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Lorelai (Zilrax)

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai kept moving, the river eventually fading back to a stream, and then ending completely near a forest's edge. As she surveyed her surroundings she spotted what her mind told her was a shrine of some kind. About that time, Cassidy appeared again.

"You have found a Shrine of Accuracy. Shrines can grant you temporary boosts to certain stats, permanent boosts or other benefits. However, in order to use a shrine, you must first defeat it's guardians. If you wish to use the shrine, step forward and approach the shrine to start the battle. If you do not wish to fight and want to pass on this chance, I suggest you hurry away before the guardians become aware of you. This shrine offers you a permanent bonus to any physical attacks you do."

Just like that she was gone, but her words sat with Lorelai.


1: Summon the Shrine Guardians and claim this shrine for yourself!

2: "I'm a mage, I don't do physical attacks, why should I care?" In other words, move along.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

The path continued uneventfully, before coming before some sort of strange enruned structure, standing near the forest's edge. Abruptly, the phantom woman, Cassidy appeared once more.

Listening to the woman's explanation, she nodded thoughtfully. Which the shrine was not by definition useful for her, could she actively turn down any beneficial boosts, whatever they may be? On the other hand, she said guardians. Plural. With no place to hide out and rest at, even if she did win, she'd need to likely call on a lot of resources and it might leave her vulnerable after the fact. With no place to hide afterwards, it was a huge risk.

What to do...

Steeling herself, she approached the shrine. Nothing ventured nothing gained. She'd presummon her spirits if she could, but unfortunately that was not how her contract worked. Time to see how much she had to deal with.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Lorelai approached the shrine, and as she did an energy barrier seemed to snap up behind her! It looked like she wasn't leaving this fight now if things started going bad, and she didn't have time to think about what she might have done. A flash of light indicated the arrival of two powerful looking Succubi, one with four arms, the other with tentacles. ((Literally the only way to get a Succubus this early is through a shrine fight.))

Shrine Fight:

Flesh Teaser: HP: 5,000. Accuracy: 210. Evasion: 220. Capture: 200. Sexual Attack: 155. Magical Defense: 250. Speed: 220. Pleasure: 60.

Level 3 Supreme Succubus: Accuracy: 200. Magical Accuracy: 100 Evasion: 175. Capture: 200. Sexual Attack: 225. Magical Defense: 100. Speed: 175. Stamina: 130. Pleasure: 50. HP: 600. Damage: 30.

Initiative Rolls:

Flesh Teaser: 220+572=792 (1st)
Supreme Succubus: 175+616=791 (2nd)
Lorelai: 170+410=580 (Last)

Grapple Attempts:

Flesh Teaser: 210+460=670 vs. Lorelai: 170+220=390 (GRABBED!)

Supreme Succubus forgoes her turn.

Lorelai didn't even have time to react to the Succubi appearing before the tentacled one had her grabbed in her tentacles!


1: Try to break free.

2: See what this Succubus has in mind for you.

((Note: If she can't get free and penetration succeeds, she'll be getting a companion right now since once she's in that magical chair of Flesh Teaser's, she's not getting out of it without help.))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

N'gaasha was waving her arms frantically, trying to get Lorelai to relent, but was too late, as a barrier suddenly snapped down. Abruptly two strange women appeared, one covered in tentacles, and another powerful looking creature appeared. The strong one looked very similar to that creature's body she had been studying before her memory blanked. Was that why she was here?

She didn't have much time to consider it, they reacted instantly and she found herself bound up in the succubi's tentacles. She found a slight thread of delight running through her before shaking her head. The hell was wrong with her? She promptly started to struggle, even as N'gaasha watched, the spirit unable to resist touching itself a bit despite it's worried face, hands groping it's armored chest.

She had made a very poor choice it would seem. Hopefully she'd survive to regret it. And that her struggles could get loose from all these appendages.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Lorelai: 130+119=249 vs. Flesh Teaser: 200+94=294 (STILL TRAPPED!)

Lorelai couldn't get free, and the Succubus began positioning her ...

Penetration Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 155+750=905 vs. Lorelai: 105+118=223. (UH OH!)

... and suddenly Lorelai found herself completely bound in some kind of chair! She struggled, but she couldn't move an inch, and that was when the warm mouth of the Succubus slid over a cock she shouldn't have had, beginning to suck Lorelai off! She was completely trapped, unable to even move body to try and break free. The tentacles of the Succubus penetrated her pussy, ass and mouth, while two more massaged at her breasts, completely raping her.

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 155+843=998 vs. Lorelai: 105+871=976 (PLEASURE!)

Pleasure exploded in Lorelai's brain as the mouth did it's job, sucking her off and eliciting a muffled moan from her. It was too good, and the fact she couldn't get away was driving her wild with lust. Lorelai suffers 60 pleasure, and gains 140 KP. She has only 15 stamina left until she orgasms, and she's helpless to resist. But this is not the end for her yet!

The Supreme Succubus forgoes her turn ...

Moments after her rape began, and Lorelai realized she might be trapped for eternity, she heard a loud yell! Looking up she saw that another woman had entered the area somehow, and was battling the Supreme Succubus! If she could defeat that one, then Lorelai might have a chance! She couldn't get free, but she could try to will herself not to feel any pleasure for now.

((Rest of post will be auto'd until Lorelai is free.))

Companion: Melissa Krintara: Melissa is a typical sized brown haired, blue eyed Norn woman who won't give in to any sexual attacks, she will always fight to the death, or in this case, until she's corrupted and can't fight anymore.

Class: Chantress.

KP: 4,358/50,000. KL: 0.

Initiative Roll:

Melissa: 140+394=534. (3rd)
Flesh Teaser: 220+572=792 (1st)
Supreme Succubus: 175+616=791 (2nd)
Lorelai: 170+410=580 (Last) Temporarily unable to do any actions.

Melissa uses Mantra of Speed and now has 2 turns per action. Lorelai would if she was free! Melissa loses 50 MP.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 125+115=240 vs. Supreme Succubus: 100+876=976 (MISS)
Melissa: 125+691=816 vs. Supreme Succubus: 100+343=443 (HIT)

Melissa lands one hit, dealing 300 damage to the Supreme Succubus. The Succubus has only 300 left!

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 155+819=974 vs. Lorelai: 105+635=740 (PLEASURE!)

Lorelai can't stop Flesh Teaser from pleasuring her, and with a muffled scream of pleasure and wild shuddering of her body, she finally suffers an orgasm, spurting her load deeply into the skilled mouth of the Succubus. Lorelai suffers 60 pleasure, and now has 65 stamina left before she has another orgasm! Lorelai gains 110 KP from the pleasure of being sucked off to an orgasm.

Grapple Attempt:

Supreme Succubus: 200+133=333 vs. Melissa: 140+502=642 (DODGE)

Melissa dodged the Succubus, calling out "Not even close bitch!" at her.

Melissa Regens 12 MP and has 82/120.

Attack Roll:

Melissa: 125+811=936 vs. Supreme Succubus: 100+519=619 (HIT!)

Melissa KILLS the Supreme Succubus, and turns her attention to Flesh Teaser.

Free Lorelai Attempt:

Melissa: 145+20=165 vs. Flesh Teaser: 200+ NO ROLL NEEDED (FAILED!)

Melissa charged at Flesh Teaser, only to be swatted away by some free tentacles.

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 155+158=313 vs. Lorelai: 105+108=213 (PLEASURE!)

Lorelai is once again subjected to the pleasures of having her dick sucked, and she suffers another 60 pleasure. She has 5 stamina left until she orgasms again! She gains 60 KP.

Melissa Regens 12 MP and has 94/120

Free Lorelai Attempts:

Melissa: 145+203=348 vs. Flesh Teaser: 200+454=654 (FAILED!)
Melissa: 145+240=385 vs. Flesh Teaser: 200+175=375 (FREED HER!)

Melissa is again swatted away, but rebounds and comes charging right back, slamming full force into Flesh Teaser and shoving her off of Lorelai! With Flesh Teaser's mouth no longer on her, the Magical Chair vanishes, and Lorelai is free!

Final Adjusted Stats:

Melissa: Mantra of Speed: 7/10. 94/120 MP.

Lorelai: Mantra of Speed: 8/10. 405/50,000 KP. Stamina: 5/110.


1: Attack that Bitch who sucked you off!

2: Lay there Stunned for a turn that she actually managed to make you orgasm, and almost did it twice that fast. (Forfeit turn.)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Trapped in some weird chair for all eternity would be what she deserved for her foolish miscalculation. That there was female creatures here had threw her, but not anymore than having her body perverted into some dual gendered... thing! Still, she couldn't help some level of enjoyment, between the tentacles ravaging her through the chair and the skilled mouth of this creature. And even as she whimpered helplessly, she found herself having her first orgasm, and not even as a female, unleashing her seed much as a male would.

Suddenly there was a warcry as both herself, and her unhappy looking spirit looked as a great Norn woman had evidently snuck in before the shield went up and had joined the fray.

She was one of the chantry it seems, and in her great speed, she quickly subdued the 4 armed creature, before turning her attention to Lorelai's rescue. She'd have cheered or cracked a smile, but her mouth was occupied, but N'gaasha evidently had found spirit pompoms and was silently cheering on the Norn. Maybe it was the insane situation but Lorelai couldn't help but note the spirit had surprisingly good choreography.

The Norn was rebuffed on her attempts, and Lorelai felt a second orgasm nearing when the tentacled woman was knocked aside, and her chair disappeared, dumping Lorelai on her butt. Some part of her jsut wanted to lie there, but how could she stay still when this Norn woman in her fierce display had gone out of her way to be her saviour. She'd hold her own and not disgrace herself further.

She clamoured to her feet with a cough and gave a grateful nod to the Norn Chantress before growling. "I studied one of these things in the lab before. Your best bet is dark magic or physical strikes, not much else hurts them. Allow me to return the favor for your aide. N'gaasha, drop the pom poms and get in the fray! Keep our ally safe, she;s going to do more than I can!" The spirit saluted, before dropping the pom poms and manifesting forth, grinning darkly at the twisted succubus like a snake before a mouse before her shield like claw hand was lowered and clamped around Melissa caringly. The claw was no burden to the giantess, but it'd be a barrier to the twisted succubus. Meantime, Lorelai raised both her hands and unleashed a hail of darkness from both fingers, under N'gaasha's gaze. She could draw on her spectral partner instead of her mana for the thrash, the pair working in concert, though it was useless if she couldn't move her arms. Hopefully she wouldn't get the chair again.

"Throw everything you've got at her, I don;t have so many resources that can affect her that we can afford a prolonged fight!"

(Spirit Thrash and Spirit Thrash and Barrier Spirit on Melissa.)
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Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(I see what you did there, made her the barrier spirit too, haha nice.)

Melissa is now in the protected status for 10/10 turns, or until the Barrier HP is depleted.

Lorelai loses 75 MP.

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 200+781=981 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+62=312 (HIT)
Lorelai: 200+560=760 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+641=891 (MISS)

Lorelai only does 300 damage, leaving Flesh Teaser with 4,700!

Lorelai: Mantra of Speed: 7/10. 405/50,000 KP. Stamina: 5/110.

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 210+293=503 vs. Lorelai: 170+566=736 (DODGE!)

Lorelai managed to avoid Flesh Teaser, probably cursing at herself for not realizing the succubus would of course try to take her down again since it hadn't finished her off completely.

Melissa Regens 12 MP and now has 106/120.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 125+847=972 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+664=914 (HIT!)
Melissa: 125+479=604 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+367=617 (MISS)

Melissa does 300 damage to Flesh Teaser, leaving her with 4,400 HP.

Melissa: 6/10 Mantra of Speed.


1: Keep Attacking and leave the Spirit up.

2: Risk detonating your spirit and not having her for a while but get instant damage.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(I thought Spirit Thrash couldn't be avoided? Also, does Kamikaze do untyped damage or does it do the same damage type as the elemental of the spirits?)

Lorelai honestly was not too shock the creature was still after her. It was a miscalculation on it's part, it assumed that Lorelai would succumb rapidly. Moreover, it should be focusing the Norn woman who had dislodged her last time, lest she just do it again. The creatures one track mind would be it's undoing.

While it couldn't cause harm to the beast, she could transfer her injury and sensations to the various full manifestations of N'gaasha she called. Having more of them out was worth it just for the buffer.

"N'gaasha, Chill gauntlet.," she called. The spiritual serpent woman opened her blue serpentine eye, and the sapphire embedded gauntlet became semi real and descended down to the ground, swiping out, mostly for the spirits amusement as Lorelai launched the dark energy of her spirit at the tentacled creature once more.

(Summon Ice Spirit, Spirit Thrash X2)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((Untyped damage, and that shouldn't have been in it's description after I added the magical accuracy and magical defense stats, thank you for pointing that out that I failed to remove that part. The spell can miss, but if it lands you can't reduce it or anything.))

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 200+780=980 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+52=302 (HIT)
Lorelai: 200+460=660 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+441=691 (MISS)

Lorelai only does 300 damage, leaving Flesh Teaser with 4,100!

Her Spirit Does 300 and then 50 more for a total of 350, leaving Flesh Teaser with 3,750.

Lorelai: Mantra of Speed: 6/10. 405/50,000 KP. Stamina: 5/110. 90 MP now.

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 210+193=403 vs. Lorelai: 170+366=536 (DODGE!)

Lorelai managed to avoid Flesh Teaser again, the Succubus intent on finishing her it seemed.

Melissa Regens 12 MP and now has 118/120.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 125+845=970 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+634=884 (HIT!)
Melissa: 125+477=602 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+360=610 (MISS)

Melissa does 300 damage to Flesh Teaser, leaving her with 3,450 HP.

Melissa: 5/10 Mantra of Speed.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(Isn't Flesh Teaser immune to all elemental damage because succubus?)

So far so good. The rain of blows was working great, and she had thus far avoided all of the twisted creatures attempts to follow up on her first attempts. She certainly was determined, but she didn't have the drop on her this time. It gave her time to prepare for the final act.

"N'gaasha, Lightning Gauntlet!," she growled, as the topaz eye, and corresponding gauntlet manifested and dropped down to accompany the frozen gauntlet of before. She just had to last a little longer.

The Norn was holding her own still, she was mostly being ignored by the tunnel visioned beast. The injuries were real though, this thing was far far more powerful than the other creatures.

For now, she maintained the barrage, unleashing the dark energies of her spirit upon this creature, trying to suppress the twisted thing away from her, as N'gaasha squirmed eagerly, waiting for the next chance to get in and fight. The spirit seemed to not approve of poachers.

(Maintain X2 Spirit Thrash and call Lightning Spirit)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((Immunities do not apply to a boss type enemy, it'd make it massively unfair.))

Barrier Spirit: 8/10 Turns Remain.

Attack Rolls:

Lorelai: 200+630=830 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+531=781 (HIT)
Lorelai: 200+471=671 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+347=597 (HIT)

Lorelai deals 600 damage, and her Lightning Spirit deals an additional 600 for a total of 1,200 Damage on her turn. Flesh Teaser has 2,250 HP Remaining.

Lorelai: Mantra of Speed: 5/10. 405/50,000 KP. Stamina: 5/110. 105 MP now.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 125+840=965 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+630=880 (HIT!)
Melissa: 125+457=612 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+350=600 (HIT!)

Melissa deals another 600 total damage, leaving Flesh Teaser with 1,650 HP.

Melissa: 5/10 Mantra of Speed. FULL MP.

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 210+631=841 vs. Lorelai: 170+146=316 (Grabbed!)

Flesh Teaser once again grabs Lorelai!


1: Try to break free!

2: Let her suck you off to an orgasm.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(I'm assuming by the cold spirit not following up that I can only have one elemental spirit out at a time then? Somewhat weakens the kamikaze spells effectiveness drastically.)

They were wearing it down. Many smoking scars and tainted blotches and dark bruises were covering the twisted creature. Lorelai had to respect the creature's tenacity and endurance, most existing entities couldn't stand such a barrage, or so she thought. If this creature was an indication of what lay in store before them, this would be a long, long, trial.

Unfortunately as she drew forth her energies for the next strike, she was snatched up by the tentacles at last, the creature having finally gotten wise to Lorelai's movements and using them against her.

She glared coldly as she was hoisted up, and struggled once more, having no desire to return to that chair or experience things her gender had no purpose experiencing. Plus if she was trapped in that, she couldn't be blasting this monster down.

N'gaasha seemed to pout and hold her ground, though she continued to protect her Norn defender. She wasn't too surprised, the spirit didn't desire her death, and a slight miss could put her in contact with claws that would easily end her life.

Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((Correct, your kamikaze gains power as you level though, since spirits gain more HP with more levels, and you can detonate both the barrier and elemental spirit. To allow multiple spirits would eventually make the SM incredibly OP.))

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Lorelai: 105+43=148 vs. Flesh Teaser: 155+50=205 (STUCK!)
Lorelai: 105+614=719 vs. Flesh Teaser: 155+488=643 (FREE!)

Lorelai needs both turns, but she gets free!

Lorelai: Mantra of Speed: 4/10. 405/50,000 KP. Stamina: 5/110. 105 MP now.

Attack Rolls:

Melissa: 125+740=865 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+430=680 (HIT!)
Melissa: 125+557=712 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+450=700 (HIT!)

Melissa deals another 600 damage, leaving Flesh Teaser with 1,050 left.

Melissa: 4/10 Mantra of Speed. FULL MP.

Barrier Spirit: 7/10 Turns Remain.

Grapple Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 210+231=441 vs. Lorelai: 170+446=616 (DODGE!)


1: Attack!

2: What was I doing again?
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(I suppose so, though it does take 3-4 turns in order to get to get up that many spirits and you can't use any spirits for 15 turns afterwards. It's a pretty hefty penalty, it would have the highest damage but you can basically only use it once and your damage is meh after that. Speaking of...)

Lorelai grunts as she finally thrashes her way free, growling as she scrambles to her feet again. She was fortunate for her allies speed boost, she'd likely have gotten the chair once more otherwise. They couldn't keep this up much longer, the speed was starting to fade off. They had to crush her now.

She unleashed another single blast of the darkness before looking to her less corporeal companion. "Here goes something.," she grunts, "N'gaasha, Overload."

The spirit grinned excitedly, bouncing up and down and clapping her remaining hands together in excitement before raising her tail up, the bulb on the end opening wide and unleashing a ball of writhing energy which lashed into the existing spirits, them crackling with an overcharge of energy, before bolting the unstable spirits out to try and clamp onto the tentacled creature and detonate.

(Spirit Thrash, followed by Spirit Kamikaze.)
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

((For early on against normal shit it's actually pretty balanced, only bosses really give a challenge at this point. You aren't supposed to be able to just three shot a boss. And that skill gets more powerful as time goes on, if you have both spirits out than as you can see, since that CAN'T miss, it's 650 damage if they are both at full HP at level one, and by level 30 you do 930 for just the elemental spirit, and if you have both up to 1,280 damage. Plus you also get better damage dealing skills as you level, remember that.))

Attack Roll:

Lorelai: 200+784=984 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+90=340 (HIT!)

Lorelai deals 300 damage with her skill, and then her spirits detonate, dealing an extra 650 damage for a total of 950 on her turn. This leaves Flesh Dancer with 100 HP.

Lorelai: Mantra of Speed: 3/10. 405/50,000 KP. Stamina: 5/110. 120 MP now.

Melissa: 125+527=652 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+659=909 (MISS!)
Melissa: 125+800=925 vs. Flesh Teaser: 250+150=400 (HIT!)

Melissa finally deals the killing blow, ending Flesh Teaser's life! Both women gain 5,400 XP and are now Level 2. They have ten stat points to freely spend between their base stats (Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy and Intelligence). They also have a permanent +2 to some of their stats!

Items Dropped:

Supreme Succubus: HP Potion (1 for each woman)

Flesh Teaser: Was a stingy bitch and dropped nothing.

Current Base Stats:


Strength: 15
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 15
Energy: 50
Intelligence: 40


Strength: 20
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 40
Intelligence: 25


1: Spend your stats and move on.

2: Spend your stats and choose to rest to full MP (For Lorelai. Can't be attacked during this time, auto-fills), then move on.

((You'll place Melissa's Stats too.))
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(Given the size of the post from my considering the moves math and such, I'll move that to the ooc. For now, stat and chat! Melissa get's 5 to Str, 2 to Vit, 2 to Energy and 1 to Int. Lorelai gains 5 to Int, 3 to Energy and 2 to Vit. Then permanent buff from shrine. Also if she hasn't already Melissa could use Replication on the potions since they are resting to full mana in the shield anyways.)

The spirits latched onto the twisted creature and detonated, giving the Norn Chantress time to cut the vile creature down. With that done, Lorelai sighed in relief as she let herself fall back on her butt, and noted as the twisted male appendage given to her by the creature had faded away. That was a relief, it was bad enough to be violated one way, she didn't need a new method to do so. Worse, what if she had impregnated someone, or herself somehow? She gave a side long glare at N'gaasha, who had reformed her missing hands, and was grinning naughtily at Lorelai's thoughts on the matter.

She decided to ignore the phantom and instead look to her saviour. It was somewhat uncomfortable for her pride to have had to been saved, but this was not the time for bravado.

"Thank you, Chantress. If it were not for you, my foolish mistake may have had led me to an unfortunate fate. I assume you awoke similar to me, in some sort of stasis field and been challenged to try and escape?," she asked a bit tiredly, looking up at the massive woman who had saved her, though focused on her face rather than anywhere else, lest her intent be mistaken.

"I'm Lorelai. I am, or was, one of the lead experts for my people on spiritual boundaries and foreign life forms. Though after awakening here, it's clear my knowledge has barely scratched the surface of my chosen vocation. Oh, and the enormous serpentine spirit you may have noted is N'gaasha. She's... An ally. If annoying." N'gaasha stuck her tongue out at that, though she smiled playfully.

"I know it might be presuming much, but perhaps we should work in concert and pool our resources? If we encounter more of those strange winged women and their twisted magic chairs, we can get each other out of the binds. And mine and N'gaasha's magic combined with yours may be of great potency."

She observed the Norn woman neutrally, though she did hope she would agree to an alliance. They would have better chances than alone.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Stats have changed, and both women are now at full MP and HP!

Melissa only nodded to the thank you, though she turned back and slowly nodded at the suggestion of an alliance.

"I agree it would be in our best interests. My name is Melissa. I woke up here on this hole about ... Well it's hard to say since it's always daytime here, but I think it's been about two months. It's a rough place out there, even more so than home. Much warmer too, so I'm not really bothered by having no clothing. I am however pissed these pricks think they can just waltz up and freely have their way with me. We don't go down so easily, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let them have sex with me without one hell of a fight. I'd say I'll die first before I let it happen again, but I'm afraid one of these sickos might actually do that, and the idea of my corpse being raped ..."

Melissa Krintara: Melissa is a typical sized brown haired, blue eyed Norn woman who won't give in to any sexual attacks, she will always fight to the death, or in this case, until she's corrupted and can't fight anymore. (Officially has joined you!)


1: Move Onward.

2: Chat about some past for a bit while she's talkative.
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

(Talk and walk!)

Lorelai nods at the proud woman's speech. "I'd rather have clothes myself. Or armor given the nature of this place. In any case we'll work together. I've no more desire to be ravaged than you and while I may lack your physical might, I intend to fight just as hard to defend us both. Hopefully that tentacled creature wasn't a common feature though."

She felt better so climbed up to her feet and tied the potion from the untentacled woman's body onto it. "We should move on though. So if you've been here this long, I guess that means you've not seen sign of any landmarks or civilisation then hm? Not that I'm certain I'd wish to visit a civilisation if the prevalent attitude is rape everything everywhere. I have to wonder where we escape to. Sadly the hologram woman has not explained such matters as of yet. "

With that, she would head out, wandering with Melissa as she watched around for threats or clues or anything of use. "It's a pity I've no lab to work with or any devices. Studying this world and it's inhabitants could be very enlightening."
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

Melissa half shrugged.

"I'm not sure she is a hologram to be honest with you. I assume you mean Cassidy? If so, I think there's more to it than that, my old friend, who unfortunately was lost to me here, thought this Cassidy showed fear at times, which if she were just a hologram of someone she likely wouldn't. My friend thought that this Cassidy might be another prisoner here, and either being forced to work for our captor, or secretly opposing him and living with the fear she too might be captured."

((She did replicate the potions btw, I forgot to mention that. 2x Mana Potions for each.))

Moving onward as they spoke, they entered an area that was completely flat with blood red grass. As they started to transverse it ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Trap???: 150+657=807 vs. Lorelai: 105+434=539+2=541 (CAUGHT!)

The two women failed to notice an area of the ground that seemed wrong, and they stepped onto it, the ground giving way! They fell maybe five feet at most, but it wasn't the fall that was the shocker, rather it was the mass of tentacles in the pit they had fallen into! Almost immediately the two were grabbed and their holes stuffed with tentacle meat, which began thrusting into both of them!

Tentacle Pit Trap: Sexual Attack Rating: 150. Pleasure: 35.

Pleasure Rolls:

Tentacle Pit Trap: 150+657=807 vs. Melissa: 135+804=939+2=941 (RESIST!)

Tentacle Pit Trap: 150+426=576 vs. Lorelai: 105+51=156+2=158-10=148 (PLEASURE!) ((-10 due to being a Mathosian + Tentacles!))

Melissa managed to resist taking any pleasure, and gained 60 KP from having her holes penetrated. Lorelai wasn't as lucky, as the tentacles immediately began pleasuring her.

Lorelai suffered 35 pleasure, and given how hot and bothered she was to begin with, this is enough to make her orgasm! Lorelai unwillingly bucked as an orgasm tore through her body almost on the first thrust into her, yet the tentacles kept going! Lorelai gains 145 KP, and she has 91 stamina left until she has another orgasm.


1: Attempt to break free.

2: Give in to the pleasure and see what happens. (Auto the rest of the fight).
Re: Lorelai (Zilrax)

"I suppose that is also a logical assumption. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Hopefully we avoid a similer fa-"

And then there was no ground. "Not agaaain! Unf." It was a reltively short fall, and the landing was cushy. And squirmy. And wet. "Oh crap"

Before she could get another word out, the strange appendages surged up and speared straight up into her body, practically knocking her a bit up into the air with their pistoning. The wriggling raping appendages seemed able to hit every sensitive spot in her, and it promptly reminded her of the earlier creature. And like it before her, she couldn't help but gush, though this time as a female, happy the tentacle pounding her throat kept her from a humiliating cry from the pleasure.

Melissa had fallen in with her, and she grimaced, trying to struggle free from the pleasuring tentacles. If she could get loose, she could return the favor to Melissa from earlier. It didn't help though that her spirit was once again groping herself as she watched their plight. Damned perverse snake ghost!
