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Kayla (orcha)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Kayla awoke with a start, nearly falling flat on her face. Barely managing to keep herself from planting her face into the floor, she looked around, realizing suddenly she'd come out of something that looked like a cryo-sleep pod. Worse still, a mirror showed her an image that didn't sit well with her. Even as she picked herself up shakily from the floor, she realized she was completely nude! Before she could react to that, a voice filled the room she was in.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure my sexy Kayla. You've been chosen to participate in my game. In this game, you will try to survive for as long as you can, using special abilities you've been granted. The goal of course is to get home, but along the way you'll encounter many chances to have some fun. By fun of course I mean there will be plenty of chances for you to have hot, fun sex with my friends. Ah, doesn't it sound fun to have sex whenever you want? I quite imagine you'll enjoy yourself, and if you can survive long enough, you may even have the honor of having hot, fun sex with me! Alas, your time to process is up, and soon enough my friends will come for you. You'd better get going, that room won't be safe for much longer! Oh, and Kayla? Don't go down too easily, hahaha."

About the time the message ended, an energy barrier of some kind shut off, revealing a staircase that led upstairs, probably to the surface. Which meant she had to be under ground, yet another bad thing already on the list of bad things in this day. She'd spot a bow on the table, which seemed to be, given the information she had in her mind, her weapon. Apparently she was an Amazon of some kind.


1: Time to hunt this bastard and kill him (aka move on).

2: Bullshit, I bet it's a sick joke (stay and find out if he's lying).
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla fought down the rush of panic and disorientation that engulfed her as she took in her bleak surroundings, desperately trying to process the situation. This must be some bad dream, she thought, but the nightmare before her refused to fade away. The solid floor beneath her and the stark, uninviting walls of the room reaffirmed her new harsh reality. Oh Goddess, this is insane! And that voice! What was all that about sex? If there is one thing I'm not feeling, it's sexy.

Kayla steeled herself, and spoke to the empty room, trying to make herself sound more assured than she felt, "Look whoever you are, I don't know what you are doing, but I'm not going to play along with your twisted game!"

Unyielding silence greeted her proclamation. Stifling another surge fear, the voluptuous blonde looked around again. This time her eyes were drawn to the bow lying on the nondescript table nearby. Walking over, Kayla picked the weapon up. It felt.... right for some reason, as if it had been intended for her. Drawing back the string, she saw a ghostly shape of an arrow appear, poised for flight. Slightly reassured, Kayla lowered the bow and considered. If I stay here, I'm just an easier target for that bastard. I'd better move, and see if I can find a way out of this madness.

Kayla padded toward the stairs and headed up into the unknown.

1. Kayla moves on, looking for escape and revenge!
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

Stepping outside, Kayla found herself in a strange land indeed.

The Sky was a vibrant mixture of orange, purple and a hint of blue, while a massive emerald green ocean sparkled far below her. There seemed to be three stars here, for she could make out at least three different suns, which defied all science she knew. She could also make out twelve moons in the bright sky, and when she looked down at the grass, she realized it was blood red in color. The most startling thing was yet to come, for suddenly a ghostly woman appeared, although as she watched her and listened, Kayla got the distinct impression she was very much alive, and might not be here willingly either.

The woman, who appeared to be very attractive, and like her nude, regarded her for a moment. She could make out brown hair and soft brown eyes that had a hint of both fear, and sadness to them. Then, she spoke.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

Then, like a whisper on the wind, she was simply gone, like she'd never been there. For a moment, Kayla might wonder if she'd witnessed some kind of astral projection.


1: Take her advice and get moving.

2: OK this is too weird, I'm gonna stay here and see if anything happens. (Chance to be caught/Will be Caught if she waits multiple turns).
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla looked around at the alien vista before in shock. When she made her way up the stairs, she expected to find herself in yet another room. Instead an entire new world lay before.

When the ghostly woman appeared, Kayla started, but her newly found Amazon instincts took over. She quickly dropped into a crouch and drew her bow, but held back when she heard the woman's voice. Listening to the message, all sorts of questions roiled in her mind, but before she could voice a single one, Cassidy disappeared.

"Hey wait! Come back, I..." Kayla shouted, running to where the woman's image had hovered, but it was no use. So I'm not alone in this... Still she said it was her duty to guide me. Who gave her this charge? She seems to be on my side, but how much can I trust her?

Kayla realized she wasn't going to get answers to her questions in this clearing. She took a deep breath, and set off, the soft red grass cushioning her bare feet.

1. Kayla moves on.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla continued to move on, the grass remaining blood red as she traveled. She had no idea how far she had gone, or how long she had been walking for when ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 18 vs. Kayla: 24.

... she suddenly noticed something was off about the ground in front of her. Stopping short, her eyes finally spotted some kind of trip wire stretched between two plants growing in front of her, and she realized this might be some kind of trap.


1: Hit the wire to see what kind of trap it is.

2: Carefully go around and keep on going.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla was tempted to retreat and shoot out the trip wire with her arrows. Maybe I'd have some idea of what I'm dealing with then. But that could alert someone... or something... to my location.

Deciding the information was not worth the risk, the voluptuous Amazon carefully avoided the trip wire, and continued on.

2. Kayla cautiously moves on.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Moving onward, she hadn't gone far when ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 10 vs. Kayla: 2.

Suddenly she felt like she had stepped in mud or something, as she suddenly sunk up to her waist in a hole that shouldn't have been there. Nothing seemed to happen though, so she pulled herself out, and that was when things turned sour.

She suddenly felt an odd sensation below her belt line, and when she looked down, she realized she was rapidly growing a dick! In moments, she had a fully erect, and looking like it was fully functional cock. Before she could react to this though ...

Parasite Roll = 1: Instant 60 pleasure gain for five straight turns + whatever you'd get normally.

... she suddenly felt like her shaft was being stroked! Kayla gains 60 pleasure and 80 KP. Kayla has 75 Stamina until she has an orgasm!

4/5 Turns on ailment left.


1: Try to the parasite off!

2: Ignore it and move on.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla gasped in shock as she watched her unnatural member grow and swell to obscene proportions. It stood out provocatively from her groin, the thick head glistening with fluid. How... how is this possible? What manner of vile...

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a surge of pleasure run through her body. She stiffened at the stroking sensations running up and down the length of her cock. Oh Goddess.. it feels .... No! I will not!

Clenching her teeth, the blonde clasped both of her delicate hands around her trembling shaft, her fingers not able to encircle the girth fully. Fighting to ignore the insidious pleasure her own touch was igniting in her, Kayla struggled to remove the parasite.

1. Kayla attempts to remove the parasite.

She will continue to try to get rid of the parasite until she succeeds, at which point she will move on. If something discovers her in this compromising position, she will defend herself.
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

Removal Attempt:

Kayla: 10 vs. Parasite: 18.

The Parasite remains firmly attached, and actually burrows deeper into her body, and Kayla realizes she'll have to wait a little bit before she can try again.

Wait Time: 3 Turns.

Kayla suffers 60 Pleasure as the parasite continues to stimulate her, and she has only 15 stamina left until she has an orgasm!


1: Move on as you wait for another chance to remove it.

2: Stay in the same area until you CAN remove it.

3: Stay in the area until you have a chance, and regardless of the outcome move on if it fails.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla groaned in frustration as the parasitic penis refused to budge, her tugging seemingly only serving to excite and encourage the creature further. The Amazon abandoned her efforts and looked on in dismay as her thick cock continued to twitch in unwanted pleasure, clear leaking from the flared tip.

She looked around, realizing that all the noise she was making was likely to attract attention. I'd better move on and deal with...this later.

Turning, the naked Amazon stumbled off into the forest, her lewd phallus bouncing between her thighs.

1. Kayla moves on, waiting for another chance to remove the parasite.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla moves on, and eventually ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 30 vs. Kayla: 27.

Kayla enters a new area, but she is too distracted by her imbued cock to recognize another trip wire until after she trips it! Three suction cups fly out, one on each breast, and the third fixing firmly around her cock! Suddenly they draw tight, yanking her to the ground, where they begin sucking and squeezing on her captured flesh! The parasite adds it's own pleasure to the mix, and it's too much for Kayla. Already near an orgasm, Kayla is helpless to stop the double attack, suffering 100 total pleasure and an orgasm! Kayla gains 170 KP from the sex, penetration and orgasm, and has 50 stamina left until her next big orgasm! As she wildly spurts in an orgasm, Kayla can feel herself get weaker as the device seems to suck out some of her magic, and life from her! She has 80 HP, and 20 MP left! An adrenaline boost surges through her, but she knows it'll only last this one turn!


1: Get the trap off of you!

2: Get sucked off to paradise again.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Her attention occupied by the insidious pleasure pulsing in her cock, the Amazon was taken by surprise by the trap. Gasping in alarm, Kayla tried to dodge the devious device, but a fresh surge of sensations from her groin made her tremble and loose her footing. In a flash, two suction cups wrapped around her large breasts, quickly making her pink nipples firm up. A third flexible cup latched on to her cock, the tight suction almost immediately overwhelming her senses.

The trap jerked her off her feet, though luckily the soft red grass cushioned her impact. As soon as she was completely helpless, the device ramped up its activity. Kayla writhed on the ground, groaning, as her tits and cock were subjected to unyielding stimulation, unpredictable surges of ecstasy assaulting her senses. Her unwanted, forced delight quickly built to a peak. Oh... Goddess... I... I'm going to...Oh no ..... Kayla moaned out, shame and pleasure warring in her soul. An unfamiliar tightness in her cock quickly gave way to mind-blowing waves of bliss. Her traitorous hips pumped in time with the spurts gushing from her cock, trying to drive deeper into the slick suction cup. Her orgasm went on and on, each fresh spurt seemingly larger than the one before, each one bringing a soft cry from Kayla's lips, each one setting off a sympathetic quiver in her pussy. Along with her seed, she felt some of her strength and vitality drain away.

When it was finally over, the trap gave her no respite, instead continuing the stimulation of her oversensitive shaft. Kayla's thoughts were sluggish, slickly sliding over each other in disarray. That.. that was ama...no....I need to...I should...No! A flash of anger brought some clarity to her mind, and restored some strength to her slack limbs. Gritting her teeth, the Amazon began to struggle against the device, ignoring the allure of another chance to experience the hedonistic joys of the machine.

1. Kayla tries to escape the trap.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Kayla: 20+5=25 vs. Trap: 6.

Kayla manages to pull away and escape the trap, and not a moment too soon! Right after she pulls out, the parasite 'strokes' her to another orgasm! Kayla can only pump her seed out onto the ground, thankful it wasn't into that suction cup. The adrenaline fades from her as her orgasm rushes out, and when it's done, she's left shaking. She suffers 60 Pleasure, gains 110 KP and has 125 Stamina left.

Parasite has 1 turn left on both it's removal attempt, and it's status ailment.


1: Wait a turn and rest back to full stats. (Chance to be caught).

2: Move onward and hope the next area is clear so you can remove the parasite.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla could feel the trap giving way, and she redoubled her efforts, pushing herself off the ground. The cups on her breasts popped off first, leaving her magnificent mounds slightly reddened. The device on her cock slowly began to slide off as well, finally releasing its prey with an obscene, slick squelch.

The Amazon remained on all fours, gasping for air, letting the relief of escape wash over her. Her troubles were not over though, as the treacherous parasite reminded her of its presence. Another series of familiar twitches from the cock sent shivers running up her spine. Not again... too soon.. I..I can't.... Kayla arched her back, wailing to the sky as another orgasm took her. The alien cock pumped out another huge load, each contraction making Kayla tremble in unwanted pleasure as the puddle of her thick white seed grew underneath her. When it was over, Kayla groaned, and collapsed on her side. What is happening to me? Cumming....like that...like a... Kayla didn't care to finish that thought.

Groaning, she sat up, then forced herself to her feet. Her thick cock remained erect, the sight of it sending shivers of shame and heat through Kayla's mind. I really need to do something about this... The Amazon took a step forward, but her legs felt soft and wobbly. Realizing she wasn't going very far in her current condition, Kayla stumbled over to a nearby fallen tree and sat down, catching her breath.

1. Kayla remains in the area to recover. If she is not interrupted, she will attempt to remove the parasite once more after she rests. Regardless of the outcome, she will then move on.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla sat for a short time, feeling better already. No sooner had she reached full strength, the insidious parasite began to pleasure her again! Kayla suffers 60 pleasure, and gains 60 KP. She has 75 stamina left until she suffers another orgasm.

Steeling herself against the pleasure, Kayla reached down and grabbed the parasite, trying to get it off of her before it changed tactics.

Parasite Removal Attempt:

Kayla: 20 vs. Parasite: 26.

Kayla nearly gets it to come off, but the parasite burrows back into her body, forcing her to stop and wait once more, or risk seriously injuring herself. Frustrated, she decides to move on before something else finds her and tries to take advantage. 3/3 turns til removal can be attempted again.

Round 2:

Kayla moves on, and finds herself in a large area, one that has a large looking shrine like object. Before she could say or do anything, Cassidy appeared.

"You have found a Shrine of Accuracy. Shrines can grant you temporary boosts to certain stats, or other benefits. However, in order to use a shrine, you must first defeat it's guardians. If you wish to use the shrine, step forward and approach the shrine to start the battle. If you do not wish to fight and want to pass on this chance, I suggest you hurry away before the guardians become aware of you. This shrine offers you a temporary boost to landing your attacks on an enemy. The Guardians here are Flesh Teaser, and her pet Supreme Succubus. The choice is yours. And hers."

Cassidy suddenly vanished, and Kayla became aware of another woman, who was only a few feet from her.

The woman seemed to be half Norn, and half Sylvari. Stunningly beautiful, she had blue eyes and blonde hair, and stood about six foot eight. She regarded Kayla for a moment, then spoke.

"Well, I guess I can trust you if she's talking to you. Haven't seen another uncorrupted person in quite some time, though it looks like you ran into those godforsaken parasites. Anyway, what about that shrine, you want it? We uh ... we ought to work together. Trust me, it's really bad out here."

Parasite Changes affliction after the decision has been made.


1: Go for the Shrine.

2: Get us out of here!
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla gaped at the statuesque blonde in shock. The appearance of her ghostly guide startled her, and on top of that she was suddenly confronted with the presence of a flesh and blood woman. There was quite a lot of flesh, too. A bizarre sense of embarrassment washed over her as Kayla remembered her own nudity, and she fought down an instinct to cover herself. The time for modesty was long past.

The Amazon finally found her voice. "Who the hell are you!?" Kayla realized she was letting the stress of her situation get to her, and fought to lower the tension in her words. "I mean...Listen, I only woke up an hour ago, and I'm still absorbing all this. You look and sound like you've been here for a little while, and I'll be happy for some help and company. I've got a million questions for you! What's your name? How long have you been here? Where is here?" The Amazon looked around her, and her gaze fell on the shrine. "And as for that thing... I say we leave it alone. I just had an interesting experience with some frisky tubes, so I'd rather not touch anything if we can help it."

2. Kayla suggests that the two women move on, leaving the shrine. Kayla questions her companion along the way.
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Re: Kayla (orcha)

Shrugging slightly, the woman motioned her hand for Kayla to lead on, falling in step near her. As they walked, she would answer, and for the time being, they seemed to be in empty territory, save for some tracks.

"My name is Gisele Bartovakha, and I have no idea where we are, another world for certain though. As for how long ... Honestly, I'm not sure. The sun never seems to set here, so it's impossible to know how many hours long a day is here. I've tried my best to figure it out, but I know it's been longer than I think. My best guess though is I've been here, and awake for at least six months, maybe longer. Half of that I've been alone. I'd say welcome to hell, but that joke lost it's flavor a long time ago. What's your name anyway?"


1: Walk and Talk.

2: Talk and stay put (chance to be caught)
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla listened to Gisele attentively as the two women made their way through the forest. When her towering companion finished her account, Kayla exclaimed "Six months! I can't imagine it... You must be very tough to have made it here that long. I've been here only a few hours, I think, and this place is already getting to me." Kayla looked at the gorgeous face of the other woman, and colored a little, wondering what Gisele would say about her encounter with the suction cup traps. "My name is Kayla, and like I said, I'm still trying to cope with all this," the Amazon vaguely waved her lithe arm around, indicating their alien surroundings.

The two women walked on a while in silence, the triple suns sparkling overhead, the unusual lighting giving even familiar objects an eerie appearance. Finally, Kayla voiced a question that had been bothering her since her friend spoke. "Gisele? You said you've been here for six month, and have been alone for three. What happened during the rest of the time?" The companions moved on as Kayla awaited Gisele's reply.

1. Walk and talk.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

She was silent for a moment before replying.

"They're gone, taken one at a time by these creatures. Some of these things out here I've never seen before, I don't even know really what to call them or how to describe them. I can tell you this though, there are plenty of demonic creatures, and I've even encountered a few tentacle beasts. Originally, there were six of us. I lost one of them to a rather strange succubus, one that had tentacles. We lost another some time after that to what we thought originally was a Sylvari in need of help, but it turned out she was one of these things. It's impossible to tell them apart from range. We lost our third to a beast that I can only call a Kraken, and the other two were taken by some sort of spider creatures that I've never seen before. To be honest, I'd lost any hope of finding another living soul again, I thought I was alone here."

Trap Evasion Roll:

Kayla: 18 vs. Trap: 14.
Gisele: 19 vs. Trap: 15.

As they continued to walk, the two women suddenly spotted an area where the ground didn't seem right. Gisele reached out and gently grabbed Kayla's arm, pointing down to what seemed like the tip of a plant vine poking out of the ground. After a moment, the 'vine' seemed to move like it was alive, and Gisele whispered, "that's a trap. Let's not get caught by it."


1: Trip it anyway :p

2: Go around it and leave.
Re: Kayla (orcha)

Kayla listened to Gisele's chilling account with growing sympathy. When the Sylvari was finished, the Amazon gently placed her hand on the woman's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Gisele. That sounds so horrible. You're not alone anymore."

Just as she had finished, a slight movement caught her eye. Gisele noticed it as well, her shoulder stiffening beneath Kayla's hand. Another trap lay in wait for the women.When Gisele whispered her advice, Kayla silently nodded and the two companions carefully moved around the slithering vines.

As they moved on, Kayla voiced a question that had been bothering her for a while. "What do you think of our guide, Cassidy? She seems to want to help, but something feels off. You said you trusted her though. "

2. The women move around the trap.