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Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Much of the East Region of Moonlight city was part of the city in only the most minor sense. Many small townships were within its borders, and car travel times of ten to twenty minutes could be expected between the edge of one township to the next.

It was in one of these smaller towns, called Rosewood City, where one Bree Sakamoto lived with her two friends Iori and Misa. Bree the most recent addition to the household that had previously only been lived in by the two voluptuous sisters. There were some benefits to this arrangement, and some negatives.

Namely that living with your current homeroom teacher meant that you didn't get a chance to sleep in that often.

Bree would be woken up with a light strike of a pillow to the face, followed by Iori's voice cutting through her morning haze, "Wake up Bree, Misa already has breakfast cooking and I know Mr. Kimihito has a review quiz planned for you today so we can't have you arriving late."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Mmph, don't remind me Iori. And just a couple of more minutes, I'm so comfortable," Bree murmured sleepily after jerking awake from the pillow strike, one hand reaching out to gently grasp Iori's butt if she could reach it, where she'd give it a little squeeze.

After another minute or so however, Bree would get up on her own, regardless of whether or not Iori hit her with the pillow again or tried to get her up some other way. Once up, Bree did her morning business in the bathroom, brushed her teeth and hair, grabbed her a fresh uniform for school, and headed down for breakfast. "Morning you two. Any tips on that quiz? Like what it's gonna be about maybe, so I got a bit to think about it," Bree said as she sat down at the kitchen table and pulled her plate up.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Bree would indeed get another pillow in the face, though it was more in revenge for the 'Eep' she managed to extract from Iori with her little butt squeeze. Though she might have gotten a third pillow in the face if she hadn't gotten up as quick as she did, and Iori left and let her go through her morning business.

Down at the dining table, Iori and Misa were already eating, the former dressed up for her job in a tight fitting uniform much like Bree would have to wear, and a longer skirt, well the later was still in her underwear, evidently she had the day off today.

Iori would make sure to finish what she was eating before she replied to Bree, "I think it was something to do with the Sengoku period. The man is a nut about that era I swear."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Heh, well at least I'm a good study on my history. Should be a piece of cake... I hope. Math is my tough subject remember," Bree replied, giving both of them a confident wink as she dug in to her food.

After she finished, Bree got her things ready and passed the rest of the time before heading out studying her history books for the mentioned quiz. When Iori was ready to go, Bree grabbed her shoes, smoothed her knee length skirt down, made sure her stockings were pulled up, and headed out for the car, after giving a deep goodbye kiss to Misa of course, giving her ass a little grope too. As per their usual plan, Iori dropped Bree off just shy of the school parking lot to ensure that none of the teachers saw she was riding with her, where Bree followed the crowd on in.

"Hey everyone. How's life?" Bree called out to her friends as she caught up to them, slipping in beside them and following them inside the school.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Bree's friends would quickly pull her into their ongoing conversation, and the rest of the trip to school would pass quickly. Homeroom passed by just as quickly, the only real incident of note was that one of the girls in the class was missing that day for the second time in a row.

A few rumours passed through the class about what might have happened to her, ranging from kidnapped, to being pulled into a drug ring, to being sick, to running off with a mysterious college student. Regardless, no one knew where she went, and soon forgot the incident as Mr. Kimihito came in and took over, administering them the quiz.

The quiz passed by easily for Bree, and lunch would soon come. One of her school friends, a girl named Chie would come up to her. The brown haired girl was another member of the school's martial arts team, "Hey Bree, you coming to practice today?"

Well they were both members of the team, it wasn't uncommon for team members to skip practice occasionally, and rarely was there any repercussions for it. Only if they skipped a few in a row did anyone start to notice and punishments could come.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Bree did notice the missing girl from class, though she waved it off as she was probably just sick, or more likely had run off with a college boyfriend. She didn't know the girl all that well herself, so she couldn't be certain if the latter was true or not, but she did know her enough to know she probably didn't get roped into a drug ring, though being kidnapped could never be ruled out in Bree's opinion.

Either way, their homeroom passed by quickly, with Bree stealing a few glances at Iori while she wrote down her answers for her work. At a couple of points she winked at Iori where no one would see her doing so, and once near the end of class she blew her a kiss. After homeroom class, Bree prepared for Mr. Kimihito's history quiz, having feeling awesome that she had a bit of inside knowledge on the matter.

After the quiz, which Bree thought she did very well on, she went to lunch and sat down to eat with some of her friends. When Chie asked if she was heading to practice, Bree nodded. "Yeah of course. I like staying in shape, plus I uh... well being one of the big black belts on the team, I got to be there for the newer guys and girls," Bree answered, catching herself before saying that her ride wasn't leaving until later in the day, meaning Iori.

After lunch, Bree went to her next class, doing her work and finishing up her classes for the day before heading to her martial arts practice. On her way to the gym for practice after classes, Bree stopped by to tell Iori that she'd meet her after practice, though she knew that Iori may simply come and watch, because she seemed to enjoy watching Bree working up a sweat.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

No one noticed Bree's flirts with Iori, which was probably for the best. Though Iori made a jokingly threatening motion to Bree to try to get her to stop risking such things in such an open place.

At the end of the day Bree would head off to her homeroom again, looking for Iori. Though things seemed surprisingly quiet for just after class. Infact Bree could swear she couldn't hear anything that would normally be associated with a school. All she could hear was something that almost sounded like a cicada buzzing through the hallway.

The closer she got to homeroom, the louder the buzzing sounded, and the light flowing in through the window seemed to almost be turning blue.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

At Iori's gesture, Bree stopped and settled it down with one last wink, remaining behind and tying her shoes so that she could blow Iori a kiss without anyone else in the room. "Sorry, couldn't help myself. But I'll always be sure that no one sees me until after I've graduated," Bree whispered on her way out of the classroom.


As she headed back to find Iori to let her know that she would be heading to practice, Bree heard the odd buzzing sound of a cicada, which was made even more odd by the fact that the light shining through seemed to be turning blue. "What the... hell?" Bree asked herself softly as she made her way towards her homeroom class.

A sudden burst of worry shot through her, that something was very wrong, and she had to get to Iori... now. Bree ran the rest of the way to her home classroom, not caring about the buzzing, but for Iori. When she got to homeroom, Bree would open the door and look inside to check on Iori.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Wrenching open the door to the homeroom, Bree would be greeted with a rather unusual sight, and one that might be potentially terrifying at the same time. Iori was there, though she was slumped over her desk, and it looked like it had been a sudden thing.

Meanwhile sitting on the edge of the teachers desk, staring right at Bree with a look that made her think her coming had been predicted already, was a Though Bree could almost immediately sense something unnatural about her, even as the woman said in a voice that almost oozed sexuality, "Ahh you are finally here, good to meet you Bree."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Rounding the corner as she opened the door to homeroom, Bree gasped as she saw Iori slumped over the teacher's desk. Bree glanced to the woman sitting on the edge of the desk and gulped softly as she took in her features. She had very large breasts, and the mere sight of her was nearly enough to make her hard... nearly. Since being with Iori and Misa, Bree had managed to learn to control her body's urges, mostly thanks to their help.

"And who are you? What did you do to my Iori? And what do you want?" Bree asked warily, clenching her left fist enough to crack her knuckles.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Aww, I was expecting more of a fun reaction." The woman said, her eyes flicking down to Bree's groin for a moment before back up to her. The woman standing up from the desk and started to walk closer. "My name is Mara, and I've only put your lover to sleep for a bit." Mara was now in touching distance of Bree, and made good use of it to run a hand along Bree's cheek and neck. "You have a great taste in women by the way. As for what I want, well I want to give you a bit of a proposition."

Starting to circle Bree, Mara would continue. "You see, you have something that would be useful to me, and I'm not just talking about this," Mara would reach over and grope at Bree's member through the girl's clothes. "You see Bree, you have some innate magical ability inside you, and I can make it much more powerful. All I'd ask in exchange is that you work for me, and help me deal with some...competition in the area."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

After the woman glanced down at her crotch, Bree's willpower began to fade slightly and her shaft began to swell slightly thanks to the woman's sexy appearance, and because she'd caressed her cheek and neck. Bree glanced over at Iori again as the woman assured her that she'd merely knocked Iori out. "T-Thanks... I guess. And what's your proposition?" Bree replied, gasping again as Mara as she named herself reached down and grabbed her crotch through her clothes.

This was the last straw and her shaft began to swell until she was tenting her skirt out against Mara's hand. "M-Magical powers? W-What are you talking about? Magic isn't real," Bree replied, looking around at Mara with a cautious and wary look in her eyes. "And did you do anything else to Iori other than knock her out? If you did, then you'd better come clean about it right now," she went on to ask, worry for Iori obvious in her voice.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Ohhh," Mara cooed as Bree began to tent out her skirt. You really are a big one." The woman's hand continued to grope at the herm through her skirt with immense skill even as she continued talking, "But yes, don't worry I didn't do anything else to Iori. When I leave she'll wake up without a memory of what happened. As for magic, it's quite real if it wasn't I don't think I could do this."

With that Mara wrapped her other arm around Bree's wait, and suddenly they were both sitting on a desk at the very back of the class, or atleast, Bree was. Mara was sitting in Bree's lap, her face only an inch or two from the human's. "Now though, if you agree I can promise you'll be paid well for it."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Y-Yeah I know it's big. It's... bothersome sometimes, like now, when I'd rather it not do that. But the rest of the time it's actually very nice to have," Bree said as the woman continued to fondle her, her member quickly rising to full mast under her skirt.

When Mara suddenly whisked them to the back of the class, Bree gasped and leaned her head back a few inches as Mara came down in her lap and leaned in towards her. "Okay, magic is real then," Bree said, her voice a bit tense. "And paid how? And who do you want me deal with? And for that matter... why me? Surely there's others that you could go to. I'm nothing special really," Bree then asked curiously, still tense, but trying to remain calm and collected, to see what this woman wanted exactly, and to ensure that nothing happened to Iori by keeping on Mara's good side.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Mmmmm. Well first off there aren't many people around that have both this," Mara wiggled her rump a bit, grinding Bree's erect member between their stomachs, "and this." Bree would feel something poking at her panties, right over her petals. "That combo right there makes you interesting enough as it is. That you happen to have a high natural magic reserve is just a plus."

Mara would continue to grind against Bree as she spoke, evidently taking great joy in playing with the futa. "As for what you will be paid with? Well it is the most basic currency of all, power, as much power as you could want. The targets are even better, as the majority are a menagerie of rapists, murders and other criminals that your society would treat very harshly. Though none of them are human so it your laws don't apply to them to well. Regardless, is there any other questions? Or will you accept and we can skip to the fun part."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Bree trembled as her privates were both touched, or near enough as makes no difference anyway. "I... I'll have to think about it alright. This is all happening so fast. A-And I'm late for my martial arts practice. And besides, you still haven't told me who exactly you're supposed to be. I mean sure you told me a name, but that doesn't tell me who, or what you are for that matter. How do I know I can even trust you?" Bree replied after a few moments while Mara continued to grind, though as she finished speaking, Bree's hands grasped Mara's hips and stopped her grinding for the moment until she got a bit more in the way of answers, though not unkindly by any means, because she knew how to treat a woman at least. And besides, Iori and Misa were her lovers, she barely knew this woman.
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

Mara would pout just a little bit at Bree stopping her movements, "Well, unfortunately I don't think I'm going to let you out of here without atleast a little parting gift. Though preferably you'd agree to work with me before you go." Mara said, and judging by the look on her face, she meant to go through with it. "As for what I am, well, I'm a succubus."

Bree would feel that something poking at her pussy again, and if she tried to look around Mara she'd see a tail coming out of the back of the other girl, that was currently trailing under her skirt. "Though don't worry, I don't kill people, just drain them enough that they don't remember what happened. Though I'll make an exception on the forgetting part for you."
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Well, I barely know you. I'd like to get to know you as a person b-before I do anything like that. A-And a succubus? I've always heard succubi aren't very nice, and like to trick their victims. Are you one of those kinds of succubi?" Bree said, gasping and trying to close her legs when she felt Mara's tail poking around just under her balls against her slit, which was still pure. "And besides, you knocked out my lover after all just to talk to me, it doesn't shout a whole lot to me that I can trust you without some incentive," she added, speaking in a neutral tone, that told Mara that Bree wasn't going to just give her what she wanted without a show of trust, and that she was more than a little frightened.

In the back of Bree's mind, she was imagining bending Mara over Iori's desk, waking Iori up, and having a great time with both of them right here and now, filling both so full of her seed that they looked like they were nine months pregnant. The more sane part of her mind however was screaming alarms at her to tread carefully here. This was all so new to her, but she was still in her right mind enough to think things through for the most part, but it was fast becoming harder to think straight with such a gorgeous woman in her lap. This woman, Mara, was a succubus apparently, and succubi in nearly everything she'd ever read about them, were evil... at least mostly. She kept her hands on Mara's hips for now, reaching around a tiny bit further towards her ass, where she easily had a firm grip with which to throw Mara off of her if there was any indication that something was amiss.

"I... I'm not wholly against the idea though Mara. B-But, this is all happening so fast okay. I mean I come in and see Iori knocked out on her desk, and then you tell me that magic is real, a-and I... I need to... calm down Bree... breathe in... and out slowly," Bree said after a few moments, starting to hyperventilate a little, but after taking in a few deep breaths and letting them out slowly she calmed herself back down and looked back to Mara. "Do you mind telling me some more about yourself at least maybe? To put my mind at ease. First off, I don't know anything about real demons and whatnot. So do um... do you corrupt people? Are you trying to corrupt me?" she went on to say in a calmer tone.

OOC: (I'm assuming any sex with a succubus will result in corruption gain.)
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Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

"Ohh no, you are right. My kind tend not to be very nice." Mara admitted flat out, though she was still pouting at how Bree hadn't fallen for her charms yet. "And we corrupt people. All Youma do to some extent. Though I am not trying to corrupt you no. If you contract with me then you won't have to worry about me corrupting you at all."

Mara actually looked serious now, "After all, if you are working for me then I wouldn't want to break my employee would I? As for knocking out your lover, that was for your benefit more then mine. You see, she can't see me unless I let her, she can see you though. So she would just think you are going crazy and talking to the air. Also she's too delicious looking to permanently harm."

"As for myself, well, I am a rather powerful Youma around here. Unfortunately power comes with the cost of making enemies. That is why I want to contract you. If I went out and started destroying other Youma I'd just get even more enemies. If you do it, then it's just them getting done in by a magical girl and no one will think twice."

Mara seemed to start slipping back into her flirtatious personality. "And in exchange, you'll have my protection against the other Youma that might try to come after you, you'll have powers beyond you're wildest imagining, and I'll if you work hard enough. I can ensure you a cushy fulfilled life after you finish your contract."

With each sentence Mara got closer and closer, till her lips were at Bree's ear and she spoke in a whisper. "So, what do you think? Wanna be my new right hand girl?"
Re: Living on the Edge, of the city (Mindflayer)

As Bree calmed down, she listened more intently to Mara, who was explaining everything to her. "I suppose you're right about that. I don't want her thinking I'm crazy. God she probably already thinks I'm crazy enough as it is, falling for my own teacher, and her sister to boot. And please don't pout like that, it makes me feel bad. Honestly, if you'd showed up about a week or two ago, I wouldn't have stood a chance at all and I'd probably have laid you down over the teacher's desk and had you show yourself to her so I could fuck both of you right here. Ever since I laid eyes on Iori and Misa, I've just been... completely insatiable. But they've been helping me to learn to control my urges thankfully, else we'd have been caught by now," Bree replied, raising a hand up and fixing her glasses as she pushed them back up onto her face properly. "I also should thank you too I guess for not hurting her, else we'd have been fighting by now, and you're too beautiful yourself for me to have to hit," Bree went on to say, smirking as she complimented Mara's beauty.

"So, instead of you making enemies of them all, you want me to make enemies of them all? Heh, well I have enough enemies as it is, so a few more probably wouldn't hurt all that much. You don't know how many guys that practice martial arts I've put on their asses because they thought they could beat a girl. Well... mostly a girl anyway," Bree asked with a chuckle, feeling amused that she was being looked at because she was strong, though as she finished speaking here she did blush a bit and looked away. "So how long will this contract last? And... does this happen often? Youma making contracts and stuff with.... Magical Girls wasn't it? Oh and also, no corrupting Iori and Misa, or my friends. I won't back down on that, my friends, family, and lovers are off limits... unless you want to make a contract with them too or something. In that case, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to have some fun with them and stuff and did that so you didn't corrupt them," she went on to say, feeling a little perky now that she heard more details and whatnot.

By the time Mara's lips were a centimeter from her ear, Bree looked almost eager to learn more. "Oh yeah, and what sort of benefits can I expect? Like, short and long term ones. And, would I have any sort of protection from your allies, or just you?" Bree asked, her shaft back up to full mast again and her hands on Mara's ass, giving it a firm squeeze. "I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with all these questions. But I mean, this is all so unexpected and new to me and everything. So... what do I have to do? To make this contract I mean," she added, finally giving in to her body's desires and locking lips with Mara if the succubus allowed her to.