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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

You people do seem entertaining to travel with at least. Xaren says quietly, almost to itself, as it moves along with the group. Those who hear this also recall the reason why Xaren decided to come with them: apparently the mage was bored and had nothing better to do. Not exactly the best way to for Xaren to induct itself into the party, but that's how it ended up.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(If he can cast Bane, wouldn't he have to be a priest? Also, did Xaren and Xi get their spells back?)

After I light the lantern (assuming I succeed, and there is no Fallout 2 esque catastrophic explosion) I take it in my left hand and draw my morningstar with my right. "Well, these guys aren't going to kill themselves. I'm ready if you lot are."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Heh, I' been ready. Jus' waitin for ye to light that thing." Ashnod nods, readying his axe and shield. "Jus' keep it away from yer greasy hair! Hahaha!"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(No spells were regained yet, but they haven't used all of them up. You'll probably have to regroup and rest at some point anyways.)

With the lantern lit you can all see much better. No one notices anything dangerous, but the source of the strong coppery smell in the area is revealed. The small stream that Ashnod saw is actually blood flowing threw a channel cut into the surface. Jess notices a slight moaning sound over the burbling of the stream of blood coming from the furthest chamber (A3).

(For all rooms the ceiling height is roughly 12-15 feet, 8 feet in hallways. Worked walls are of masonry, while cavern walls are of solid limestone
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Grinning at Ashnods remark, I hold the lantern high (and away from my hair.)
I say, "Well, that's wonderful" upon onticing the stream of blood, and grip the morningstar a little tighter.

(Are we at the side passage yet? When we get there, I suggest we go down there first so as not to be ambushed from that direction.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Careful," Jess says, pointing across the stream of blood into the darkness beyond. "I hear something from over there, some kind of moaning."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Lovely, a stream of blood and moaning... Well, this 'Tomb of Blood Everflowing' both lives up to the name and seems to have occupants. Well, tombs and moaning mean one of two things: we either have an undead problem or a necrophiliac on the loose. Of course, it could always be the wind, but that's what the heros always say in tavern stories before some monster attacks them. Xaren deadlines. Whether or not its the comment about necrophiliacs is sarcastic is hard to tell.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

'Snickers' and keeps going. I whisper "lets not disturb the zombies just yet, lets go down that passage to make sure we aren't going to get surrounded. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on being torn apart and stitched back together as some necromancers science project."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

A quick nod from Jess and a gesture towards the side passage conveys her agreement silently.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Probably on the priest part, but for the time being, Krys is equating spells with wizard. Another good reason to go exploring now. He won't have his spells back either :D Hopefully.))

"Aye, good plan. No nasty surprises from that way, then." Though she's still keeping an eye on the entrance as well, making sure they're not getting ambushed from *that* direction, either. She does, though, seem amused at the banter between Craig and Ashnod.

((I'm presuming we're heading for A2, yes? And if you want catastrophic explosion, do Fallout 3, actually.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"I doubt they'd get a good grade if they used yer body anyway, Craig." Ashnod chuckles leading the way deeper into the tomb, not to intent on fighting the unliving if he didn't have to.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Well if he's a cleric of Vecna, it's a good possibility he may have levels in wizard too. Or at the least he can probably use wizard wands and scrolls, maybe I should give him a scroll of fireball. Muahahahaha.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(True, he is a god of magic after all. Sort of. Yep, A2 is what I meant.)

Snickering, but not continuing the banter, I keep moving and looking over Ashnods head for any signs of movement.
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess snickers at this as well, then speaks herself, her voice jusy above a whisper. "Right then, if you'll escuse me..." She dips off towards the side of the passage, melding into the shadows cast behind the lantern and stepping lightly so as not to be heard.

((Hide and Move Silently, if you please, mon Capitan. If there really isn't enough to hide with, just ignore the better par of this post, will edit out if necessary))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Well there's no cover or concealment, but there's also nothing to see you so I guess it doesn't matter)

A two foot tall well sits in the center of this room. What looks like it could only be blood pours from a stone skull mounted in the ceiling, filling the well completely. The blood overflow pours through a spout into a channel in the floor that runs down the hallway to a pool at the opposite end of the corridor. Further adding to the mystery of the room are the walls, which are covered with writing in some ancient language.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Well, at least it's not full of zombies." I say, and examine the writing on the walls. "Unless anyone can read this, I guess we should check out the main hall."
I then turn to Xaren, and hold out the lantern, and ask" would you mind carrying this? I'm probably going to need both hands based on the moaning Jess heard."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Trying to ignore what's gushing out of the skull, Krys instead puts her attention on the walls, trying to see if she can, in fact, make something out of the writing, uncertain at the moment if it's something she recognizes.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xaren takes the lamp. Eh, sure. The spells I can cast with the mana I have left after the tavern episode are one handed anyway.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess takes a quick look at the writings, though she is already pretty sure she doesn't know anything that would be found in a tomb, then busies herself by searching the room for anything of interest.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess's search of the room reveals nothing of interest to the party. After looking at the writings for a while, Krys realizes it's an archaic form of the Suel language (common in Greyhawk). A quick jist of what it says is as follows.

"Let any who desecrate these tombs, recieve the curse of the Ruby Sorceress and the Lord of Chance. Following that is a list of names of ancient Suloise nobels"
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