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Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Veera's words take Ruven back to a simpler time. As one of the few remaining of his kind that haven't gone the more savage way of life, Ruven lived happily indeed. He was a scholar, and thrived on the intelligence of the old elves. He was proud of his heritage and sought to prolong it, or outright revive it. Kind to all, and respectful, an attitude that landed him in this mess. "Indeed... My life took a complete turn, from peaceful bliss to utter chaos. We didn't even hear of the outsider invasion until much later, that was simply how peaceful our lives were." he sighed. "There was even a girl I liked there, who enjoyed talking with me about interesting books. We both fancied the idea of the noble elven lineage returning one day, perhaps we might have even created a movement together, before the worst kind of book entered my life." he shuddered, squeezing the book as if wanting to destroy it. "I hope I will return one day, and she'll still be waiting for me... If not, then I honestly just want to go back to my life of reading a good book or two, and educating the next generation on the nobility of elves, and the potential that we have to be amazing people... Not squandered on acting akin to the warmongering orcs."

Then, he chuckled when she mentioned his experience. "Actually, you'd be my first time." he declared. "I spent my time reading rather than courting, and to my dismay, I was content to take things slow with that girl... So I've had no other woman in my life. You'd be the first. Though, I'm not sure if that excites or bores you." he shrugged. Though, he did twist his lips a bit. As she locked her hands with his, and seemed to helplessly be drawn ever closer to him, he just chuckled. "And you... Even while you're wondering if you're being too pushy, can't you read the mood?" he inquired. "I'm sitting right next to you and allowing you to touch where you please. Or would you prefer the inexperienced one take initiative?" he inquired, slipping one hand around to gently grasp her ass. He didn't want to say it aloud, but this woman blew his dear elven beauty out of the water. Plus, he didn't know what it was, but the size difference was actually turning him on. The taller woman, even if only by a little depending on her actual length, meant that there was more for Ruven to take in and enjoy. Though he didn't want to let such inner thoughts out. It would be unsightly.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel for the most part just listened to the pair as they spoke, his hand scratching behind his head briefly as he stays seated with his legs crossed in front of him. Veera didn't seem like one to back out on contracts when they first met anyway, and though the explanation wasn't needed the anudorian felt a bit comforted by her words, alongside her understanding of his position. Nodding his head to Veera as she spoke to him, he seems a bit relieved. "Thank you for understanding."

Looking to Ruven next, Toel scratches his own head briefly as he hears of Ruven's life before that book ended up derailing his life. A rather calm life he lived before... Quite a change for him it seems... But that book... Who would make such a cruel thing? Though he eventually does drift back out of his always distracting thoughts to notice Ruven and Veera getting closer to one another, the Anudorian letting out a faint sigh and smile before he turns his attention away. Best leave them both to it, the Anudorian scooting away from them both to let them do as they will, making sure he is at least close enough to be protected by the light.

Well, if something is happening here, Toel will more or less just stay shush unless he is talked to or something happens with him. So until then, time for me to quiet down!
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 43/51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Veera listened to Ruven's explanation, smiling. "Oh? A love, but not a lover... What was she like?" She asked, leaning over and laying her head against the young elven scholar's shoulder. When he went and turned the affectionate moment by reaching down and grasping her soft, shapely rear, however, the demoness merely jumped and then chuckled. She sat up and ultimately climbed to her knees, shifting until she was sitting in front of him instead of beside him. "Maybe I am? Maybe I just like it when cute boys have the courage to grab my ass~" She said playfully, leaning forward to show off a great deal of cleavage, brushing a locke of ivory hair away from one ebon eye.

"Indulge me... I'm curious! I don't actually know much about how elves... Or any mortals handle this sort of thing naturally. Most demons are pretty forward with what they want, and a lot of us lose track of how many partners we've had, much less caring about our first. To think that you're an adult and haven't had sex yet... To even value it like you seem to, and having someone you want that to be special with... Queen Xeon wants us to live alongside mortals peacefully, and how can we do that if we don't understand you?"

If Ruven tried to reply, however, he would quickly find Veera pressing a finger to his lips to silence him, and a moment later the demoness would lean forward at a leisurely pace, advancing until her lips were an inch from her finger. "Show me," She commanded, and then simply leaned a little further, her finger sliding down to his chin, and stole his first kiss for herself. Her lips were soft and warm, and closed at first but soon opened, letting him feel and taste her breath in this most intimate of ways. Her tongue flicked out across his lower lip a few seconds into the kiss, and if he proved willing she would tilt her head into the kiss, deepening it as her tongue slipped into his mouth and began to explore.

If, a few more seconds after that, he hadn't already done so, Veera's hands would latch onto Ruven's wrists and drag his hands up to her chest, forcing him to cup her large, full breasts. One of her hands closed over the back of one of his, pressing against his fingers, moving and urging him to squeeze and knead her soft flesh, still pleasantly pliant through the demonic warrior's armor. For another moment she would guide him through playing with her chest, slowly edging further forward as she climbed into his lap, her powerful, muscular frame pressing down against his as he sat with his back against the cave wall. Eventually, however, he heard a few soft clicks, the shifting of leather, and her free hand tugged down on her upper armor. The breastplate shifted under his hands, sliding down and away, and a moment later Ruven's hands were no longer touching armor, they were touching the demon's bare breasts.

Toel, if he opted to peek, would see Veera's torso being bared in full, her full breasts pressing into Ruven's hands, her lighter blue peaks hard against his fingers. A few moments later Ruven would get his own eyeful as she slowly broke the kiss, a line of saliva briefly connecting their mouths as she slid back and away, letting him see her bosom, her defined abdominals, her strong muscular shoulders... Her hand left his, letting him explore her chest as he saw fit while she started undoing his shirt one button at a time, her hips resting down onto his lap, writhing slowly back and forth.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven sighed. "She was a scholar, like me. Honestly the only excuse I had to approach her was to discuss the history of our people and exchange books. I always tried to find an excuse to keep talking by bringing up some little topic, but it became rather awkward often when the things I said, either she had no reply for or she found them boring perhaps. I was always the one approaching her, scarcely the other way around. I would have conceded her to someone else the moment she locked eyes with another, because of how pitiful I knew my advances were. Yet, she never had a man in her life till the day I left, for all I know. That fact gave me hope, that I might become that part of her life and be able to breathe the same air as her. To be able to touch her and have her touch me back in returned affection. A mutual bonding of emotion that honestly makes my heart beat something crazy." he chuckled, before frowning. "That dream is gone. Gone with all hope of my future, thanks to this ugly book. I left without a word, I didn't know how I lived through my encounter with this book, but I didn't want it to hurt her, so I simply vanished without telling anyone, and lived countless nightmares without sleep while trying to run from what was permanently attached to my soul..." He sighed again. "Is expecting her to be there waiting for me realistic? Or am I just being like..." He was about to say like Toel, but that would be awful. The man was chasing his own dreams and Ruven had to support him, even if he thought the man a fool. He was a fool that was willing to step into Ruven's nightmares and aid him. So he was a dear friend.

When she turned her interest to sex, surprisingly late, Ruven just chuckles, about to speak before he's silenced. Asked to be shown, Ruven wondered about that. Was there such a way to communicate affection just with action? Certainly, but how vividly so? When she kissed him, he wondered... How would he have kissed 'her'? The answer came quickly when he wrapped his arms around Veera's back, and held her close. The feeling of her breasts poking into his chest excited him. He wondered if that was just Veera, or if that's what her nipples would have felt like poking into his skin too. Rampant thoughts ran through his mind. He only briefly thought of this as cheating on her, before quickly casting it aside in light of the reality that she might have been swindled away by some better, more attractive elf. Who knows, really? Why worry about such things when your very life is in question? Why not just... Sink into the soft flesh of the woman so curious about you now? What was wrong about Veera? Though he wondered this, he quickly answered himself. 'A lot of things, actually.' he concluded.

Though his worries eventually faded away into nothing when the act only continued. It seemed Veera wished to be groped more. He pondered her oddly submissive behavior in this instance. Was she truly showing him something, or just being careful? His mind naturally went to paranoia, but repeatedly told himself that it didn't matter. He let his hands be guided, and upon seeing Veera so lustfully wish to be touched, he couldn't help but look up at her. She seemed to want all this attention on herself. He only murmured. "Greedy," to her before indulging her want to be touched. His murmur followed the parting of their lips. Though his eyes decided to enjoy what they saw. Naturally, her breasts were quite a sight. However, most of his gaze was spent looking at the rest of her naked figure. Moving from her breasts, he smoothed his hands all over. Feeling her bare arms, chest, and back. An attempt to truly understand the texture of her body doubling as a gentle massage for the hungry demoness.

He wondered if her pussy was tight, because she was so muscular.

A lewd thought, surprisingly. He didn't even know physically if such would be the case. He just happened to one day be of interest towards his elven love, and sought to understand more about her as a woman. A natural quest for knowledge, he told himself. It only heightened his desire. She let him unbutton his shirt, and then casually returned his hands over her breasts to slowly smooth his thumbs over her tips. How interesting. Her body went from being so firm to being so squishy. What an amazing duality, he thought. All while her writhing was making his cock almost instantly hard, with plenty of help.

Calm, he leaned back against the wall, while grasping her ass and encouraging her hip motions. Feeling, grasping... He was sure he liked her ass the best, as far as how it felt. It had a roundness to it that allowed him to completely get a grip on it, while still leaving plenty more to love. It was also tough, like the rest of her. Rather sadistic thoughts fueled his mind about what he'd like to do to her tough butt, but all of them involved her being rather excited about the prospect as well. It would be a shame if he tried, and she hated it...

But he really wanted to. It was that desire that caused him to squeeze a little harder, allowing Veera to feel just a bit of tension from his hands just getting rough for a second, as if testing the waters to see if what awaited him was immediate refusal. Who knows? Maybe demons had standards too. That would be an amusing fact to jot down in a book somewhere.

'Before this book showed, I probably would have fallen for this demon instead. Interesting, how naive I was about love and life, ignorant of fear and mortality. Now... I can't stop thinking about when she might kill me.'
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 43/51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Veera let what Ruven hadn't said remain unsaid, though her eyes did flit briefly toward the Anudorian adventurer who was pointedly ignoring them. "Who knows... Maybe she is? Maybe she was waiting for you to take things further... Maybe she still thinks about you, and prays for your safety? Maybe she'll be waiting for you when you can finally go home?" She reached out and petted him, running her fingers softly over his hair. "I'll just have to teach you to give her a great night for when you're reunited with her~"

As Veera guided Ruven gently into his first time, she eagerly responded to his every advance, to his every touch. She pushed herself into him, to his hands and against his chest and down against his crotch, encouraging him to do more, to touch her however he pleased. At his murmured remark she giggled, lightly flicking her nose back and forth against his, "You'll get yours~ And not all women are as easy to get going as I am~"

When his thumbs flicked against the peaks of her breasts, she moaned softly, the warmth of her breath passing over his lips, and he felt the nubs harden further and the skin immediately around it wrinkle slightly. His shirt was soon undone, leaving his chest as bare as hers, having let her top slide downwards. When his hands went to the demonic warrior's shapely backside, his encouragement worked to make her grind herself against him all the more vigorously, and she reached down to lift her skirt, exposing her bare flesh for him to take his hands to. Her meaty backside easily took the rough squeeze, and Veera seemed not to mind the slightly more adventurous aspect of it at all as she then moved down to his pants.

Those were undone with practiced ease, and the demon slipped a hand into his trousers... Strong fingers delicately gripping his erect manhood, and drawing it out into the open as she practically purred and began to lightly nip at his neck. That continual purr shifted along his jawline, but her left hand came up to his throat, gripping him gently while her thumb urged his chin to tilt upwards. At the same time, Veera's hand slowly tightened around him, and as she neared the side of his head she gave Ruven his first stroke. It was a gentle tug, but pleasure still thrummed through his base and up into his core. Something fled him then, some tiny trickle of himself.... That flowed out of him, and into the demoness straddling him. Some portion of him, his essence, his spirit, and as she tasted it Veera seemed to go almost into a frenzy.

Her lips claimed the tip of one of his ears, and her grip on his throat and on his cock tightened as one. Her jerking intensified, up and down and up and down, every gentle tug adding a bit more force and speed as pleasure rocketed up Ruven's spine. It was better than anything he might have ever managed to provide for himself, both in terms of stimulation and satisfaction, and each only grew as Veera intensified her assault upon his supple body. For a few moments she remained there, jerking him off faster and harder as she held his neck and nipped and nibbled at his ear, letting him grope her however he liked. The barrage soon grew overwhelming, but just as he felt like he was going to simply melt or explode or something equally dramatic under her attention she slowed to a near halt and released his ear from between her lips.

"Mmmmm.... I think you're ready!" She murmured softly, and then raised her hips. The hand on his shaft gave a few slow, teasing strokes and then released him to pull aside her undergarments, and a few moments of slightly awkward shifting later Ruven felt something warm and wet press against his tip, felt it slowly beginning to engulf him while the sense of being drained, exciting in its own right, seemed to intensify even further...
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven let out a sigh as he began to be teased by her. He wondered if this kind of thing was normal in general, or just for demons. There was certainly quite a bit of teasing going on, and when he thought he couldn't get any more aroused she attacked a new place and made him considerably more excited. If she was trying to draw out some inner desires to come out and attack her, she was on the right track. Though he wasn't sure what to do. So, he focused on features of her he enjoyed. He smoothed his fingers along her back, petting her like a cat, while doing much the same to her ass, once gripping her ass tight when she felt her pussy in just the right spot to press against him as he lifted his crotch off the ground to press back against her, moaning as the pressure between them caused him to experience considerable enjoyment, before he relaxed, motions with his hands encouraging her to move faster.

When she mentioned her thoughts on him being ready, Ruven couldn't help but audibly laugh. "You'd have been correct even five minutes ago." he informed her, before she somehow worked his pants better than even he could, and exposed his length while exposing herself as well. The added torture of her jerking him off didn't help either. He'd certainly cum the moment she put it into her pussy, if she ever did. As the jerking of his cock went on and on, he was convinced she'd never stop. Though, what an unfortunate time when she did. "N-no-no-no...!" he complained when she stopped. Though when she adjusted herself to take him inside, he was already thrusting into her pussy. And, just as he expected, the feeling of his first pussy, a demon pussy at that, was so overwhelming that just mere seconds of being inside of her caused him to explode. His mouth was wide open, and his iris shrank as his vision went dark with stars darting to and fro as if all the blood in his body felt it necessary to produce as much cum as possible inside of Veera's pussy.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 43/51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 1/76, Status = Needs a nap

Veera: Fine

Veera giggled softly at Ruven's quipped rebuttal, but when she finally proceeded to the main event and he suddenly popped inside of her she let out a surprised gasp. Ruven found himself clamped by her velvety depths, a swift descent and a steady milking drawing gulp after gulp of his seed into the demoness. At the same time, her succubine instincts activated and prompted her to feed deep, drawing out his spirit in great gulps that left him woozy and light headed. By the time he was coming down from his peak, Ruven could barely keep his eyes open and Veera was practically glowing.

She giggled again and nuzzled gently against him, letting him soften inside of her, sucked dry in one ecstatic blast. "Mmmmmm, thank you," She purred into his ear, giving it a light nip before slowly lifting herself off of him, "I'll make sure that you enjoy it more... Next time~"
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Panting, and sweaty despite having done little work given who was taking the lead, Ruven was half unconscious as he heard her spoke. "Okay..." he acknowledged her weakly, before eagerly seeking to fall over into a slump and curl up into a ball to sleep. More instinct and habit to do so, as he naturally wished to create as little shadow as possible.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 43/51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Veera allowed Ruven to go to sleep, letting him fall down and gentling his slump before she crawled off of him with a relieved sigh. With that awkwardness over, the group could rest, and Ruven would sleep fairly well for once, though he would awaken exhausted once more.

They packed up come the dawn, the book having caused no apparent trouble... They even lacked the usual signs that it had been present in the night. "We're making good time. We should get there on schedule... What was it exactly that you were looking for again?" Veera said as they rested around midday, still heading Northeast.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Packed up and moving, Ruven in all his fatigue did not miss the fact that the book was inactive today. He drew no conclusions, just noted the fact. When asked where they were going, Ruven shrugged. "I'm moving based off of rumors and old poems. For a long time I've searched for the previous owner of this book, half of me is giving up, but I never had a trail to give up on in the first place. So I'm just trying to find some clue... Any clue at all." he said, before reciting the poem.

"In the earthen cradle between the hanged man's hill and the great vein of Argent Vale, just beneath the hills of spring, the glade of the forsaken master lies, hidden from all but those with the wisdom to know without asking. Three times one may knock on the white oak tree, three times and once again before the way will open, three times and twice to follow, but three times and thrice is needed show one their fate."

"So, Argent Vale, and trying to find the white oak between hanged man's hill and it. Though your guess is as good as mine as to where that hill is." he sighed. "That's why I hired you. I need someone who's good with geography to find me an earthen cradle. I know I'm not likely to find my answers in this glade, but maybe someone, or something there can point me in the right direction."
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel stretches his arms above his head as they go along, his pack still comfortably settled on his back as he carries his weight in the supplies. While he was kept awake from the... Well, noises, he did eventually get a bit of sleep. But it was enough to keep him moving and with his confident stride as he glanced towards Ruven and Veera while they talked.

Nodding his head, Toel lets out a short chuckle as they walk along. "If I had to admit it, we have better chances than we started with, yeah?" He says, a small smile crossing his lips as he lets a hand rest at his side while the other held the strap of his pack. "After all, we at least have somewhere to look now." A new destination, a new place to search. They were both searching for their goals after all, though it is definitely much nicer to have company for his wandering.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven laughed, "Hahaha, yes indeed my friend. Why, if anyone heard our full stories, surely they'd call us Kindred in Madness, eh?" Ruven said with a pinch of dark humor.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Somewhere far off, someone groaned aloud in apparent pain just following the last thing that Ruven said.

Veera smiled in response to Toel's optimism and listened intently to Ruven's revelation of their vaguely defined goal. "Ahhhh, so... A little fuzzy, but not nothing to go off of. Argent Vale I know how to find, but the more specific bits... Hanged man's hill? To be called that in relation to something faerie related, it has to be very old. And the vein that feeds Argent Vale... Maybe a river, or a road? Many of the roads in Badaria ARE very old, so it could be either. Beneath the hills of spring... I don't know what that might mean. I've got no idea what the rest of it means, but we'd probably have to find the place it's talking about before we can make use of any of it anyway, right?"
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

A raised eyebrow is sent Ruven's way in response before Toel lets out an amused snigger. "You're hardly mad when you are justified." He points out, grasping the strap of his satchel as he goes along. Listening to Veera, the man rubs the back of his head while they go along, seemingly stumped about it himself. "That would probably be our best bet, yeah?"
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven sighed. "We're just going to have to rely on luck, which I might have run out of a long time ago, or ask a local if they might have an inclination to the location. Like always, we're blindly finding our way..." Ruven sighed. The stories of adventurers coming across grand scenes and epic and fantastic adventures just from wandering around filled a child's mind with so many lies about how the world actually works. From Ruven's experience, the world is filled with a whole lot of nothing. Unrelated nothingness that leads to boredom that induces one to talk to themselves and develop a twitching insanity were they alone. That would have been Ruven, insane and alone, if it weren't for Toel. Now, he's just insane. So that's good, right?
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

"Well... It's better to be blind with a rope at least, right?" Veera said, patting Ruven on the shoulder reassuringly. "We'll find our way."

The next two days were relatively quiet. The book caused little mischief, having seemingly gone dormant, though Ruven could still feel its malicious presence and was reminded of the dangers of having the dark artifact every morning, when he awoke to find the forest eerily quiet and the mutilated corpse of some poor animal left near their campsite. That constant reminder was the only thing to spoil the countryside, however, as the wild lands they moved through were, for the most part, quiet and pleasant. Badaria had long ago caused the natural predators to fear people, and this far from Acheron there were none of the dangerous mutants sometimes caused by demonic presence. Forests of pines and oaks stretched out before them, broken up by springs and streams and stands of smaller trees where underbrush flourished. They were South of the rocky hills where mining and industry had stripped the land bare, in the areas still too sparsely populated and lacking the metal and coal deposits sought after by Badaria's ever hungry factories.

Even so, they spotted the occasional seldom used but still paved road, the empire having furnished its highways well, and one day they opted to spend the night in the traveler's hut set up to house messengers and bands of patrolling soldiers, as that road would take them East faster than going by rough country and was, Veera promised, basically without a human populace for them to worry about. For much of the day, that promise proved entirely accurate, the only signs of habitation they passed an old, seemingly abandoned shack nestled in the woods, another traveler's hut, and a small graveyard with an old stone circle suggesting that pyres had once been held there as well.

As dusk once more began to settle, however, they heard human voices carried on the wind. "Hrm? What's that... I can't... Quite make out what they're saying," Veera said quietly, craning her neck to try and hear better. Ruven wouldn't be able to make it out all that much better, but Toel would recognize the native tongue of his homeland being spoken. It was a different dialect from his own, one that he didn't recognize from any of the tribes near his own, but still most certainly words he knew, ones calling for the setting up of camp and preparation of food. Music began to play, the lute and the accordion and the drums, and if the trio opted to follow it they would come upon a circle of colorful wagons present in the center of the road.

They were resplendent but most definitely lived in things, showing the worn brittleness of a long time on the road, but decorated so thoroughly that each was a work of art. No portion of fabric or wood was without color to it, murals drawn artfully upon each, some abstract and others almost lifelike. Chimes hung from posts, and bells and markers too, every corner decorated with something ornamental the likely produced an odd chorus as the wagons rolled along. The horses used to draw them, a score of dark shaggy beasts, were already unhitched and tethered near a stream that ran parallel to the road, and people of dark complexion and colorful clothing walked about at apparent ease, though many of them seemed to be armed. Scimitars in decorated sheaths hung on the hip of many a man, and even the women seemed to at least carry daggers. A few crossbows and rifles, as customized and artful as the rest, were carried by those on the perimeter, a quintet of men patrolling around and keeping an eye out for trouble no doubt, though as they were still far down the road and Veera opted to keep them in cover the three of them hadn't been spotted yet.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

The moment Veera alerted them to the presence of more, Ruven panicked and ushered a tiny, "Shhh" to the group. He whispered, "Music and merriment don't always mean their owners are equally merry. Toel, as your friend, despite how much I hate the idea, I know you will want to investigate. In light of that.." he put his hand on Toel's shoulder. "Veera and I will stay here. Good luck, my friend." he gave Toel a thumbs up of support. "... Oh, we'll cover you too..." he said, an afterthought that of course he'd try to help if Toel got in trouble... If it looked doable... If there weren't too many Anudarian's that responded... Maybe they could rescue Toel after he gets captured? Maybe they won't kill him? Actually, a rescue operation would only be slightly less dangerous than a full conflict. Maybe they could buy him back? Actually, if they bound him and threw him into a river, they could rescue him downstream. That would be the best, and least dangerous result.

Then again, they could be peaceful. That's possible. But, ultimately, far too risky to check in the first place. If a member of their own race approaches, they might respond more kindly than seeing an elf and demon. Wait, a demon would always get a poor result. Almost always. With that, he turned to Veera. "Hey, can you change your appearance? Look like me, an elf. If we pretend to be a couple, they might give a better reaction than if they saw you as a demon."
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel blinks in surprise as they hear the voices, listening quietly before he follows Veera and Ruven to where they hid down the road. With a pleased looking smile on his face from the always comforting sound of music gracing his ears, he pauses as he is whispered to, eyebrows furrowed quickly afterwords as he looks to Ruven. "Really?" Looking over to Veera, seemingly to see if she was agreeing with Ruven, he shrugs his shoulders a bit before he speaks softly to the two. "Well, I don't think it would be that bad to at least see if they won't mind me approaching, yeah?"

If there were no complaints, Toel would step out onto the road and approach with a small smile on his face, obviously not trying to hide his presence as he waves towards whoever spots him first from the caravan before speaking in his native tongue. "{Good evening. I hope I am not interrupting, I just wasn't expecting to hear such familiar music this far from my home.}" While he was still armored and had his own weapon still on him, he stood casually as he stopped a bit away from who he was talking to. Don't want to get too close after all, just in case they wanted him to back off and go.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Veera was nearly as surprised as Toel when Ruven urgently whispered to them, but with a glance at the Anudorian simply shrugged and nodded in agreement that he should move forward. The demoness frowned at the elf's later statement while they were watching him approach the caravan, but ultimately nodded and simply began to change. Her blue skin turned pale, hair turned red, ears sharpening further, horns receding... And in a few short seconds she looked like an elf, albeit an elf with red eyes, but an elf nonetheless.

When Toel stepped out and approached the group, it didn't take long for him to be spotted by one of the guards. A warning shout came up, followed quickly by a rifle, but the latter was quickly lowered... Albeit not all the way down. Two more came round to observe him, but their dour expressions brightened slightly as he approached and spoke in their native tongue, albeit not in quite the same dialect. He - and Ruven and Veera - would notice that the people in the camp quickly stopped their tasks and took cover behind their wagons, the men moving to protect the women in children. Those actions would not stop as a man came forward, one with salt and pepper hair and a thin, roguish mustache. He was clad in colorful garb, the most colorful of anyone they could see, with yellow trousers with a bright green drawstring, a similarly green sash tied around his waist, a bright red long sleeved shirt with puffy sleeves covered by a darker violet vest, two sets of golden hoop earrings, a stud set on the side of his nose with a small gem that gleamed red, and a teal sash lined with multicolored patches and various colorful ornaments that ran from his left hip to his right shoulder.

"Ahhh! Hello, hello!" The man called back in Anudorian, crossing his arms over his chest. Back home, that was a sign of someone asserting their authority, albeit not as antagonistic a sign as it might be considered here in Badaria. "You speak a civil tongue, stranger... But are you a civil man, I wonder? What is the sort that does not relinquish a name upon meeting someone, hrm?" His voice was lyrical, whimsical, and slightly high despite hie masculine features, and he greeted Toel with a steady current of calm humor running beneath his words. "I am Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk. To whom do I speak, hrm? And are there any who are yet too shy lurking about?"
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven watched as the transformation took place. Quite a sight, to be sure. Watching her change the way she looked and take on a more... Familiar form. It filled his heart with a sense of home sickness that he sometimes suffered. He indeed longed to see his own kind, and even if it was a phantom image, he felt flushed at the sight. Truly, he couldn't wait to see his life return to the way it once was. If it could. He hoped it could. He mustn't forget either, that Veera's presence so far is a transient one. A woman who is acting under interests of payment. Ruven wasn't such a fool to think that they were close at all, despite what happened. They barely knew a thing about each other, and he was fine keeping it that way even after the issues they had before. The less the better, should they need to disappear from each other's lives.

Ruven was broken out of his thoughts when he heard the man inquire about shy visitors. He began to panic, fearing that they were already discovered. His eyes darted to and fro. Where were they watching? If they could see, he might see the reflection in their eyes. Though if he spotted them, would that produce a hostile result? Ruven's body tensed and he grit his teeth. He didn't rely on the rationalization that his question was merely happenstance. Ruven forced himself to consider that the man was speaking with former knowledge in mind. Knowledge of their presence.

Glance here, there. The trees, the grass. Where are the eyes?