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Lurker Wars


Nov 9, 2008
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Yeah, the best story on the Blank Page (debatable) is back! We're in the works of the 21st chapter right now (it should be almost done, I gave what I had to Oni, so pester him, not me or DarkFire).

Also, I will be adding the old chapters so you guys can catch up or re-read it.
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Re: Lurker Wars

Good, good. I had been wondering when you folks were going to get back to this, it's pretty good stuff.
Re: Lurker Wars

I'm mainly just waiting on Onikain right now..(You hear that!? GET TO WORK!)
Re: Lurker Wars

Actually... Just send me the chapter. This new forum is motivating me to hurry and finish the first part.
Re: Lurker Wars

Protip: If Momiji says I shouldn't do something, I'll do it anyway. Might want to get someone else to tell me not to post in the story only topic.

Re: Lurker Wars

I still remember how you guys blew me up.
Re: Lurker Wars

Wait. Remind me again. Why did we do that?
Re: Lurker Wars

Because I asked you to, but that's beside the point. You still did it.
Re: Lurker Wars

Er.. I mean. Yes! And I'd do it again too!
Re: Lurker Wars

*skims down through it* I suppose I should put my two cents in, given that it was my entrance that was part of the last post before this went on hiatus.

*coughs into hand* GET TO WORK! *smiles sweetly*

Nah, seriously (well, okay, yeah, seriously...more! But anyway...) It's rough trying to remember who was who, since names changed here and there, but some things do still stick out. Also waiting to see what you do, given all the changes that took place.

Dark, you still have those notes I sent you, I hope? *chuckles*
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Re: Lurker Wars

dark can i be upgraded to using a nodachi?
Re: Lurker Wars

can i be upgraded to an included character and a (decent) lurker at least? (i'm a TRUE member folks)

also, i've been described like this on kong

"gothic cyborg vampire zombie viking warrior"

although i don't know why, do i'll leave you to fiddle around with my details if you so wish

that is, if i'm even given the honor of being included.
Re: Lurker Wars

Yaaay! I'm so glad this is back up, again. xD

Good times, good times.

EDIT: i just re-read my intro. <3333333333
Re: Lurker Wars

I'm mainly just waiting on Onikain right now..(You hear that!? GET TO WORK!)

Lol you try balancing a job and then only having at most 4 hours to myself when I come home. Its pretty hard to do anything when Im knackered xD
Re: Lurker Wars

Lol you try balancing a job and then only having at most 4 hours to myself when I come home. Its pretty hard to do anything when Im knackered xD

Cheese? Check.
Crackers? Check.
Whine? Double check!!!

Nah, j/k. I know how it is to try and juggle time, so I'm the last person to be razzing people about getting things done. There are some things, though, I just can't resist doing.
Re: Lurker Wars

Hmm, as I haven't been paying attention, what's the basic sumup?
Re: Lurker Wars

Hmm, as I haven't been paying attention, what's the basic sumup?

Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
Applicant: I like rape.

Also, explosions, drinking, and humor.

im just wondering how would you join said story?

Well, usually you're written in, but asking Dark or Oni about it doesn't hurt. Worst they can do is curl into little balls, crying to the world, "Why do people want to give us more work to do?!"
Re: Lurker Wars

Cheese? Check.
Crackers? Check.
Whine? Double check!!!

Nah, j/k. I know how it is to try and juggle time, so I'm the last person to be razzing people about getting things done. There are some things, though, I just can't resist doing.

Lol that got a smile out of me xD

I doubt I'll have time to work on the story, what with my only source of it being on TH in a PM and thats currently down, though the doujin on the other hand is a different story. Literally xD
Re: Lurker Wars

Seriously. I'm losing my motivation. Send the chapter to me and I'll finish it.