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Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Jenn walks out of the inn, discussing with the doctor their destination.


"I'd say we should go to a gun shop, but everyone thinks that and so they're probably all empty. Same with convenience stores and groceries.

I asked in the inn's supplies and they told me they wanted ammo and clothing, and I can only think of one place where one might find both - a gun owner's house. The obvious problem being "how can you tell a gun owner's house from a non-gun owner's house" and additionally there's probably not too much else useful there.

So... any idea on where we ought to go, doctor?"
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]


"Well, we could just start breaking into private homes - ones that are still locked. Do you know how to pick locks? I don't. We could probably kick a door down though."
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]


"As it happens... I do know how to pick locks, reasonably. I mean, I'm not breaking into fort knox or anything, but I know what I'm doing.

So then... let us away to the private residences to find a locked house."

(And... off we go.)
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

As Jenn and Ritter walk down the street, dozens of tentacles burst from the sewer grates and man hole nearby.

Ritter was the unfortunate victim, as she suddenly found herself wrapped in tentacles.

They also reached for Jenn, but she was quick enough to react before they grabbed her...

(Jenn has the initiative)
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]


"Oh jesus, what the hell is that thing?"

It was a rhetorical question. From her understanding of the situation Jenn decided that anything out of the ordinary was probably trying to rape her. The thing had bound the doctor. Fortunately, Jenn was free, and she had a sword.

Jenn attacks the tentacles binding the good doctor in an aggressive stance, aiming to ensure her hands are free first of all.
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

A surprised yelp leaves the eccentric woman's lips as she is grabbed.

"Why didn't you warn me, Igor?" Ritter doesn't look at Jenn as she calls out - who is she talking to? Either way, the doctor tries to thrash around in her bindings to cut at the tentacles.

(Late now, getting tired. Continuing tomorrow.)
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Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

(Jenn attacks)

In one slice, Ritter finds herself freed from the tentacle's grip as Jenn cuts them off with her rapier.

The tentacles seem to back away from the two girls, responding to the slice it has just received.

(both Ritter and Jenn may take action)
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Jenn bites her lip. On the one hand they aren't in instant danger anymore, on the other hand she can still see the tentacles. Solution: run away. Except that she's pretty sure she's quick enough to cut any that attack her, and isn't sure the other girl is.


"Um... I vote we go around. Like, a few blocks around. You go first, I'll make sure this thing doesn't decide to grab us when we turn our backs. I didn't cut it *that* bad..."

Jenn stands with rapier in hand facing the tentacles in a defensive stance, and waits for Ritter to lead the way before backing off.
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Ritter, of course, does what any good scientist would do: Rush forward and try to grab one of the sliced off tentacles. She tries to keep an eye out to not get grappled again, at least.
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

(Of COURSE! Or at least study it to learn more about the creature.)
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

(Ritter examines the monster)

Ritter only noticed one thing, each tentacle is both very sensitive, and very weak. Destroying one seems to upset all of the others.

(Enemy attacks)

Jess quickly ducks as a tentacle swipes for her middle.

Ritter notices the tentacles coming for her again, and attempts to get away, but finds herself wrapped by them once more, her arms and legs bound.
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Ritter, using that knowledge, tries to twist her arm so she can cut one of the tentacles that have grabbed her.

"Cut those tendrils! FOR SCIENCE!"
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Jenn sighs and moves to free the doctor once more.


"Do you mind if I cut them for, you know... not getting raped?"

(aggressive attack on the tentacles holding Ritter)
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Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

(Jenn attacks)

With another skillful slice, Ritter was freed.

As the tentacles tremble once more, another tentacle appears, only this one was pink in color, and resembled the shape of a penis near the end. The two girls didn't have a hard time figuring out what it was for...
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

Jenn grabs Ritter by the arm and trys to pull her away.


"Lets do this observing from a safe distance, Doctor..."
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

With a sigh and a longing look at the pink tentacle (she would REALLY like to cut if off and disect it) Ritter nods and turns to follow Jenn.

"We have learned enough about this creature. For now."
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]

(Jenn and Ritter attempt to escape)

Jenn was aggravated at how Ritter ran so much slower than her, as the tentacles quickly find their way back around Ritter once more, and drag her back towards the man hole.
Re: Looting run [Jenn, Ritter]


"I have enough of you", the doctor shouts as she goes to hack onto the tentacles with her combat knife.