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Kira (Gatorbait)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Kira Reyes
Age: 25
Physical Description:

Mental Description: a feisty person to the core, Kira tends to act first and think second. Fiercely defiant, she refuses to admit defeat, even when presented with overwhelming odds. This has gotten her into more than one sticky situation.


One of many lucky testers, Kira drops off her application at the headquaters, and is quickly told there's currently an open EGG. She decides she might as well, the device closing around her.

It's comfortable inside, and she's presented with her first list of options.

Humans: Y - 3
Male/Female: Y - 4
Female/Female: Y - 3
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y - 4
BDSM: Y - 4
Slavery: Y - 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y - 4

Quickly finish up with that, she's given a choice of difficult and starting location. A (?) informs her of the options when pressed.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Dark Forest(?)
Cave City(?)
Jungle Island(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Kira is pleasantly surprised that there is an opening now. "I really wasn't expecting to get in so soon," she thinks to herself as she is led to the egg. It closes in on her and she hears a whirring of the machinery. Looking at the first screen she immediately picks Normal. "I know it's the easiest option not grayed out," she thinks, "But I wouldn't want to get too much in over my head." Seeing the next selections, she ponders between a dark forest and the jungle island.

After a few moments she picks Jungle Island. "Looks like fun," she says to herself.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Picking the last set of options, the lights inside the egg dim, to pick black, for about thirty seconds, Kira feels weightless, then a flash of white light and the world comes into view, the terrain building itself around her, land then trees as blocks and then details, colors, sounds, feelings.

She's standing on a somewhat beach, not very large before the jungle itself starts, behind her the blue ocean, sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. The salty wind passing by her, keeping her cool in the warm sun air. Her clothes are a bit different, and somewhat tattered.

She also finds a small pack, with some equipment and food. (10 FP, weapon of choice)
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

The cool sea breeze cuts through her clothes. Examining them, she is slightly confused, but happy about them: a pair of short brown khakis and an oversize white shirt. She's not real happy that there are so many holes in her shirt, but at least the egg thought it proper enough to give her decent undergarments.

Ruffling though the pack she pulls out a knife and sheath. strapping it to her upper thigh, she puts on the pack and heads bravely toward the woods.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Kira bravely steps foot into the jungles...and it isn't long before she sees something.

Ahead in the bushes, is a man, it looks like a bandit, trying to hide, he spots her and realizes she sees him, he exits, holding a net. "Tsch, saw me, stupid bitch."

Bandit 2/2 HP
Kira 4/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Kira looks at the man and immediately notes the danger. However, before lunging to the attack, maybe she can talk the guy down. "Hi there. I'm new here. I'm guessing you want to trap me with that net there. I'd say that would be a mistake. What are you planning to do with me anyway?" She asks the man, hoping that she can either convince him to go away or, barring that, stall him long enough to exploit a lapse in judgment on his part.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

The man has a somewhat confused look on his face, but doesn't drop his guard.

"Have too? Nah, guess not. Want to? Yeah. Why, you wanna come along willingly?"
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Kira looks that the man intensely. "First put down the net."

Looking around the jungle for possible escape routs or more of these bandits, she doesn't immediately see either. "Where are we going?" She asks.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

"Comon lady, I'm not that stupid." The bandit says. "We're we going? Probably some secluded cave far from view..."
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Kira's face furrows into a frown. "Now see, I don't like that answer," she says as her hand moves slowly toward her knife. "I'll say again, put the net down, then I MIGHT go with you. Otherwise, we have a problem."

She pulls her knife and waves it in front of her face, showing the bandit she means business. If he makes any move other than to drop the net, she is ready and willing to pounce on him and try to counter any move, though she really does not want to cause any bloodshed; real or egg-generated.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

"Ha! You think I can't take you? I'll show you!"
4 vs 9
He throws the net at her, but she manages to get away, cutting the small part of it that gets on her off.

"Hey, wait...maybe we can talk?" He says.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

"No, time's up for that punk!" She bellows. Before she charges she tosses the knife into the ground, so it is sticking blade first into the air. She still didn't want to kill anyone. "It's not like he's real, but still..." she thought.

She makes a dash to close the distance between her and the man as quickly as possible. When she reaches him, she swings low, trying to land a blow into his gut. The sooner she can deal with this guy, the sooner she can keep exploring this otherwise beautiful paradise.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

9 vs 20
She rushes him, hoping to catch him off guard, but he blocks her punch as he takes out rope from behind him.
14 vs 3
He's skilled in it's use as he jumps back, throwing it towards her, though it seems random, she finds it ensnaring her arms to the sides. Making it hard to attack, and feels tired as it's pulled tight.

Bandit 2/2 HP
Kira 3/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

"Well.... I didn't see that coming," she thinks to her self as her arms are pulled tightly down to her sides. She breaks off her attack for a moment and tries to loosen the bindings for just a moment. She looks down at her situation, trying to comprehend how they are making her tired. She drops focus on the bandit while contemplating how to break free.

If he tries to press the attack, she will hopefully regain a visual focus on him and try to kick him without losing her balance.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

7+2 vs 20
Struggling against her ropes proves no use, the rope too tight for one reason.
20 vs 14-2
He would be captor moves forward, out of kicking range, as he starts to use more rope on her, she finds her feet suddenly tied as she falls forward, landing on the ground with a thud. Hitting a root against her womanhood in the fall and struggle, she becomes aroused.

Bandit 1/2 HP
Kira 2/4 FP 1/3 AP
(Badly Entangled -3 to rolls, AP gives -1 per point to rolls)
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

(Dunno how hitting a root in her "private parts" would make me aroused, but maybe Kira is a sadist lol)

"This is NOT good!" She thinks. Rolling on the ground, she tries to break something free. She is not happy to be getting dirty, but it must be better than the alternative... She focuses on getting her arms free. She figures that if she can get her arms free, it should be much easier to break free from her leg bindings.

"I'm surprised how real all this feels..." she mutters to herself.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

(I dunno, you failed you arousal roll, best I could think of)
20-4 vs 17
Kira struggles hard, she feels her ropes loosen a little, but just isn't able to get them off.
18 vs 8-4
The bandit starts to tighten her ropes, she gets a knotted crotch rope between her legs, as her arms are pulled behind her and wrists starting to get tied, the ropes pulling tight exhaust her a little. The crotch rope excites her.

Bandit 1/2 HP
Kira 1/4 FP 2/3 AP
(Almoust Bound: -4 to checks, can't attack, -2 to actions from ap.)
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

(Damn dice....)

Panic begins to invade Kira's thoughts. Panic, and pleasure. She begins to feel like she is actually tied up on the dirt ground of a jungle paradise and not in the safety of the egg. The thrashes against her bonds, trying to ignore the pleasure that is welling inside her due to the constant rubbing of the crotch rope. She can feel herself getting wet and hopes that it does not show through her khakis.

She tries desperately to break free, and hopes that she doesn't become too aroused from the crotch rope to prevent her from doing so.
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

17-4 vs 16
Kira struggles more, coincidently pulling her crotch rope tight enough that it manges to violate her even through her clothes, she can't stand it anymore aroused beyond limit, she desires for release, all she wants to do is try and find release, but she can't, tied as she is.

Bandit 1/2 HP
Kira 1/4 FP 3/3 AP (Full AP means Kira is unable to focus enough on the combat to do anything)
Re: Kira (Gatorbait)

Kira's mind fuzzes over. All she can do is curse the fact that she is bound and unable to touch herself. In a moment of clarity she wonders "How is the egg able to make me feel this way?" She begins to move again, but this time, instead of struggling to get free, she moves rhythmically against her bindings, trying to get any sort of rise possible, hoping for release.