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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I have no idea, I just knew.

19 opal

The founding glassmaker went into a fey mood, and quickly completed a glass throne that is worth a lot. He is now a legendary glassmaker, and will make very good products.
I've decided to stop the construction of the megaproject for now, and go on to a third method. We will drop a burning lignite bin into the ocean, hopefully evaporating it completely. I got the idea when the last caravan brought 2 lignite blocks, so why not? It's worth a try.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

becareful you dont have any booze or fat between the bin and the dump point cus your dwarf might decide its suddenly hungry and drop the bin in your booze stockpile
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

That'd be an awesome sight.
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Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Sorry people, had no time to play, and other issues.

24 granite

I was just about to trade with the elves, but they don't have anything worth trading anyway, so I'm going right on to the progress on the wall, and lignite bin dropper. The south part of the wall is done, so we're safe from that side, and the bin dropper is not at all close to being done yet. Everything is being worked on though, so I estimate the north wall and dropper would be ready at about the same time.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

19 slate

A mason managed to fall into the water while working on the bin dropper, luckily, it wasn't too far down, and he managed to climb out using the exit made earlier, when the plan was still about pumps.

24 slate

Migrants, unexpected, but here they are, more people to sit around in the dining room, drinking booze and eating the best food while doing nothing. We already have 60 dwarves doing nothing. Besides that, a planter grabbed a log and started making an artifact, I have full confidence that he will make something which has no use at all.

2 Masons
1 macedwarf(Useful)
1 farmer
1 guard
1 thresher
1 hunter(Coffin set ready)
1 jeweler
1 peasant, and just because I can, I had him loaded up with the heaviest armour available, given a blunt object, and told him to go "Hunt"
1 animal caretaker, like above, but then with a spear
As a bonus, I made sure that both new "Hunters" are quick to be discouraged, and quick to anger, this should be interesting.

26 slate
Turns out, the artifact is a wooden puzzlebox. About as useless as I expected.

3 felsite

A tigerman attacked a pump operator, which was out replacing a cage for a cage trap. Sadly, Urist died at the hands of the beast, but luckily, a full squad of macedwarves was near it, and they took their time to slowly beat the creature into a fine red pulp on the ground, and then buried Urist.

Urist will be missed.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Damn, a fine dwarf was lost...

I love the new hunters, though.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

23 hematite

One of the new hunters was trying to kill a fire imp, and managed to get himself burned. He died a moment after the imp started biting him. I have no idea how the hunter even managed to let something kill him when it's smaller then him, has no weapons, no armour, and he has the best armour, and a spear. After he died, the imp stayed there, and kept coughing up chunks of dwarf while the hammerdwarves moved into position. The hammerdwarf that arrived first stood next to the imp, took a few practice swings, and then punted the creature over the pipe and made it land right into a small hole which was dug earlier for no reason I can remember.

1 malachite

The north wall is done as well, at least the basics, and humans came to trade. The trading went fine, and they are going to leave soon enough, but what I really am confused about is the wall. Or more specificly, what is on top of the wall. You see, there wall can only be reached through a tower, which is guarded, and picture the following.
A puddle of blood on the wall, close to the outside edge.
An elephant wandering around on top of the wall, confused, first appearing at the place where the blood is.
I really don't know what happened here, even moreso when considering the animal would have to go through 2 locked doors to reach where it is.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

... Ok, the elephant got me.

Also, Dwarves vs Imps - current score 3:0.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

8 timber

We've traded with the dwarves, and as usual, not a lot of special goods, but what did happen was a metal crafter getting moody. In the end, we got a steel earring with gems, stone, leather, silver, and more steel. It's incredibly valuable, and she seems to have learned a lot from it, so everybody gets a double ration of booze to celebrate.
The lignite dropper is going very slowly, but at least most of the wall is done now.

21 timber

A champion has just died in a sparring accident. As it turns out, he was hit very hard on the chest with a steel war hammer, and was wearing no armour for some reason. He suffocated shortly after that. Bad things happen sometimes, they just seem to happen more often with the military.

11 moonstone

A mechanic got attacked by another tigerman, and was beaten up for a while before getting pissed off, and punching it in the stomach with enough force to break it's spine and toss it away. The military later on walked by and finished the tigerman, the same dwarf took aim first, and then swung his hammer against it, sending it flying into a small pond close to one of the early exploration shafts. The dwarves that got the wounded mechanic forgot to take her baby, but it's a dwarf, so I think it will do fine.

19 moonstone

Goblins are invading, so I did what seemed like a good idea, and closed off the only way in, luckily, the walls were done, so now we can just keep building and doing everything outside like usual.

24 moonstone
The goblins thought it would be a good idea to stand on a raised platform just a bit away from the wall, they completely ignored the archery target standing there, and the merksdwarves on the wall. Half the goblins died, the other half are standing behind the platform just out of reach.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Nothing out of the ordinary... More things getting killed, as usual.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

sometimes i wish my fortress was as epic as this... thats why i just got dig deeper mod yay
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

7 obsidian

The duke managed to drown himself somehow, and left us with 7 children, and a list of dwarves he didn't like that included, but are not limited to:
2 of the founders
4 metalworkers
3 carpenters
7 crafters
and 1 architect.

He also left us with a mandate for catapult parts, which is now sitting in the garbage zones.

25 obsidian

A mechanic went insane, it was the same as was attacked by a tigerman, having her lose her child(One of six), however, losing him was too much for her, and she's now babbling, which coincidently, is just like the duchess, who keeps whining about not being able to reach her husband's clothes deep in the sea.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Heh. Nobles are good as stress relief sometimes...
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well, sometimes they randomly do things you never know about.

20 granite

A bowyer(Useless) entered a mood a while back, the siege just walked off, and the mechanic that was crazy drowned. In the end, nothing really big happened, we just have a new artifact wooden crossbow, it's nice and expensive though, and now we can go out of the fort again to claim the dead goblin's stuff.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

28 slate

Migrants? Why? We don't need more workers, and we already have too many dwarves doing nothing at all.

Well, anyway, here's the list.

1 crafter
1 miner
1 guard
1 butcher
3 masons
1 fisherdwarf
1 soap maker

11 hematite

Oh, great, goblins. Everybody has been told to get back inside, except the soldiers, most of the aboveground work can continue without issue though, but since there's no way to selectively bring back in some dwarves, and stop the others from going out at the same time I had to order everyone inside.

21 hematite

3 groups of goblins have died, and 3 more are camping outside. No losses on our side, except a few bolts which we had to use for something anyway.
On the bright side, a guard is acting like he has a big secret and is gathering resources, so we're getting a new artifact.

19 malachite

A group of goblins came too close, and were shot down by our marksdwarves. The survivors are still out there, behind trees like elves.
And the artifact was done, a wooden bracelet, with lots of decorations, including diamonds. The guard is now a full time crafter.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Well, target practice is necessary sometimes.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

10 galena

The mayor has mandated a ban on exporting tables, but I assured him I had no intention of selling bulky, cheap tables while we have several stockpiles full of nearly worthless rock drums, idols, crowns, dildos, and probably some rock whips or something. I'm sure we have plenty of rock junk for many caravans to come without resorting to making and selling tables.

10 limestone

Err..Oops, I accidentily ordered the wall separating the fort from the ocean to be channelled away, effectively making the forges part of the ocean. Luckily, the magma there held back the water long enough for dwarves to install doors and make a lead wall where they could not get doors. The fort is saved, and I guess the water will just be gone later once we drop the lignite into the ocean. Until then, we've got some forges that can't work.
Besides that, the goblins just got up and left, that's all, they just left.

11 limestone

While the pools outside are evaporating, I'm noticing the part of the fort that was flooded is actually draining as well, from a pump I had there on automatic for some reason, just pumping air. Now it's pumping water.

20 limestone

Goblin ambushes, and a dwarven caravan, the dwarven caravan had a guard push a goblin into a dried out pool, which is now no more then a muddied pit. Both were spearusers, and both lost their spears, so now they are amateur wrestlers in the mud, and both are female. They wrestled until they were both unconscious from exhaustion, with most of their clothes torn off.
A different group is currently chasing around a butcher.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

This game has naked mud catfights? IT IS AWESOME.

Also, how the Hell did you manage to make that mistake with the wall?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

About the wall, I was hoping to drop a natural tile into the magma channel below the wall holding the sea water out, because there was one tile of unmined native gold down there, which I could get after blocking the magma for our forges, so it stays in there. Turns out, an obsidian block is just as good.

19 sandstone

A mason made an artifact today, an amazing microcline hatch cover, which is useless..Well, maybe for much later it will have a use, but for now, It's about on par with getting an earring. It's not really worth much either. He didn't even become legendary from it, but by now we have 4 or 5 legendary masons anyway, so it's not like we need another.

4 timber

Remember the dwarf and goblin mudwrestling?
They both drowned as the water in the pool refilled, they never even thought about walking out of the obvious exit I made for them, and just sat there as the water level rose above their heads.
Also related to water, a hunter drowned today while chasing an elephant with his sword. He fell into the water and sat there till he stopped breathing.
A furnace operator and armoursmith have also gotten married, their ceremony was held by the water.