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League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Hmm sounds like you like playing Lulu as an AP based champ. I'm still trying to figure out what is better. Because Lulu full support is great and all, but you can't fully maximize her buff potential since she'll have no AP. I'm thinking about trying a hybrid support AP to give her spells more durability and effectiveness. I think you choice of runes is really interesting, more like a unique-what-fits-your-style type. I'm still in the conventional style stage, maybe i'll try to experiment around in the future.

Armor seals and MR glyphs usually work in most situations for me, MS Quints ALWAYS work for me, and the natural pick for marks is MPen.
You should go with what works for you, though, since not everyone plays the same.

Yeah, if a champ scales off of AP, I try to grab AP, regardless of 'role', except for tanks.
I LOVE Rod of Ages. Health, Mana, AND AP? OHFUCKYESPLEASE.

Yeah, she'll probably get a nerf. Still, considering what Riot does to healing abilities and champions with them, maybe it's better if she doesn't have it...

Had a feeling she'd hurt a lot with the right build. And the item you forgot is Void Staff.

Let's make us a kaiju! Add a Lulu on team and ask her to ult you for maximum oversize. Come to think of it, Surge also enlarges a champion, right?

Yep, Void Staff, that's the one.
Also, while she did do a lot of damage, it was kinda aided by the enemy team being baddies.

I _think_ Surge beefs you up some. I'd have to check it out.
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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Already did Cho'Gath Max Feast Size + Lulu Ult + Storm Shield (from Dominion) + Surge today. Baron Nashor is tiny to me.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I'd pay to see that. Is it too much to hope you've made a screenshot?
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Didn't, sadly.

On a side note... So I heard Viktor was underpowered?... ((Given how he only has two really bad matchups, Morde and Veigar, well...))

Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I see too many people that just don't know what to do with Viktor. Well, not item-wise, but in fights I see too many try to act like a badass and simply get popped. Kinda reminds me of Urgot, in a way: good champion, too many idiots that don't know how to play him.
And you would think it wouldn't be that hard, what with Viktor OBVIOUSLY being ranged AP nuke based on his abilities. I think what throws people is his special item.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Didn't, sadly.

On a side note... So I heard Viktor was underpowered?... ((Given how he only has two really bad matchups, Morde and Veigar, well...))


I dunno about that. I've seen some really good Viktors that really just destroy anything in the middle. His little bubble thing is so good.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

So I've been playing around with the new champion on the PBE...And well...Garen players, meet Garen's replacement, but stronger, more deadly, and more dangerous in every conceivable way or form. 60% armor pen with last whisper, and oh...400-1k true damage executioner move that refreshes? Yeah, not that bad at all. (Well, tbh, the ult's not that bad). You won't even notice he uses mana on that note, thanks to his LOL 40 mana skills, except when executing for a pentakill using his ult.

Probably going to get nerfed before release, but if not...Heheh, get your jungling camping his ass whenever he's top, because not even Olaf with 70 armor out trades him atm. (He is amazingly fun to play though.)
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Yeesh. Looks awesome. Maybe a bit too awesome. Definitely gonna try him out, I think.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

New Champ: Hoooooooooooleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I for-see a Nerf Bat in his future.

New Item (
- I'd still rather get Archangel's Staff more often than not, but this is a decent alternative, especially if they make sure it always costs less than Archangel.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Seems like a decent enough item for me. As for the new champ, HOLY SHIT. He's so getting nerfed.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

New Champ: Hoooooooooooleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I for-see a Nerf Bat in his future.

New Item (
- I'd still rather get Archangel's Staff more often than not, but this is a decent alternative, especially if they make sure it always costs less than Archangel.

@New Champ: Yup...and he was worse in the PBE.

@New Item: Actually, it's good on any champ that has mana problems but doesn't benefit as greatly from Archangel. See that swain or Anivia? Yeah, those two are real happy campers now. Galio is even happier.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Yeah, I figured that Swain would really like this item. Seems it's slightly more expensive than Archangel, but only by a very small amount. Personally I like it more than the staff.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Because of mana problems and lack of willingness to fill my rune slots with manaregen before the patch, I've actually stayed away from champions who easily run out of mana. Not sure if buying the chalice now is a good idea or not. I've still not seen anyone purchase it.

Also, solo queue Twitch is fun.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

If you're not sure, pick a mana-thirsty champion and go AI. Nice way to test shit, if you don't win too soon.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks


Also, I find Lulu to be the most useful support ever.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

So, a little late, but I only just now got to try Hecarim (don't play much and everybody wants him when he's free o_O).

Definite jungler, IMO.

^Hopefully that links to the build.

- Marks: 9x Flat Armor Pen
- Seals: 9x Flat Armor
- Glyphs: 9x per level Magic Resist
- Quintessences: 3x Movement Speed

Masteries: 1/21/8
- Offense:
-- 1/0/0/0
- Defense:
-- 1/0/3/2
-- x/4/0/x
-- 2/1/0/1
-- 0/3/0/x
-- x/3/0/x
-- x/1/x/x
- Utility:
-- 0/3/0/1
-- x/4/0/0

- Start with Cloth Armor and 5x Health Potions
- Kill Wolves > Large Golem (Smite) > Wraiths > Small Golems > Lizard Elder (Smite (should be back up by now))
-- Or, yanno, w/e path works for you. This is just the path I take.
- You may be able to try to gank or counter-jungle now if you still have a respectable amount of health. If not, farm the jungle until you have enough for Madred's Razor.
-- For counter-jungling, you can really start whenever, just make sure their jungler won't shit all over you.
- First trip back, get Madred's Razor, and possibly tier 1 boots. From here on out, it's up to you what you do, though I recommend ganking and controlling the jungle/Dragon.
- Also, whenever possible, get an extra ward or two. Yeah you'll be getting Wriggle's, but why settle for just the one ward?
- Rest of items:
-- Try for Wriggle's Lantern and Mercury Treads first.
--- You can also get Avarice Blade early on if you really have money issues, or just want to hurry up when you can buy your other items.
-- After that, Phage and Brutalizer work wonders.
-- Build your Brutalizer into Youmuu's, or get Zeal.
-- Youmuu's or Zeal, w/e you didn't do last time.
-- Finish up Trinity Force and grab another Zeal.
-- You should be damn near done by now. If not, get Phantom Dancer.
-- B.F. Sword > Infinity Edge.
-- Pots.

Ultimately, items should look like this (in no particular order):
- Wriggle's Lantern
- Mercury Treads (I recommend Mercury Treads on ANY melee, but boots are up to you.)
- Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Trinity Force
- Phantom Dancer
- Infinity Edge

Personally, I'm liking Hecarim. Smite/Ghost makes him tear through the Jungle, and his Rampage (Q) makes short work of camps.
- And yes, I realize Ghost seems superfluous, but a 27% increase in Speed that also increases your Attack for a while, AND is an excellent chase tool, AND when combined with your E (and Sheen/Trinity Force) gives you a massive damage steroid? Fuck yeah, you'd best believe I'm taking Ghost. Though Exhaust works well, too.
Also, his Q at 40% CDR and max stacks, is a 0.4 second CD. Now THAT'S fucking ridiculous. Like, Evelynn's Hate Spike ridiculous.
His Spirit of Dread (W) is either very nice or just meh. If you go tank with AP, the 0.8 AP ratio is quite nice. If you go AD, it still works to your advantage, but don't count on it to keep you in the fight if they get a couple people focusing you.
Devastating Charge (E) is the ability I love. Sure there's his Ultimate, but we'll get to that in a minute. Great for ganking, good for escaping/baiting.
- Gank: So, you've got Red Buff at the very least, and you see mid needs help. Run around in river, position yourself behind the enemy, then charge in and watch them either Flash to safety, or shit themselves in fear as they know they're fucked.
- Baiting: They think they're chasing you. Fools. You smack E and run into a bush in jungle. As they follow, you run around behind them, as your team jumps out at them from bush. Oh, look, their Carry and Support are behind their team... but right in front of you. And they blew their skills against your team.
- Escape: You're sitting in jungle, minding your own business, when BAM, they come for you. Not gonna lie, this won't always get you the fuck out, but when you're going 500 MS compared to their 350, even for just a second or two, yeah, they're gonna be hard pressed to catch you if they miss their initial chance.
..... ANYWAYS.
Onslaught of Shadows is a GREAT way to initiate, chase, or even GTFO. That 1 second of Fear (.65 if they have Merc Treads) is all you need to screw them over. Especially if they have a channel ability. Combine with Cho'gath and Fiddlesticks for epic shutdown. Throw in Amumu and Sivir for extra lulz. Only downside is they'll usually scatter to the winds, so you'll want to let people with abilities designed to screw with tight groups go first if possible.
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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

That build is really squishy. You'll be in a world of pain if the AP carry bursts on you.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Yep. Not saying this is for everyone, just sharing how I build him. Personally, I let my team start something, come in from behind after spells are on cooldown, and wipe up the high-damage enemies before they CAN shit on me. If you feel it's too squishy for your tastes, take out Phantom Dancer and Infinity Edge for Banshee's Veil and Atma's Impaler. 3k Health, 50 more MR, 45 more Armor, 37% less crit chance, and 35 less damage.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I really prefer building tanky on whatever I play, unless I'm playing Ahri, then I build pure damage, since I can move around so much with her and so easily that I can do well enough to evade yon enemy's threat zones.

And often for lulz, I use her ulti and insta-gib 'le squishy' AD carry in the back, since everyone who goes a damage dealing class is usually a brain dead idiot.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

So, Katarina is gonna get a skill overhaul soon. I guess Riot decided some of the older champions needed a fresh coat of skillpaint. Thoughts? And any bets that some of the other older neglected heroes will be getting some new overhauls soon? (PLEASE have Soraka done next, she could use a overhaul x,x)