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Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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~Last Resort~

Okay. Since so many people found this an interesting idea, I figured I'd put it out there. This RP is based in the future, when space travel and high-tech weaponry are commonplace. Here's the basic idea.

A cold wind sweeps over a base camp in the middle of a Siberian canyon. There, scientists and soldiers are hard at work gathering data and preparing. They were sent there to investigate a so-called "Space City" buried deep underground. On the wall of a tent a newspaper article is plastered.

"Alkeroth forces continue to crush the USLD. Will Humanity be wiped out?"

Alkeroth. A planet on the opposite side of the galaxy from Earth. Inhabited by strange bipedal creatures known as "The Fallen" to nearby planets.

The Fallen. A race of beings who believe that all free thought should be wiped out. They all communicate telepathically, and possess a strange physiology. Their body looks like they possess no skin, their muscle fibers in plain sight when not armored. Some even say they possess a tail normally hidden inside their armor, but these reports are, as yet, unconfirmed.They truly look like monsters. Only with the help of the USLD can sentient life truly survive in this galaxy.

The United Sentient Life Directorate (USLD). A large gathering of sentient beings united under one cause, and formed out of the rift that was left when most of Earth's UN forces were decimated at the hands of the Alkeroth fleet. Though their ships are superior, they are outnumbered three to one. Something must be done, or Earth, the USLD's last line of defense, will fall.

That is where our story takes place. The squad has been informed of a so-called "Last Resort" for times like this. It was constructed five years before the Alkeroth were discovered, but the facility was abandoned after the ship was complete. The USLD thought that the facility should be locked down and kept hidden in case something truly devastating happened. A squad of military men and over 20 of the best technical minds have been dispatched to find and re-activate the ship. That is where the RP begins.

Note that this RP WILL involve Raep of the alien variety. So a female character is encouraged but not required. Also, do not let this discourage you from joining if you hate erotic RP's. You have a choice if you want to have sexual relations or not. But rape can and will happen. Since this is in the future, genetic modification is common, but no dicks the size of skyscrapers or shit like that. A genetically modified human is alright, so if you're thinking of making one, it's alright. With that, Anyone going to join? If enough interest is shown, I will post the character outline.
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Re: Last Resort

Could be interesting, is this free form or are you going to be playing more of a direct role as GM?
Re: Last Resort

It will be more freeform. If something happens, I'll probably not intervene unless it will completely destroy the story. Besides that, it's fairly freeform. Of course, everyone will be under the command of my character, since it IS an army.
Re: Last Resort

Ooh, sounds like fun actually. I'd play this.

Is it going to have an actual rules system or just a GM that says what the result of actions is?
Re: Last Resort

Interest definitely shown. PLACEHOLDER!
Re: Last Resort

Hmmm, chat based, or forum based? Either way, interest shown ;)
Re: Last Resort

Is it going to have an actual rules system or just a GM that says what the result of actions is?
It depends. I will have certain rules in place, but besides those, anything goes unless it fucks up the story, in which case my character will probably give an order and get things back on track. Besides that, my character will be guiding you people through the story, in a way.

To save time, here's the (very few) rules I have in place:

1. No godmodding, this is always a given.
2. As was stated earlier, sex is allowed. Rape is allowed. But don't go on a raping spree, or my character may be forced to take action. Also, those players being raped can fight back. NPC's being raped won't fight back.
3. Try not to get too carried away in the sex aspect. I don't want every other post being about raping someone or having sex with someone. don't let that discourage you, though.

Besides those, pretty much anything goes within the normal way a military officer or member acts.

EDIT: Fucking ninja'd. It's Forum Based, like my other RP.
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Re: Last Resort

Interest shown.
Re: Last Resort

Now that enough interest is shown, I believe I shall post the character templates.

One thing you should realize, is that each soldier is issued a special disc-like device, attached to any part of your body, that can carry 3 of any kind of weapon, as well as multiple magazines for bullet-based weapons, or multiple batteries for laser-based weapons, so ammunition should not be a problem. Don't let that limit stop you, though. You can carry those three weapons in your storage disc, as well as any weapons you can carry by hand.

Character Name: (Duh. Your character's name.)
Age: (How old is he/she?)
Gender: (This should be a given. For the sake of this not becoming a sex-fest, no Futa or Herm. I apologize for the inconvenience.)
Prosthesis: (Anything cybernetic about your character?)
Weapons: (Include whether you carry certain weapons in your storage disc or on your person, so we can get an accurate feel for what your character looks like in combat.)
Description: (Everything about your character's looks)
Genetic mutations: (If anyone experimented on you or you have a genetic abnormality, post what it's powers are and what physical aspects there are.)
Bio: (Tell us about yourself)

I will post my character in a short while after a few of you have posted yours.

And if you see something missing from the template that you would like to add, please do so.
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Under Construction

In progress.

Character Name: Jillian Venthari
Age: 26 (Apparent age ~18)
Cyber-neural interface: Location(right temple with tendrils wired through her brain) Using a thin cord normally contained within the exterior part of the interface, Jillian is able to plug herself into most electronic systems and use the interface and her mind as an alternate set of controls. This also allows her to hack into most systems without the need for an actual computer. When she is hooked up, she can overlay an electronic display over her vision by altering the signals the optic center of her brain receives.
Weapon Disk: Location (Middle of her chest, slightly below the join of her collar bones)
  • Small Laser Pistol
  • Sonic Grenades
  • 2-foot wide metal shield
Description: Jillian stands at 5'3" with bright green hair that falls to her shoulders. Jillian at times will try and fight her innate obedience, but tends to spend most of her time dressed in uniform. The only thing that make's her uniform look less formal than normal is how she typically leaves the top few buttons undone in order to access her weapon disk while unintentionally showing cleavage at the same time.
Genetic mutations: Jill's ancestors were once the genetically altered super soldiers in the private army of a large corporation known as the Kundaia Foundation. As such she retains the characteristics which were originally engineered into them. These include:
  • Above normal strength and agility
  • Increased endurance
  • Increased natural healing (This also results in the soldiers aging at a reduced rate once they reach maturity)
  • Egg-laying instead of live births (Soldiers didn't need to have as much down time when pregnant if they laid multiple eggs in a matter of days as opposed to waiting until a single child was fully developed before giving birth to it.)
  • Natural inclination for obedience
  • Natural green hair (Used for ease of identifying what they were)
  • E-cup breasts (The soldiers were all female for the purpose of increased reproduction and the corporate executives were all dirty old men)
Bio: Jill has for a long time tried to struggle against the innate mentality that the now gone Kundaia Foundation placed in her people's genes. Although not truly successful in that endeavor, Jill still was able to push herself to take what she found to be a more interesting path which result in her learning hacking skills as opposed to fighting skills. Still, despite her best efforts, she ended up joining the military and was placed as a computer specialist in the USLD 'Last Resort' special task force.
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Re: Last Resort

Character Name: Aika
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Prosthesis: Left eye is cybernetic, although the only way a normal bystader could tell is by hearing the slight sounds the camera makes when it zooms. Grants aika the ability to see further than usual, and also can detect light past the normal visible spectrum (i.e. infra red for heat (night) vision and ultraviolet).

Right arm is cybernetic, smallish laser gun comes out of the wrist. Powered by the battery from the weapons disc.
Weapons: Weapon disc is located on Aika's back. Contains a light repeating blaster (handheld automatic), a heavy duty RPG, and a MES (Maser Enchanced Sword).

The weapons disc doubles as a battery pack, powering Aika's eye and arm, as well as her two electrically powered weapons. Recharges with sunlight, or, much less efficiently, with a lever hooked up to a dynamo.
Description: A respectable C cup, Aika wears a revealing, tight, red leather outfit which makes it easy for her to stay agile. She has shortish red hair and is only 5'2. Her ears are feline and appear higher up her head than a normal human.
Genetic mutations: As Aika's mother was pregnant with her, human scientists were having major breakthroughs with genetic research. Aika's DNA was spliced with that of a cat, in an attempt to give her the balance and agility of a cat while maintaining a human form. There were inevitable side effects, and Aika's growth was slightly stunted and her ears were of those of a cat.
Bio: The daughter of a scientist and a army general, Aika had to make a decision as a teenager between brains and brawn. In the end there was no real decision to be made, it was obvious thanks to her mother's experiments that she was build for battle, her superior reflexes, movement and balance made her the perfect warrior.

Unfortunately while her physical form was built to be a fighter, her mind was very wild, very curious, and at times out of control. She was court marshalled on more than one occasion in her first year of service for acting on impulse one too many times - and even bedding an unsuspecting male soldier in the middle of a training field.

She is living proof that it is possible for women to rape men, and her views on sex are very simple - if it feels good, do it. When horny she loses most if not all common sense or care for her well being and just focuses on getting off. She has no shame for bearing her body in public.

Because of her supernatural physical capabilities she still managed to become part of the special tasks force by the age of 19.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

(Well... Making this character up on the spot I guess.)

Character Name: Ava

Age: 19? Actual age is a mystery.
Gender: Female

Prosthesis: None visible to the naked eye, although it is questionable whether or not she is actually a genetically modified human from her rigidity and robotic nature. It is speculated that she may possess experimental cybernetic limbs, as the speed and strength she possesses is improportional to her build.

Weapons: A cybernetic bow that fires off "arrows" made of highly concentrated energy, as well as a katana-esque energy blade roughly 28 inches in length capable of being extended as needed.

Description: A modest B-Cup, Ava is outfitted in a lightweight cybernetic bodysuit designed for swift movement and close quarter combat. With a slim build and height of 5'3 seemingly devoid of any true muscle, it would not be strange for one to assume she is weak. However after fighting alongside or against her in battle, one would soon find her to be extremely powerful beyond the limits of a normal human body.
Snow white hair falling past her shoulders, and blank sapphire eyes... the girl seems virtually devoid of emotion, and only reacts outside of battle when commanded to. Even then, her expressions are often limited to a nod or shake of the head.

Genetic mutations: It is debatable whether her abnormally enhanced reflexes and strength are the result of cybernetic modifications or genetic engineering. While enhanced physical attributes are often a result of such modifications, the fact that she lacks any distinguishable mutations seems to imply otherwise. There is speculation that she may be a new experimental "blend" of genetic and cybernetic technology.

Bio: Little is known about this mysterious soldier asides from the highly classified name "Project Ava" (of which her current name is derived). Said to be an experimental soldier created by the government, Ava is rumored to be the result of an unholy union between genetic engineering and cybernetic technology. Whether this is true or not, has yet to be seen however.

In recent news, local authorities are still unable to find fifteen year old weapons master Valicia Raes Mathers five years after her disappearance...
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Character Name: Christopher "Machine" Miller
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Machine's right side is one big prosthesis from the waist to the neck - parts of the abdomen, chest and neck as well as the entire shoulder and right arm. It's stainless steel, segmented where he needs to move it. His interior got a workover as well, including a cybernetic lung and heart to grant extra power.
Miller's right eye is a construct of metallic rings and lenses, bent into the form of an eyeball. He can use this implant to zoom or access several types of visions as well as a HUD.

Robin Tob Breaking Coilgun Grenade Launcher "Rob": Rob has a very basic design - it's basically a long metal tube with a stock at one end and the exit of the barrel at the other, as well as a holder in the middle. The Top Breaking reload mechanism allows for a quick reloading by a skilled marksman. Machine uses mostly standard explosive grenades, filled with ferromagnetic shrapnells to both cause more damage and to give the coils more mass to work with.

2 Westford Gorgons: The Gorgon is a small rapid firing laser weapon, only a little bigger than a big caliber pistol and without a stock. The battery is stored in a seperate box magazin rather than the handle. While by far not as deadly as the coilgun, Machine favors the Gorgon for their reliability and reduced weight, making it easier to dual wield them.

Schwarzenberg Combat Armor - Machine wears a heavy armor of extra hard dark green ceramic plates on top of a black synthetic weave. Three interlocking gears are painted on the shoulder plates in white.
It slows Miller down a bit, but he isn't one to bounce around in the first place.

Miller is tall for a human, standing at about 6'8". His body is well-muscled without giving off a "bodybuilder" flair. He is a war machine.
Even with the prothesis Miller has rugged good looks going for him, with a strong jaw and close-cropped hair and beard. His character is a different story. Quite often he comes off as bitter and taunting. The only thing that matters to him is the well-being of his comrades and himself.

Genetic mutations: None.

Machine has been around a bit. Maybe too long, judging by several small scars and the big-ass chunk of cybernetics on his right side. He lost it to the Fallen, and he's going to pay them - chunk by bloody chunk.
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Character Name: Michael "The Reaper" Igerson

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Prosthesis: Besides the storage disc being located on the right side of his waist, he does not possess any form of robotic or prosthetic parts.

Weapons: Multiple daggers hang on a belt around Michael's waist, usually used as a last resort, as well as what appears to be a traditional Katana, with an energy blade that can extend and cover the cutting edge, thus allowing him to slice through anything, stored in his weapons disc. Besides that, he is rumored to carry a large energy-revolver, but these claims are unconfirmed.

Description: Michael stands at a tall 6'8", sporting a black coat which was specifically tailored for him, and covers his chest very tightly, like a suit, yet from the waist down it is very loose, almost like a cape. He wears tight-fitting pants, standard-issue army boots, and a pair of red goggles which seem to glow, hiding his true eye color. No one has ever seen his eyes, but many rumors speculate his eyes are just a pair of black spheres. His hair is raven black, and is normally left untouched, as it holds a natural scraggly shape. He has a slightly larger than normal jaw, giving him an under bite. He is normally seen wearing some kind of golden ring in his right earlobe, but no one has ever gotten an answer as to what it is.

Genetic mutations: Michael has four "tendrils" which extend from his very back, each one reaching out and wrapping around a limb. These tendrils are permanent and cannot be retracted into his body to a certain limit, but they can extend. This allows him to walk and fight even if his leg or arm muscles are damaged or paralyzed. Another effect of his mutation is the ability to sprout up to eight tendrils from his right arm, and only from his right arm. Each appendage is highly controllable, and can perform practically every task a human hand is capable of, such as holding objects or writing, by splitting from the tip in various ways. The only appendages not capable of splitting open at the end are the ones which wrap around his legs.

Bio: Michael joined the USLD seven years ago. During his first two years, he was seen as a war hero. He was one of the best soldiers they had. He could fight any hostile force and find a way to take it down. Then the war with The Fallen broke out, and while his military image continued to grow stronger and stronger, his public image, however, went to hell when he volunteered for a genetic experiment, claiming that the genetic modification would "Increase soldier efficiency." while maintaining a normal human appearance. They were mistaken, and when they saw what had happened to Michael, the project was scrapped. Michael took a whole month to gain control of his new abilities, and when he did, he became nothing short of the best front line soldier they had. However, the changes, being permanent, meant he had to stay out of the public eye. For five years, every civilian has thought he was dead, killed in a firefight with The Fallen. In reality, he has been fighting for all five years. Now he has been assigned to the mission to find the ship, and he commands them, as well.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Name: Sam
Gender: Read mutations
Age: 24
Prosthesis: Sam's entire lymphatic system along with arteries and veins are made of a strange biocompatible gold alloy. When cut or stabbed Sam bleeds very little and always has control over blood flow.
Weapon: Sam has but only sets of flat hand held grenade-like projectiles which are thrown near the viscinity of the target. Highly compressed pure oxygen is contained in here along with the release of sonic energy intended to cause shrapnel from nearby objects to be let loose in the area or just generally suprise the target.
Description: As either a man or a woman, Sam has short cut blue hair which curl slightly at the ends. Sam stands at 5 foot 6 and has very round facial features as well as black eyes. Due to the lack of breasts and unisex dark USLD uniforms/clothes Sam's gender at the time is usually undiscernable. Sam has but a single ear pierced with a silver ring and can be considered scrawny or lithe.
Genetic Modifications: Sam although originally a man was implanted with both extra high reserves of testosterone and estrogen as well as other body-altering substances. Sam's genetelia were almost completely masked and the growth of a penis is only prompted by Sam's mind by which time Sam will have become completely a man. Through fear of their test subject impregnating himself they locked off Sam's sperm but left it in the deep recesses of his intestines to be excreted later should Sam be the final human left alive. Otherwise, Sam does not ejaculate sperm as a man. The entire gender change takes place for 4 hours and the body cannot be changed again for an entire day lest the body be put under excessive strain.
Bio: Sam was once a normal soldier looking forward to seeing his mate with every chance he had despite the rarity of such a chance. With the decimation of the human race, Sam gave his body to science in desperation, hoping that they might kill him for the betterment of their race. Yet with a cruel twist of fate he had become the first to undergo a dangerous operation involving placing a second person's mind within a single person. Fortunately, the second mind held no opposition against Sam's domination. However throgb the mysterious dangers of living with a second person, namely a female, his body had to be altered especially his blood circulation system in order to put up with the massive stress it was going under. Shortly after, Sam had began thinking in a stranger manner as a side-effect and was enlisted as a soldier for the remaining USLD forces.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Okay. let's get this show on the road!
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Just curious: do we have set ranks with some people being in charge of smaller groups and others like your character being the overall leader? (Although some characters, such as mine and keylo's probably wouldn't be in a leadership position.)