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Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Good point, but it is a tad odd it somehow got out again... still, I personally wanna know what's up, but that's probably not gonna happen. At least the first day, that is."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

A voice came from behind them, possibly startling them. It belonged to Mrs. Frederick.

"It didn't get out on it's own. Someone removed it from the dark vault personally. As for what's going on, well let's just say we may have had a breach in security and unauthorized access by someone into the Warehouse. Someone who already had been placed in the system, so don't worry you folks are in the clear. For now."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"If I was going to steal something from here, I wouldn't be stupid enough to hang around after." Ellen says bluntly. "Now that you're here though, I do have a question. If you know so much about all of us, couldn't you have found people better equipped to do the job? I have a feeling a few of us are rather under-equipped for it, don't you?"
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"True, plus it may help with some people allready being uneasy..."

At Ms. Fredrick's comment, the girl jumped. "Well, it's a good thing you know who it is at least, I think?" she points out a tad timidly.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

She fielded both comment and question easily.

"We know that MacPhearson had something to do with it, but we're not quite sure WHO it was that assisted him. Obviously none of you could have even if you'd wanted to as you couldn't get into the Warehouse without one of us letting you in."

She turns to Ellen and then bluntly answers her.

"More qualified than some of you yes, we probably could have. However each one of you has something in common that none of those more qualified than you had. A high resistance or immunity to artifacts or viral contagions of the Umbrella variety. Each one of you in your lives has been exposed to at least one artifact, yet shown absolutely NO sings of falling under it's influence. That is why you were chosen despite your misgivings of your qualifications. As for being under-equipped, well, your job is to help out. OUR job is to teach you so to speak and guide you into becoming ready for these things, and to work with you as a team. Anything else ladies?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"One last thing, I suppose. How would you know we had been exposed to an artifact if we ourselves had no idea? You guys haven't been running around purposely exposing random people, have you?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Umbella... was behind... NecroTech...." Sarah said slowly, as if she couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, she turns around and pounds a couch pillow hard. "The first Hunter I see I'm gonna whip out the Sakura serum and fuck him up royal! Geezus criminey!"

To put it mildly, she was taking it hard.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

She shook her head.

"No, we have not, and if you ever find an agent who has you have my permission to kill them, or I will. No, all of you have been in areas at some point in your lives where an artifact WAS found however. Several were found in the location I met you in recently as well. Yet despite the fact almost all of the general population had some level of artifact trace on them, none of you showed any ill signs from it. That, as you can imagine, raised a few questions."

She nodded to Sarah.

"NecroTech supplied a vast majority of base material that went into Umbrella's research, at first unknowingly. It was only later, near the end that they partnered with Umbrella, we suspect out of fear from realizing they'd been involved directly, and an unwillingness to go against Umbrella."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

A long sigh comes from her as she lands back onto the couch again. "Still a shocker though... was this before the shit hit the fan there?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Akira continues to down the liquer, starting to feel rather... well, happy, and dizzy. Suddenly letting out a loud laugh, Akira topples out of the chair and lands face first into a pile of liquid which seems to be a combination of alcohol and what appears to be bits of food that Akira had eaten earlier. Akira remains in this position, starting to snore loudly.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sean happened to walk in, right as Akira toppled over. "Oh, great..."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Kevin was soon to follow, seeing the drunken spectacle and stifling his laughter "She was all cowardly a while ago. Now she's a drunk? What is wrong with all of you people?" he asks, sighing to punctuate his sentence "But, I'm in no position to be criticizing." he says, still stifling his laughter
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Yes, NecroTech willingly joined with Umbrella before the events that finally brought them down. We believe they were too afraid to challenge Umbrella alone, and likely with good reason. Umbrella's countermeasure bio unit squad would have been more than ample to storm in and kill every last member of NecroTech had they chosen to do so."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"I see, thanks for your time then." Ellen says after Ms. Frederic's part to her. She remains seated and quiet during the rest of the conversation, studying the woman intently.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Bloody hell... lesser of two evils, but still, bloody hell..." she says slowly as she sits back into the couch. "Ok, I'm done asking questions for now..."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

She nodded politely then turned to head out.

"If you need me, have Chris call me. Otherwise have a good night."

With that she turned, then noticed Akira.

Sighing she walked over with and withdrew a packet of smelling salts, waving them under Akira's nose.
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"You may want to stay away from the Jack Daniels, it seems you don't hold your liquor very well Akira. Come, let's get you up to your room."

Once her eyes focused, she would see it was Mrs. Frederick who had woken her up.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Akira nods slowly and shakily stands up, hand against face, "It... makes everything... so much better though..." Akira shuffles slowly towards the stairs and begins to climb, "Right... I'll just need to get to my room..."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Mrs. Frederick simply was silent, walking up with Akira, making sure a safe arrival occurred.