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Li's List (A collection of musings, concepts, ideas, etc)

Crazy Li

Jan 9, 2019
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Heya, everyone and welcome to my corner! I plan to use this to dump information on the ideas and stuff I come up with and maybe even share stuff I've actually made as well. I have a tendency to get many ideas for projects that I never actually create. I plan a lot, burn out, and move onto the next. I don't really have an audience, and this may be part of the issue... so one of the big things I'd like to try is get some feedback. I want to know if any of my ideas sound like they'd be interesting. If there are people out there who want some of these ideas to happen, I'm more likely to put some effort into doing so. I just need to know which of them seem the most promising. So please do comment and let me know if you'd wanna see any of these things and if hypothetically you want multiple, maybe a priority of which you'd most wanna see. There will definitely be ideas that are adult-themed, but some that are not as well.

Idea #1:
I have an idea for a hentai game that's sort of a RPG/Visual Novel hybrid in the vein of something like Monster Girl Quest. It takes place in a pre-established world I've created years ago with a set of playable characters. You would pick from one of these characters to play as, which is the unique twist of this game. Each character has their own path that you can explore as they try to work through the situation they find themselves in. This is the first adult-themed idea based on this world/story and the premise is that people are suddenly beginning to act strange and sexually assaulting everyone they come across. You, as the chosen player character, need to weed through what's going on and avoid being a rape victim yourself. Some characters know what's going on already and are actively investigating, trying to find the root cause and eliminate it. Some have no clue and just find themselves wrapped up and trying to defend themselves.

There would be a lot of different choices to make that determine what situations you get into and whether or not you encounter an enemy. There would be a turn-based battle system of sorts where the enemies are trying to strip down and molest your character and you need to fight them off. They'll only stop once knocked unconscious. The player character has a meter that tracks how aroused they've become from the stimulation received. If they end up being brought to orgasm, they'll be at the mercy of the opponent.

Playable characters include both males and females, as do enemies. There would be a mix of different potential experiences such as more traditional paths (playing as a female with predominantly male opponents or playing as a male with predominantly female opponents) as well as yuri/yaoi focused paths and ones where you get a fairly evenly split of enemies of either gender to experience it all.

The main thing holding me back are the resources for creating this game. I'm not an artist, so CG quality may be a bit lacking... and I can't really do backgrounds at all. Also, not good with music, so I could do little more than just steal these from other sources :p but this all brings me to...

Idea #2:
Noticing that there's a CYOA board here got me thinking... what if idea #1 was more feasible being adapted to his format? A choice-based VN has a lot in common with a CYOA anyway... just the latter would allow me to focus on my strength of writing and not worry about graphical assets. If there's any real interest in the base concept and people would like to play out a path on these forums, I could consider giving that a try.

Idea #3:
As I mentioned before, the world and characters from Ideas 1&2 have been well-established in a story I came up with long ago. Unfortunately, most of what was written only existed on a message board that no longer exists, so I don't have that to share. I've always wanted to make a re-telling of it though. I considered writing about it again so people can get to know the world and the characters within it better. This may make people more invested in one of the top 2 ideas, assuming anyone developed an interest in the characters by following their backstories as they happened. This story is not an erotic one in the least. It contained no real sexual content. At best, some characters might talk about their sexuality or mention something sexual, but no actual depictions of sexual acts would be included in the main story. If I DID share it here and it got popular enough, I would consider making spin-off one-shots that were sexual in nature, perhaps exploring their sex lives or just random events for the sake of eroticism, but that would be separate. I can give a brief description of the world/setting if desired.

Idea #4:

Another H-game idea I had would use a lot of the core mechanics of the game mentioned in the first idea, but be created purely for the sake of this game, rather than using my old ideas. In this one, you would create your own character to play as with various customization options. I don't have a lot on this idea yet as it's a newer one... so things like plot and whatnot aren't exactly determined... but if the concept draws enough interest, I could try to flesh it out. It would likely have battles similar to #1, but the premise may be entirely different. It may not necessarily be based around fighting off sexual attacks and it's possible that a fair number of H-scenes would be obtained directly through your choices. I do want some sort of RPG-like growth system though where you can gain stats and skills. I considered some skills even being related to sex and expanding the battle system into one where you could optionally use sexual attacks on the enemies as well as. I haven't really decided on any of this yet, though. I might have to break apart the different systems and settle on one way of doing things, but I'm open to input.

Those are basically my running ideas at the moment. More will likely be added over time as well as other things that I'll share when it comes to me to share them. If anything piques your interest, please do tell me, and feel free to ask questions if you would like more info on anything.
Hmm... doesn't seem like there's any interest in my ideas, so I probably shouldn't bother to try any of them here. But I might as well continue with the post I was gonna make anyway since I already prepared the image... just some mugshots I made of my character concepts.

Might as well also dump some of the images I was working on for CGs if I moved forward with the game project. As I mentioned before, I'm not really an artist, so some of these are a bit messy.
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