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Juuban Land (Open)

Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Alladra gave a light snort at the mock humility that the female was sending at him for his words, clearly, she was certainly acting the part of a warrior princess. A young and spunky one, but it came across rather well. She lacked a lot of the sadism and the classic hateful sneer he recalled from one of his siblings though. But such thoughts could come at another time. "Let us hope that these recruits are as easy to take care of as Calabites vault keepers...I managed to deal with a squad of them below. So our stonefaced opponent shouldn't be expecting backup from below." The curious smile of her own got a curious brow lift of his own. Perhaps the shadow spirits were a well known existence in this realm? He would certainly need to pick up his research if he was going to stay here for a length of time. He then cast his gaze over to the other and watched as she kept that really powerful lance within sadisto body. Mhmm, he tried to recall if he had met this minion before or not, see if he knew any information that might aid them in the battle.

It was while trying to recall that he left his attack flow from his hands and pour over towards his enemies. But it seems that without the invisibility his attack was a lot more likely to impact into his enemies. Resulting in them both jumping away and the blasts to tear a good chunk into the concrete behind them. Cursing his luck he died back as they both dived at him in retaliation.

The first writing mass of darkness was deflected by his flowing light of a robe, hissing as he sided around the gargoyle and his dazzling armour brushed against its shadowy skin. But this unluckily just put him within arm reach of the gargoyle who quickly used its superior height and weight to catch him with its arms. Binding his own against his body and stopping him from using his weapon to tear its body into bloody chunks. And then he slammed into the ground with its heavy body pressing down him, watching as shadowy tentacles started to form in its mass.

"Rraaaaaaarrrrgghhh!" A sound of pain suddenly roared through the air. "After her! Bring her down! She must be their most powerful warrior! I s-swear, she will be mine by nightfall!" Well, it seemed that he wouldn't need to worry about being attacked from another source for a while either...

"I defeated an entire squad of that bastards special guardforce....LIKE THE BLACK SANDS I WILL LET YOU BEAT ME!" Knowing he was stuck in its hold, and likely not going to be able to break out of it. He instead went for a different tactic, seeing as its ugly..snarling, and rather grotesque face was right in front of his face. He pulled his head back and brought it forward to slam his mask into its disgusting mug! He might not be able to free himself, but he can crack its skull open with his own! And it using its fist would free him!

Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempestas gave a frustated sigh as her attack went harmless through the monster. Ducking narrowily beneath the flying gargyole, she gave a soft 'Oomh' as she was tackled down to the cold concrete. Seeing the tendrils within the mass of the thing as it held her down, she was reminded of the police out front, as well as the shadow king from the fair. She shuddered at the sight and what she could foresee happening, so she closed her eyes as she focused upon the electricity running through her body and called it out in a surge. Hoping she could get it's hands off of her long enough for her to wiggle free.

Elemental Control
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 55/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 20/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 35/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 35/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer" (Rejuvenation used)
HP: 53/65
EP: 45/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

Tempestas rolls elemental control while grappled (-1 this turn, will get progressively worse as opponents tighten the hold.)

Temepstas rolls an 8+1=9, target was 8. Failure.
Opponent attempt to tighten the hold... roll is 2, critical success.
Second shadow being automatically succeeds at tearing/shuffling Tempestas' uniform aside.

Volcanis attacks her foes with her Senshi attack level 3. She rolls a 6, success.
Opponent's defense dice 6+2=8 fail and death.
Opponent's defense dice 6+2=8 fail and death.

Alladra attacks while grappled, suffering a penalty. Roll is 7+1=8, failure.
Enemy attempts to consolidate the grapple. Roll is 3 = success.
Second enemy's tentacles begin to remove Alladra's clothing. Armor is loosened.

Enceladus and Shadow minion make opposed body checks: Enceladus 7 vs Enemy 3! Enemy wins and further secures the grapple!
Nearby enemy begins to remove Enceladus' uniform. Breasts are revealed, panties near to being undone.

Chalbys turns her sustained senshi attack on shadow minions. Rolls 7, target was 6 (partial hit as discussed in ooc thread, enemies will defend at full and only suffer half damage.)

Defense rolls 7 (fail) and 2 (auto success)

One fiend suffers half damage (still enough to defeat it).

Other fiend attempts to tackle Chalbys. Roll is 7, failure.

Sadisto uses environmental control, rolls 6, success. Chalbys' feet are bound in place.

Tempestas tried to will the elemental energy into being, wanting to static shock her attacker off of her body, but amid the ever tightening grip of the shadow tendrils, she simply couldn't concentrate enough to make the shock produced anything more than a minor annoyance to the shadow being. It wasn't enough to make it recoil, and that proved to be disastrous for the sailor scout.

Her attacker pinned her hard against the concrete and then with a hiss, the shadow gargoyle and its partner formed a mass of tendrils from the backs of their bodies which slithered across and around Tempestas' body, tying up her wrists and ankles while also encircling her waist, thighs and neck. The tendrils from the gargoyle that wasn't grappling her were put to a more insidious use. They slipped under the thin layer of the senshi's garments, slithered across the bare flesh of her breasts and between her thighs, and with one swift motion ripped upwards, leaving her outfit in tatters around her exposed body. She swore she could see an evil grin spread across the shadow beings' horrid faces.

Only ten yards away, Volcanis was not yet grappled, and desperate to fend off these new villains. Her basic physical attacks had not worked, and so she now leaped backwards and gestured with her hands, determined to use her energy to guarantee that these foes were defeated - at least she hoped.

"Volcanis Heat Wave!" she shouted, using her attack words and gestures to activate her technique. The air in front of her became wavy, and no doubt it was blisteringly hot. The wave shot forward, enveloping the hapless minions, who were unable to defend against the might of the attack. Both her pursuers disintegrated before her.

She then turned and saw the situation Nikki was in, grappled, pinned, and exposed to a mass of black tendrils.

"Tempestas! Don't you dare touch her!" She shouted, posing for her attack once more, but then realizing that if she flung the wave at the creatures, she would hit Tempestas as well. The shadow minions realized this as well, and so the one pinning the senshi to the ground continues to do so, while the one who had disrobed her turns to face Volcanis, staying close to Tempestas so as to prevent the sailor's ultimate technique from triggering.

Tempestas felt a protrusion growing from the gargoyle between her legs, brushing against her pelvis. The ghastly foe lulled out its serpentine tongue and dared to drape the drooling appendage across her breasts, producing a tingling sensation and a certain wrongness wherever it contacted her skin. If she couldn't escape or get rescued in the next few moments, she feared that this horrible creature might actually violate her!


Alladra's vows were mighty, but his attempt to fight while having his arms pinned caused his actions to fall short of his words. The shadow creature's strength clamped down on him, and suddenly dark tentacles were springing up around his body, holding him down. As he struggled to stave off a complete submission hold, the other creature that was assailing him began to tear at his magic cloak.

The Palladium of the Stars was resistant to being torn by such simple attacks, but that didn't mean that it couldn't be removed, and without the free use of his arms, the cloak was being stripped away from him. His mask too, was coming loose. In a moment, his face (and perhaps everything!) would be exposed to his enemies and incidental allies alike.

A spare glance over at the senshi warrior Enceladus saw that she was in much the same predicament. She had tried to pry free the grip of the shadow minion from her own wrists, but even with her enhanced senshi strength, the creature managed to maintain its grip long enough for its sprouted tentacles to aid in the grappling. Now Enceladus was pinned with her arms at either side just above her shoulders. The other shadow minion tore at her clothing, her skin-tight outfit giving way to the claws and tendrils, exposing a pert pair of breasts. The creature then began to shift and tear away at the panties beneath her fuku. Her attackers' lips curled back in a twisted guise of malice, and if the senshi dared to look down, she would see that they had formed erect members out of the shadow-stuff of their loins, each dripping with an alien slickness at the tip.

Meanwhile, with the final two shadow minions hurtling themselves toward her, Chalbys was forced to bring the focus of her thus far successful senshi attack away from Sadisto. Her metal lance withdrew from his body and zipped through the air at the two new foes. The first one took a hit straight through its midsection. The power of a senshi attack was far too strong for it to handle and it disintegrated into nothingness. The second creature had the wherewithal to duck the lance strike, and then lunged for Chalbys.

"Eeeek!" Chalbys squeaked and crouched into a tiny ball just in time to let the gargoyle sail clear over her and tumble into the wall.

Before she could celebrate the fact that she wasn't bound up like her immediate allies, Sadisto gathered his dwindling energy and shifted the concrete beneath Miki's boots. The earth itself became semi-solid, and splashed up to grab Chalbys by her ankles before re-solidifying. With a gasp, she realized that she was secured to the spot where she stood.

Sadisto grinned, having finally seemed to gain the upper hand. And he began to stride towards the trapped scout.

"I'm going to have some fun with you, you troublesome bitch!" he proclaimed angrily as he strode towards the stuck Chalbys.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Despite her violent attempts at freeing herself, the shadow creature's grip remained as strong as steel on Enceladus' wrists. She grunted, wrenching back and forth without making progress, as her fists were forced against the cold floor above her shoulders. The smoky tendrils that sprouted from the creatures side wrapped themselves around her forearms, making her shiver involuntarily despite feeling nothing from the sleet covered floor. "Can't take me in a real fight, can you?" she asked tauntingly between clenched teeth. Grunting as she continued to struggle, she added "There's no judge to call a pinfall, you know? When I get out of this, you're going to be running back to the Negaverse with your little tail between your legs!"

It was just after speaking that Encaldus noticed another one of the creatures approaching her, it's grinning face mirroring that of the one pinning her down. As it's shadowy, clawed hands moved down towards her chest, she angrily yelled, "Hey! Hey! Watch the ha-!" Her complaint was cut short as the creature violently tore her outfit open, her large breasts spilling out amid the tattered shreds. She stared, eyes wide at her bare flesh, mouth open wide in shock at what was happening. It was at this moment that she remembered how the Dark Kings had threatened Chalbys and Tempestas during their fight so long ago. Just as the memory came flooding back, Enceladus looked past her exposed chest and noticed the slick protrusion hanging between the shadowy creature's legs, poised between her own. "H-hey... N-not cool..." she stuttered, sudden fear working it's way into her normally sharp voice.

Chalby's cry jolted Enceladus' gaze up towards the endangered senshi. "Chalbys!" she cried as the girl's feet sank into the stone floor, trapping her in place. 'No chance for her to run, now' Enceladus thought, watching helplessly as Sadisto and his minions advanced on the timid girl. 'We need help!' she thought looking around frantically and noticing the cloaked man who had joined them was in a similar position as her. She looked up at the second shadowy minion hovering over her, it's erect member dripping as it reached for her panties, her heart catching in her throat as she thought, 'I need help!' It was then that she remembered the communication device Daigoro had given the girls when they had last seen the magical dog. With her arms pinned down by the creaures, there was no way for her to reach it though.

"Ronin Pure!" Enceladus yelled, twisting to look over to Sailor Chalbys, "Use the pin to call Ronin Pure!" If Chalbys could get the message out, then the mysterious man who had helped them before would come to their rescue, Enceladus was sure. He wouldn't come instantly, of course, but he would come. She knew it. The thought brought a resurgence of hope to Enceladus, and she quickly resumed her frantic struggles just as she felt a cold clawed finger press against the tender exposed flesh at her waist. She twisted back and forth, using all her strength to try to hurl the creature holding her away, while she kicked her heeled boots against the frost strewn ground in an attempt to gain purchase. "Hands off, perverts!" she yelled angrily, putting as much force and authority as she could into the command, just as she was giving her all to free herself. "Anything that goes down there, I'm taking off!

Escape grapple!!
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempestas shuddered as she quickly realized where this was heading. She continued to struggle against the negaverse minion, trying her hardest to free herself from its grasp. Glancing up at Volcanis and seeing her hesitate worried her for a moment. She shouted out to her fellow sailor, in the hopes of breaking her our of it. Try to sound as confident as she could given that the creature had in mind. "Do it! Go ahead and attack with your your powers! I can heal myself, I will be okay." She hoped that the minions had no such powers and that Volcanis came to her aid before she feared the creature would take her in a very unfriendly way.

Converse ep and just try to struggle free. Hoping Volcanis can nuke the baddies.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas
Hp: 50/50
Ep: 55/75
ACV: 5
DCV: 3

Sailor Enceladus
HP: 50/50
EP: 20/55
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Volcanis
HP: 65/65
EP: 35/65
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

Sailor Chalbys
HP: 50/50
EP: 30/85
ACV: 6
DCV: 4

"Star Wanderer" (Rejuvenation used)
HP: 53/65
EP: 45/55
ACV: 5(6)
DCV: 5(6)

Volcanis' physical attack = partial hit
Creature's counter attack = miss.

Sped up combat after several rounds of partial hits, Volcanis is grappled by her opponent.

Tempestas struggles against badguy, but needs a natural 2, and doesn't get it within three rounds of trying.

Chalbys maintains lance attack, aiming at Sadisto. Rolls a 9, failure.
Remaining gargoyle attacks/grapples, hits on a 5. Grappled.

Enceladus rolls to escape grapple, 7, fails.

Wanderer rolls to escape grapple, 12, crit fails.

Combat concluding for the time being...

Volcanis hears Tempestas' request, but shakes her head vigorously.

"No Tempestas! I can't! I won't harm you. You can't heal yourself if you're dead! I don't know how to hold the power back when it's unleashed. It would kill you and I'd never forgive myself!"

The two monsters hiss, the one standing up edges closer towards Volcanis, and the one crouching over Tempestas lays the weight of its hard member upon her belly, causing an involuntary shudder.

"I won't let them harm you either!" Volcanis swears, and clutches her hand into a fist. The air above her knuckles goes hazy with heat, and then she lunges forward. Her singing attacks fail to connect directly, glancing off of the shadow creature's immaterial form, but the trail of heat is so intense that it does seem to be hurt by her near hits, of which there are many. Then, as she is driving it back, and the gargoyle on top of Tempestas is ready to get up to help defeat this other sailor scout, the tendrils on Volcanis' opponent shoot out and grasp her arm tightly, then flip her off balance. She lands on her hands and knees, and then both of her arms are bound and pulled behind her back, forcing her chest out.


Volcanis struggles, against the creature's strength, but it successfully holds her in place, and nudges her forward so that she is kneeling just next to where Tempestas is lying flat on her back. A dark claw moves around Volcanis' chest and rips off her uniform, her breasts spilling out to hang in perfect view of 'Nikki.'

Dark chuckles of evil mirth gather in the throats of their two tormentors. Extended, prehensile tongues move to lick at both of the girls' necks and then swirl around their nipples, stinging them with light bursts of unwanted pleasure. The second creature's tentacles do away with Volcanis' panties, and now both girls are mostly naked aside from the last shreds of their ruined uniforms that cling to their waists as testaments to their defeated state.

"Tempestas... I'm sorry!" Volcanis says. "I just couldn't do it!"

The rest of her words are cut off as a tentacle forces its way into her mouth. Finally able to focus on Tempestas without needing to worry about a free sailor scout, the hulking gargoyle above her begins to use its own tentacles to full capacity, placing a thick, wet one forcibly into Tempestas' mouth, its strength wedging her jaw open and worming its way across her tongue and down her throat. Meanwhile another tendril flicks across her slit and curls its tip around the nub of her clitoris. A third appendage sneaks around and plays with the ring of her asshole as more tentacles splay her legs apart. The continued licking of her breasts just adds more and more unwanted pleasure, and Tempestas can feel her feminine body warming to all the wet friction. Any moment now, the beasts will surely press on with their debauchery.


Meanwhile, the situation grows bleaker at the end of the garage, where the fight between Sadisto and the last standing scout, Chalbys, enters its final stage.

"Huh? Ronin Pure? Oh right! The pin!" Chalbys slips her gloved hand up to the lapel of her suit and presses the pin's central button.

"H-hello? Ronin Pure? If you can hear this, help! Help us please! We're in a building across the street from the mall and --eeeek!"

In an effort to ward off the approaching Sadisto, Chalbys launches her holy lance attack once again, only for the stone giant of a man to finally manage to dodge the thing properly. Her further attempts to control the flight of the lance are broken up when a surprise attack from behind grips her harms and gags her mouth as a tendril slaps across her lips.


Sadisto, bloodied and glowering with malice as he holds the massive wound in his side, strides up to the now grappled Chalbys.

"You put up a decent fight, for an untrained little brat. For that, you'll have the honor of being my first conquest!"

Chalbys' eyes go wide, and she shakes her head against the tentacle holding it. Her body struggles, but to no avail. Sadisto's powerful hands reach forward and clutch at the bow on the front of her chest. Then he rips his hands apart, taking shreds of the uniform with him. Chalbys' screams are muffled. He quickly rips downward from her breasts, neatly removing the rest of her uniform, save for her boots, sleeves, and a bit of the material above her chest and on her shoulders. The petite girl instinctively tries to close her legs tightly, but her feet are trapped in the rubble, making such an action impossible. Sadisto is free to closely inspect and rub her exposed flower beneath a light patch of blue-grey hair.

"No doubt a sweet girl like yourself is nice and tight down here. You're probably not yet a woman, but I'll soon make you into one!"

Not far from where this is occurring, Enceladus' efforts have been halted as well, and now a cold certainty has fallen over her. They've been defeated. It was a close battle, for certain, but there were just too many foes, and this Sadisto, he seems much more powerful than anything they've seen yet. Powerful enough to survive two strikes from Chalbys' senshi attack. Would a third strike have finished him? Who could tell?

Her words against her attackers were brave, but they hissed and growled and made a noise that might have been taken for some nightmarish laughter. They certainly were toying with her body in a derisive manner, ignoring her threats and groping her in every tender and sensitive spot. The creature on top of her produced its manhood and let the long, thick rod slip and grind against her crevice, while thinner tentacles played at her clit and ass pucker, their tips producing a tingling, pleasure sensation wherever they touched. The accomplice shadow minion took one of her breasts and groped it in its palm, while it lowered its tongue to slurp and suckle at her other nipple. To shut her up, a tendril was produced and shoved into her mouth at just the right moment as she was lining up another insult. The slick appendage easily slithered down her throat, threatening to make her gag and shudder. This result seemed to please her molesters, who withdrew their tendrils for a moment to let her recover before immediately starting in again.

"You may struggle now, but soon your bodies won't want to," Sadisto declares. "A Nega Tendril is a basic power of our universe, and once its pleasure has been felt by its victim, it heightens the tactile receptors in your body. Your physical selves will surrender to the unearthly delights we shall force upon you, and soon after, your minds and spirits will follow into our thrall. It is the way of all you posiverse scum. You are destined to be sexually enslaved as cattle for the Nega Core's endless hunger! Hahaha!"

He puts a large finger under Chalbys' chin as she shies away from his gaze. He lifts her face so that it has to look at him. Her cheeks have gone cherry red, and her body trembles at the sight of him.

"You in particular... I will enjoy seeing your body and will broken as I fill you again and again!" In a sudden motion, he grabs her by her thighs and lifts her upwards, the rocks around her ankles breaking away. She squeals as she's positioned and lined up directly with his large, grey phallus. It leaks with precum just at the sight of her flinching, virgin body, and he presses it against her slit, putting pressure on her and delighting in hearing her muffled protests reach a new octave. The minion behind her continues to squeeze and grope her breasts and trace around her body and limbs with the Nega Tendrils.

By this time, Star Wanderer had also been completely restrained. His mask and cloak are torn off, revealing his visage to the sailor scouts, though for the most part they are concerned with their own well-being to pay the stranger much notice. The tendrils trace across his flesh too, and he knows of their effects well before he feels them. The blood in his body becomes hot, and between his legs, he can feel himself getting rock hard, despite not wanting to be.

The shadow creatures around him are shapeshifters. He knows that by the shadow-stuff they are made out of. They have no true gender, only taking the form that is best designed to feed off of their victims. As their tendrils take stock of his body, the masculine forms transform into a feminine outline. He knows that they will still make intruding and humiliating use of their tendrils, but they will drain him by forcing him inside of their newly formed bodies and bringing him to climax.


Tempestas and Volcanis are forced to watch one another as each of them is slowly worked up into a state of sexual excitement. It is difficult to say if this is somehow worse for Tempestas, having an alter-ego as a man, but certainly they both feel despair in the moment when simultaneously, the shadow beings penetrate them. Slowly the tips of the creatures' cocks press inward, and once the bell ends are fully inside, the gargoyles swing their hips forward and mercilessly thrust upward. Tempestas can see tears forming at the sides of Volcanis' eyes, even as her face is red with embarrassment. The two girls' eyes meet, and for some reason stay in contact through the beginning moments of this experience.

What is undeniable, after the opening moments of pain, is that it is all too quickly superseded by amazing pleasure. Their bodies are awash with physical bliss, as every thrust now swiftly only brings more and more enjoyment, even if mentally, this rape is horrifying and terrible.


Enceladus can only hear what is happening to Chalbys and the strange man who had tried to help them, as her vision is blocked by the bulk of her two attackers. With a satisfying grunt, the one between her legs lines up his cock with her pussy and begins to press inward. Despite Enceladus hating every moment of this, all the working up and the strange sensation from the Nega Tendrils has turned her on physically, and unwillingly, she has become moist and drenched enough that there's almost no resistance to the tentacle monster's intrusion. It's too late for Ronin Pure to prevent this from happening, she realizes. She only hopes that Chalbys' last minute message got through, otherwise, she shudders to think that this may only be the beginning of a long and horrid fate...

With a shocking grunt, the mosnter pushes forward heavily, and neatly hilts himself inside of the sailor scout, its tip parting her inner folds, coursing over her G-spot, and kissing her cervix with his tip. The creature roars in satisfied triumph, and then begins to rock back and forth, with each withdrawal and return thrust resulting in more and more pleasure for Enceladus. The other attacker's mouth tendril withdraws, only to be replaced with its own cock, which forces its way down her throat as its clawed hand guides her head in forcefully by clutching onto her ponytail and using it like a handle.

Beyond her, Chalbys shrieks terribly as Sadisto makes good on his promise to her, and presses his massive cock into her small frame, filling her up slowly, inch by inch, savoring her tight and trembling body as it surrenders little by little.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Enceladus grinned up at her attackers as she heard Chalbys making the call to Ronin Pure. "Do you hear that?" she asked tauntingly as her struggles paused for just a moment, "Ronin Pure is a warrior of light so pure that you puny shadows will fade the second he walks into the room!" Almost as soon as she had said that, however, Chalbys' shriek and subsequent muffled cry drew Enceladus' attention. She turned to look over in fear as the giant rock-skinned monster approached her. "Keep your hands off her, Sadisto!," she yelled angrily, her struggles beginning again in earnest as the creature expressed his intentions, "If you do anything to her, I'll..." Her vicious statement was cut short by his violent removal of Chalbys' uniform, the sharp ripping sound cutting like a knife through her defiance.

As the creature above her gurgled in amusement, Enceladus felt a cold shiver pass down her spine. No matter how much she or Chalbys struggled now, she knew they were defeated. Enceladus grimaced and squirmed as the shadowy creatures played with her body, pawing her skin and tweaking her sensitive spots, a hard warmth being ground teasingly against her folds. She drew in air as a smoky tongue flicked across her nipple, letting out a soft yelp involuntarily. She closed her eyes, not wanting to accept what was happening, but the creatures' constant teasing kept her from avoiding the truth. She had led Chalbys down into the basement to fight the shadow creatures and now they were both caught and subject to their whims. Even if Ronin Pure came to save them, it would not be until after the creatures had had their way with them. What was about to happen was her fault and she grimaced as she realized how thoroughly she had failed not only herself, but her new friend as well.

Despite that bleak realization, Enceladus knew there was only one thing she could do for her friend now. "Chalbys! Hang on!" Enceladus cried, trying desperately to comfort and inspire her friend despite the situation, her voice wavering as the creatures continued their lewd ministrations, "We'll get through this, just keep fi-!" As much as she wanted to sound defiant and strong, her voice cut to a shrill shriek just before being muffled by a smoky tendril sliding it's way into her mouth. Though the creatures appeared to be made of smoke and shadow, their bodies were solid, and Enceladus had to struggle to keep herself from choking on the sudden intrusion. She pulled away, swinging her head back and forth to free herself, but the tendril followed her movements perfectly, caressing her mouth, tongue, and throat with it's strange texture. When she felt it pop free, she coughed, before quickly yelling, "Disgusting fre-," only to be cut off as the tendril was stuffed back into her mouth among the creatures' gurgly laughter.

As the creatures continued to play and toy with her body, Enceladus slowly became aware of a strange new sensation. At first the clawed and fanged creatures' attentions were painfully harsh, a result of her resistance perhaps. Despite their rough handling of her breasts, clit, and lips, she could feel her body slowly becoming not only accustomed to their treatment, but stimulated by it. She thought with concern that what Sadisto had said about the tendrils was not bravado or disgusting arrogance, but truth. Her arms, pinned to either side of her head by the smoky tendrils had begun feeling like they were falling asleep, like the tightly gripping tendrils were cutting off their blood flow. Now, though, they tingled; strangely, pleasantly, with a warmth that felt inviting despite it's strange source. She noticed at once that her lips, tongue, and throat had begun to feel the same way, and she blushed as she felt even her nether lips begin to quiver in anticipation of the member poised outside of them. It was then that she realized why her attackers had become so bold in their teasing and groping so far. She had been struggling with vicious intent at first, but now she merely writhed in discomfort, feeling more like she was anxious about something than that she was being attacked.

With a sudden sharp jolt, Enceladus realized what her body felt like it had been missing. The shadowy creature above her thrust it's member between her wet folds, meeting only the thinnest resistance as it drove itself deep within her. Enceladus opened her eyes wide in shock at the sensation, at once both disgusted and despairing, yet somehow reveling in the stimulation it provided. Despite the difficulty brought on by the tendril in her mouth, she yelped suddenly when she felt the creature's thrust reach it's zenith within her, with a sound that seemed to mix agony and arousal. As it withdrew, Enceladus shuddered as she felt every bump along the creature's member slide along her insides. It wasted no time thrusting back in, drawing another quick moan from the shocked still girl, who could only tremble as she felt her body react even stronger than it had the first time. The shadowy creature quickly settled into a smooth rhythm of sliding itself in and out of her, while Enceladus contorted and squirmed as she felt her body succumbing to the incredible sensations coursing through her.

When the tendril was pulled from her mouth, Enceladus gasped deeply for breath for only a moment before she began crying out softly, no longer able to throw out any taunts or insults between her increasingly aroused moans. Though she could no longer summon the strength to fight against her attackers, she did her best to silence her sighs, wanting neither the creatures' nor Chalbys to hear how effective the Nega Tendrils had worked on her. She didn't have to maintain her charade for long though, as she felt a clawed hand grip her ponytail and use it to force her to face the member of the creature that had assisted the other in subduing her. As it approached her mouth, Enceladus tried to shut her mouth to deny it access, but just as it approached, a sudden strong thrust from the creature between her legs drew a loud, pleasant sigh from her. The second creature's member slid past her lips and along her tongue, and though her first thought was to pull away in disgust, she realized that it somehow tasted sweet, delicious even. Her tingling lips wrapped tightly around the member in her mouth as the creature holding her ponytail began to rock her head back and forth, going slowly at first but gradually gaining speed until he settled into a rhythm that matched the one between her legs. As the member slid in and out of her mouth, Enceladus slowly began to lap at the smoky appendage, it's taste undeniable as she moaned in excitement.

Writhing underneath the two creatures, no longer in resistance, but in ecstasy, Enceladus lost track of time. Despite her anger, her disgust, and her despair, she knew she was no longer fighting the creatures, but submitting to them. She knew that this was wrong, and that these creatures were evil. Her body would not listen though, instead sending wave upon wave of stimulation as the creature betwixt her nether continued to thrust into her with abandon. Meanwhile, she eagerly lapped at the the member being forced into her mouth, her tongue insistent in it's hunger for what she knew in her mind and heart she did not want. As her muffled moans began to grow louder and louder, Enceladus felt her anger at Sadisto grow. As her body quivered in delight, her despair at failing Chalbys deepened. As the waves of electric pleasure strengthened within her, her fear of becoming a slave to the Negaverse as Sadisto bragged intensified. A part of her desperately wished for Ronin Pure to appear and save her from this awful fate. At the same time, though, another hoped he would be too late.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Tempestas had a momentary glimmer of hope as Volcanis began to fight against the nega creature. Watching as the other scout punched out at creature. Seeing Volcanis get captured she began to get very worried at what was likely about to happen. "No! Leave her be!" Struggling against the creature and trying to ignore the very hard length laying on her bare stomach. Though as the creature began to lick at her neck and nipple, she gave out an involuntary gasp of pleasure, her power of heightened senses only increasing the pleasure she felt as her nipple was teased. Glancing over to the other scout, moisture about her own eyes. "It's okay..... It isn't your fault..." Giving Volcanis a kind look even as a tendril was shoved into her mouth. She thought a moment about transforming back, but with the large lengths inside of her, it might be a very bad idea.

She shuddered as she felt the thing Begin to thrust into her vulnerable body. Her mind reeling at the sensations she was feeling, how good the creature was making her feel, even as her male mind registered just how wrong it was. Unbeknownst to her her body was beginning to shudder in pleasure and muscles she didn't even know she had began to squeeze about the intruder in her. She she looked at Volcanis, she felt shame and guilt that her body was enjoying this, and that the sight of Volcanis' body was arousing to her male mind. It was not long before she screwed her eyes shut, feeling a swelling of an unknown sensation. A soft moan muffled by the length in her throat. Her face glowing with a blush as she realized that her body was really enjoying the creature's attention despite just how wrong she thought it was. It seemed she had sort of a hair trigger due to the unfamiliar sensations and her heightened sensitivity.

Her sense of touch is 4x greater then a normal person, so feel free to use it as you wish. :p I certainly wont be complaining.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Sailor Tempestas could feel her inhibitions slipping. The nature of her transformation had granted her body heightened sensation, which was only increasing under the touch of the Nega tendrils. Now the creature's swelling member was ravishing her freely, and her nervous system was firing on all cylinders, leaving her without any thought but the appreciation of mind blowing pleasure. She lost all control and will to fight as the creature hilted itself again and again inside of her. Beside her, Volcanis was taken roughly from behind, the tendrils slithering over her perspiring body and torn uniform, molesting her unrelentingly. A simple glance saw that she was teetering on the same edge of mind-numbing bliss that Tempestas had already fallen off of. She looked with sorrow at her companion, but was unable to voice her feelings with a long tentacle driving deep past her lips and creating a bulge in her throat.

With her hypersensitive flesh bombarded with the feel of the creature's length diving in and out of her, it wasn't long before Tempestas' body reacted the only way it could and like a light bulb flashing on inside her head, her nerve centers fired, muscles contracted, toes curled and back arched. She came well before her attacker, though it hissed excitedly as the pleasure amid the despair opened up a channel for the creature to drain the senshi's energy.

Left with only scrap of her energy, enough only to maintain her transformation, the fight was well and truly over for Tempestas, but her body's surrender only gave the creatures more sadistic glee as the one on top of her switched position, taking her now from behind like Volcanis, and then the two creatures pressed the bound females against one another. The blonde and redhead were able to rest their chins on one another's shoulders, and their bosoms were pancaked together, with a mass of tentacles from both creatures sliding through the confines of their mashed breasts to tit fuck them simultaneously.

In this position, the two creatures would finish off, with Volcanis cumming shortly after coming into contact with her fellow senshi. Seconds after, a noticible swelling in the tentacles and cocks heralded a massive outpouring of sticky, viscous and intoxicating fluid, which filled their pussies and covered their faces, breasts and asses. At this point the two were able to get a moment's breath, with the tentacles retreating just slightly. Volcanis eyed Tempestas through a haze of sexual awakening and sadness.

"These bastards... making it feel good... At least my first time was with one person I liked..."

Volcanis was likely suffering from the same flood of unnatural horniness that was coursing through Tempestas as well, but there may have been an odd and surreal truth to the girl's announcement. Her dirtied lips moved closer to Tempestas, her eyes half-lidded and vulnerable.


In the other room, Enceladus' world had shrunk to the immediate taste and sensation of the multiple appendages that slithered and plunged along and inside of her body from her two attackers. Her sudden acquisition to the cock inside of her drew an approving moan. The beast slipped his wet member balls deep to her lips, but allowed Enceladus to control the pace, so long as she continued to be this eager. The wet slapping congress further below was building the heat inside of her, steadily and inexorably leading to her oncoming orgasm. Whatever strange magic existed at the end of these tendrils that slithered across her, dripping a clear coat of some slimy liquid that tingled and set her senses on fire, it was working. More and more, hope for rescue was being replaced with a continued need for pleasure, and not only that, but a desire to bring pleasure as well. The cocks were throbbing inside of her, she could taste the beads of precum as her tongue danced across the helmet of the one creature's cock before he plunged it deeply down her throat again. Even that deep violation, which should hurt her, only proved to excite her more.

Suddenly, Enceladus knew she was reaching the point of no return. The creatures' steady and overwhelming approach had sent her to the zenith of bliss, and now her body twisted and squeaked with pleasure as she climaxed. Sensing her release, the two attackers simultaneoulsy roared and discharged their own loads, through both their cocks and tendrils. Enceladus' mouth and throat were flooded with sweet-tasting cum, even as she felt her womb filled with vast amounts of liquid warmth. Ropes of cum splattered across her breasts, face, legs, belly, and even in and around her ass, as small tendrils had tickled and violated her pucker as well.

When the creatures withdrew, and stood up to admire their handiwork, they left a broken, cum-soaked Enceladus drained of all but the tiniest sliver of energy beneath them. Even though she had achieved her climax, she could feel an overwhelming horniness still burning inside of her. Through a dazed vision, she could see Sadisto stepping away from Chalbys, whose virgin hole had been spread wide and was now leaking a small waterfall of cum, while the remaining tentacle creature only just now began to take its turn, using her ass as its preferred entrance.

Sadisto walked over to the strange man who had appeared to try to help them. He seemed to have been completely drained of energy by the "female" creatures, and was unconscious.

"We'll take the stone then, and deliver him back to his father. Between him and the capture of four Senshi warriors, my ascendancy as a conqueror is assured."

Sadisto stooped low and picked up a red stone from the pockets of the defeated warrior. Clutching it tightly in his fist, he laughed triumphantly, but was cut short by three flashes of light.


"Eh? What now?"

The creature toying with Chalbys and the two standing above Enceladus, admiring her defiled body, looked down at once to see that a clear hole of light had appeared through each of their chests. They had only a moment more of dawning realization before the light inside flashed brighter and the three of them disintegrated in howls abruptly caught short.


Ronin Pure's anguished cry echoed through the chamber and the garage lot, as he appeared from atop a crate, overlooking the scene of debauchery. He looked as though he had already been through a battle, with deep rending cuts through his uniform and a nasty gash on his forehead, only partially obscured by his hat.

"Grrr... Ronin Pure! You're too late! We've defeated your world's precious defenders and they're already getting used to their future roles as playthings for the Negaverse!"

"I'll kill you! The Negaverse will never have them!" Ronin shouted flinging three glowing discs at Sadisto. The stone giant knocked away the first two, but the third struck him in the shoulder, forcing him to wince in pain and reminding him that he was still very injured from his narrow call with Chalbys.

"Feh. Enough of this. I have the stone. You two, bring the boy! We're leaving!"

Holding up the red stone, Sadisto activated it and created a red portal leading to a inter-dimensional realm, similar to the one that Alladra had arrived in. The Star Wanderer's body was hoisted by the two minions and rushed through the portal. Sadisto as well, fled, perhaps a bit too quickly. As Ronin Pure gave chase, the giant yelled a warning over his shoulder.

"If you chase me, you'll abandon the scouts to my other minions! And you'll be caught in the Negaverse alone! By all means, come after me boy!"

Ronin Pure halted, cursing under his breath.

"You know that if I follow you, you won't survive. But... I can't leave the girls to your shadow minions. Curse you Sadisto! I will find you!"

Sadisto's laughter followed as he knew his gambit had paid off. The red portal crackled with energy, then flickered and warped into nothingness.


In the garage, a sudden commotion led the two shadow creatures with Tempestas and Volcanis to screech in alarm. They bolted away from the defeated senshi and ran towards where Sadisto and the others had been. They arrived only in time to see their master abandoning them to the wrath of this new light warrior. He turned on them, and in a matter of moments, they were dispatched.

This left Volcanis and Tempestas relatively alone with each other, still in their transformed forms, but with barely any energy and still each flooded with desire for more pleasure.

Meanwhile, Chalbys appeared to have been fucked unconscious by Sadisto's merciless revenge. This left only Enceladus aware and moving in Ronin Pure's presence. Seeing her awake, Ronin Pure rushed to her side, concern apparent in his eyes. For her part, Enceladus was still overcome with the feeling of physical ecstasy, and felt herself desiring more, even as Ronin Pure's strong arms wrapped around her shoulders tenderly.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to... I should have been here sooner," he said, his voice trying to remain strong, but wavering.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Alladra felt hands upon him after being physically and internally 'drained' by the shadow spawn of negaverse that had attached itself onto him like a leech. Tentacles gripping and coiled around each part of his body as it went at him. Held so tightly that he couldn't even move an inch! His concentration to blast the creature from him broken with each slam of its sick hips against his own. It was sicking, but, his body couldn't help but answer to the pleasure it forced from him. Pulsing heat within it as the creature grow more active with the feeling of his body.

He had no clue what drove those beasts, and he really didn't want to know. But now he had other problems. Like the leader of the group ruffling through his pockets at that very moment. He couldn't find the strength to fight or even push him away. A little feel inside showing him that he was completely dry of power. Nothing remained. But what was necessary to survive.

The conversation of ronin and the wounded creature he found himself being carried by filled his ears. ""If you chase me, you'll abandon.....can't leave" He could only understand a few tibits of the conversation. The rest coming through as gibberish.

The feel of magic tingling against his skin showed, giving him a spark of energy for a moment. His eyes getting the light back to them as he moved his foot. Using the last of his strength to push against the back of the being that was carrying. Not even able to tell what it was. And falling..just free from the creatures and grasp and through a circler twisting portal as it snapped shut before his eyes. The beings within just starting to sound their surprise at his last minute action before the sound completely vanished with them.

And then his body hit the ground with a thud. "Owww...Well, at least I'm not on the way to my extermination." He groaned on the floor, his head ringing lightly from the impact as he turned his gaze to the people around. Everyone had been..wait, Ronnin! Well damn, and he didn't have his mask on either! This..might be worrying. But then again, he couldn't defend himself even if the man decided to axe him now..."Ugggh... could someone get my mask? The sun is making my headache worse.."
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

As the shadow creatures continued their enjoyment of her body, Sailor Enceladus could feel her body slipping further and further out of her control. Though her arms strained against the tendrils wrapped around them, they were now shaking and shuddering in ecstasy, each time she felt the member push into her folds. Her booted feet had been scraping against the ground, trying to find purchase to aid her escape when the creatures had first pinned her to the icy floor, but now her toes were curling and clenching as the stimulation between her thighs flashed throughout her body. Though muffled, her moans could no longer be restrained, and as she lapped up each drop of precum she could, her lips tightened ever more as the creatures pushed her closer to her peak. Deep within her soul, Enceladus yearned to fight, but she could do nothing to resist the unbelievable pleasure being forced upon her, and groaned with delight as orgasm shot through her body.

By the time Enceladus could move again, her body had finally been released, though it was now covered in the creature's hot sticky cum. She gasped for breath, laying on the ground as the muscles in her arms and legs twitched from her strong climax. She winced as she saw Chalbys still in one of the smoky creature's clutches, and fumed as Sadisto congratulated himself. His mention of capturing 'four' Senshi, though, brought a shock of concern to her lust addled mind, and she feebly tried to regain her move, to regain her feet and continue to fight, only to collapse and sigh breathily as her body refused to cooperate. Worse, she could feel a burning desire for more of what had just befallen her welling up deep within her. Though she had felt anguish when she had first been pinned to the ground by the creatures, it was now that she realized that determination alone could not protect her or her friends that she felt truly defeated. As she looked up at the members hanging above her and licked her lips unthinkingly, Sailor Enceladus shivered in both lust and despair.

Their capture was not to be, however, and Sailor Enceladus grinned as bright light flashed throughout the room, signalling the arrival of Ronin Pure. As Sadisto and his minions fled into the portal, she breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that the negawarrior's depraved plan for her and her friends had been averted. As Ronin Pure knelt and scooped her up in his arms, Enceladus looked up at him thankfully, weakly saying, "I... I knew you'd come." As the masked hero pulled her towards him, Enceladus could feel the magical lust within her urging her forward for more. She bit her lip, then threw herself towards him with what was left of her strength, seeking a kiss, while one of her hands drifted down towards his crotch. She had no strength to force anything upon him, but neither could she stop her cum covered body from pressing towards him.
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Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Feeling the drugged fluids entering her body as the creature thrusted into she could do little but squirm. Its many lengths causing an unknown wellspring of something welling up with in her tight shuddering body. She felt disgust as she felt her body beginning to shudder and tingle, eager for more of the vile thing's touches. Feeling a particularly powerful thrust, and watching Volcanis' body shudder and jiggle in both an allure way and the way the disgusting creature atop of her was pleasuring her, sent off sparks within her own body. Her body clenching and tightening up as she felt the wellspring break like a wave over her. Her mind going blank as the pleasure consumed her.

Sailor Tempestas could only squeeze her eyes shut as she felt her body surrender to the dark creature's whims.She quickly felt an unfamiliar warmth and tingle radiating through her body. Her eyes squeezed shut even as she felt herself being pressed against Volcanis. Feeling the warmth and the sounds she was making, though she wasn't too sure who she was hearing truthfully, herself or the other scout. Being so close to the other scout soon sent her nerves exploding and firing all through out her body, the pleasurable sensations wracking her body causing her to tighten up and squeeze the invading lengths unknowingly. Her second climax even more mind numbing then the first one.

Despite the mess she felt all over her face, bosom and inside her, the sight of Volcanis' weakness made her lean close to comfort her. Her lips meeting Volcanis in a drug leaden and hungry kiss. Hearing the screeching she pulled back to see the creature flee from them. She wasn't entirely sure if she was glad or disappointed they had left. Feeling utterly drained, he soon felt his transformation slipping, and he was once more Nicholas. Though he could still feel the drugged fluid coursing through his body, he was clean and clothed once more.

Feeling more clear headed, he took his jacket off quickly and wrapped it about Akane. Gently holding her for a few long moments to lend her some comfort. He then scooped up the partially nude scout. "It is alright, we are safe now." Holding her to his chest and wandering deeper in to make sure the others were alright. Though he could not stop a few thoughts of simply just pinning Volcanis to a wall and ravishing her like the the creature's fluid still influencing him wanted him to do.
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Alladra does not wake up and is brought with Sadisto beyond the closing gateway. Assume all else remains the same.

After Sadisto had left through the portal and the final enemies were dispatched, Ronin Pure made straight for Sailor Enceladus, cradling her gently in his arms. His normally hardened eyes, were pained and sorrowful, and when she whispered to him, she could see tears welling up.

"I should have been here sooner," he uttered mournfully, and drew her close to him, pressing her body against him in a tight hug. She pressed into this embrace, the magical lust overwhelming her for a moment. She didn't know whether he sensed her intentions or not, but before her lips could press against his masked face and her feelings force her into an act from which there might be no return, the warrior turned his head away.

"Not like this, Enceladus." Ronin Pure said with a heavy heart. "I will not take advantage of you in your current state, even if your beauty and your bravery would compel me otherwise. The power of your elemental light can remove the stain of the Negaverse. Return to your mortal form, and what has transpired will be only a bad dream."

Ronin Pure gently eases her back onto the floor and slips his hands away from her cum-covered body. With a flash of glittering light, Ronin took off his magical cape and placed it over Enceladus' frame to hide her nakedness.

"This will help ease the unnatural lust they've stricken you with." As the shimmering garment drapes over her flesh, Enceladus can feel the musky haze of desire lift away from her clouded mind, allowing her senses to return to full capacity, though she is still tired and without enough energy to channel her powers.

The warrior moves to the unconscious Miki and checked her to make sure she was not seriously hurt, he then craned his head to where the other two sailor scouts had been lying with one another.


When Nicholas held Volcanis in his arms, her depraved, messy body heaved against him, her weakened voice whimpering into his neck. With a heavy sigh, she relaxed as he held her tightly, and in the comfort he provided her, she transformed back into Akane.

Like Nicholas, her body was cleaned upon the transformation, but there was still a look in her eyes that suggested the nega-fluids were still working their lewd magic inside her as well. She looked intensely at Nicholas, and her hand caressed his cheek.

"Nikki~" she whispered, still using the boy's feminine alter-ego's name. There was a longing in her voice, and she moved her lips closer to Nicholas' intending to kiss him. Her hand slipped out from under his jacket and moved down his torso towards the fly and button of his pants. If he didn't stop her, she would swiftly undo them.
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Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Though driven forward by unnatural lust, Sailor Enceladus stopped in shock when Ronin Pure rebuffed her. She said nothing as he complimented her despite her failure in defeated the creatures of the Negaverse, but closed her eyes as he lowered her back to the floor. She shivered slightly as she felt his cloak envelop her, a warmth spreading from it into her, driving back her artificial wanton desires. Sailor Enceladus took a breath as she heard Ronin Pure step away from her. 'I failed to fight off the Negaverse minions, and I failed to fight off their influence,' she thought, gritting her teeth as she willed what remained of her powers to transform her back into her normal self.

Aki opened her eyes, and sat up slowly as she looked down at herself. The clothes she had been wearing back at the arcade were covering her body once again, and she could feel that the foul liquids that had covered her were now gone. While she still felt weak, the exhaustion she had struggled against was gone as well. Gathering up Ronin Pure's cloak, she pulled it up to her chest, and smiled at it gently. Aki quickly dipped her head and smelled the cloth, sighing softly as her legs shifted underneath it, the thought of the man who had given it to her bringing lewd images flashing into her mind.

With a start, Aki remembered where she was, and turned to look at Ronin Pure and Miki. "Miki!" she called, worriedly, as she saw Ronin Pure inspecting her. With weak legs, Aki clambered to stand, still clutching Ronin Pure's cloak to her chest as she stumbled towards the girl. "Will she be alright?" she asked, fearfully, the memory of how roughly Chalbys had been treated in her mind. As she reached the unconscious girl, Aki looked at the cloak, then held it forward gingerly, in case it would aid Miki's recovery as it had hers. As Ronin Pure turned to look outside, Aki's heart caught in her throat. "Oh, no!" she cried mournfully, "Nick and Akane!"
Re: Juuban Land (Open)

Nicholas was dazed after having shifted back to his male form. His mind still reeling from the experience as a woman. Feeling a pair of hands fumble with his jean button, he had to almost physically force himself to stop Akane from undoing his pants. As much as he wanted to enjoy the other scout's soft flesh, the encounter with the creature had left him confused and very unsure. "Shhh.... It is alright now. No need for that.... Just rest Akane." Holding her close to his chest as he whispered soft nothings into her ear, hopefully reassuring ones to the drugged sailor scout.

Hearing Aki's shout she lifted up Akane and carried her over to the others. A small frown upon his face at their various states. "We are alright.... I think...." Trying to give their defacto leader a smile, though it only came across as strained. "We lost... But we are alright.... No lasting harm." Glancing about the room and the destruction. "We should probably go before either more show up or the real police do."