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Jump One: Unknown Location

Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"I've had to fight under worse conditions than this before," Grant comments as Terra spoke and introduced herself and the other woman. "Could say this is more relaxed than what I have just jumped out of. My only concerns are my lack of equipment, knowledge on these aliens and no way to communicate with the rest of you should I need to. But I can improvise should I have to, and so long as I can get my hands on some clip fed ammunition I won't have to switch my gun. Grant by the way." He adds, offering his hand to shake.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Terra smiled congenially towards Grant at seeing his hand extended for shaking, and likewise offered hers, shaking his hand firmly. "Bridgetower, Terra Bridgetower. But in my previous team before joining on here, I was called "Deadeye" by my squadmates. Either one is fine though if you like, Grant. So tell me..... where are you from? How did you wind up floating out in space outside of our ship? As far as the Harbingers I'm afraid noone really knows too much about them, only they seem pretty resilient to nearly every type of ammo we throw at 'em. They just came out of space one day and started bustin' hell loose on us. It seems they're simply intent on destroying everything they can. And like I said, don't worry me and our other sharpshooter, Linda, will have your guys' backs. We're all in this shit together you know?" She said asking Grant some of her own questions, while answering his own to the best of her ability.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Okie dokie, folks. Better buckle in and keep your tongues secure behind your teeth, or you'll be biting them off, and I'm NOT pulling over to help you find it." Rabbit says, finishing the pre-flight check as the Pegasus lifts off from the deck with a jerk, then heads out of the hanger and exits the Star from one of the shielded bay doors, flying towards the Harbinger ship. Once they got to a certain distance, the ship began to accelerate, until finally Rabbit's voice came in over the speaker "Okay, kids. Hold on!" As soon as he finished his sentence, the transport came to a grinding halt, slamming into the side of the Harbinger ship and piercing the hull with the stinger that had been attached. "Okay. That really hurt. Ladies and gentlemen, please exit the ship through the hatch at the front of the bay, and do not mind the cramped quarters inside. Thank you for flying Rabbit Airways." he says, then turns off the intercom and waits for the squad to finish whatever it was that they had to do.

Once inside the ship, the team would find it to be a strange sight. Wires were hanging down low from the ceiling in lazy arcs, while others were frayed and sparked purple electricity from time to time, which resulted in a miniature flame a second later, from the on-board environment catching fire. If any of them scanned the atmosphere, they would find it mainly a composition of Helium and Argon, with large pockets of Nitrogen, and almost nothing else. Wherever a flame sparked up, a small shield bubble seemed to appear around the area immediately to keep the atmosphere from igniting completely, then disappearing once the flames dissipated. The whole ship seemed to have an eery emptiness about it, and not single sign of movement could be detected save for the occasional piece of scrap metal rolling on the floor.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

"Yea, they damn well should be expecting us, But I wouldn't know about heavy opposition, taking out Life support would vent the atmosphere and maybe even kill Aritficial gravity... So...; Given that these fuckin things need to breath most of them should have been choking on vaccuum as soon as we hit them... Only the flight crew, maintenance, or officers should be still active enough to pose a large enough threat...

But that doesn't mean that this is gonna be a cake walk..."

Kenzo goes back to his silent pondering as Terra and the new Recruit, the Spacer begin chatting...

(So... Names Grant eh?... Well... Better than calling him Grunt or Maggot I guess...)

Soon enough there was a bone jarring jutt forward throwing Kenzo forward into the harness, the firm straps digging into his collarbone even through the thick armoured Battlesuit

With a grunt he unstraps stands up just as Rabbit comes over the PA declareing there arrival...

"You heard Rabbit, Lets get going..."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Ariok kept at the sensors diligently, and as before kept the comm chatter to a minimum in case pertinent facts came to light. In particular, the AI kept monitoring the movements of power within the disabled Harbinger vessel, and compared them to known profiles. If anything looked odd, the AI would diligently alert the admirals.... Right after he blew the bridge section clean off of the ship with a coordinated barrage. None of their squads had made it that far yet, and they would all be in protective gear given the Harbingers atmosphere anyway.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location


Niles awoke quickly and completely as the Pegasus slammed into the Harbinger ship. He quickly stood up, and took his place for boarding, quickly running into the ship while looking in all directions and covering his comrades in arms.

With nothing to shoot at, Niles gives a "Clear!" back to the Captain, for his assigned zone, awaiting orders on which way to advance.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Linda filed out with the rest of the squad, spending a moment after the all-clear was given the examine the way the system handles electrical fires. "If we cut the power, this ship would destroy itself. Something to think about, if we don't manage to capture the thing. we may stress it more by firing as well, if we're really worried about it. maybe it's best to play it quiet for a bit?"
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Kenzo clears the threshold with his rifle at the ready, Cleared as it was, it never hurts to be carefull, especially when your in a pressurised suit...

After a few sparks crest out of fallen wires, shimmer as the strike a barrier, lest they ignite the remaining atmosphere..

Linda pointed out that excess gunfights may put a strain on the already strained ships systems...

And with a second look at the falling sparks, bouncing off the familiar silvery sheilding... Kenzo thought he'd rather not be barbeque...

"Noted... Everyone... If you can close the distance and take em out that way... Do it... Everyone else, choose your shots... As many as we can take out without them arranging a defensive posturing the better..."

Kenzo begins the Mapping Achive, the Layout of the ship may be vaulable for later missions

"And now that I'm doing the brass a favor... Maybe they'll tell me the real reason for why the fuck were in here..."

Kenzo sends an encrypted message out to the Star, both allowing them to stream the Map Data as they go, but also to get some more answers...
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Heinrich cautiously moves with other members of the infiltration team. Moving down the hall it is ominously silent. Heinrich looks around the corner to see a empty hall. He goes back to a regular position for safety reasons. "This is odd" he thought. "Where is everything everything is to quiet" he continued.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

As they moved, several dead Harbinger bodies would be found laying about across the decks, their weapons still powered up for battle, even though their life signs had dropped off the map.

Kenzo's response was very different than he would probably wanted to hear as the map data was streamed. "Kenzo. We need you to find one of these bastards and bring him back alive. Preferably in as good a shape as you can. And while you're at it, grab some of their weaponry and whatever you think might be their shield module." Harris says over the channel to Kenzo. "We're going to find out what makes these tentacle-faced snots tick."

Ariok would begin to pick up readings within the ship, some movement here and there, but it was difficult to tell if it was loose gear from the hammering that had been delivered to the ship, or an actual threat. Nevertheless, there was movement all over the ship.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Terra looked around the shambling and wrecked spacecraft cautiously, feeling none to secure or comfortable with the dead silence, or the highly combustible shape of the environment, the air being completely flammable and sparks going off all over the place left and right, the only thing keeping them from being charbroiled the ship's self preserving shielding popping up around any potential flames. "Linda's right Cap. Cutting off the power would probably be signing our own death warrant in here. To make matters worse, it looks like we'll be fighting in closed and tight quarters in here. Me and Linda will try to snipe the best we can granted the given scenario. But I think we're going to be in for a wild and unpleasant time should any combat break out." She said warily, keeping her rifle in a ready position, prepared up closely to her chest.
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Sifting through the thousands of sources of movement, even Ariok couldn't tel what was a threat and what was just debris. Still, lacking any other options, the AI kept at it, and told to both the Admirals and the commanders of the troops inside; "We've got movement. All over the ship. I can't tell what might be hostile or what might be harmless from here."
Re: Jump One: Unknown Location

Moving carefully over to the bodies, Sgt. Zod prods one with his toe. When it doesn't move, he examines it more closely in order to see if they have a live one that they can extract before going in more deeply. After that, Zod starts examining the weapons.

"Captain, unless you're holding out on us, I don't have anything meant to subdue these things. Do you suppose that they might have a 'stun' setting on here somewhere?"

After examining the weapons, Zod carefully stores them in his backpack, and starts searching the bodies for working shield generators.

"You know, Cap, they might have a bunch of working models on shelves in a barracks or armory. Does Ariok have any clue where that might be?"