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M&M OOC thread

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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: M&M OOC thread

Log from last night.

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19:06 Jacklyn (Course if it steals souls, might have awkward moments )
19:06 Demona (Not yet. )
19:06 Rhoda "Will do, just dont go too fast for me." As Rhoda says this her wings materialize and she sets off to follow her new ally.
19:07 Rhoda (nah just a fairly mundane sword.. figured a tennis racket would have been pushing it a little too far)
19:07 Jacklyn (Not really. Energy sheath over a mundane object)
19:08 Demona gave a small laugh and slowed down so Rhoda could follow and consquicently Jacklyn as well. After a short while she landed in a park and led the way to a small grove. "You don't have any probllems with holy or unholy sites do you?"
19:08 Demona (You both have flight 4. )
19:09 Rhoda (kinda why I said not to go too fast)
19:09 --- XSI is away (Auto away)
19:09 Rhoda "No, not that I am aware of at least. Is this some kind of church we are going to?"
19:11 Jacklyn frowns as she kept up, fortunatly Rhoda wasn't any faster than her. She felt a spike of alarm when she ehard holy sites though
19:11 Demona smiled. "Sort of, if you consider a place where they whorshipped a demon god a church."
19:12 Jacklyn blinked in surprise. Demons were real? Well, guess ghosts were real, so why not. Still, that was a little scary.
19:12 Demona (Spelling mistake intentional. )
19:13 Rhoda "I would hope there are not any demons there now? I wouldnt want to ruin my good girl reputation being associated with something like that" Rhoda hesitantly stated
19:14 Demona chuckled and smiled. "Only if they find out." Looking at the woman curiously. "Still, nothing to worry about the one demon inside, he is fairly harmless."
19:15 Jacklyn blinks, demons. She crept closer, curious. It might be nice to check this out. After all, might be fun to check things out too.
19:16 Rhoda "Why not, I guess it wont hurt to take a look around"
19:17 *** cinless joined #baconroom
19:18 Demona smiled and approached a pair of trees. Placing her hand on the bark, black flames quickly appeared and seared a rune into the trunk. A shimmering door appearing between the two trees. "After you, it will close behind me."
19:18 Rhoda follows Demona's advice and goes toward, then opens the door
19:19 Jacklyn Jacklyn yelps silently at the result, then hummed, and tried to slip in same time unnoticed. Might be difficult, she wasn;t sut she could go right throughthe floor into it. And she might get trapped. But then, who got to see this sort of thing?
19:21 Rhoda (shit.. forgot about a ufc tonight that starts in 40 minutes, gonna have to leave in 10 to head over to friends place)
19:21 Demona The door opened up into some sort of garden. The flowers all unusual shades of reds, violets and black. A large stone building sat in the middle of the clearing ringed by trees and bushes. "What do you think?" The light also seemed slightly diffused and darker then it should be.
19:21 Demona (Aw. )
19:23 Rhoda (eh, screw it i'll be late.. boo hoo for them)
19:23 Demona (Lol)
19:23 Jacklyn stares about, it so alien seeming, it reminding her of a slightly more flora'd Necropolis. She reached out and went through the flowers. Well, it clealry wasn;t part of it then
19:25 Rhoda "Where are we exactly? This all looks so surreal."
19:27 Demona Demona smiled as she led the way to the building through the flowers. "This place is partly removed from out there. Though I guess in terms, we haven't moved from the door."
19:28 Jacklyn blinks confusedly as she lsitened to the womans explanation as she followed along, not wanting to wander too far and get trapped in here.
19:29 Rhoda "A different dimension? I heard about things like this, but never seen one myself." Rhoda starts to look around in amazement
19:31 Demona Demona looked at Rhoda curiously. "Yeah, though if you walk past the border of this glade you will end up back at the door on the outside." She stepped up to the door and opened it up to reveal a dark room with a worn stone altar.
19:31 Demona (Dangit, I did it again. XD)
19:32 Jacklyn hums, musing that she had a way out as she followed, peeking through past to an alater. she nervously reached a hand out, reayd to recoil if she felt herself fading away.
19:32 Rhoda "Yet, what happens if I go through that door?" Rhoda would muse out loud
19:34 Rhoda This all clearly confusing Rhoda, almost wanting to wander outside the glade itself just to see if she can go back in the way she left.
19:34 Demona looked at her curiously. "This door? Or the door in the park?" The temple didn't feel like a holy place, almost the exact opposite.
19:35 Jacklyn Jacklyn shiverred. Felt more like the underworld, or worse, the Maelstrom. Still, it wasn't that bad yet. She decided to stick around, slipping in a bit further to explore.
19:36 Demona The room was dark, and had very old writing carved into the stone. A red stain was visible on the top of the altar.
19:38 Rhoda Rhoda was oblivious to the whole holy/unholy feeling to the area around her, "The door you just opened, you already said that I could go out that other door we came though and be back where we first entered right?"
19:38 Jacklyn Jacklyn hummed and moved up to try and read the writing.
19:40 Demona shook her head. "No, if you felt from any path from the clearing. Though you would have had to deal with traps to get here to the temple." She stepped inside heading for the altar. The writing was very old, and likely unreadable.
19:41 Demona (left*)
19:42 Jacklyn Jacklyn pouts a bit but decides to explore some more, looking about for new things to investigate.
19:43 Rhoda "Interesting.. Does any of this writing mean anything? Could you tell me what any of it means?" Rhoda continues to fire off question after question (yeah I read it as that)
19:44 Demona She could see what looked like a stone door with carved figures in various states of undress and pleasure. The door was behind the altar. Demona simply shrugged her head. "No. My mother might have, but I can't."
19:46 Jacklyn JAcklyn blushes embaressedly. Boy, there was something she hadn;t thought of in a long time. Well besides the bad parts anyways. She wondered how the other girl would react to it.
19:47 Rhoda "So you are not of 'this' world then?" Rhoda says this ever so oblivious to the obvious fact that she is currently not in the world she knew.
19:48 Rhoda "interesting statues" Rhoda seemingly confused as to how to handle the sight, relying on her old press conference skill in avoiding an issue that was a bother to her.
19:48 --- XSI is back
19:49 Demona shrugged. "Yes and no. My grandmother was from another world. I how ever was born in Freedom City." Smiling a moment as she watched Rhoda quickly disquise her emotions. "Shall we go to my sitting room?" Heading to open the door.
19:51 Jacklyn Jacklyn chuckled silently and followed along curiously, wondering what could possibly be in a half demosn sitting room
19:51 Rhoda "So, not to be so blunt, but are we actually in Freedom City right now?" Rhoda inquisits, soon after replying to the second half "Sure, I have come this far, would be rude not to, I guess."
19:54 *** cinless quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
19:54 Demona nodded. "We are indeed. If the spells protecting this place were to be dispelled, this place would appear in the park." She pushed open the door to reveal a large circular room. Various statues of mating couples or orgies in little alcoves along the wall. Many in various states of wear or broken.
19:55 *** cinless joined #baconroom
19:55 Demona The center of the room was populated by several different types of couches and a couple tables, none two the same style. Most of the wall and ceiling looks to be newer contsruction.
19:56 Demona flopped down on a couch. A door lead away from the room heading east and another heading west.
19:57 Jacklyn blushes again, though tries to focus more on the furniture, chuckling as the demon flopped on a couch. She missed being able to do that
19:57 Demona (Was making sure it wouldn't get cut off.)
19:59 Rhoda (brb on phone)
20:01 Rhoda (yeah had to make an excuse for why I wasnt there yet lol)
20:01 Demona (Ah.)
20:02 Rhoda "So this is your home then? Interesting.. I would kill to have something like this, no one bothering me instead of all the paparazzi bothering me constantly"
20:02 Rhoda (so yeah I bought myself 20 minutes or so)
20:04 Demona smiled. "It is pretty nice here. Though I have had to get most of this place repaired. Still a fair bit of wor left to do though." She looked about and frowned a moment before looking back to Rhoda.
20:05 Rhoda (hmm, how to find a not horribly awkward way to end this...)
20:05 Rhoda (guess it wouldnt kill anyone were I to end it while still in here?)
20:05 Demona (Aw. )
20:06 Demona (No. We could potentially pick up when you get back.)
20:06 Rhoda (Ok, better to just end it here then if you dont mind, that way I wont have a shit storm to deal with irl)
20:07 Demona (Okay. Are you both willing to continue when you get back?)
20:07 Jacklyn (Works for me, just prod me next time and we can finish it up)
20:07 Rhoda (I will be 2 hours or so, or could just pick up whenever tomorrow)
20:08 Demona (Cool. I was about to introduce my minion too. )
20:08 Demona (Either tonight or tommorrow is fine with me.)
20:09 Rhoda (yeah, definately better to pause here then,dunno what time it is for you guys but I project being back around 10:30 or so eastern time a little more than 2 hours from now)
20:09 Demona (It is only 8pm for me.)
20:10 Rhoda (yeah same for me, wasnt sure if anyone was on euro time and it being like 2am or something already)
20:10 Demona (Ah, well take care.)
20:10 Rhoda (will be back in a bit)
20:15 *** Rhoda quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
21:52 *** XSI quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
22:10 --- Demona is away (Auto away)
22:27 *** Aurani quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
22:56 *** Aurani joined #baconroom
22:56 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Aurani
23:14 *** freeko joined #baconroom
23:14 *** freeko is now known as Rhoda
23:24 Demona (Hello.))
23:24 --- Demona is back
23:24 Rhoda (wondered when you would realize i was back)
23:25 Demona (Ah. XD)
23:26 Jacklyn (Never)
23:26 Rhoda (guess ill go back to derping about on youtube some more then...)
23:27 Demona (Looks like we are all here. )
23:27 Rhoda (I lost the chat log from before, so gonna need a little reminder where we were)
23:28 Jacklyn (Yup though might disappear for a short while oonish. Not that Jacklyn;s getting involved quite yet. I wouldn;t be more than half hour anyhow)
23:28 Demona smiled. "It is pretty nice here. Though I have had to get most of this place repaired. Still a fair bit of wor left to do though." She looked about and frowned a moment before looking back to Rhoda.
23:28 Demona (Ah.)
23:34 Rhoda (I threw out the paparazzi line already right?)
23:34 Demona (Yup, right before that line actually. )
23:36 Rhoda "So what does one do with a hideaway like this, aside from live here?" Rhoda getting a little more relaxed with her environment sits down on one of the other couches in the room
23:37 Demona shrugged. "Well watching tv, tinkering with my bike, using my computer, or just training. Same things you do at home I guess."
23:38 Rhoda "At least you get some privacy" Rhoda quips back
23:39 Demona smiled. "Isn't that the purpose for masks and secret identities?"
23:41 Rhoda "Ah true, fair point. Though I probably need to work on that whole secret identity part a little better. Maybe it is just that the people care little for me anymore."
23:43 Demona looked at Rhoda curiously. "But you seem to quite enjoy their attentions earlier."
23:46 Rhoda "My name was .. ruined, my old doubles partner had destroyed my image. In doing so she also as a side effect imbued me with these powers I have now. So it is more simply trying to get back in the good graces of the people that I seek the attention."
23:47 Rhoda "Truth be told, I am still trying to figure this all out on my end of things. Maybe I am doing it wrong in some way, but for now I can not complain about how things just went."
23:47 Jacklyn stared between the two. Especially the human. What. How diid...? What. Yeesh
23:47 Jacklyn \(And now I poof )
23:47 Jacklyn (back in a short bit)
23:47 Demona (Alright.)
23:48 Demona nodded. "At least you are using your powers for a good cause instead of for evil."
23:50 Rhoda "I don't really know why I am not evil, truth be told. My former partner is now the villain known as "Double Fault", and she tried to alter me for lack of a better term on that day that she tried to destroy my name and quite possibly me"
23:51 Demona shrugged. "Perhaps you are just a good person at heart."
23:53 Rhoda "Could be. I know whatever it was that she did to me, she had done to others after me, and they are all now her henchmen."
23:54 Demona nodded. "Maybe they were just predisposed towards evil?"
23:58 Rhoda "Well, I never knew any of them, could have just been people off the streets for all I know."
23:58 Demona nodded. "Yes they could have."
00:01 Rhoda "Well, enough about all that, I am a little more interested in where I am now, truth be told."
00:01 Demona looked at Rhode curiously. "Oh? What would you like to know?"
00:03 Rhoda "Everything? Or at least what you want to tell me, I told you about my past, so at least give me something?"
00:05 Demona nodded. "Well this place was started by my great grandfather during the 11th century. He started some sort of sacrificial cult in the service of some sort of greater demonic power." Tapping her chin as she thought a moment.
00:07 Rhoda Rhoda simply relaxes herself a bit, giving Demona all the time she needed
00:09 *** Aurani quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
00:09 Rhoda (ill wait for you to finish before saying anything if you want)
00:10 Demona nodded her head and continued. "And like most evil cults, the church razed this temple and killed it's inhabitents. Though my grandmother lived. After a few decades she rebuilt the cult with practices of sacrifice and orgies." She gave a small shrug. "The latter wasn't surprising considering she was a succubus."
00:13 *** Aurani joined #baconroom
00:13 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Aurani
00:14 Rhoda "Well, I think this is going over my head so far. Demonic powers, and a succubus? I know nothing of what a succubus is, though demonic powers I at least heard about as fairy tales and what not."
00:16 Demona nodded. "Think of a female demon who seeks out men and mate with them so they can steal their soul." Looking to see if she understood now.
00:17 Rhoda "Well, I guess I understand the concept now."
00:18 Rhoda "Sounds like something of a witch to me"
00:21 Demona nodded. "Yeah, she may have helped with that. Anyway, the cult grew fairly quickly, especially with what sort of incentives were being offered. My grandmother though ended up giving birth to my mother after getting a little to close to a mortal man. Eventually it once more drew the notice of the church and was razed to the ground, and it's occupents slain
00:23 Demona tapped her chin as she spoke. "Fortunetly, they mistook my mother for a sacrifice and gave her to be raised by a human family. After I was born many centuries later I ended up finding this place from my mother's things."
00:26 Rhoda "Well, I thought I had it tough, having my life turned upside down by someone else, but you definately win on that front. Though why did you choose to help? Are demons not evil?"
00:28 Demona chuckled. "I never said I came here to help. I came here to learn about myself. Which is how I found out I am part demon and where my powers come from. Though fortunetly I do not have any odd or evil quirks."
00:32 Rhoda "I'm not really sure how to respond to that, would you have attacked me were we not to arrive at that bank at the same time instead of the person robbing it?"
00:33 Demona Shrugged. "I would have it you had been helping the robber."
00:34 Jacklyn jolts out of her stupor. "Gah, bloody hell.," she muttered silently, brain going over what just happened. Succubi and demons and such. Yeesh, talk about a rap sheet. Least she seemed alright.
00:35 Rhoda "Well, I can guarantee you that would not have happened, but still, if it were just myself fighting against Fallout, and you were to have arrived afterward, what would you have done?
00:36 Demona shrugged. "Still have aided you in fighting him. Would you like something to drink?"
00:37 Jacklyn hums. Well, this was getting dull. Maybe she;d liven things up a little. Plus, people were having drinks. She missed drinks. So she waited for her chance.
00:37 Rhoda "Sure, I was just about to ask myself, all this talking is starting to wear on me."
00:40 Demona odded. Putting two fingers in her mouth and whistling loudly a moment. "He should be he-" Her words were cut short by something fuzzy and black falling from the ceiling with a 'Wheeeeee!' and landing head first in Demona's cleavage.
00:41 Jacklyn yelps in alarm, silent as always as something fell out of the ceiling into the demons cleavage. The hell?! Ugh, no pun intended.
00:42 Rhoda Rhoda just about falls out of the seat backwards from the sight of this.. thing dropping from the ceiling.. "Any more surprises I should know about?" Rhoda almost starting to laugh as she recovers from the little shock of it all.
Re: M&M OOC thread

Second half

00:44 Rhoda "That is.. not a dog.." Rhoda tries as hard as she can to deadpan it, though it is obvious that she has no idea what it is she is looking at now.
00:45 Demona growled as she bonked the thing on the head and threw it into a nearby couch. "You little letch! How many times have I told you they aren't pillows or for you!" After the thing mumbled a quick apology it stood up to reveal a small fuzzy little imp thing with glowing red eyes.
00:46 Jacklyn shuddered as she stared at the fuzzy thing. Creepy. Reminded her of the Shadows. Cept fuzzier and maybe somewhat less malevolent. Still, she;d get her chance it seems
00:46 Demona looks back to Rhoda with a sigh. "Just my servant. He tends to this place in my absence. Would you like some water, milk or pop?"
00:48 Rhoda "Whatever is the least fuss to get" Rhoda answers while still clearly distracted by the thing she was trying to still identify.
00:49 Rhoda (IC she has no idea what that thing is..)
00:50 Demona nodded. "Alright." The strange critter looked like someone had taken a monkey and slapped in some dog parts and then gave it a rough human like body. "Ze'thul go get some some water for our guest." The little imp nodded and quickly scurried out of the western door.
00:53 Rhoda "What is that? It looks like a dog, or a monkey, but I thought I heard it say something when you flung him over there." *pointing to the couch he ended up on*
00:54 Demona nodded. "He's a lecherous little imp, literally. And yes he can speak."
00:57 Rhoda "An imp is what you call that? Does he have a name?" (forgot you already called it a "he" before, whoops)
00:59 Demona nidded. "Yeah, he is Ze'thule." As if knowing he was being talked about the imp returned carrying a tray with two glasses of water and a pitcher of water. He quickly set it on the table.
01:00 Jacklyn giggled, grinning, before telekinetically grasping the tray and promptly levitated it to the ceiling.
01:02 Rhoda "You sure that you are not doing this? Just like the pots before at the bank acting like they were alive on their own." Rhoda too fascinated by this sight to process that she should be ducking behind the couch she was sitting on
01:03 Demona looked at Rhoda curiously. "I was about to ask if it was yours?" The imp could only give a baffled stare at the floating tray.
01:05 Rhoda "Hah, I wish I could do that, I never would have hit a ball out of bounds while I was playing tennis if I could do whatever this is to the tray. Or I would make my opponents always hit it out or into the net at least.. No this is not my doing."
01:05 Jacklyn laughed in delight at the confusion, before setting the tray down atop the imp's head, holding it in place to seem like it was balancing, and if he moved an inch it'd fall and spill everywhere.
01:12 Demona frowned. "Hm.... If you aren't doing it, and neither am I......" The imp stood stock still, hoping the tray wouldn't fall.
01:13 Rhoda "Something happened when Fallout turned into a cloud, thats when he was starting to act wierd."
01:15 Jacklyn giggles in delight at the imp's expression.. It had been a little while, she felt up to it, so she set the tray back on the table and instead grabbed on and into the little imp thing, hoping to possess it this time! (We wanna assume success or will we roll this? )
01:15 Demona (He only has 3 for a will save. XD)
01:15 Rhoda (i'm indifferent either way truth be told)
01:16 Jacklyn (Yeah, probably fine then heh)
01:16 Demona (Lol)
01:17 Jacklyn raises a hand. "I believe the answer is most logical. Ancient Astronaut's have come back to steal your water and money, and the potted plant people o Venus are trying to stop them."
01:18 Demona frowned "Hm...." She idly tapped her chin in thought. Looking at the imp strangely. "Huh?" Surprised at the imp's odd behaviour.
01:18 Rhoda Rhoda is simply taken aback at seeing the same strange behaviour as before, this time from the imp.
01:19 Jacklyn "What? You're part demon and you don't believe in aliens? Well okay, how about... Dingos. Psychic Dingos are attempting to buy enough money to get life jackets so Kangaroos don't drown them anymore."
01:20 Rhoda laughs at the absurdity of the joke
01:20 Demona frowned before bonking the imp on the head. "Knock it off you dunce."
01:22 Rhoda (looks like its backseat time for me, gonna brb then while you sort this out)
01:22 Jacklyn "Hey, hey, don't hit the messenger.," pouts Jacklyn, "After all the trouble I went to clean up your guys mess in the bank, now head bonks? Tch, rude. For that, I get ALL the water." She snatches up the drinks, one in hand, the other telkinetically and promptly starts gzzling it.
01:23 Demona looks surprised a moment. "What? Are you telling me your some sort of ghost?"
01:25 Jacklyn "Eh, no I'm an imp. The hell'd you get ghost from? Geez, we live toghetehr this long and you don't even know what I am? Damn, that's cold.," says Jacklyn, shaking her head, before grinning, "That said, I'm not a ghost, I'm a wraith. Get it right."
01:26 Demona simply chuckled. "I see my mistake. So why did you follow us here and take over my servant?"
01:28 Jacklyn "Bored. Plus how often does one get to follow a demon and a tennis player around? Besides, I did all the work, hehe. As for the servant, well, I was laughing constantly in here. Didn't hear me right? Can't hear me, touch me, smell me. Only see me, and then only you can, machines can't. No proof of beyond the grave, it's a rule, cus you'll attract exorcists and shit."
01:29 Demona nodded. "So how does his body feel?"
01:30 Rhoda "Can you explain to me what exactly is going on here?" Rhoda inquires toward Demona, "You clearly know something that I do not."
01:31 Jacklyn "I unno. How does your body feel? It's less the body, and more being able to fel temperture, the wind, gravity, all that stuff." She looks towards Rhoda, "I'm a dead person hijacking the soul of this... Thing. S'not complicated."
01:32 Demona smiled and nodded. "He is called an imp, or Ze'thule." Giving a shrug. "Which ever tickles your fancy."
01:33 Rhoda "Easy for you to say. You are not the one losing control of your own body."
01:34 Jacklyn "currently his name is Jacklyn, cus that's who's running this body.," laughs Jacklyn, "And you volunteering to take his place, Rhoda, sweety? Cus I could."
01:34 Rhoda "No, thank you very much."
01:35 Demona giggled a moment. "Is possessing male bodies a habit of yours?"
01:36 Jacklyn "Suit yourself, be nice to be a girl again, rather than mobile hair. Nah, I take what I can get. I don't actually do it that often, too obvious. But I can't actually talk to anyone cept through other people or conveniently placed chalkboards."
01:36 Rhoda "I prefer people to gawk at me from afar.. not inside my own body. I know men all across the land would have died just to be near me at the height of my career."
01:38 Demona chuckled. "Should we give you some alone then?" Looking at Jacklyn with a small grin.
01:38 Jacklyn "Not a guy, and gawk's a strong word. I prefer observe. And it's what's inside that counts anyhow, Spotlight." She looks at Demona confusedly, "eh? I don't follow."
01:39 Demona smiled as she gestured to one of the many satues lining the walls. "I mean that."
01:39 Demona (statues*)
01:41 Jacklyn "...You want me to sculpt a statue? I was more a photgrapher. And besides, girl, remember? This is a hairball with legs."
01:42 Demona shrugged. "I was more refering to what the statues were doing."
01:42 Rhoda (bah too slow..)
01:42 Jacklyn "Yeah, I got that, but I'm one person, this is a hairball with legs."
01:43 Demona chuckled and shrugged.
01:44 Rhoda Rhoda sensing where this was going.. "You have fun with that.. which one of these doors was the way out again?"
01:44 Jacklyn shakes her head, then looks up. "Eh, it;s that one, but does it look like I'm doing anything? Anyhow, I wouldn't know what to do with it anyways. Am girl, and I;ve ben dead a long time."
01:46 Demona pointed to the south door. "Don't want to stay to either help our guest? You are free to use my bath, free from the public's eye."
01:48 Jacklyn "I'm half afraid if I get this thing wet I'd discover it;s just hair and googly eyes."
01:48 Rhoda "Here I thought I was the one that scared Fallout off, though now it is starting to make sense to me."
01:51 Demona nodded. "Seems we have meet a new friend." She pats the seat next to her. "Feel free to sit down."
01:51 Jacklyn "Nah, all me. See, he was radiation right? But I'm a ghost, he's still got a soul, so I grabbed and possesed him. Was close too, but fortunatly aren;t so strong when you got no muscles."
01:51 Jacklyn shrugs and goes and takes a seat. "Sure. Drank your water though."
01:52 Demona shrugged. "It is why he brought the pitcher. First time possessing something non-human?"
01:52 Jacklyn "Yeah. Well no. Radiation cloud."
01:53 Jacklyn "though he;s human, ish, when not radiation cloud do it only sorta counts. But a bodies a body and a souls a soul. I can possess anything with a mind. I think."
01:54 Demona nodded. "Ah, I see."
01:55 Rhoda Rhoda clearly not understanding any of this " So I hurt him, and made him change into a cloud, and you possessed him? Why arent you still him?"
01:56 Jacklyn "Yeah we stung him a bit, he panicked, he went can;t touch me, I said denied. And why? Oh I dunno, why wouldn't I want to be someone in jail. Oh wait."
01:58 Rhoda "What i do not get, is how did you go from there to here?" Rhoda concerned that she was somehow possessed without knowing about it at this point
01:59 Jacklyn "I jumped out and followed. I don't need a body for anything but to pretend I'm alive, and to be heard when I talk. Otherwise I've Wraaaaaith powwwaaaaah." to emphasize, she made the cups do a dance on the tray
02:00 Demona nodded. "Thanks for helping us with the robber."
02:00 Jacklyn "I was already there truth be told. But no problem, it was more interesting than messing with a cons ball. You know, from the cup game?"
02:01 Demona nodded. "Ah, I see."
02:03 Jacklyn "So uh... you're a tennis player. You're a... demon... thing... And I'm dead. Obviously this makes perfect sense and I shouldn't question it, but it bares asking. Why'd you two go to the bank? I was bored. Nuff said. Also, why does a tennis player have a sword?"
02:04 Demona shrugged. "I went to stop a robber from either stealing or hurting innocent people."
02:04 Rhoda "Well, whacking someone with a tennis racket doesnt seem so menacing, though the movements were actually quite similar in how one would swing a tennis racquet to swinging a sword, so I went with that"
02:05 Jacklyn "huh. Maybe I'll take up the flail sometime then, it;s similer to swinging a camera at people right? And I dunno, that sounds awesome to me! Fear the Mighty Racquet! And then you fire sonic blasts out of your tennis thing! MWahaha."
02:06 Jacklyn glances at Demona. "Yeah, got that but why? I mean, I did it cus it's new and exciting, and I can throw a plant at someone."
02:07 Rhoda "I just did it because thats what the good girl is supposed to do, stop the bad guy. It is the natural order of things is it not?"
02:07 Demona chuckled at Jacklyn's words. "I just like helping people."
02:11 Jacklyn "I think the natural order of things is not getting involved, feeling bad for other people but being happy it;s not you then trying to put it behind you. Then you yell about communists awhile and drink a beer. You know, normal people stuff. Though maybe I'm misrecalling. But hey, all this idealistic stuff, if it works for you, power to ya. I'll stick with it being better than the constant crushing knowledge that you're dead, all sensation i
02:11 Jacklyn s your vague recollection of what it was like and every day there's an evil clone of you seeking to ruin everything you hold dear."
02:19 Jacklyn "Too much?"
02:21 Rhoda "Slightly, though it is not your words that I dont quite get"
02:22 Jacklyn "Ask your question, mortal, for I am a kind goddess, and easily amused. whta's confusing?"
02:24 Rhoda "hmm.. I guess the right question is, How are you? Not in the sense of . how are you, but how are you .. what you are?"
02:27 Jacklyn "I am a wraith. Sometimes when someone dies, they get stuck. So they end up in the underworld so to speak. To spare you the details, it sucks. Not one of us wants to be there. But there we are. The only place of safety is if you're ucky and strong enough to come out here. thing is, it only lasts til someone exorcises you. That happens, you're stuck there for good. Well, til suck happens to you anyways."
02:27 Jacklyn "Needless to say I really really don't want to go back."
02:29 Rhoda "How long have you been this way? How did you die?, if you dont mind my asking."
02:32 Jacklyn grimaces a bit. "It's rather rude, I mean I don't ask for the details of how you were born. But I guessit's a fair question given I;ve been eavesdropping all this time. How long? Uh... What year is it? And how? Starving to death after getting involved. Kinda like how you guys were. It ended badly for me. I didn't have any fancy powers."
02:35 Rhoda "So, could you actually live again, like in the sense of being put into a new body?"
02:35 Jacklyn "Find me a soulless body that is alive and undamaged and I could possess it. But that;s unliekly so this is close as I get."
02:36 Rhoda "what about say, my sword or something like that?"
02:38 Jacklyn "It's not alive. At best maybe I could possess an artificial intelligence, but an objects an object. I can control it mind you, but it's not the same." she says, using telekinesis to draw the sword forth and then sets it on the table.
02:39 Rhoda "I apologize if my questions are crude, but my understanding of all this is.. lacking. I am sorry if I offended you."
02:40 Jacklyn "Meh, I'm hard to offend. It's fine."
02:45 Rhoda "Well, to be blunt, I am not sure what to make of you, is there a way to know where you are, like the next time an alarm goes off and heroes respond?
02:49 Jacklyn "I'm a hero now? Hah, well, hero twice but this time I'm already dead! Besides, I don't know what to make of you. Tennis player turned hero because... Evil tennis player. Anyways, I unno. I jsut do what I want. I roam around looking for fun things to do and experience, and mess with people."
Re: M&M OOC thread

No M&M game tonight, since freeko apparently can't make it. Oh, and for future reference, if you want to tell me something relating to the game, it's better to use either shout or the OOC thread, especially if it's something time sensitive.
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