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Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Good, I hope you worked up an appetite earlier, hmhm," Nyla chuckled softly, smiling at Lauren before she set some plates out, more than just two, Lauren noticed.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself with me, pet. And as for how long? Well, it'll probably be a week or so, give or take, before you birth the eggs, and another three weeks or so before they hatch," Nyla said after a few moments, getting the food out a couple of minutes later and serving Lauren her food, and loading food up on two other plates, aside from her own.

A couple of other lamia slithered in a minute later and sat down nearby at the dinner table, the had reddish colored hair, very large breasts, and her snaky form wasn't quite as large as Nyla's was, but still fairly big to say the least. The was a pink haired lamia that looked younger than the other two, and much more soft and gentle as well, with her breasts not quite as large, but still quite sizeable, and her snaky form slightly smaller still, than the red haired one. "Pet... meet my little sisters. Mari, and Allie," Nyla said, introducing the red haired one as Mari, and the pink haired one as Allie.

"Well hello there little morsel. Glad to see Nyla finally found herself someone to unload all those little nieces into. I was worried she'd not find one and have to use one of us, hmhm," Mari said, grinning at Lauren as she giggled.

"Indeed. I do hope sis was gentle with you," Allie said softly to Lauren, reaching over as she was the closer of the two to Lauren, and gently rubbing her pregnant belly with one hand in a quite fond manner.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Mnhh, I got a big one after all we did, and I wouldn't be surprised if you built one up your self. Hmm well since I'll be stuck in the cave while pregnant, do you think you could teach me about this world? While asking Lauren would note the extra plates of food, naturally Nyla would have family. Lauren was interested by the thought of meeting her mistress's family.

As Lauren was waiting at the table, two other lamia entered the room. Although they don't seem to be as old as Nyla, each of them had their own beauty comparable to Nyla.

He-hello, I'm Lauren, Nyla's new pet... nice to meet you both. Shyness apparent in her voice, Lauren greets the two. Nodding and winking to Nyla, Lauren replies Ya she made the entire thing feel great for both of us.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Oh I definitely did build up... quite the appetite," Nyla chuckled softly at Lauren's words. "And yes, I suppose I ought to, since you're clearly not from here. This world, we call it Amazonia. I doubt you know much about the other races here, but suffice it to say, there's a lot of different ones. Humans like yourself are probably the most common and widely seen race around, while Lamia like myself, are not nearly as common, but one of the more common of the beast kin races," Nyla began saying before they sat down to eat, and the other two lamia came in.

"Hmhm... such a good little girl, already calling yourself pet," Mari said with a little giggle.

"Sisters... don't be that way, you'll frighten her. She's a person, just like we are," Allie said, chastising her two older sisters. "Lauren, dear... welcome to our home. We're happy to have you. Right girls?" she went on to say, looking at her two sisters with a bit of a fierce look in her eyes, where they both sighed softly and nodded.

"Yes... my beautiful little pet, I'm very happy to have you here with us," Nyla said after a few moments, smiling softly as they began to eat.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Well I'm looking forward to learning some more, I have a lot of questions. After asking Lauren sat down and started to eat. While listening to the sisters, Lauren was absentmindedly eating and starring at the sisters for a little before snapping out of it and joining in on the conversation. Hmhm, thank you. That makes me happy to hear.
Smiling and giggling she nods to Nyla, and her sisters. While eating she would talk with the sisters about what their life's are like, and some more about the world. After Dinner Lauren would ask Nyla What shall we do now?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Well... I suppose I could show you our little village here under the hill. I doubt you'll try and run away or anything, since you don't really know much about where you're at. Plus you're pregnant," Nyla said softly, smiling at Lauren and winking at her.

Mari and Allie both seemed to agree with the idea of showing Lauren around and giving her a little tour of the place. "I'll take care of the dishes, while you two go and show her around," Mari said, once they were done eating, leaving Lauren with Nyla and Allie, both of whom were smiling at her and waiting to see when she was ready to leave.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

That sounds fun to me! I want to learn more about what I've gotten myself into. Also why would I run away? I've had so much pleasure in the time I've been here. Quizzing Nyla, Lauren raises an eyebrow, before moving on and finishing dinner.

While Mari went off to clean up after the dinner, the other two were waiting on Lauren. I'll follow you two. Show me the best places in your home! With excitement visible on her face, Lauren peps up and tries to spread her excitement to the other two.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Hmhm, because you belong to me. Some girls don't like to be... I guess you could say, tied down, as it were," Nyla replied to Lauren's question, smirking a bit.

"Well the market's usually fairly lively, so why don't we start there," Allie suggested, slithering over to Lauren's side and smiling at her, as she took Lauren's hand and moved out with her, while Nyla was slightly ahead.

Lauren saw the main chamber had several cloth like coverings spread out with market like stalls, such as she'd seen in movies that took place in ancient times and whatnot. There were a total of six stalls surrounding a large pillar that dominated the center of the large chamber, two stalls dedicated to foodstuffs. One was dedicated to weaponry of various kinds, ranging from swords, to bows and crossbows, though in the case of the crossbows there were only a total of four, two small hand crossbows, and two larger ones. Another stall was dedicated to protective items, shields, leathery armors, and hide armors mostly, but in one case Lauren saw a suit of slightly rusty chainmail. The last two stalls were mostly for more mundane things like travel gear, clothing, and things such as that.

"It's nothing like the grand market in Melior, but it's home," Allie said softly to Lauren, the whole chamber lit by a couple of larger shafts in the ceiling, where Lauren saw the light shining down from a pair of mirrors, that shone around the chamber from the two mirrors it hit down nearer to the base of the pillar, which light the entire place almost as well as outside.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Sounds good to me! Accepting Allie's hand Lauren walked with her and Nyla, fallowing them to the market. When they entered the giant main cave, Lauren was able to take a better view then last time. She was awed by all the different lamina and the different culture she could see. Lauren had read alot of stories back on Earth and seeing all the types of weapons, armor and gear brought a sense of glee to her. She had a little of a geeking out moment, before regaining her calm.

Are there anyone who sell clothes for pregnant women around here? These ones are not going to work long term. Referencing her top which couldent cover her swollen belly, and her pants that had some trouble with her bigger belly also. Its kinda embarrassing to be showing off my pregnant belly, ahem. Shyly coughing as she glances around. Perhaps we can find some in this Melior.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Good, come along then Lauren," Allie said as she held Lauren's hand and moved with her..

After getting out to the little marketplace and geeking out a bit, Lauren got a smirk from Nyla. "Oh we can get you clothes around here, so don't worry about that. Besides, Melior is... quite far from here. At least a hundred miles, if not more. I've honestly never been there, so I couldn't truly tell you really," Nyla said to Lauren, while Allie led her over to one of the clothing places, where Lauren found that they did indeed have plenty of clothing fit for pregnant women, which Nyla handed a small pouch to Allie as the younger sister helped Lauren to pick out something she liked.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Hmm, we'll then! I want to go see I what it's like! Sounds like it will be fun. Can you add some stories of what you have heard about Melior? With that Lauren follows Allie to the merchant to go buy some clothes. There were a ton of different clothing to pick from, but Lauren stayed to the clothing that would fit her current state. When she sees the wide variety of pregnancy clothing, Lauren picks out a few dresses and every day clothing. Some of the clothing she picked out included a Blue dress, a white sundress, and if she could find one, a pink baby-doll. Turning to Allie, Lauren lifts the baby-doll she gathered and asked. Do you think these would look good on me? When finished with shopping Lauren returned with Allie to Nyla with a smile on her face. Thanks to both of you! Can we go somewhere private real quick so I can change?
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Nyla glanced over to Lauren when she mentioned wanting to go see the grand market in Melior, and sighed softly. "After the little eggies come out, perhaps. But yes, over here is an area to try them on in," Nyla said, pointing next to the back of the clothing stall, where a set of curtains were set up for privacy to change.

The shopkeeper smiled to Anya and gestured her in, pulling the curtain around her so she could change, while Allie moved in with her, to help her do so, since she was as heavily pregnant as she was and all. "I don't mind helping," Allie assured Lauren with a smile.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Hmm? Nyla doesn't seem to be exited at the thought of leaving for Melior. I guess I'll have to see what happens after our eggs are born. Lauren immersed her self in her thoughts before absentmindedly thanking Nyla and went to go change. On her way she was able to focus back on the current.

Nodding and smiling to the shop keeper, Lauren entered into the curtained area. Just as she was about to start undress, she realized she was going to have some trouble doing this by herself. Luckily the next moment Allie entered in right behind Lauren. Accepting Allie's offer to help they begin to slip Lauren out of her currently tight clothing. While alone together Lauren suddenly asks out of the blue, Is it just me or does Nyla seem kinda tired? She was a little confused at Nyla's reaction to the talk about Melior. She didn't seem all that excited about the notion of possibly leaving. Lauren continues to talk as they undress her and put on the sundress she just got.

After finishing her conversation with Allie and dressed in her sundress, Lauren goes to Nyla. When she gets to Nyla she would try and do a twirl for Nyla. Does it look good on me? Lauren inquires.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"She's not tired, just... controlling. Many of our people are like that. When they get a mate to bear their eggs, they don't like letting them go, really. I doubt that you'll want to stay for too long though after the eggs come out. So I'll talk to her. Lamia can be very possessive," Allie whispered to Lauren while helping her undress.

After they got Lauren changed up and whatnot, Allie smiled and nodded confidently that it looked good, before Lauren went out and showed it off to Nyla. Nyla smiled at Lauren and coiled around her a bit before kissing her on the lips. "Mmm... my mate looks beautiful, absolutely wonderful. Everyone can see how pregnant you are, and you belong to me," Nyla cooed softly, grinning at Lauren and holding her from behind, rubbing her belly softly.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Mnhh, I understand. Thanks for helping me understand, and for in advance for talking with her! I definitely like Nyla, but I'm just not ready to go and settle down, I have so much to do and figure out still before anything permanent. I'll definitely will come back and visit all of you again! Beaming with happiness, Lauren thanks Allie and gives her the promise to return. Suddenly thinking of something, Lauren teasingly adds And I might just carry a few more clutches when I do. With a wink she finishes dressing.

Being coiled around once again, Lauren's face gains. Tint of red as the actions brought back memories of her mating with Nyla. While Nyla coiled around her Lauren thought to herself for a second. I'll definitely will have to talk with Nyla about leaving again after Allie talks with her. Let her know why and give her the same promise. Her thoughts interrupted as Nyla goes in for a kiss, which is reciprocated without hesitation.

Breaking the passionate kiss, Nyla rubbed her belly softly. It was much easier to see how possessive Nyla was of her, after Allie's explanation. Haha, it's all thanks to you. Giving Nyla a peck on the lips Lauren says, I'm starting to feel a little tired, I wonder if it's cause I'm pregnant now. Should we head back and rest for the day?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Hmhm, it's quite alright. Most lamia are... hmm... clingy, I guess, is a good term to use," Allie giggled softly to Lauren. "And I'm sure Nyla would enjoy that, to say the least," she added with a smile.

"It likely is because you're pregnant. There's a lot of eggs in there, after all. I wouldn't be too surprised it you were already prepared to go back to sleep. However, do you wish to see our shrine, first?" Nyla replied, when Lauren said she was starting to feel a little tired, offering her back for Lauren to ride on, to be slithered around the place with her on.

If Lauren agreed, Nyla helped her up onto her back, one hand on either shoulder, and slithered her along like she was riding a fleshy carriage of sorts. The shrine was nearby, but Lauren didn't have to walk thankfully, and when they got inside of the larger chamber that had two smaller chambers connected at the far ends near the shrines themselves. Also at the far end of the chamber, about thirty feet away, were two large statues. One gold and beautiful to behold for its radiant beauty, and the other was silver, a cool nightly beauty about it in a way.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

I agree, it probably is because I'm filled to the brim with your eggs. My body has never been pregnant before so this is all just new to me. I wonder what other new things there are to find? Lauren ponders aloud. Shrine? Well I guess it shouldent be too surprising there's a shrine. Sure I think I have enough energy in me to at least do that! Surprised Lauren asks before accepting once again how different of a world this one was.

Climbing onto Nyla was a bit of a pain but with help she managed to get up. The ride to the shrine was interesting to say the least, having never rode even a horse before, Lauren found it to kinda fun! When they arrived Lauren immediately noticed two big statues, both of beautiful women. Interested, Lauren waits as she assumes she would get an explanation soon. Wahh! For such a small village to have such a pretty shrine must mean you guys care alot about it! Lauren comments in amazement.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Never been so pregnant before? So you've been pregnant before this?" Nyla asked softly as she slithered along towards the shrine, smirking at Lauren as she glanced over her shoulder at her, teasing her a bit.

As they went, Nyla swayed a little bit purposely to swing Lauren just a tiny bit, when she noticed that she seemed to be having a bit of fun with it anyway. After getting into the shrine and hearing Lauren mention how much they must care about their deities, Nyla chuckled a bit. "Hmhm, well of course we care a lot about them. Marianna, goddess of love and fertility, and her sister, Varianna, goddess of lust and indulgence. The two are twins. Marianna is sweet, kind, and caring. Varianna is mischievous, lustful, and wicked, though not in a truly evil way," Nyla said to Lauren with a smirk as she glanced over her shoulder, before moving closer to the shrines. "We pray to both equally. Marianna helps ensure peace, and Varianna helps to ensure the continuation of all our races by giving us our lusts, which work hand in hand with Marianna's love and fertility. Without one, the other's powers would cease to be," she added after a few moments.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Ha, nope! You were my first time, No one had even seen me naked before I met you! Being in this new reality just let me live my life to the fullest. But have you ever given someone your eggs before me? Counter teasing, Lauren smiles as she enjoys the banter between them.

The swaying from Nyla was a fun experience and helped keep her awake on they way to the shrine, but when Lauren heard the goddess's names, it didnt matter if she was sleepy, she sat right up! Did you say there names were Marianna and Varianna?! In her surprise Laurens voice turned to a low shout, before returning to normal. To think she was actually brought here by a goddess. When I was brought to this world I was told by a women named Marianna that her sister had summoned me here! Why would the goddess's bring me here?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Oh? Well now, I feel a little special, hmhm. And yes, once, but that was a few years ago," Nyla replied softly, smiling at the fond memory.


"Aye, Marianna and her sister Varianna. And... I don't know. But she must have had a good reason. Though... Varianna is a trickster at heart. She may have done it to tease you. But maybe it was so that you could be a nice little lamia broodmother, hmhm, who knows," Nyla giggled softly, taking Lauren over a bit closer to the statues so she could see them up close.

"Some of us younger lamia pray to both goddesses equally. To Marianna for the love that we all desire at heart. And to Varianna to bring us a lusty beauty to have sex with," Allie said, unable to suppress a smirk.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

When Lauren heard how Nyla talked about her previous mate, she got the idea that perhaps she had also left Nyla to go off, or something else happened.


Hmmm, I'm going to find out why they brought me here one day! Any ways, that wont happen for a while if my guess is correct. Is there anything else you two want to show me before we return? Lauren asked the two with a sorta tired smile. She had seen some pretty cool stuff today and was wondering if there was anything else to see before hey returned. If they were done with the day, Lauren would follow them home and soon fall asleep at Nyla's home.