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Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I decide if my character succeeds? Interesting.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Except in the cases of very powerful monsters, at which point I'll control it.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I will control any of the sexual encounters, after you start them, or very powerful enemies. Anything else is in your hands.
So, besides aforementioned powerful enemies, we decide what we run into and if it wants to kill us or raep us, and if we choose the latter, you take over? Hmmmm.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Yes. You summed it up perfectly.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Ooh, could I give this a shot, too? I may be a newb to the RP sections, but I'd like to get involved!

eta: Woops, looks like everyone's on the road already. XD Maybe another time!
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Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

This is getting confusing. How about we have different threads for the different storylines?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

no kidding Aika. i'm getting severely behind cause i am confused as to whats going on as well...everytime i check there seems to be a whole new thing going on.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Maybe if the mod breaks the group up into squads or something and has a thread for each's adventures? :) That way there's maybe four people in a thread, which is hopefully more manageable!
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I think it really depends. If this is a one-time cleaning of the ship, then I say just push through, no need to have three or four thread for that length of time. If this is going to be our base of operations for a while, then I say throw up for different sections of the ship, so that we aren't frozen into set groups.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I'm going to go with Shrike's idea. One moment while I clean up the mess >.> <.<
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

I just noticed that I didn't give my medic any medical equipment :eek:. Ill change that now, unless Burrito doesn't want me to?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Edit approved. Just don't forget too much :)
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Ya... so... I don't think I have anything to be replying to.... I think I'm waiting on (as well as Rule? But I'm not sure) Pale and her evil Creeper thingies?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Well, you could just act on the radio messages that were being sent. Say you heard Michael was injured and heading for the bridge and the large number of Fallen moving there too and you and Machine decided to come up behind them?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

May I be as bold to ask what the Fallen do to captured creatures, beings I got myself in a capture situation?
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Burrito should answer this :V, although I think I overdid it with the design of the "Hiveminds". Only plausible counter against Siphon's character I could think of though, as anything else can be destroyed by our group with relative ease, injured or not.

My take on it however, is that bioweapons/mutations such as Michael and Xerbius would be captured for experimentation of the Fallen's own, especially the ones that gave them more trouble than normal. Mainly as I see the Fallen as a constantly evolving alien species that attempt to incorporate whatever they find to be powerful into their own arsenal (you'd need to be one to conquer the universe). Whether or not the experiments are "erotic" is up to you though.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

Yeah... I have no idea what's happening anymore....
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

In short, the remaining Fallen had... "elite class soldiers" mixed into them. Hiveminds are psychic, can use telekinesis, and generally prefer bombarding people safely with telekinetic blasts and mental assaults while hiding behind their fellow aliens. Juggernauts? If you played L4D, think Tanks, but constantly regenerating and armed with nasty weapons such as rockets and chainguns. Currently I'd say our group is getting our arses handed to us, with the exception of Adria who if probably doing the most damage/acting as the largest threat against them.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

With regards to the wave Keylo, it will destroy anything with Organic properties to it that it touches. Unless they manage to set a full metal wall up in front of them really fast, they would kill their comrades AND themselves.
Re: Last Resort (Character Sheets, Sign-up, and OOC)

With regards to the wave Keylo, it will destroy anything with Organic properties to it that it touches. Unless they manage to set a full metal wall up in front of them really fast, they would kill their comrades AND themselves.

Isn't that a tad hax though? o_O