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Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Temporary tension sets in as the guards shouts and takes aim at Toel, the Anudorian raising his hands a bit in an attempted placative gesture, taking a small step back. Glancing between the other two who come to look at him, he glances back to the one with his gun slightly raised with a small frown crossing his face. "{I mean no harm, I swear.}"

Though with a seeming elder of the caravan stepping forward, Toel's body visibly calms as he is spoken back to. "{Ah, I am sorry about that.}" With his hands going back to his sides, he moves with a respectful nod and small bow to Traejann. "{I am Toel, of the Sons of the Sunlit Dunes.}" After his introduction, he stands back up straight, his posture slightly calmed.

Asked about his friends, however, Toel shakes his head a little bit before speaking. "{Ah, no actually, I do have two companions a bit back from where I came from, but I went on ahead a tad when I heard the lovely music. I am unsure if they are coming though.}" Glancing between the guards, and the elder, a hand raises to scratch behind his head. "{Sorry if I interrupted the festivities with my presence.}"
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Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk
Perception: ???

"Sons of the Sunlit Dunes.... Sons of the Sunlit Dunes.... Mmmmm," The elder repeated the name of Toel's clan, mulling the words as one might the flavor of an unfamiliar wine. His grin returned all too quickly, however, and after Toel's admission and apology he clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "Ahhhh, an honest one... Seemingly so anyway. Good good! Do not fret, my good man! I assume that they are not of our people, but that is alright too... We welcome fellow travelers so long as they mind their manners!"

He placed his closed fist against an open palm and bowed at the waist without breaking his gaze, a sign of formalities observed and thus no longer needed, and the caravan guards seemed more relaxed. "Now, shall we go and see if we can find your friends? We were just preparing for our dinner, we would have no trouble feeding a few more." Hospitality on the road was how the ancient nomadic clans had kept from destroying each other with war, the inhospitable climate of their desert homeland too hostile to fight for what few resources there were on hand at every turn. Badaria was a far easier place to live in, but the traditions were slow to die even in lands that were of a more hospitable climate but populated by a far less welcoming people.

Ruven and Veera, in the meantime, would remain behind, hidden just out of sight but watching and listening to Toel's exchange with the apparent leader of the caravan. Ruven couldn't understand what they were saying, and if the frustrated look on her now elven features were any indication Veera was in much the same boat. A glance around would reveal no observers, no signs of anyone directly watching them who might have given away their presence, or indeed anything suspicious at all. There were only trees and bushes, and after a moment Veera tugged on his sleeve.

"Should we move back a bit? Make it seem like we're walking up?" She asked uncertainly, eyes hovering on Toel's back.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven groaned. "F-fine... I still don't like this. Though, I never like meeting new people." he said, opting to follow her lead. Pretty much cowering behind her.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel perks up as the elder claps his hands, though as the elder bows, the man sees a wide smile cross the younger Anudorian before he returns the bow. "{Do not worry. We won't cause any problems, I swear.}" His hands return to his sides afterwords, his posture quickly calming. Glancing about for a moment, he points a thumb towards the road he came from generally, and a bit pronounced, seemingly as signal to Ruven and Veera.

"{They should not be too far off, I'd hope... Unless I rushed ahead a bit quicker than I thought.}" Toel chuckles lightly afterwords, seemingly ready to walk, though his pace is very calm and slow, seemingly more keen on talking than walking all too fast. "{So, how have these lands been to you and your Caravan? Outside of a short run in with bandits that me and my companions escaped, they have been more or less calm.}"
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Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk

"C'mon!" Veera took Ruven by the hand and led him a short ways back down the road, ignoring his pessimistic comment.

"Ahhhh, better in some ways and worse than others of late. We have traveled these lands for five generations now, and the locals are... Varied. They are happy enough to use our men for cheap labor when we pass through, enjoy our music and art, or avail us of our knowledge of medicine! But, when it comes time to pay us back for our services, often we find ourselves given the cold shoulder. You know how it can be," Traejann replied as he stepped up beside Toel and started down the path, matching his sedate pace.

"Things have gotten stranger of course... Some are more welcoming these days, some less. Fewer thugs with rifles and official standing harass us for tolls on the road, but more brigands try to do the same, and they aren't the worse. We've always kept away from the heartland of Badaria, but now monsters spread from the capital, and the people here seem to intend to let them be. These are dark times, some say the end times, but we will march on no matter what the gods demand we suffer. What else is there but the open road if we wish to be free?"

The two came upon Veera and Ruven shortly despite their slow work, and Traejann's smirk fell upon the two as he and Toel came into view. Ruven's cowering behind Veera or the disguised demon's armaments didn't seem to put him off in the slightest, and he waved at them and glanced at Toel. "Ahhh, these must be your companions, yes?" He asked in Anudorian, and after he received an affirmative answer he switched to Badarian as he turned back to Ruven and Veera; "Ahhh, hello hello! I am Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk! Your friend here came upon my family and I, and after some discussion we invited him to join us for the evening! You are welcome to join us as well, if you so wish!"

"Oh.... That sounds lovely, thank you! My name is Veera," The demoness replied, before glancing at Ruven as if expecting him to speak for himself.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Ruven was full of skeptical doubt. As he drew closer to the group, he hung his head, before raising it at the call of the anudorian man. "W-well, it's quite nice to hear such friendly words in these parts. Joining you sounds like a wonderful idea." Joining you sounds like a terrible idea that likely could get us killed or poisoned, is what he wanted to say, as his jaw was shaking with frightened anticipation for someone among this crowd to turn cutthroat and kill Ruven and his party.
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Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Walking alongside Traejann quietly listening, Toel's smile fades a bit as he listens to the troubles the man's group has been going through. "{I'm sorry to hear that. I do hope your caravan has safe travels in these trying times.}" Listening the rest of the way, he nods as his smile briefly returns with a delighted expression. Though before he works up his response, the two come across Ruven and... Veera? Toel blinks momentarily as he looks over her for a short moment before speaking. "{Ah, yes they are.}" Smiling to the two, his hands go behind his head casually, his semi-damaged chainmail rattling from the movement.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk

Dark fantasies playing through his mind, Ruven would likely remember how these roving bands of Anudorians were often viewed among their detractors. Thieves, bandits, kidnappers, seducers of other men's women, and similarly unsavory things numbered among the titles often applied to them, both in folklore and among gossipers. Whether Ruven bought into such notions or not, it was perhaps too late to pull back now, as both Veera and Toel seemed intent on joining this man and his group for the time being.

With the other two in tow, Traejann turned and gestured for them to join him in returning to the caravan, leading the way back. The wagons themselves were quite a sight to behold up close, thoroughly decorated with countless trinkets and painted in brilliant colors that had aged into the wood. Each was a work of art in and of itself, and the people bustling around them were similarly colorfully adorned but only noticeably so when one got closer to them. Most went about their chores while sparing the newcomers only friendly smiles and casual greetings, readying the lamps to keep the night's darkness at bay or preparing food or keeping watch, or any number of other menial tasks.

They were led to a circle in the center of the caravan where a firepit was being made, and there Traejann once more turned to them with his seemingly customary grin. "Ahhh, welcome welcome! New friends are ever in too short supply for my liking, and I hope we haven't frightened you with the weary welcome! Come, make yourselves at home! We are only just settling, but as you might imagine are quite quick about it. You needn't worry yourselves with helping, just try to keep out from underfoot, yeah?" He said, grinning and nudging Toel lightly with his elbow.

"There will be dancing and music this night! And a fine meal, and I think we can spare a little wine," he continued, and swept a hand around, "We won't be long, won't be long at all... Just sit a spell, and I promise you all a night to remember!"
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

We're supplies? Was all Ruven heard at first. Not asked to help, isn't that too kind? Much too kind, so much so to be not kind at all. Let your prey be foolish and lazy, less a trip over guilt when they're killed for being sinful, Ruven theorized. Though, the man's final words had Veera suddenly feel Ruven's hand embrace her own, as his palm was shivering in paranoia. "Oh wow, a party, that sounds great!" Ruven declared, while Veera felt the elf latch onto her as if he was afraid to fall into oblivion and she were his lifeline. Where are the eyes that watch? The predatory eyes? Where is the bloodthirsty intent? It's there, it has to be. Good things don't just happen for no reason. Favors and parties without obligation or status, insanity! When will this crazed madness end? The anticipating was far more lethal than the act of murder itself, he felt.

All the while, Ruven glanced at the state of day. Don't set, please don't set anymore. 'I wish you'd never set, oh sun. Please don't ever set.' he chanted to himself, looking for a seat to stay with Veera at, while clutching his book to his chest, ready to throw it open upon moment's provocation. Fear gripped him, as it was oft to do.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Walking along quietly, Toel looks about at the pleasant looking wagons while they approach, a small smile crossing his lips as he admires the unique designs upon them. With the people around the place also greeting them and being quite friendly, he returns the smiles and some of the greeting waves. His eyes glance upon the lanterns about the place, his smile sinking some. Hopefully they will be enough to keep the dark out, lest the book cause such a friendly looking group to perish because of their presence.

With them all soon enough arriving to the firepit, his small smile does quickly return as he shrugs his shoulders at the apology. "Ah, no harm done. Doesn't hurt to be careful." Speaking in a jovial tone, his armor rattles a bit at the nudge with the man's elbow as he nods to the man before looking to Ruven and Veera. Though his attention does pass towards Ruven for a bit longer though as he notices the elf holding that book, a chill passing through his spine. Hopefully it won't cause trouble tonight...
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk

Left to their own devices, Veera would squeeze Ruven's hand back and shoot him a nervous look, "Now now... It'll be alright! ....Won't it?" She would move to a bench and sit down beside him, while he clutched the cursed book to himself. The lanterns would banish much of the dark, but the shadows were growing long indeed, and they might or might not leave the place fully covered. Ruven felt the book thrum softly against his chest, rhythmic pulses of... Something that seemed to sync with his own heartbeat.

Toel, in the meantime, had a bit more attention to spare for their surroundings, and would notice after a few moments that a pair of amber eyes had settled onto their little gathering... Onto him specifically. A young woman was idly pretending at chores while watching, her gaze lidded and rife with the sort of interest that the dream-drunk man had passed off all too often of late. Even he would be hard pressed to miss the dazzling smile that she shot him when he met her gaze. She was fairly dark of skin, though more tanned and naturally bronzed than simply naturally dark, and had a lithe frame with a pleasant set of accompanying curves, all of which were shown off nicely by the clothes she wore; a bright yellow top with red shapes symmetrically worked into it in a mural-like pattern that ended just below her breasts, a pair of worman's shorts that looked like they were once pants but had had the legs hacked off and were then shrunk to cling tightly to her hips while leaving her thighs exposed. A bit of metal gleamed at her navel, and silver hoop earrings hung from her ears. A pair of cloth vambraces with spherical brass bell add a musical quality to her motions, and they rung rhythmically as she churned something in a small metal pot sitting between her legs.

The girl continued to smile at Toel almost regardless of his reaction to her glances, but if he looked around long enough the lovestruck wander would notice that the girl was getting a few disapproving glares from her fellow travelers. Veera, in the meantime, would clasp Ruven's hand and then lean against him, resting her head against his shoulder in a comfortable manner. "Just... Relax. I won't let anything happen to you," She said quietly, low enough to not be overheard.

A few minutes later a trio of men in the seemingly uniform mismatch of flowing colorful garb would arrive bearing armfuls of wood, and though they all shot welcoming smiles to the trio it was to the center of the circle that they took their loads. The first put his wood in the center and began stacking it, while the rest piled theirs off to the side. Sacks of kindling were dumped next, and then they set about starting a fire in the center of the camp, which was crackling and emitting a pleasant warmth within a few minutes. The people of the caravan descended on it like moths, everyone seeming to need to warm something, cook something, boil some water, or simply be near where everyone else was to chatter. The three of them were largely ignored for this portion, though they could attempt to approach and engage with some of the group to possibly learn something if they so desired.

Music began to play, at first comprising only someone testing a harp, but the noise soon grew as more joined in. There were drums and lutes and wind instruments of all sorts, sets playing together in practiced harmony a few instruments at a time and tunes flowing into each other as if practiced, and though it all seemed so chaotic and unplanned the whole of it came together so organically that it was entirely pleasant, helped undoubtedly by the fact that everyone fielding something - even those who apologized for their inexperience - played excellently. People began to dance, and others began to hand out food, odd confections that even Toel had hardly ever seen the like of, but all tasty if they were adventurous enough to try any. Veera was, and even endeavored to try anything offered to her, the disguised demoness recommending some quite enthusiastically to Ruven if he proved resistant to the idea of eating.

The party practically grew around them, but it wasn't until it had reached a certain critical mass that its creators really sought to sweep them into it, laughing and dancing people seeking to sweep Ruven, Toel, and Veera up to join them. The older men - including Traejann - sat in a quiet section off to the side, smoking pipes that shot sparks and smoke that rose in brilliant colors and vivid shapes while discussing what seemed to be serious business. People played cards and games at hastily erected tables or on blankets laid out on the ground, children ran and played, those later in life but still youthful danced and sang and played, and all of it possessed the infectious sort of joy that came from simple folk taking what pleasantries they could out of life. What Ruven or Toel might make of the happenings trying to sweep them along were ultimately up to them, however, as the pair were free to react however they wished.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Sitting down with Veera, Ruven nodded. "Y-yes, it will be, it must be... Though if it's not, it won't matter, will it?" Aye, the sweet release of death was simply overwhelmingly appealing. However, it was when Veera made motions Ruven didn't expect that caught him off guard and made his mind blissfully distracted from the curse at hand. When Ruven felt a woman's soft hair brush against his skin and the weight of her head on his shoulder, for Ruven, time seemed to stop. It was something he didn't expect despite asking for it. He expected being a girlfriend out of formality would be good enough. He wondered if she was overdoing it. All the same, the squeeze of his hand and words of assurance felt all too real. When he glanced down at her, he wondered to himself. 'Did my heart just skip a beat?' It was then that he took in her features. So beautifully elven, that made him hark back to his life at home. He had thought that the beautiful elf girl he liked was his soul mate, he truly did, but... Another glance to Veera, and he felt it in his chest. The demon was working her way into his heart. His only protection against such natural seduction was his ever constant fear and distrust. Even so... The night didn't end there.

Festivities, which Ruven wanted no part of, he was helplessly dragged into on Veera's recommendation. She fed him all sorts of different foods, which Ruven couldn't help but admit were good. The music took him as well. So foreign, but he could hear the appeal. Then the dancing. Oh dear, dancing. Ruven wanted to run away at that. It could create so many shadows. Too dangerous. But with the hand taken by Veera, he was pulled, and taken to dancing with his fake elven lover. And he had to admit, her glee was contagious. He fought her every step of the way in order to continue focusing on the curse, but eventually, his will broke as his fatigue usually does.

For the first time since Toel met Ruven, and Veera for that matter, Ruven smiled a tired, but earnest smile. Not forced to try and keep positive, but he gave in, and had fun. For an hour, he forgot about the curse. And it was like the life that had been gone for so long came back into his face. He was happy. For now, while the sun's rays still could be seen.

A trifling momentary happiness, but a happy moment none the less.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

With Traejann going, Toel watched Veera and Ruven go to take a seat on a bench nearby as he stood a bit away just letting his eyes wander, taking in the unique sight that each caravan had, as if each were a piece of art pleasantly crafted in themselves. Though he soon does come to notice a set of eyes looking towards him in return. The first thing Toel notices is lidded amber eyes that meet his own, the woman's warm smile making the man blink in surprise for a moment, as if it stunned him for a moment. She... She was rather beautiful, he had to admit. After a moment or two of looking her over, she'd be given a smile in return, Toel not seeming to notice the others looking at her, or simply not paying them mind as he goes to find his own seat to let Ruven and Veera talk as he awaits the festivities.

Soon enough, the bonfire was soon being built, Toel waving and smiling lightly to the men carrying the wood in a passing greeting. Watching the fire grow, he slumps a bit lazily in his seat as the warmth passes through him, and as more people came, he simply sat and relaxed while momentarily glancing over to Ruven and Veera. Toel chuckles gently as he sees Veera's head resting against Ruven's shoulder. Though before too long the festivities seemed to be about to begin, sitting up a bit more.

The sounds of instruments being tuned soon begin to meet his ears, and after not too much longer at all it turns into music proper, the pleasant tones making Toel sway a bit in delight. Time seems to speed on by as the festivities kick in, Toel more than happy to enjoy the delicious confectionery.

Toel was easily dragged into the festivities with a chuckle and smile, eagerly joining the crowd in their joyful dance. He hardly saw Veera and Ruven in the midst of it all as he enjoyed the simple delights of music and mirth.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk

Both travelers were ultimately swept up into the party, but Toel was first and more eager. Pulled into the circle of dancers, Toel was left going from partner to partner in countless dances, some that he knew from his youth and others that he had to adapt to. The music changed regularly, and it was during a slower song played on the lute and the harp that he found himself once more confronted by the girl who'd been staring at him earlier. she beamed up at him and shamelessly engaged him in the intimate set of steps, one that required only one parting from which she returned quickly... Before vanishing when the music changed again.

Ruven, in the meantime, was not to be left out of the festivities. Veera ultimately dragged him into enjoying himself whether he liked it or not. The shadows around their feet and legs, growing longer as the day set on but ignored as he was made to dance and eat and sing and play. The dances brought him through many partners, the girls of the caravan taking Ruven in stride when the steps called for changes while Veera went off to one of the men, but she always came back to him, smiling and flushed and laughing merrily.

For a few hours they had nothing to do but enjoy themselves, and their hosts ensured - even insisted - that they did. When they needed a break from dancing, they were swept to a story circle and heard recitations of legends, often spoken in verse, often by those who needed no reference pages to remember the stories. Ruven would ever have Veera at his side, and Toel would be visited again and again by the dancing girl who had eyed him only for her to slip away when he least expected it without ever offering him her name.

But then.... A scream, someone's voice rising in pain and terror before coming to a sudden end. It was dark, night having fallen in full some time ago, and the shadows cast by the flickering light of the fire and the lamps were long and numerous.

"What was that?" Traejann demanded, rising from his chair and putting aside the pipe he'd been puffing at. He started making for the source of the noise, a pair of men falling in at his side automatically, one holding an axe and the other a rifle. Either Ruven or Toel could step up as well, and Veera looked to Ruven and glanced down at the book uncertainly, waiting for him to decide what to do.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

The scream came, and with it, a rude reawakening to Ruven's curse once again. He let his guard down and this was the price. When Veera looked to Ruven and his book, she saw him go as still as a statue, and his face turn pale, lips hanging open slightly as his eyes stared at the flames. His knuckles clenched firmly, so much so that his flesh at the jointed bones turned white. Then, his body began to shiver. When the man rose, Ruven's eyes went to him, and his breath quickened. And he was met with an awful choice.

Tell him? Inform him? Of what, not just the impending danger, but what he was. What an awful reaction it would be, to meet his end upon them seeing him as a monster for his curse that got their fellows killed. Would it be worth it? Trade his lives for theirs? Or would they handle it?

Or perhaps remain silent? They would never know, they couldn't know. Not unless one of 'them' talked. These people would see some of their own die and would be none the wiser. Ruven would just stay near the light and they would die. He'd stay alive. He would stay in the light.

His teeth made an audible chatter as his jaw trembled in fear. His breathing became erratic, to such a degree that his vision blurred from his unhealthy method. No, he couldn't just watch the three men go die without doing something. Had to... He had to offer some kind of protection. But he couldn't tell them anything, not a word! They mustn't find out, he'll be burned for sure. They'd kill him, they'd maim him, and then the book would just claim another. Despite his body suffering the depreciation of his madness, he couldn't let insanity win. Not yet.

"Wait..." he said softly. It was impossible to hear him. "W-wait..." he said a little louder, approaching the man from the side, holding one of his light sources. "W-whatever it is... Don't go in blind." he advised, offering his source of light.

All things considered, Ruven had no interest in helping further. He crawled closer to the light source of the fire, and vehemently stayed close, eyeballing his own shadow, deciding which was worse, being on fire or knowing that the shadows could crawl up his spine.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

The joy of dance and the simple merriment of it all swept over Toel as time seemed to fly by, chuckling and with a smile on his face all the while. Though before he knew it he was met with the familiar face of that woman who was staring at him before was soon with him and up against him in a rather close dance that momentarily caught him off guard before he got back into the rhythm. Before he could even work up the thought to speak to her, she had slipped away. She was a mysterious one, for sure...

Sadly, after having listened to the stories to get some breath back, his time of rest and relaxation is interrupted. Toel tenses up and shoots up to his feet at the scream, mouth falling open in wide eyed surprise... Then immediate worry, looking around for Ruven before moving over to him and Veera. Obviously quite tense, he looked between Ruven and Veera before looking out towards the dark. He knew what is probably the cause, given the darkness surrounding the camp, but at least he knew not to speak about it given their circumstances.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk
Mysterious Girl
Armiein the crying woman

Ruven's quiet words didn't initially stop the men, but when he spoke up Traejann would pause, allowing Ruven to hand over a light source, to which he nodded gratefully. "Good thinking," he said, seemingly none the wiser to Ruven's internal struggle. Veera stayed by his side, and when he went to move back to the fire she urged him to pause just a moment.

"I'm going to go with them, you stay by the fire," she whispered quickly, and then drew her shield from her back as she started forward. One of the waiting men who had briefly danced with her drew his attention to this, and opened his mouth with a protest that was written all over his face only for a glare from Veera's then glowing eyes to kill the words before they could leave his lips.

That left Ruven huddling by the flame, which cast long shadows in his profile that were only dispelled by the numerous lanterns hanging about. Toel could join him or remain where he'd been when the sound had started, near the edge of the crowd, whichever he preferred.

A moment later Traejann and his two armed companions rounded the corner of the wagon from which the sound had emanated, Veera close behind. The quarter vanished from sight, leaving the crowd waiting breathlessly, before a stream of curses in Anudorian and a pair barking gunshots sounded. The crowd reacted immediately and in a practiced manner, a scene of controlled chaos breaking out as most of the men and some of the women took up whatever arms were at hand, from swords and rifles to pans and sticks. The young, the old, the sickly and the vulnerable huddled together and were quickly surrounded, the old on the outside of that protected circle to guard the next generation with their very bodies if they must.

Over the controlled chaos two more gunshots sounded, followed briefly by silence.... And then Traejann, Veera, and the two other drifters reappeared, all of them unharmed. The Anudorians were all a bit paler, while Veera wore a scowl and let her eyes dart around over the crowd, her tall stature allowing her to look out over the heads of the huddled masses and through the gaps between the wagons, gazing searchingly out into the trees surrounding the camp. Traejann came into the crowd while his two followers broke off, each going to select individuals and speaking to them in hushed towns while the group overall went quiet. The two guards went to other armed men, who broke off to speak to others, allowing whatever they said to spread among the group's warriors. Traejann went first to a woman clutching a heavy pan that had once held a fairly delectable confection she'd prepared and shared. She was a motherly sort, the wrinkles of age only just appearing at the very corners of her eyes and lips and her figure still remained round in a pleasant way despite being wide around the hips, and both Toel and Ruven could see her face from where they stood.

Traejann spoke too quietly for them to hear, even for Ruven's sharp ears, but the shifts in her expression were telling. First she frowned curiously, but then her eyes widened and her lips fell. Then her mouth fell open and her eyes widened further, tremors beginning to run across her body. Then she gave a single violent shake and her knees buckled, the pan tumbling from her hands as she let out the first sound above a quiet murmur that had been made since the gunshots had rung out. It was an almost otherworldly shriek of pain and despair, and both outsiders could feel it reverberate across the crowd around them. They shared in her pain, but also let anger begin to seethe at what had been unjustly taken from them, from one of their own. Some of the children in the center of the circle began to cry as she did, and her eyes weren't the only dry ones among the adults. Trarjann caught her, preventing her from falling hard, but then gently lowered her in his arms until she was kneeling and then let a couple of the village women, including the girl that had caught Toel's eye earlier, take charge of her.

Then the group's leader stood again, his shoulders square and his back straight. His chin tilted up as he turned to the assembled tribe, and he calmly said; "Arpoun is dead." Another wave passed over the group, anguish rising as the confirmation that one of their own had been taken from them but anger and surety rising to bury it. "It was done by some unnatural creature. We did not get a good look at it and it fled as soon as we approached, out into the woods," he continued after a brief pause, quieting the growing murmurs. "I am taking a party to hunt it down. A life for a life. No matter what this... Demon is, it will pay for this."

Voices erupted at once following his last proclamation, some offering advice and others demanding they be allowed to join the hunt, with the latter outnumbering the former and the former coming mainly from the elders. Traejann raised a hand, and silence fell again. "Who I have chosen to come with me already know, the rest will stay and protect the camp in case it - or any other dangers - come while we are away. Keep the lamps bright. We will be back by dawn."

With that much of the group went into motion, some sour looks following those who were gathering to go on Traejann's hunting party but no one questioning his orders. The gathered protective group began to move, slightly away from the fire but closer to the center of camp, some taking seats as they settled in. "Come Armiein," Toel would hear the mysterious girl say quietly to the sobbing woman, her own eyes moist and her makeup ruined by the tears that still ran down her cheek. Even despite her own pain, she spoke softly and comfortingly, though her efforts to sooth had little effect at the moment. "Come... We all grieve with you, but it would be best if you lie down. Come... You may rest in one of the wagons. I will stay with you." She and the other girl helping her helped the grieving woman, apparently Armiein, to her feet and began ushering her towards one of the wagons... One of the wagons that were dark inside...

Traejann gestured for Veera to follow and made for Ruven, gathering Toel up on the way and taking him to stand beside the terrified, exhausted elf. "Misfortune tonight friends," he said sadly as he drew the three together. The youthful jubilance he had often displayed was all but gone in both his tone and expression, leaving his face full of lines and hard angles. He looked old, and tired, and resigned... But also calm and utterly determined. "I am afraid that our hospitality will not be as pleasant as I had hoped. You will all be safe here, of that you have my solemn word. The people of the long walk do not suffer a guest to be harmed while in our midst by any outsider, by our lives and our honor. I would not advise leaving until it has been found, however... This creature picked off a man alone and fled when confronted, but there is no telling what it will do if it comes upon three on their own."

Veera looked at Ruven the entire time while Traejann spoke, her expression uncertain. Always before, the monstrosities summoned by the book had lacked substance, had appeared empty and seemed to evaporate when exposed to light unless empowered by bits of his own soul. The book required his essence to grant its abominations true life, otherwise they were only a danger in near or complete darkness. If the men out hunting remained in the light they would likely be fine, barring any other mishaps or more natural monsters that might stumble upon them. Even if they found one of its monsters, their light would dispel it before it could do any harm. Unless, of course, it wasn't one of the cursed book's creations at all...
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

The light was soothing. Indeed.

Ruven closed his eyes, the chaos and worry did not reach him. He felt himself safe in the bastion of light. The worries of those around him he couldn't understand when the only thing that meant safety was light itself. So he remained, feeling the heat of light all around him, curled up and sitting on the ground with his knees to his chin. A neutral expression on his face as his heart pace slowed. Nothing could hurt him here. And as Veera left, a part of him wanted to stop her, but he had no interest in conflict. He figured the light would keep her safe anyway. So he ignored it. Gunfire. Pointless. The light was warm. Why shoot at shadows? They cannot reach.

He was safe.

Or so he told himself to reach a zen state of mind, until the man broke that silence, Ruven's face shooting over to look up at him, with Veera in tow. He wanted to tell her to stop staring at him, but he couldn't blame her, truly. The ominous promise by the man left Ruven slightly shaken. The man had no clue the culprit was right before his eyes. Ruven still was not deterred by this, he had no intention of informing him. Why? Because this was a matter of survival since a long time ago. Peace awaits him at the end, come what may. It wasn't his fault, it was the book's. "I-I hope it's alright if we just stay this night." Ruven said. "Y-you see, we were hoping to make progress. I'm a bit of a scholar, and I search for various locations of note. I heard this poem once, and I'm half convinced it might be interesting, even if just to write in a book about the red herring." he lied vehemently. Though Ruven had become good at lying about the nature of his book, with enough practice. "Would you like to hear it?" he asked, offering to recite the poem of Argent Vale if asked.

Hopefully, the man might drop some information. The poem shouldn't arouse suspicion, he hoped. Either way, staying would be bad. Eventually they'd connect the dots, and then Ruven would be killed. He had to keep moving, leaving terror behind every step.
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Standing by the edge of the crowd while he watches Veera and the guards go out with the lantern, Toel watches with a somber look in his eyes... The night was going to well too, only for it all to come crashing down at that... That book's reminder of it's existence. Glancing over towards where Ruven is resting, he watches him for just a short bit before sighing and looking back out to await Veera and the others for their return. He digs momentarily into his pocket before drawing out that lodestone, turning it about in his hand for just a short bit before speaking the activation word and awaiting for it to light up. He had to admit, this tiny stone in his hand being a way to stave off those... Things, in the dark wasn't all too comforting to him at the moment, but he held it in his hand either way as he looks it over for a bit to pass the time.

The gunshots, however, made him immediately snap out of his inspection as his hand raises to the grip of his sword, watching towards the direction of the sound. Did... They get attacked? They had a lantern, right? They should be fine... Toel does calm down at least somewhat by the time Veera and the others return, sighing in relief. None of them were hurt, good.

Toel watches Traejann as he carefully moves through the crowd to get nearby Ruven, still clutching the lodestone in hand. Toel listened quietly to Traejann's announcements, following after him later on as he gathers him, Veera, and Ruven up to talk. He nods quietly in understanding, looking between Ruven and Veera amidst listening to the elder. He opens his mouth to speak, though Ruven beats him to the punch, nodding his head about just the night.

While he listens, his eyes wander, soon noticing another voice amidst the many others that stands out and soon enough finds the owner of it... The mysterious girl? He watches the two tearful women with a saddened look, though as they get up to go, Toel's eyes open wide as he notices the pair going towards a wagon... One without lights on. Oh no. "Uhm... I understand, thank you for your generous hospitality." After biting his lip for a moment in debate, he soon attempts to break off and walk over briskly towards the two crying women, seemingly intercept course. While Traejann probably doesn't know why he is going exactly, Ruven and Veera probably do.

{"Excuse me."} Toel speaks up in Anudorian as he waves a hand towards the pair, following after them to speak to them. {"This... May sound strange, but I can't leave two crying women alone when such dangers lurk out in the dark. May I come with you both?"} He speaks in a calm tone, though his eyes do glance towards the dark wagon for just a moment. Wonder if Toel still knows he has that lodestone gripped in his hand?
Re: Kindred in Madness (Lionfire and MAF)

Toel: HP = 51, PP = 42, EP = 39, Status = Fine, Armor at 46/50 TP

Ruven Zelphar: HP = 34, PP = 36, EP = 76/76, Status = Fine

Veera: Fine

Traejann, of the Fellows of the Long Walk
Mysterious Girl
Armiein the crying woman

Treajann quirked an eyebrow at Ruven's odd behavior, but ultimately shook his head. "Now is no longer the time for poetry, my friend. You will be safe here, you have my word. With luck we will be back soon, though I am afraid that there will be little more joy to be had here this night," he replied, before adding with a note of finality; "Get what rest you can."

Then he turned and walked off to join the search party he was to lead, leaving Veera to stow her spear and shield and step next to him, allowing her to quietly whisper into his ear; "Will they be alright? Do you... Know what might be going on? I didn't see it very well, but whatever it was ran from the light, and it looked like it just moved through the underbrush like it wasn't even there."

Toel, in the meantime, would approach the pained woman and the girl who had been trading glances with him earlier. The former merely continued to sob as the strange girl supported her, but the mysterious girl eyed him suspiciously. She followed his glance towards the wagon, and then back at him with even greater suspicion. {"That is quite alright stranger... Armiein here needs rest, she is in great pain. Her son has died tonight. The creature that did this is out in the woods, not hiding in one of our wagons... And now is not the time for companionship, no matter how pleasant under normal circumstances."} She replied with strained grace, and it seemed like Toel would have to be a bit more convincing if he wanted to protect the two from what might happen in the dark without revealing some of Ruven's unfortunate circumstances.