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Looting run [Josie]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Josie and the other girl went separate ways, as Josie decided where exactly she was going to go...
Re: Looting run [Josie]

as Josie decided where exactly she was going to go...
(You sure about that?)

Josie checked her equipment to make sure she was all set. She had her clothes, a ration and her two new swords. She wasn't that tough, but at least they made her feel like she could dish out a bit.


Let's see what I can do.

She headed off to her destination.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie then figured out what her destination was before heading to it.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Haha, big help, you said it before I did. Now I can't go to the sporting goods store or else I'll bump into Selena and just look a fool

Josie heads off towards the police precinct. (I feel like any other good idea was taken)
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie walks down the street, heading for the nearest police station...

Josie hears something, almost like a rumbling below her. And, as if it came back to haunt her, tentacles sprouted from the sewer grates and the nearby manhole.

Josie wasn't surprised, haven't heard them from below, and had the chance to act first before they reached for her...
Re: Looting run [Josie]

As the tentacles sprouted from the ground, Josie was able to mentally prepare herself. She drew for one of her short swords and swung it at the nearest tentacle, remembering how they had raped her before.


"Not this time!"
Re: Looting run [Josie]

(Josie attacks)

Josie manages to quickly run over and slice a nearby tentacle in half, causing all of the others to react in pain.

(The tentacles have been stunned, what does Josie do?)
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie hits the tentacle successfully and, surprisingly, all of them seemed stunned, instead of just the one tentacle she cut.


They're all attached to the same creature or something? Goodness, I wouldn't want to run into that thing

In their moment of weakness, she realized she could run, knowing she's not the fastest in the world and they have caught her before. But she instead decided to go with her other choice, keep attacking until all the bastards completely retreat.

She turns her attention to the next tentacle and swings her sword at that one, set on cutting them all in half until there's nothing left to grab her.

*attack tentacle with her one sword* (I can't really start attacking with two yet)
Re: Looting run [Josie]

(Josie attacks)

Josie takes another slice, but only manages to cut one of the tentacles slightly, as the tentacles took advantage of her mess up, and wrapped around all of her limbs quickly, trying to prevent movement.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie was shocked as her attack proved unsuccessful, and the tentacles took no time to capitalize on her mistake, wrapping around her.


She tried to free her arm up so she could swing again at the tentacle, hoping to put it down for good.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie couldn't move, the tentacle's grip on her was too tight.

The tentacles slowly begin to worm their way through her clothes, nearly touching every inch of her body, before ripping all articles of her clothing off in one pull, exposing her breasts and pussy.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie gasped as her clothes were stripped away from her. She knew what she was in for, but she still tried to focus all her energy towards escaping, even letting go of her sword and trying to get free
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie nearly feels herself get free, but all hope of that is lost as her arms are forced behind her back, and her legs spread wide as the tentacles lift her into the air, the same way it did back then, with the familiar pink tentacle emerging from the man hole, ready to fuck her.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie was now in deep, she had to get free. She had to get her hands free. The less attention she spread out, the better off she might be, so she decided to try and get her arms free only. With her arms free, she might be able to break out the rest of it, her arms were key, everything else could wait.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie struggles as much as she can, but the tentacles allow no leverage for the woman, holding her tight.

Struggling helplessly against the tentacles holding her, Josie could only watch as the pink tentacle violently shoved it's way into her pussy, sending a cry of pain and pleasure as it began to push in and out of her pussy, pressing against her sweet spot, sending shock waves through her body as it violated her.

(Josie's orgasm status: Yellow)
Re: Looting run [Josie]

The tentacle immediately began to rape her, slowly driving her body mad, but she had to fight back. Josie continue to struggle against her bonds, hoping to break the tentacles grip and slip out.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie continued to struggle, but the tentacles would not let go.

The pink tentacle, having free reign inside it's victim, began to slowly grind Josie's insides, making her shake her hips as it slipped around inside of her sex.

(Josie's Mental Status: Yellow)
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Josie couldn't take this much longer, it was even affecting her thinking. Without realizing it, she had begun to grind back on the tentacle inside her. The pleasure was unbearable but she still continued her attempts at escape
Re: Looting run [Josie]

As the tentacle fucked her fiercely, Josie gave a hard tug at her arms that were held, and suddenly found them to be free.

Those same tentacles were the ones holding her up, however, and it quickly lost it's grip on her as she fell down to the ground, landing hard on her ass as the pink tentacle popped out of her pussy.
Re: Looting run [Josie]

Wasting no time, Josie grabbed at her sword and swung it at the pink tentacle that had been violating her. She couldn't escape now and she won't give it the satisfaction of living after that.