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Machiko (TentanariX)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Machiko couldn't wait, a new system to beat and beat hard. She stopped by to drop off her application, utterly excited when she was told she could have a go right now.

Humans: Y 2 or 3
Male/Female: Y 2
Female/Female: Y 3
Pregnancy: Y 3 or 4
Birthing: Y 4
Non Consent Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5

Quickly filling out the first set of questions, she finds the next set fairly standard. First up is difficulty, easy is grayed out, and it's defaulted to normal. For all her choices a small little (?) provides a useful pop up with information.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

After selecting that, she is presented with a list of options for gameplay type and location. There are two types, though the first is grayed out. Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Swamp Lair(?)
Desert Oasis(?)
Creepy Town(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

"Hmmm, I'll try hard first." she thought as she moved the cursor down to the third option on the screen. It's a new game I haven't had the opportunity to try yet, but I enjoy a challenge. she thought. "Hmmm, no offense abilities? Weird maybe they want to see how well we roleplay or think before giving us the option for attack? Or maybe it's preset. Oh well..... Hmmm..... Desert Oasis... Swamp Lair... or Creepy Town, of course there's a blank slot for an idea of my own, but I'll wait till I get my bearings before I try anything too advanced. Let's go with Swamp Lair. That sounds interesting." She saids as she selects the first location choice.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

After a fade to black, hold, and a white flash, the game started.

Watching as the world constructs around her, she was surprised at the detail that was obtained as she saw the wooden path under here, a walkway on the wet swamp. Most of the swamp was water, trees growing tall and choking out the sun intersparced.

She saw what her destination must be, a massive wooden construction in front of her, at the end of the path. A sort of lair...for something. Long and tall, a tower on one corner.

A moment of broken immersion when the game popped up a message saying "Game Start!" and she was off.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

"Wow they put a lot of work into this. It's really detailed and elaborate. That tower has to be the boss's dungeon." She said as she proceeded down the wooden walkway to the massive wooden construction in front of her. I had better be on my guard though she thought as she walked down to the structure stopping at the massive gate leading into it. If it was open she would proceed into the structure proper if not she would have to find an alternative means of entry.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

Setting off to the lair, Machiko's eyes are drawn to something half buried in the mud before she's able to reach the lair. It looks to be an old adventuer's pack.

Finding a large amount of rations, and a somewhat word but good condition sword, she also found something interesting. A book, apparently on combat. She read it, thinking it would come in handy, and felt as though she could use just about any weapon well, even no weapon.

(Found: Book of Combat Expertise, 17 FP rations, sword, pack, 2 sets of clothes)

(Trait gained: Combat Expertise 1 | +1 to all combat rolls.)
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

"Hmmm, it looks like the game's setting me up. Although I didn't think I had weapons when I logged in. But still never look a gift horse in the mouth they always say." She saids as she picks up her gear and warms herself up with the sword by taking some practice circles and swings before making her way further down to the lair, looking around her surroundings trying to stay on guard from any enemies who might appear.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

Moving into the lair, Machiko entered the first room, she took a look around, finding it empty.

5+2 vs 4
At least, she thought it was empty until the tentacles from the ceiling had grabbed her out from behind her, dragging her upside down. The swooshing of flipping over made he tired, and she saw the slime on the tentacles dissolve a little bit of her clothes.

Tentacles 4/4 HP
Machiko 3/4 FP 0/3 AP
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

"GAH! DAMNIT I WAS CARELESS! GET OFF OF ME!" She screamed as the tentacles wrapped around her and suspended her off of the ceiling. "DAMNIT, LET ME GO!" She cursed as she struggled to free her one her hands to getr her sword out, if she could succeed she would swipe at a few of them to free herself, if not she would try biting at the tentacles and try sawing through them with her sword. What is this a hentai game made by some perverted japanese game developer? What's with the tentacles and the clothes melting?
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

13+1 vs 2+2
Manging to get her sword out, Machiko manages to cut the tentacles holding her feet, she lands luckily, managing to turn in the air so he doesn't make a thump.
16+2 vs 1+1
Just starting to catch her breath, Machiko suddenly feels the tentacles whip her, once across her breasts and once across her ass, it hurts, and she feels more tired, but that's not the end, as another set of tentacles shoot out from behind and start to wrap around her chest, pulling her arms tightly and painfully to her sides.

Tentacles 3/4 HP
Machiko 1/4 FP
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

"AAAH! AAH! Jeez right on my ass and tits too! Well could've been could've been my pussy I guess!" She said but she didn't have time to react before the tentacles came back and wrapped around her chest, pinning her arms to her side. "DAMNIT! I KNOW I SAID HARD, BUT IT'S NOT EVEN GIVING ME CHANCE TO FIGHT BACK HARDLY!" She cursed at her binding as she began to desperately and frustratingly attempt to wriggle loose of the tentacles.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

9+1 vs 4+2
Managing to get her sword around again, Machiko is able to cut herself loose from the tentacles once more, but she feels she can't keep at it much longer...
1+2 vs 5+1
But she can for now, at least, dodging out of the way of the next set, she's able to get the advantage again, but the tentacles don't look like they'll go down in one hit, when she feels she might...

Tentacles 3/4 HP
Machiko 1/4 FP
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

Damn...... She thought to her self as she stood on wobbly knees, pantiong rather heavily at the attack she had taken. I don't know how much longer I can hold out, or how much more abuse I can take. Maybe I should have gone with normal..... But Im not giving up yet...... She tried to get her second wind and hoped, quite against hope, if not futilely that she may be able to outrun the tentacles and regain some of her strength avoiding further combat.
Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

4+1 vs 3+2
Machiko manages to get herself free, if for the moment, looking around for the exit, luckily, the front door hadn't closed behind her.
9+2 vs 17+1
She makes a run for it, managing to get outside the building, the tentacles could follow her here. She breathes a sigh of releave.

Re: Machiko (TentanariX)

Machiko opens the door back up after regaining her wind and composure, slowly creaking it open just slightly to see if the tentacles are still there. Damn that was close, I'm going to have step my game up a little bit. She thinks to her self before continuing. If the tentacles are still there she will fight them off the best she can with her sword. If not she will continue on through the lair to the next room keeping her eyes open for any more enemies.