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Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Mmm... probably, if I had to guess, yeah. I mean... as hot and beautiful as you are, there's nothing out there that Wouldn't want to fuck you," Nyla replied with a smirk after a few moments.

"Melior would be a good choice to go to, and it'd not be too hard to find adventuring work. There's Loads of old ancient ruins all over the place for adventurers to explore and stuff. Not to mention there's plenty of other things you can do to make money to live off of," Allie said after a few moments.

"I suppose you're right. I Should stay with the babies. Someone needs to teach them and care for them after all. And I can't rely on my sisters to do it, because they have their own lives to live after all," Nyla admitted after a few moments before she kissed Lauren on the lips, her snakelike tongue darting in and coiling around Lauren's and wrestling it down after she took a drink of Lauren's milk.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Ill just have to make sure to fight them off then~" Lauren replied with some confidence, in both her fighting skills, and thanks to Nyla, her looks. Though admittedly she would need to polish up on her rapier skills.

"I'm looking forward to exploring those ruins and finding out more about the world." Lauren smiled at the thought of all the new possibilities. Listening to Nyla, Lauren says, "I'll keep my promise to come and see you and the babies as often as I can." Lauren seriously said, completely intent on keeping that promise, and perhaps she might be able to have them move to a house together with her in the future. That would be the dream! Laurens thoughts broke away as she tasted her own sweet milk on Nyla's tongue. She couldn't help but wrap her own tongue around Nyla's trying to find anymore milk!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Indeed, because not everyone might be as nice as we are about it after all," Nyla replied with a nod. "And do be careful in the ruins. There's ancient traps in almost all of them that one will end up finding, and sometimes those traps can be quite dangerous," she added.

"And I know you'll come back. I'm just... the jealous type sometimes I guess," Nyla admitted after a few moments while she held Lauren.

They'd remain in the bath together for a little while longer, with Nyla and both of her sisters taking turns tasting Lauren's milk several times over the next few minutes, and finally they'd exit the bath shortly thereafter.


Over the next few days, Lauren was helped around the house, and the little lamia settlement, by Nyla and Allie mostly, while Mari helped some herself, but focused more on keeping the house clean and cooking. Nyla meanwhile helped Lauren to train some, nothing strenuous of course since she was still pregnant, but she was helping her form and footwork some, letting her rest as often as Lauren needed while they trained. Allie meanwhile would help make sure Lauren was cleaned and had all she needed and wanted, making sure that she had a pillow behind her back when sitting on their sofa in their living room, and one under her while in bed. Each morning she'd wake up with her lips pressed against Nyla's, before Nyla would slide down and eat Lauren out to make her feel good before her and Allie helped Lauren get ready for the day.

Finally, nearly a week had passed, and Lauren felt her belly so large to the point that she wasn't sure she'd be able to get out of bed on her own. After breakfast, with Nyla carrying Lauren to the table to eat, Lauren felt a pain shoot through her belly, followed by another sharp one, and another, and instinctively she knew that she had just gone into labor. Nyla grew a bit frantic and started slithering about the room in circles, going around the table, while Allie rolled her eyes and with Mari's help they got Lauren up and out the door, with Mari's tail grabbing Nyla's wrist to pull her along.

They took Lauren to a large chamber on the far side of the little settlement, where a couple of other lamia were waiting for them, dressed in pure white robes, looking like priestesses. They invited the girls all in, and Lauren soon found herself being eased down into a small pool of warm water. "Alright dear, just hold our hands and push when we tell you to. Okay?" one of the robed priestess lamia told Lauren as they slipped most of their bodies down into the pool with Lauren, and bid the others remain outside while the birthing happened.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"I know, I was truly lucky when I chose to follow you, and you'll just have to claim me as yours every time I come back then. Who knows what the future holds, maybe you'll be able to come with me for some time!" Lauren consoled Nyla, snuggling up against her.


The next week went by in a flash, with lots of resting, and some training her and there, stopping when ever she felt like she needed to stop for the baby. Thanks to the trio, she always felt at ease and had no problems at all with the pregnancy! Every morning was filled with the bliss that Nyla's tongue brought her, kissing her and then eating her flower out, drinking its nectar.

Finally as the week wrapped up, one day Lauren suddenly started to feel waves of pain as she was carried to breakfast. She had gone into labor! She felt the contractions from her massive belly and womb, and immediately told Nyla and the other sisters! Although it was her first time giving birth, Lauren strangely felt calm. It felt natural and not something to be freaking out about. That's why she found Nyla's reaction quiet funny. She couldn't hold back a giggle at the sight of Nyla slithering around the kitchen, not being able to stay still. "Love, Nyla, its alright. Our babies are finally here!" Lauren said happily.

Finally Mari and Allie manged to get Lauren and Nyla moving towards the other side of the cave, towards a large room, rather chamber. Inside, Lauren recognized the robes of the lamia as probably priestess robes. This was probably a room to deliver? Lauren thought to herself as she was helped into a small pool. "Ok, I'll do what ever you tell me." Lauren calmly followed the orders of the priestess.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Oh I will indeed claim you every time we meet after you leave. Don't you worry about that," Nyla promised, smirking at Lauren with a naughty look on her face. "And I do want to follow you too, though maybe after the children have grown some," she added with a sweet smile as she kissed Lauren.


Nyla calmed down a bit as Lauren spoke to her, and gave her a quick little nod as she started to follow them to take Lauren to the birthing chambers. After they got there and Lauren told the priestess like lamia that she'd do whatever they told her, they both nodded and while one reached over to caress Lauren's belly, while the other reached up to caress Lauren's cheek. "Alright, just push when we say to, and drink this. It'll help with the pain," one of them said as she held up a small cup with a clear liquid in it, and once Lauren drank it, she'd feel the pain quickly subsiding quite a bit as she felt a bulge moving down from her womb and seeking to escape her folds.

"Push now young one, push and try to keep pushing. The more of them you push out, the sooner you get them all out of you," the other lamia told Lauren.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

The pain had started to grow ever since she went into labor, and by the time she arrived at the chamber, Lauren was feeling a lot of pain. She had her eyes closed in pain when she felt the priestess's hand rub her belly. Their hands felt soothing to Lauren, cool even. "O-ok." Lauren complied, drinking the soothing liquid. It did its job wonderfully, allowing Lauren to open up her eyes in relief.

That's when the pain really hit. She had to start to push! She pushed as hard as she could without hurting herself, but it was extremely painful, the painful thing she has ever felt in her life!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Shh shh... we know it hurts for a human to birth lamia eggs. They're large, but try and relax, and drink this. It's a second dose of what you drank earlier. It'll leave your head a little fuzzy, but it'll help the pain subside," one of them said gently to Lauren, whose hands were both being held by one of the lamia's to either side of her.

The first egg was the largest milestone during this labor, and finally it popped free, followed by the second, third, and fourth eggs, before Lauren had to stop and take a breath, though the two lamia helping her didn't stop her, and got her some water, and began collecting the eggs and setting them gently into a large padded basket to carry them all, which sat next to the little pool. Over the next hour or so, Lauren slowly but surely pushed out all twenty one eggs Nyla have pumped into her a week before, and she found herself feeling quite exhausted as the final egg came out, the second dose of the drink having helped really ease up her pain from the birthing process.

After the last egg came out, and she felt her body starting to go limp, the lamia priestesses caught her, and gently raised her out of the pool and carried her over to a small bed that had been prepared by another lamia who was in there, and they brought the basket full of eggs over too, each one of which was quite large now compared to when Nyla had pumped them into her, being nearly three times their original size which was about a jumbo chicken egg, give or take. "There you go young one, rest now, Nyla and her sisters can now come in," the lamia that had given her the drink said, before Lauren saw Nyla, Mari, and Allie slithering in.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

In to much pain to speak, Lauren gently nodded before drinking the second dose. And sure enough, just like the first one, Laurens pain started to go away. "Thanks..." Lauren sighed, sqeezing her hands that were being held by the two at her sides.

Slowly, Lauren could feel the very first of the eggs start to move down, finnaly popping free from her! From the very first one, multiple other eggs were birthed finally! It felt like eternity, but an hour passed, giving birth after multiple breaks to gather her breath. The reason the birth felt so difficult, was that compared to when the eggs were planted into her, each one grew about three times the size they originally were!

At last, the last egg popped out, put together with the other ones into their basket. Placed into a bed to rest, and with her babies nearby in their basket. Lauren reached over if she could, and softly felt the eggs. A giggle escaped her when she realized she had given birth to her own babies! "Ahhh! Come see out babies." Lauren weakly called the trio over to her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

The eggs felt... like eggs, really, Lauren found as she felt of them all. Nyla rushed over when Lauren spoke, and she smiled, looking to have been a nervous wreck as she heard Lauren's cries of pain during birth. "She was pacing the entire time, wouldn't stop slithering around until about two minutes ago. I thought she was gonna wear a hole in the ground from all the pacing," Allie said with a giggle as they approached, as Nyla took Lauren's hand and kissed her.

"So many of them. I was a little lost in the moment when I put the mall in you, so I wasn't entirely sure just how many you had in there," Nyla cooed softly as she kissed Lauren on the neck gently.

"It should be another two to three weeks before they hatch, and then there'll be little lamia slithering around. Gods I don't envy Nyla and her sisters having to chase so many of them," the other priestess said gently, giggling as she pulled the basket of eggs closer to Lauren and Nyla's side so they could see and reach them easier.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Lauren didnt really expect anything unusual, or strange with the eggs, she just felt the need to be on contact with them, perhaps it was one of those motherly instincts. Lauren couldn't help but smile at seeing Nyla rushing over. A warm feeling blooming her her chest at the entire situation. "Well I guess you can't blame her." Lauren chuckled, her hand reaching to take Nyla's after Nyla kissed it. Admittedly, Lauren blushed for Nyla when she kissed her hand, but her face was already flushed from the effort she gave to giving birth, so it was hard to see.

"Haha, you sure did let loose when you filled me. You had so much built up, no wonder you went out looking for someone to fill up." Lauren softly teased Nyla.

"Oh they will be a handful for sure, especially because I'm their mother." Lauren commented after the priestess remark. With her eggs closer to her now, Lauren made some room for Nyla to get next to her, and the snuggled with her as she rested. Her effort was starting to get to her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Hmhm, I'm sure they will be. Nyla has mentioned that you want to go adventuring after you've recovered, so I'm positive that all of them will want to follow in their mother's footsteps and go adventuring themselves," the priestess lamia giggled softly to Lauren, before bringing her some water to drink, which Nyla helped her to drink so she didn't have too much trouble herself.

Nyla snuggled in onto the bed somewhat with Lauren and lie there with her to rest and relax some, closing her eyes and looking a lot more girly than she had before as she smiled. "Come... rest now Lauren. You need it after all that," Nyla said softly to Lauren, kissing her on the cheek.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"That would be a sight to see..." Lauren contemplated with a smile on her face. With Nyla's help, Lauren swiftly drank the water, helping out her parched throat. With her throat feeling better, and Nyla next to her, urging her to rest,Lauren started to nod off. If nothing grabbed her attention she almost instantly fell asleep!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Lauren was able to sleep quite soundly for a good long while without any interruptions for the first time it seemed in over a week, as she'd felt some twinges during her pregnancy that woke her up on occasion. When she woke, Lauren felt Very well rested, and this time Nyla didn't wake her by eating her out, though she was beside Lauren when she woke, asleep still, her long tail draped over Lauren's legs and the tip curled around the basket containing their eggs. Looking around, Lauren saw she was still in the birthing chamber on the bed she'd been laid on to rest, and aside from herself and Nyla, the place was empty.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Passing out, Lauren finally got some good sleep for the first time in her pregnancy! With a yawn and a stretch, Lauren awoke feeling brand new. Het groggy mind soon started to wake up as well, seeing and feeling Nyla cuddling with her. Lauren felt warmth running through her when she noticed Nyla with her, a smile came to her face. They were both worn out from the previous day, with Nyla worrying a ton for her. Taking the next moment to look around the room, it looked like they were in the same chamber as when they fell asleep. Leaning towards Nyla, Lauren kisses her on the lips, taking advantage of her being asleep by wrestling with her tongue!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Nyla returned Lauren's kiss in her sleep as she lay there with Lauren, but ultimately remained asleep, her tongue submissively being conquered by Lauren's. Even if she tried to get up and out of the bed, Lauren wouldn't wake Nyla for the time being, the poor lamia seeming to have been completely exhausted from the looks of it. "Oh miss Lauren. You're awake. Please, if you need anything just tell me and I shall fetch it for you," the priestess girl said to Lauren as she came back in to check on them.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Although Lauren did like submitting to Nyla, it certainly felt good to finally be able to confirm Nyla... Even if it was because she was sleeping! Noticing that Nyla was so out of it that she wasn't going to be waking up even of she continued, Lauren stretched a little more before swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Just sitting there, Lauren wondered what she was going to do today. Probably spend the day with Nyla as she prepared to leave. Either way a new problem came up, her stomach started to loudly growl right as the priestess entered the room. Blushing slightly, Lauren awkwardly scratches her cheek and responds, "Ah, actually do you think you get grab me something to eat?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Of course. I shall return soon with some stew that we've made," the lamia priestess said with a smile as she slithered back out of the room, while Nyla snored softly in her sleep, looking quite cute and defenseless as she lay there next to Lauren.

A few minutes later, Lauren saw the priestess return, where she had a bowl in one hand filled to the brim with steaming stew that had a variety of ingredients, ranging from potatoes, onions, and a handful of other vegetables, and it had boar meat in it as well. It smelled absolutely delicious though, and it was More than enough for Lauren's stomach to rumble hungrily. In the other hand, she had a small single person sized loaf of bread, and grasped in the tip of her tail, she had a mug of something to drink that Lauren could tell was water after the priestess made her way over to her. "Here you go dear. Eat up," the priestess said with a smile, handing the bowl to Lauren and then the bread, and bringing the mug of water around to set it gently down at the bedside for Lauren to drink.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

Lauren smiled and nodded in thanks as the Priestess headed off to grab her some breakfast. While she waited for the Priestess, Lauren couldn't help but stare at the cute Nyla next to her. She even snuggled back up against Nyla for the short wait. And a short wait it was, as just a few minutes later, the Priestess returned with food!

As soon as she reentered the room, Laurens stomach started to rumble from the smell of it all! "Thank you very much!" Lauren said, as she accepted the food from the preistess's hands. She felt ravenous, but she still managed to avoid stuffing it all into her mouth at once. "Uhm, are the eggs ready to come back to Nyla's house?" Lauren asked in between bites. She didn't want to bring them back if it would hurt them for some reason. She wasn't too knowledgeable about this stuff.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Lauren's adventures in Amazonia (theguy09)

"Mhm, the eggs can be taken anytime you both like. Though I'd suggest letting her rest a bit first," the priestess replied with a smile, making sure that Lauren had everything she wanted in terms of food and everything before relaxing back to watch Lauren eat, not seeming to mind much.

After she finished eating, Lauren would notice Nyla stirring a bit, before her eyes opened up. "Mmm... h-hey there, I didn't think you'd be awake yet," Nyla cooed softly, reaching up and caressing Lauren's cheek with one hand.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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"Might as well take this chance to relax a bit more then." Lauren replied as she sat down on the bed, eating the stew and bread she was brought. It was strange she still had some energy in her, she imagined giving birth would take apot more out of her. She could only think that maybe it just had to do that she was giving birth to eggs instead?

Random thoughts like these incessantly popped up in Laurens mind as she eat and waited. Eventually Nyla started to stir and Lauren took notice, placing her own hand over Nyla's. "I'm a bit surprised myself that I'm not too worn out by the whole thing. I strangely feel like I still have some energy in me." Looking over to the basket full of her babies, Lauren continues. "Hey, how long does it take for them to hatch? I want to at least see em."