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Leylonian Lament - Arya (T20)


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
Reputation score
It was another day for Arya, a Leylonian female who had run afoul of a group of slavers looking to take advantage of the epidemic that had wiped out the male population of the Leylonian race. Wanting to sell her body the slavers would soon find that Arya was infertile and unable to bear children. It was soon found out that it was a genetic issue with Arya specifically which made her an almost total loss. Soon Arya would find herself sold into SEW where she would be put on display for the entertainment of the crowd. Within a few days it was time for Arya to have her first match. Arya could see the other cell and there was another female who would be her opponent.

Would she fight? Would she embrace the crowd and let her opponent's have their way with her? The other cell would open first, and her opponent would make her way into the ring. The crowd would both cheer and jeer alike at the blonde haired woman. She looked to be human by all accounts and was wearing a simple sports top and shorts. Arya could hear the crowd shouting their desires to be the one selected to have their way with the loser at the end of the match. With her opponent waiting for her in the ring, Arya would hear the announcer speak.

"Now in the ring, a returning competitor and one you all want to see, Jane!" The Announcer speaking as if everyone knew who she was already and by the sound of it few people really even cared about her. They simply wanted to be the ones selected at the end of this match. "Now for her opponent, may I introduce to you a Leylonian by the name of Arya!" As the announcer started Arya's introduction, the cell would open allowing her to head toward the ring. Were Arya to attempt to move in any other direction, things could become unpleasant.

Arya glanced towards the ground for a moment, realizing this was really it. She was going to have to put on a spectacle for these disgusting people. She knew the consequences in store for her if she lost, and knew that she would probably have to do questionable things to her opponent to win. What a wretched, sleazy place she had been shipped off to. She headed forward, the only way she could, towards the ring. She made an effort to pay little attention to the crowd, not caring if she was seen as some kind of fan favorite. They disgusted her, her only concern was knocking the one called Jane out and taking her first step towards freedom and a life she had always been denied.

"Let's just get this over with." she stated coldly, raising her fists. She had learned at least something of what was expected out of her to win a match properly here. She was fully prepared to go the distance if she had to.
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Clock 0/25

Jane: Fine
HP: 80
PP: 120
WP: 120

Arya: Fine
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120

Arya's Hand: Recovery 1, Recovery 1, Recovery 2, Defense 1, Attack 3, Attack 3, Attack 4

Jane and Arya would find themselves in the middle of the ring as the bell rang to begin the match. Looking over at her opponent, Jane would simply scoff. "I see they lowered the bar if they let someone like you in here.. Let's see what you got at least." Jane would state as she looked to be winding up a punch to throw at Arya.

(Jane plays 1 card and attempts to strike Arya.)
Arya furrows her brow at Jane's insult but says nothing. She intended to let her fists do the talking. Arya was quick on her feet from all of her time spent trying to keep a step ahead of people that had meant her harm, but she realized Jane was likely more experienced than her in arena combat. She would simply have to rely on her natural instincts to evade her opponent's initial flurry and hopefully find her window of opportunity to fight back.

(Arya will defend with Defense 1).
Clock 1/25

Jane: Fine
Points: 5
HP: 80
PP: 120
WP: 120
Cards: 7

Arya: Fine
Points: 0
HP: 73/80
PP: 100
WP: 118.9/120

Arya's Hand: Recovery 1, Recovery 1, Recovery 2, Recovery 1, Attack 3, Attack 3, Attack 4


Jane plays Recovery 4 (+10) = 14

Arya plays Defense 1 (+14) (cap is +3 differential) = 14

Coinflip for tie, Jane wins. Jane starts to fire off a few attacks and one finally finds its way through glancing off Arya's chin as her guard was broken. Arya takes 7 HP and 1.1 WP damage. "Not bad. Now you get to show me what you got! Or you want to give up now?" Jane would back away a bit satisfied that she landed one of her punches through Arya's attempted guard. Taking a defensive stance now, Jane was preparing herself to take whatever Arya was going to do now that it was her turn to go on the offensive.

(Jane would play up to 2 cards to defend herself but would accept a grapple if Arya were to attempt one.)
Arya grimmaces slightly as one of the blows glances off her chin, but she didn't let it stop moving. If Jane was going to try to talk trash, the Leylonian had no intentions of playing ball with her, so to speak. Seizing an opportunity, Arya fires back with a flurry of quick jabs hoping to bait Jane into eating a strong right hook.

(Arya will strike, playing Attack 3)
Clock 2/25

Jane: Fine
Points: 5
HP: 59/80
PP: 120
WP: 117.4/120
Cards: 7

Arya: Fine
Points: 0
HP: 73/80
PP: 100
WP: 118.9/120

Arya's Hand: Recovery 1, Recovery 1, Recovery 2, Recovery 1, Attack 4, Attack 3, Attack 4


Arya plays Attack 3 (+12)

Jane plays Attack 3 (+10)

Arya fires back and nails Jane with a right hook at the end of her flurry. Jane takes 21 HP and 2.6 WP damage as Arya lands a clean shot on Jane. Recoiling back after eating a right hook from Arya, Jane would realize she was fighting a losing battle if she kept simply trading blows with her opponent. Looking to change the pace of the match, Jane would charge in and attempt to grapple Arya using 2 cards to do so.
Arya takes one small backstep as Jane's posture changes. Seeing what her opponent was doing, she saw a potential opportunity. She lowers her striking stance and prepares for the oncoming grapple, trying to stay focused to turn this situation against Jane.

(Assuming I'm doing this right, I'll take "Do Nothing" action to draw cards then enter neutral grappled state?)
(Yes, you are using Do Nothing as an action correctly.)

Clock 2/25

Jane: Fine
Points: 10
HP: 59/80
PP: 120
WP: 117.4/120
Cards: 6
Stamina: 46

Arya: Fine
Points: 5
HP: 73/80
PP: 100
WP: 118.9/120
Stamina: 48

Arya's Hand: Recovery 1, Recovery 1, Recovery 2, Recovery 1, Attack 4, Attack 3, Attack 4, defense 4, defense 3, attack 5


Jane plays Attack 2 + 3

Arya Does Nothing

Jane would soon realize that Arya had let her take the lead after they both took shots at each other to measure where they both were. Jane was still reeling somewhat from the shot she took courtesy of Arya's hands. Knowing she could not stand up to that much longer, Jane would close the distance between them and initiate a grapple between the two. Now all Jane needed to do was to get control over Arya to mitigate the damage Jane would be subjected to.

Jane attempts to put Arya into a submission hold and plays 2 cards to do so.
Arya wasn't the best in a close encounter like this, but she was no slouch. Mainly, she wanted to gauge her opponent and take the early parts of the match slower, hoping to wear Jane down before showing her real hand, so to speak. As Jane tries to pull Arya into a submission hold, the Leylonian would twist her body and attempt to shift her weight and pull out of the situation.

(Match 2 cards for 2 cards, defend with Def 4 + 3)