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Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Kevin snickers into his right hand, a smile hidden on his face "Mrs. Fredrick seems like a nice woman. So long as she rates on performance and not looks." he says, looking over at Sean "Must be tough, stuck in a big warehouse all day, your face most likely shoved into a computer screen."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sarah sighed and nuzzled back into the couch, looking to the ceiling. "Well, that was interesting I am sure," she pointed out to Ellen.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen let out a long sigh. "Indeed it was, something about that woman gives me the creeps." She says slowly.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Yeah... definately...." she agreed, still slunk down into the couch.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen doesn't keep the conversation going, slipping her head back to rest on the back of the chair, and staring at the ceiling.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sarah didn't bother trying to start it again, holding herself quiet as she slumped into the coucl, almost level with the armrest and legs danging into the middle of the floor.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

((Since it seems this has pretty well wound down for the 'night', I'm going to move ahead and declare a new day for the group.))

Morning came eventually, the bright sunlight filtering into each and every window of the Bed and Breakfast.

Anyone who came downstairs first thing would note three things.

One, Leena and RJ still had not returned.

Second, the tables were set for the morning meal already.

Third, Chris was in the Kitchen, finishing up making numerous eggs, bacon and french toast. It also appeared he had not been to bed yet either.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen had spent the entire night seated in her chair, alternating between reading a newspaper by lamplight, and leaning back with her eyes closed. She didn't feel hungry enough to go for eggs, but she wdered in and sat down anyways, feeling it was best to make conversation at least. "Morning." She said to Chris, stretching a bit as she did so.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Those who didn't wake up on their own got a bit of a surprise from the speaker system...A recording of the 1812 Overture began playing, with actual field artillery being used in that recording.

Sean came out from the passage to the Warehouse with a rather impish grin.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris nodded back to her.

"Mornin. Enjoy your reading and 'naps' last night?"

He said this with a bit of a smile on his face, though it was tempered with a somewhat sober, serious after-frown.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sarah's lapse into silence was soon followed by snoring herself, just nuzzled up into her trenchcoat. One would think that it would be uncomfortable, but it seems she wasn't bothered by it.

However, with the sounding of artillary fire, she immediately woke, giving a sharp yelp as she rolled to the floor in a confused tangle, subconsiously grabbing for her gun as she tried to figure out what had happened, before realizing it was a recording. "-The Fuck?!?" she murmered, still half asleep as she starts untangling her legs from her trenchcoat.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Yeah, it was quite enjoyable." Ellen said with a bit of a grin, nodding to Sean as he walked in. "Nice touch." She says in appreciation.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris was trying very hard not to bust out laughing, and only partially succeeding.

"Very nice touch indeed. I'm betting someone rose from their sleep and is going to be coming down here, weapons drawn trying to figure out if we're under attack."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Geeze, ya noticed?" Sarah grumbled as she got from the floor, rubbing out a bruise in her side from where the syringe case smashed between the floor and her. "Back where I came from, gunfire was a bad sign hands down!"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen chuckled as well, giving Sarah a sympathetic look before turning back to Chris. "So, what's on our plate today?" She asked, talking about the missions of course, not the food.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

At the start of the artillery shells, Kevin's left hand had been raised, his claws extended as he opened his eyes beneath his shroud of darkness "Music to my ears." he says quietly as he stands from his chair and walks towards the kitchen, retracting his claws before anyone could see them "Alright. That is what I call a wake-up call." he says, his right hand finding it's usual place in his pocket, noticing the people around the kitchen "Morning, ladies and gents."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Well the first order of business today will be to get each of you settled into the eye scanner system, that way you can let yourselves into the Warehouse, and out of it without having to sit around waiting for either Sean, myself, Claudia or the ever elusive Mrs. Frederick to do it for you. We'll see if there is any time left after that, and if there is I think you all should be made aware of the Warehouse's self-destruct features. So for today, no actual missions. Tomorrow however is a totally different story, but we'll get to that later."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"This sounds interesting," a voice remarks, and Dex enters the room quietly. The door to her room is slightly ajar, indicating she just rose to the lovely sound of Tchaikovsky. Considering nobody has seen her since their return from Nigeria people may be curious what she has done between then and now, but her room is accurately tidied up.

The eggs get nothing but a disgusted look as Dex sits down at the table. Instead she grabs some french toast and starts to top them with butter and strawberry jam.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"No more gate guard sections? Bout time!" Sarah said as she took a helping of the food.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Sounds good." Ellen says with a small smile. "So, feeling motherly today, decided to cook for us?" She teased.