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Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger chuckles a little bit, "You'd be surprised what your true capabilities really are. Once you get some adrenaline in your body, you can do some amazing shit..." he told Akira, seeming to be speaking from experience...
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris nodded. "I think I know why she picked you now Roger, and not to be a meat shield. I think she chose you because of your willingness to do what needs to be done, regardless of if you have to kill someone you know or like."

He stands now, adjusting his shades. "I think I'm going to go take a brief walk, the football will be due back shortly so I have to toss it again. Get some rest you two, we'll have work in the morning."

With that, he heads towards the stairs, likely to change clothing before he takes his walk, unless stopped.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger goes silent, and feels like a string in his chest was pulled violently out of his body at Chris' words. He only sits in silence, with the bottle in his hand, staring at the ground. All the memories, all of the faces, they all came flooding back in a quick, painful instant.

Roger suddenly felt miserable. He put a hand to his head, and sighed. "That's not even true... I did it out of selfish rage... Hell... Most people would have settled shit like that with a beating... But... I just lost it..." With the emotional build up, Roger found himself sweating, and his heart, beating heavily against his numb chest once more. He suddenly wished he wasn't drunk, as he couldn't contain his emotions like he normally could, and ended up looking in self-pity, at the floor beneath him.

"I don't think I'll be getting any sleep again..."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Akira looks over at Roger who had suddenly gone quiet, and begins to poke him with the empty tonic water bottle, wondering what was affecting the man. Deciding that changing the subject would be better than prodding, Akira offers, "We should share a room, is that okay?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger gives a start as Akira pokes him, and looks to her with a startled expression, before regaining his composure, and nodding slightly, "Uh... Sure..." he says indifferently, and uncertainly. He licks his lips, feeling a little dry, before looking to Akira, and nodding at... "Hell... The beer makes her look hot... Or him... I don't know... I suppose it won't hurt to find out... Hehehe..." he chuckled during the nod, and gestured with his head, "Lead the way, I don't really care which room I'm in, so it's up to you." he told Akira.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

(GAH, so much catchup! I don't even know who's still in the room at this point!)

Connor remained the silent observer, analyzing peoples movements and behavior, mainly to distract himself from actually having to actually deal with what was happening on his own terms. He figured he could question Chris in the morning about exactly what these conditions are to be and if there were any way out of it. At best, he had to spend the night and inquire further tomorrow. Laughing at himself out of a bit of ridiculousness, he approached the polite girl who had been introduced as Leena.

"Uhh hi.. listen, could I just get a glass of milk or something?"

Considering everyone before him seemed interested in alcohol, he felt silly asking. He just wanted a bit of milk to ease him before he slept, but in the meantime, he just wanted to sit down.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Of course, coming out momentarily."

She ducked into another room, which likely was a kitchen, and a few moments later brought out his milk, setting it down in front of him.

"Anything to eat with that?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"No, I'm perfectly fine, thank you though."

Connor sat down and tried to avoid thinking about the possibility of not having a choice of when to leave. That woman sounded awfully forceful, but there was little he could do. Instead, he just stares into his glass and slowly sips away at the drink.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen strode back into the Bed & Breakfast, giving Chris a wave as he went back to the main building, and immediately started looking for Leena.

She didn't have to look for long, finding her right in the entry room. "Hey there." She said in greeting, her tone neutral as she checked to see if anyone else was around.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Leena didn't seem to be too surprised to see her at all. "Good Evening. I'm guessing you and Chris had that talk he wanted to have with you already and you have questions? If that is the case, I'll do my best to answer them for you. Please, have a seat."

She indicates a very comfortable looking reclining chair across from herself.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Yeah, he did, and yes, I do. Thanks." Ellen says, taking the seat and waiting until Leena was seated herself before speaking up again. "So, you can see what I am?" She asked bluntly.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"I can tell your not amongst the living any more by your lack of readable aura if that's what you mean. If you mean specific species or clan of your kind, then no, that I can't see."

She pauses, probably thinking of how to best describe this.

"I'm what they call a natural born aura reader. I can read the aura's of people to varying degrees. Sometimes I can see what they think, other times I can tell if something is on their mind that they'd want to talk about. I can usually tell if someone is lying to me as well, though in your case I wouldn't be able to because I can't see or sense your aura."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"I see." Ellen says slowly. "That's quite rare, isn't it? Gypsy blood, perhaps?" She looks around again, stretching her senses to make sure they were alone, before turning back to her. "As for what, breed of undead I am, I'm a vampire, which causes a bit of a problem around here, as I'm sure you'd agree. I've talked to Sean, and he says he might have a solution, but I'd like to hear what you think."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

She smiled ever so slightly, before replying.

"I don't think that you would have been sent here if anyone thought you'd just go totally nuts and start draining people dry. I don't forsee any immediate danger in that regard anyway. Besides, you know who you'd be dealing with if you did, right?"

She paused a moment then continued. "As far as I know, Sean has never once, that I have heard of, attacked a person for blood who at the very least didn't deserve to be attacked. Mostly terrorists he's done in. I suppose you'd have that chance as well, though I'm curious about one thing. Does the blood have to be human and fresh for it to help you?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Sean can apparently subsist on normal food, I can't. I can go a couple weeks without, but eventually I'll need some. I'd does have to be fresh, but it doesn't have to be human, though I'd much prefer it. Anything else can be likened to tofu, I've heard it compared. I've been considering the ferrets, but it would take about a dozen of them to equal what I can safely take from a human, perhaps more" Ellen explained, still keeping every sense tuned for passerby.
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Leena leaned slightly over, then whispered, "there are plenty of livestock wild animals a few miles up the road, and the locals have been trying to control those unsuccessfully for years now. Just a thought, don't know how well it sits with you though."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen runs her tongue around inside her mouth for a moment, as if considering it. "That will have to do." She says finally. "Can I count on your discretion? I realize there's a few around her that whatever rules you follow dictate must be informed, but I'd rather keep this as quiet as possible."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Leena only smiles and nods. "Chris and Sean will likely already suspect that's what I will have told you to do, so no worries there, and the only other one who likely knows what you are would be Ms. Frederick. None of them are going to break that secret with the others unless they felt you were a threat to them, and warned them. As for myself, I work with Chris in the Warehouse, secret keeping is our game name."

It seemed Ellen had nothing to worry about from them, only from herself not slipping up.

There was a pause, and she added more. "So, tell me, what's your initial impression regarding Chris?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen nodded and leaned back in the chair, finally seeming to relax. "Nice guy, but too confident in himself. He thinks he's on top of the world, but seems to have forgotten that that's the worst place to fall from." She says, shrugging.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger, just walking into the room where Leena and the strange hooded woman were conversing, with a PDA in his hand, looked to both of them, "Either of you see an Asian lookin' kid run past here?" he asked simply, not wanting to go into details as to why he was looking.