liked. It quickly became clear that the other fleet intended to listen in on the other conversation, and the AIs holographic image appeared briefly, and asked; "I don't mean to interrupt, Admiral, but the other fleet is attempting to covertly listen in on your current conversation. Would you like me to allow it?" The AI could care less about either of the other fleets. They were not part of the human fleet, and therefore did not fall under the directive of his protection.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

The man on the other end of the current comm line scoffed "Typical Covenant. Wait for the right time to hop in to a conversation and spout some religious mumbo jumbo. Admiral, I'm prepared to assist your fleet against those aliens, but I will NOT work with an enemy who wants to annihilate us on sheer principle." the man says, turning his head as someone says his name, something along the lines of Hood, to which he nods and issues a few orders, then turns back to the screen. Stukov then sighs as he shakes his head. "Ariok, don't just let them in on the conversation,. Break into their signal and force a three-way video comm with them. We're settling this right now." he says, standing and making a fist with his right hand, them slamming it down onto his left palm. "Unless you two learn to get over whatever the hell has you hating each other, and learn to hate the Harbingers more, you're going to end up vulnerable, and you're all going to die."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok did as Stukov instructed without comment, forcefully opening up a comm channel with the unknown alien fleet. Whatever reservations or doubts the AI had about this, he kept them to himself.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Alright boys and girls, get in, sit down, and strap in, it's gonna be a bumpy ride." Rabbit says, adjusting different controls up in the cockpit as the Pegasus powers up, waiting for the rest of the squad to get ready. "We're gonna try and punch the tube on the front of this transport through the hull of the enemy ship, so you guys can just walk on through. Captain, I hope your guys are ready for that, because crashing into a Harbinger ship is going to be a bumpy ride."

Up on the Bridge, Stukov suddenly found himself staring at a strange brown-skinned alien with long lobes hanging down from its ears and a golden crown resting upon its head. "You filthy vermin dare look upon the Prophet of Truth?" is the first thing out of his mouth before Stukov manages to get a word in. "Calm down. I'm not here to offend you, and I'm not here to cause any more conflict than is already going. I'm here to tell you both that if you don't join us and help us stop the aliens that you just destroyed, more will come, and finish off whichever one of you is left standing after you're done infighting. Now, you can keep fighting a pointless war, or you can listen to logic. Whatever you decide, do it quick before more Harbingers show up." Stukov says, the man named Hood mulling it over in his mind as the Prophet growls a low growl. "The Covenant will fight these Harbingers as you call them, but they will not work alongside the other Humans." the Prophet says, Hood scoffing "Fine. We'll help you as well. But we're not working with them either." he says, Stukov turning to the fleet control officer and nodding, the officer sending coordinates to both leaders. "That's where we bring our fleets in to dock. I suggest you dock on opposite sides of the hanger."

Once the word had gotten out, both fleets began to move, the Covenant practically strong-arming their way into the fleet hanger first, followed by the other Human ships. Once docked, Stukov told both of their leaders to meet Buckley down in the hanger, so that they could be told all about the Harbingers. Buckley then swiftly departed, and began heading for F-Hanger, where he would wait for the leaders to exit their ships.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Sounds like fun." Linda says wryly as she secured her weapon and strapped herself in. "What's the plan then? do we even know what the inside of a harbinger ship looks like? We usually slag them in orbit if we can, right?"
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Kenzo finished his walk listening to his team's decisions... But made no show nor reaction to them... Instead wondering just what was in store for them when they got there...

After entering the hanger, Kenzo recognised the pilot. And was glad it was a familiar face dropping them into hell...

"Yea Rabbit... Looks like we got the shitty end of the stick... Or not so shitty... Depending on your perspective I guess... Have to say though... It's good to know were not just gonna smash into the hull at obrital veocity and all end up blown bits..."

Kenzo snaps off a quick salute as he turns to his team.

"You heard the man! All aboard!"

Kenzo takes notices of the new addition of the Pegasus... A long pointed shaft similar to a knights lance

(Seems were not doing a quiet breach then... Punching through it is...)

Kenzo pulls out his seat from the wall, and flops down onto it. strapping himself in

"Alright... Were in for a ride... Sit down strap in and shut up, I'm gonna let you guys in on a little of what I know is going on outside... Don't know if it'll help you... But I bet your just itchin to know whats goin' on...

While I was at breifing I took a peek at the battle map, and by what I could make out... We ended up jumping into a warzone... The system we ended up in was in the middle of a squabble of there own as the harbingers came out of there drive... And opened fire... Then we came in... And the core blew up there raggedey ass fleet, now we got ONE last ship left... The brass wants us to board it, french tickle the bastards or some other shit... Hell if I know, Intell on there ships is for shit... Numbers, emplacements, boobie traps... And not the nice kind... Expect anything and everything... When I said this hasn't been done... I meant it...

Now keep your suit pressurized, and an eye on your life support timer, don't want either one of those to fail should any of you get spaced... I don't like the popsicle look, get it? Got it? Live it..."

With his pre-mission motivational speech done, Kenzo sat back into his seat, and waited for takeoff...
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Heinrich heard Kenzo's orders, so he hopped on the ship. Once there he strapped in to the ship, cause you never know what could happen. Now the captain gave his speech to the members of the ship. "Now is the time" Heinrich thought. "Now we show the Harbringer's who's boss." Heinrich now had to wait for the ship launch to start the teams dangerous mission.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Climbing into the Pegasus Grant quickly find a seat and straps himself down, next to a person he has yet to be introduced to. "Well this is certainly turning interesting," He mutters to himself as he takes out his gun once more and expects it, a habit he formed just before jumping into a mission. "Didn't expect to jump right into a mission after being signed up though." Once happy that his modified pistol was in tip-top condition he reholsters it.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"I hate the bloody suit. Air always tastes so dry..." Linda mumbled to nobody in particular. Of course, she wore the suit for any space op, and was wearing it now, but the visor was slid up into it's open position currently, and from the set of her jaw it looked like she may risk not being able to breathe the air inside the harbinger ship before she would use the thing.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok made no comment as Stukov spoke to the aliens and the other humans, the AI opening the massive vessels hangar for the other fleets to enter. The wisdom of this particular course of action was dubious to the AI, but he couldn't go against the admirals word, and so long as the two were kept well enough apart, it seemed like they would work with the fleet.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"I have a feeling they might be expecting us anyway Cap'n." Terra replied to Kenzo as he finished his speech, "From the way you pictured it all out sir, it looks like they aren't wanting any company. It looks like we can receive a rude reception once we get in. And don't worry, I don't plan on becoming a "White Witch" either if you get the drift." She said before turning to grant, "Hey, newcomer. Are you ready for a boarding so soon after popping in? Either way, don't worry too much, me and Linda here," She said motioning her head over to her fellow sniper, "will have you guys' backs okay?" She then turned to Linda, "Don't knock it Linds. Dry air beats no air. Okay people, let's get ready to get this shit started and hope none of it hits the damn fan." She finishes up as she gets her suit prepared and settled in to the ship for take off.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Looks like a messy and hot job... just the kind of thing that the Captain always seems to get assigned to...

Niles gave a nod as the Captain looked his way, to see if everyone understood what was before them. Suiting up with the full helmet, Sgt. Zod gives the newcomer a once over. Sighing silently, Zod composes himself to wait for the insertion.

Remember to enjoy the peace as long as it lasts. Maybe another 15 minutes...

He'd be ready. Shoot first. Shoot second. Shoot last.