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RPG RPG Maker Vore [Koso Koso Room] Magical Warrior Haltiel R / 魔法戦士ハルティエル (RJ01079729)


Jungle Girl
Jul 22, 2012
Reputation score

I've been following this guy on Pixiv since forever, turns out I'm such a cretin that I didn't notice he doesn't just draw manga, but also makes games until a kind soul informed me of it.
And the recently-released Haltiel R is the latest and most polished of these games. While it has a strong focus on energy drain, there's rape aplenty for people who aren't necessarily into it.

But who's Haltiel? I really care about the story!
Some unspecified evil organization is trying some unspecified evil shenanigans, and wants to drain the life energy of some unspecified innocents. Or something.
So it's up to Haltiel and her magical girl friends, accompanied by a colossal cast of characters with poorly drawn portaits and a pathological incapability of shutting up, to go after the 8 evil robot masters assorted rapey monsters with a variety of tentacle-like, magical-girl-dicking appendages. Let's hope they don't get a bad end.
From what I understand, this game is actually the third Haltiel game, but it's not called "Haltiel 3" because 1-2 wrapped up the story and so this is a side-story/retelling.

How about the game, is it good?
Game is mostly a straight run to the bosses, but there's a ton of bosses and special encounters, so game ain't too short — and later levels and fights do introduce a small amount of variety. I think it's at least 6 hours of content, with a large number of small dungeons and a couple of pretty large ones, plus a surprisingly extensive postgame.
You start in your huge hub, and you can access a myriad of npcs and the first 4 evil ex boyfriends bosses.
You can roam around their simple dungeons and fight some generic Rpgmaker assets for cash (as Haltiel doesn't get XP and only levels up when the story demands it), but it's usually a straight run to the boss and those encounters that do unlock something in the gallery.
Haltiel's basic combat loop is either whacking the enemies with the generic attack or her 15 MP basic attack tech until her HP gets low enough (and her clothing tattered enough) that you should cast heal. Then, when you get at 70 TP, cast the not-turn consuming MP-restoring ability and continue whacking.
You'll unlock the rest of the game as you defeat bosses — with each boss unlocking a new spell and more complex mechanics.
Game is hardly insurmountably difficult, but it's pretty easy to get struck on some idiosyncrasies if you don't stop to read the golden text before a boss. So read my second post if you're struck maybe.

What if I only care about getting off?
Some fights do have some battle rape animations, but most of the raping is done in bad end game overs — which are mostly static, and occasionally not ultra well drawn.
Main fetish is energy drain, but Haltiel & her friends take plenty of dicks and dick-like bits too in bad ends.

You unlock stuff in the gallery by finding and winning the appropriate encounter, or passing the trap that would've triggered the ero scene. You don't need to see the event.
If you get a bad end, you can immediately get back before the encounter as if it never happened.
The gallery can be accessed by interacting with those big blue crystals that look like save points. It's split by areas and you switch them by talking to one of the NPC-shaped switches in the lower left (later, lower right) corner.
The top area has other NPCs which will show you CGs, allow you to refight bosses etc. They can actually a pretty good indication that you're missing something in a dungeon, since if there's an NPC you can talk to you but doesn't show you CGs that means you've got something else to find.
You can unlock the whole gallery immediately if you want, by talking to the red sphere up on the top right corner. Game's message suggests making a separate save. I tested, though, and there's plenty of scenes it doesn't seem to unlock.
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So, if you get stuck.

Again: Haltiel's basic combat loop is either whacking the enemies with the generic attack or her 15 MP basic attack tech until her HP gets low enough (and her clothing tattered enough) that you should cast heal. Then, when you get at 70 TP, cast the not-turn consuming MP-restoring ability and continue whacking.

First of all, there are a couple accessories you have to unlock if you want to beat everything.
There's a door on the top left in your hub where you can go waste time listening to your loser non-magical girl friends. Fuck with the options until you get to a classroom, talk to the four idiots with bells over their head and they'll trade you something in exchange for what I *think* is boss spoils (I know I got all four after defeating the first four bosses).
You can exchange whatever it is that they give you to the pink crystal next to the shopkeeper and get three accessories and a sword. The accessories are crucial to some boss fights later.
(Edit: there's two more, one is in that big green area where you can go beside the school and one is the ambiguously gendered elf at the tent near boss 3, those two seem less useful)

Haltiel will level up to 20 at some point. You'll get access to a 70 TP skill that buffs you for 7 turns. If you cast it again before it's over, you won't just stack the buff, but also extend, so it's a pretty useful tool

Anyway, the dungeons. I'll go top to bottom, left first (the ones you have unlocked at the beginning), then right.

I don't even remember this pushover, he got his ass kicked before I even figured out how spells worked and that I could change equipment.
The only challenging thing is his dungeon, because you look at it and think "whoa! this is complex, probably I need to find a key and a switch…", but no, you just walk to the room at the top, go smack the thing with "boss" written on top, done, next!

I think this might be the least weak of the initial bosses. I got him last, when I had already figured out you get spells from beating bosses and that they're in a separate menu from your skills.
I used the dark-themed skill from god knows which of his weakling buddies and that made him blind and much easier, because when this fucker lands a hit he breaks Haltiel in half.
Also, there's a sword in his level. Never used it. Maybe it's the special "beat the boss in one blow" sword, who knows?

This guy is kinda annoying, because he hits fairly hard and he can debuff you to the point that you do 1/10th the damage, but I do remember he was my first fight and went down first try when I still had no I idea what commands did what, so hopefully he shouldn't be a problem for you. If you have the accessories from the other bosses, it's a good time to use them -- the one that reduces the effects of debuffs should work well, as would the hp-increasing one. Your seldom-used ability that does extra damage if you're low on hp can provide some helpful damage here.

The hard bit comes after, because the dungeon is after the boss, and you do it with a different magical girl who is saddled with a very ugly sprite.
She has different spells from Haltiel, and also like half the hit points and very shitty healing options, so I hope you enjoy getting your shit pushed in.
Her signature spell, which has an icon like circle, is some sorta divination magic, essential for both her bosses.
When fighting the roper, you'll get maneatered by a second roper, and unless you have your divination active he gives you a nice hard tentacle draining which strengthens him and his buddy too (turn the divination on in turn 2, because the first roper debuffs you on his turn 1). Fight is a bitch either way, I only beat these guys after splurging on an hp-boosting accessory at the nearby vendor.
Divination is crucial also at the last boss of the area, who will keep changing location and force you in a whack-a-mole. Divination will force him still, and also disable his grab.

This is a big boss surrounded by starfish who are much weaker and cast healing spells. Those of you who have never fought a boss before: kill the small thing that heals before the big thing with a lot of hp. Especially because the boss's signature attack is knocking you to the ground, and when they see your ass hit the floor the seafloor vermin get romantic and it's a whole suckaroo.

The hard bit of this dungeon is the mother slime, accessible by going for the shiny bit by the lake on the bottom left of the cave like the guillable thing you are.
The mother slime will tear you a new asshole. If you come back when you leveled up like the game suggests, it will still tear you a new asshole. So what you actually have to do, is come here with the accessory from your friends (see "General") that grants you a spell that disables negative statuses. That disables the crippingly unfair attack where the bitch engulfs you in slime and then starts draining you faster than you can damage it, so the fight becomes doable.

After four bosses eat dirt, an event happens, and then you unlock the other four levels.

You fight the bitch for the first time halfway through the mountain, and she's freezing you as you fight so you're on some sort of timer. I managed to get her first time before I figured out there was a timer, so you ain't so tight.
Then you fight her again on top of the mountain. "Ah ah, it was just my shadow!". Well, your shadow was harder than you, so who's the bitch now.

Turns out the bitch is you, because there's another boss, and it made me go nuts. First of all, the fight is not that easy, since he's immune to physicals and keeps debuffing you -- your 70TP buff is really helpful in offsetting that. Might want to use the water bubble spell (even though it's not his weakness) because it increases your TP meter faster, so you can juggle the replenish and buff 70TP skils.
The problem is that when you clean his hip, the boss just catches you in an inescapable grab and you'll get fully sucked far before you can deplete the struggle meter. After retrying like 4 times with increasingly broken setups, it turns out that this is the only grab in the game where you're NOT SUPPOSED TO STRUGGLE. So stand still and you win. I hate it.

You're not getting out of this bullshit dungeon without reading Japanese. Or at least reading me.
So, fuck around with the three million portals until you find a book. The book says everything is a trap and you're supposed to open the blue chest three times.
So don't go forward (or, you know, go forward, watch Haltiel get fucked by I don't remember what, then go back and do it right), find the blue chest, open it three times, something happens. Then go back to where the book was and proceed.
Now go back to the initial room, and go forward-backward 5 times from the red swirly portal, until a different portal appears. Go there.

Vacuum cleaner, I remember very vaguely. I think early in the fight he sets you on fire and either you get close to him or you'll stay on fire.
You get to chose. I dunno what you're supposed to do, I got close and I managed to kick his ass plus watch Haltiel get tentacle drained by a vacuum cleaner every turn, so that worked for me.

In this area, there's also a bonus boss that looks like a bunch of dirt but will fucking mulch you, and according to the fairy that later appears nearby the reason he mulches you is because it's a postgame boss.
I'm not in postgame yet. Maybe I'll edit later, dunno.

The hard thing is entering the dungeon, because if you try Haltiel just complains.
If you actually bother to read, she's saying to go talk to some guy. Turns out you have to go chat up some Sailor Moon villains in the green area and then Haltiel switches from bitching about the lack of plan to bitching about the plan.

The dungeon is once-only but I don't think there's anything missable.
I think you get thrown into a porn book, and I think that's why Haltiel was bitching. First, you get turned into a nurse and have to "give medicine" to patients — in order to do it, you've got to do it without getting gangbanged, and that involves checking out a plant in the middle of two couches (the receptionist would tell you if you spoke nihongo).

Afterwards you've got to fight a boss, and, oh no! Haltiel can't use her sword! Well, her spells work just fine (including the 15 mp one who is supposed to be some sword move), so compost the idiot and move forward.

You go in an arena to fight a champion, and the champion is a slug. I *think* the challange was about some status the slug would progressively inflict on you, but I was trying the amulet that gives you status resistance and I kept hitting him with a tornado every turn so he got struck resummoning his constantly-dying minions so I could immediately steamroll them again so dunno, he ded.

Boss is the book. Who has three hundred book minions, but turns out you have a fire spell so the only book that matters is "Farenheit 451".

I'll add the rest as I progress. Maybe.
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So, this guy/group mostly makes manga, but there are more games around.
Those games have no thread, and I probably won't make one for each, so in the meantime.
  • Magical Girl Haltiel (RJ121901, ) in 2013
  • Magical Girl Haltiel 2 (RJ180842, ) in 2016
They've seemingly been lowered in price as they aged, Haltiel 1 is just a couple bucks.
I've not checked them yet, but they seem to be more of the same. has a generous sample gallery, and saves with the full gallery unlocked.

The thing is, this guy made another billion games I can only find in gallery form.
They include, at least:
Can't find dates, etc, but they all seem pretty old, and more poorly drawn than even the first Haltiel.
They also seem to show that the guy used to make ryona/rape content before transitioning to energy drain/rape. At least the first Drain Hunter game kinda flirted with guro.

Edit: adding the Haltiel galleries too, since I'm nice.
Edit2: Download links for and

Edit3: Thanks to some sleuthing by @derakino999, we have download links for the old games. See our exchange from here for the links.
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So, this guy/group mostly makes manga, but there are more games around.
Those games have no thread, and I probably won't make one for each, so in the meantime.
  • Magical Girl Haltiel (RJ121901, ) in 2013
  • Magical Girl Haltiel 2 (RJ180842, ) in 2016
They've seemingly been lowered in price as they aged, Haltiel 1 is just a couple bucks.
I've not checked them yet, but they seem to be more of the same. has a generous sample gallery, and saves with the full gallery unlocked.

The thing is, this guy made another billion games I can only find in gallery form.
They include, at least:
Can't find dates, etc, but they all seem pretty old, and more poorly drawn than even the first Haltiel.
They also seem to show that the guy used to make ryona/rape content before transitioning to energy drain/rape. At least the first Drain Hunter game kinda flirted with guro.
Since you know a lot about the game, is this remake basically an improvement of RJ121901 in every possible way so that there's no reason to play the older version?
Since you know a lot about the game,

Dude you gotta do something about these low standards.
You'll end up marrying a fat woman and listening to Metallica's later albums.

is this remake basically an improvement of RJ121901 in every possible way so that there's no reason to play the older version?

Haltiel 1 is neither advertised nor appears to be a remake. Haltiel R is, allegedly, a side story / alternate world.
It has different characters, Haltiel starts off as a schoolgirl and not as an estabilished senshi… I'm also pretty sure that a lot of characters that help you out in Haltiel R are villains from Haltiel 1-2 (they're featured as such on the DLSite pages), and it's part of Haltiel R's plot that you're teaming up with enemies.
Scenes are also clearly different if you look at the available galleries.

I did buy Haltiel 1 (wanted to throw some money at the dev since I pirated Haltiel R), but I barely tested because I'm not in the mood to go through all the "Oh look we're normal schoolgirls" part to get to the "Oh look, there's a second roper, now they're gonna tentacle-drain me and tentacle-fuck me twice as much" phase.
It's made in that bootleg RPG maker clone that has ultra shitty full-screen scaling, resolution is also shitty. It's also not as well drawn as Haltiel R, and the signature "eyes on the cheekbone" style is kinda worse.
So, it's not really super amazing, but it's definitely different.
and oh, i thought haltiel r was a remake of haltiel 1, huh, it's a side story or spin off, that's nice, also i recommend using lossless scaling for games that have shitty fullscreen support
How the hell are you supposed to kill the last boss?
The golem thing that sucks energy out of your friend
The asshole keeps healing over and over again until you just lose.
so i was just looking at random stuff on the ryona wiki page and found this

that's totally this guy
chances are that his other games are uploaded there, but i haven't found them so far, everything is on japanese and they have weird names
How the hell are you supposed to kill the last boss?
The golem thing that sucks energy out of your friend
The asshole keeps healing over and over again until you just lose.

Lol, sorry man didn't realize I didn't have the thread on watch.
That guy is a son of a bitch, yeah.
I did him like this:
1) Unequip Haltiel's multi-attack sword if you have it
2) Go to the sailor moon villain meetup place (big green area you can access from top left exit of your hub)
3) There's the sailor moon villain looking guy that talks a lot, more importantly he has a bell on top of the head.
4) Talk to him, tell him yeah whatever, you're trading god knows what for something else.
5) Go to the big crystal next to the shopkeeper, trade with it, it turns whatever Dr.Nefarious gave you into an accessory
6) Accessory I don't remember how the fuck it worked but I remember it made Haltiel's attacks do more ouchy. I remember something about the basic attacks but fuck if I can piece it together (also you lose the accessory right after the golem because plot). I do remember it was crucial.
7) Go fight golem and do more damage, remember point 1 because doing more damage is kind of not the point if you have the hit-all sword and are butchering your friend

I think I also used the 70TP boost technique.
Haltiel's debuff skill is kind of crucial in the postgame, but I don't remember if it was crucial for that asshole. I seem to recall it did reduce damage but wasn't crucial.

If you succed, there's postgame.
Haven't gotten around to doing it all yet, first thing I found was this very extensive dungeon using the blue-haired girl, right after her boss. Probably best in the game, imho. Should pick it back up.

Also: if the guide I made was useful, let me know. I kind of left it as is because I assumed no one read it. I had fun making it, I wouldn't mind completing it if people find it useful.

so i was just looking at random stuff on the ryona wiki page and found this

that's totally this guy

Image in center bottom is Drain Hunter 2.
Also, yeah, fairy is in every game apparently. And a meta character.
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I did him like this:
1) Unequip Haltiel's multi-attack sword if you have it
2) Go to the sailor moon villain meetup place (big green area you can access from top left exit of your hub)
3) There's the sailor moon villain looking guy that talks a lot, more importantly he has a bell on top of the head.
4) Talk to him, tell him yeah whatever, you're trading god knows what for something else.
5) Go to the big crystal next to the shopkeeper, trade with it, it turns whatever Dr.Nefarious gave you into an accessory
6) Accessory I don't remember how the fuck it worked but I remember it made Haltiel's attacks do more ouchy. I remember something about the basic attacks but fuck if I can piece it together (also you lose the accessory right after the golem because plot). I do remember it was crucial.
7) Go fight golem and do more damage, remember point 1 because doing more damage is kind of not the point if you have the hit-all sword and are butchering your friend

I think I also used the 70TP boost technique.
Haltiel's debuff skill is kind of crucial in the postgame, but I don't remember if it was crucial for that asshole. I seem to recall it did reduce damage but wasn't crucial.

Oh well I guess I'm screwed then, because I saved in the room right before the last one and the game doesn't allow me to go back to the lab lol
Oh well I guess I'm screwed then, because I saved in the room right before the last one and the game doesn't allow me to go back to the lab lol

Make multiple saves, young man.
See how many *I* have?

Save 1 is in the same room, seems like I made your same mistake. I did win though, so I should have everything.
Otherwise, you can use the other saves to skip.


  • haltiel_save.zip
    219.7 KB · Views: 28
Oh well I guess I'm screwed then, because I saved in the room right before the last one and the game doesn't allow me to go back to the lab lol

Time for rpg save editor. Give yourself super attack power and defense.
Can I ask for a Full save file that will unlock all the gallery, please?
A quick check, seems someone recently uploaded the previous 2 games to anime-sharing.
I'm adding them to the recap post too, also here.

Only tested Haltiel 2, that one works.

Can I ask for a Full save file that will unlock all the gallery, please?

Most of the gallery can be unlocked following the instructions in the op, with the red orb.
The stuff that doesn't get unlocked there, I'm not there yet. Bonus bosses are challenging, I've killed 4 out of 7 in the save I provide here.

Second post has a link to all the CGs for this game, and the previous two.
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Make multiple saves, young man.
See how many *I* have?

Save 1 is in the same room, seems like I made your same mistake. I did win though, so I should have everything.
Otherwise, you can use the other saves to skip.

Cheers, good sir.
I was able to easily kill the last boss with your save, so I guess I was clearly missing some items in my own one. I also had no idea you could interact with the pink crystal next to the shopkeeper lmao
Usually problems like that are related to Unicode parsing issues arising from unloading an archive (.zip, usually?). Have you tried extracting the files under the Japanese system locale?
So, checked this dev's Ci-En and, what do you know, there's for a new game.

Game is apparently called "Riafall" or something to that effect. Protagonist Ria being a side character in Haltiel R, appearing in one of the postgame dungeons to assist Haltiel's blue-haired sidekick Lapis.
(Haltiel's not in the demo, probably busy unwillingly breastfeeding some mollusks, but Lapis appears — look for her to find the gallery, she's got a new sprite that looks like her finally, I mean Ria's doesn't but we're progressing).

There's plenty of scenes already, you can find them in the basement's gallery. You have a couple of tough enemies to fight to get in, but you also have a debug skill that does infinite damage so the problem isn't too big.
Seems this game (otherwise an Haltiel R expansion) has more custom enemies, and more in-battle rape, as exemplified by the screenshots.
riafall-image-web1.jpg riafall-image-web.jpg

I'm kind of wondering what game this will be, because this dev continues being pretty baffling.
As explained above, he's done plenty of games, but aside from the three Haltiel titles, they're not on DLSite and god knows where they ended up.
Maybe it's just the old stuff, but honestly it's hard to follow his blog, where he updates without context and I kind of have a hard time.
Case in point: following pics are labeled "Floria update".
floriaupdate-1.jpg floriaupdate-2.jpg

So what's "Floria"?
Well, it's seemingly a sequel to the Floria game I list in the gallery above, but is it in development?
Alongside Riafall, isn't that strange?
Or is it already released and getting updated?
If so, where's the game?

So many questions.