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ACT Patreon [MAGIA Dev Team] MAGIA/Prototype


Jungle Girl
Mar 9, 2014
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MAGIA/PROTYPE - Is a ARPG/ Rogue-like dungeon crawler, about a robot girl name Kriss who's found her self in debt! Help her delve into the mysterious derelict space station Hypnos to recover artifacts for her lecherous debtor.

Download: Release2 is up!


Hello Hello! This is MAGIA/Prototype a ARPG/ Rogue-like dungeon crawler-like-ish. the main inspiration was like binding of Isaac or Hades in that you incrementally upgrade your player character through rooms in a dungeon, and outside of combat you can interact with other character, upgraded your character so that you can be stronger when you first enter the dungeon and, because of the nature of the forums we are in, engage in porny dialoge and actions! I love H-games!

What we have posted is just a proof of concept that kinda shows you how the game will feel, and the wonderful pixel art we've made so far! So there's not much to do in game it'll prob just be like 5 mins to get through what displayed so far.

I'm Konb the programmer, ARS_TRI and Silka the main artists for the game and we are making this game right now. What is here right now is just a proof of concept that we spent the last 2 month(mainly)~(1 year*project was in limbo for a while) on most of the base graphical assets have been made, and a lot of the physics and systems are in place to start add ontop of.

The dev plan is to update every week, and cycle between a gameplay update and a story update which will contain the H-porn or porn. So here's what things are going to look like for the next 5 weeks:

  • Week 1 (gameplay update): More dungeon maps, implement the shop with coins and meta currency to upgrade the player out of the dungeon, more polish here and there. Done!
  • Week 2 (story update): Adding the first bits of story of the game, in addition to the first H-scene
  • Week 3 (gameplay update): More dungeon maps, connect the shop to the story sections of the game, and start working on the more character interactive part of the game the HUB area if you will if you played Hades. Keep polishing the game so things looks right
  • Week 4 (story update): Continue working on the HUB area, and add more story scenes for the main plot and H-scenes that go along with it, and make interactions for the NPCs
  • Week 5 (gameplay update): First Boss to be implemented, I'll be working on the boss in the background through out the month and hopefully I should be able to add it in by week 5.
  • Week 6 (?) Might need a another week or two to get to the first release state depending on how hard or easy the story update goes.
If everything goes according to plan we should be able to get out of the proof of concept stage and into what I'd say is the first official release 0.01 or whatever we end up doing. Hopefully by then we'll have proved ourselves as someone competent devs who can deliver, in anycase I hope continue updating you all on the progress of our game!

Also here's our if you want to support us!

Godot_v3.5.1-stable_win64_PPi7U6sg9y.png Godot_v3.5.1-stable_win64_vqjPAz6IBw.png Magia_ZDu6GAFk2R.png
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Are the enemies you find on the map going to be able to initiate sex scenes? Will it be game over based or continue onward kind if so? Is there going to be a stats page of some kind to keep track of the sex count and fetishes delivering on?
Are the enemies you find on the map going to be able to initiate sex scenes? Will it be game over based or continue onward kind if so? Is there going to be a stats page of some kind to keep track of the sex count and fetishes delivering on?

We always found that it's kinda hard to mix H and gameplay, for the most part the H is more or less isolated from the dungeon crawling segments. So no Gameover rape or H content, there might be like rooms where you can heal or get a an extra powerup that could have an H scene in the middle of the dungeon, but it shouldn't interrupt the flow of the gameplay. But yeah most of the H-content should in the HUB area where you can trigger events if you ever played Hades for an idea for how the character events happen in isolation from the gameplay.

Any particular reasoning for sex stats? I never really understood the appeal of like seeing a sex number for acts a character have done. Like never really felt like knowing how many BJ or titjobs a character has done when you kinda already see them all. I kinda maybe understand the appeal in like a brothel sim, or NTR game where the number going up shows you how much experience she's had and let's het do the action better, or that she's been sleeping behinde your back and so on. So I don't really see it, if you can convince me though I'll put it on the board of features to work on.
We always found that it's kinda hard to mix H and gameplay, for the most part the H is more or less isolated from the dungeon crawling segments. So no Gameover rape or H content, there might be like rooms where you can heal or get a an extra powerup that could have an H scene in the middle of the dungeon, but it shouldn't interrupt the flow of the gameplay. But yeah most of the H-content should in the HUB area where you can trigger events if you ever played Hades for an idea for how the character events happen in isolation from the gameplay.

Any particular reasoning for sex stats? I never really understood the appeal of like seeing a sex number for acts a character have done. Like never really felt like knowing how many BJ or titjobs a character has done when you kinda already see them all. I kinda maybe understand the appeal in like a brothel sim, or NTR game where the number going up shows you how much experience she's had and let's het do the action better, or that she's been sleeping behinde your back and so on. So I don't really see it, if you can convince me though I'll put it on the board of features to work on.
Play more H games, see how they make the H content fluid with the gameplay dynamic and get inspiration that way. Seamless transitions and gameplay of H content type of H games are always going to be more enjoyable over the event finders, puzzle solvers and whatever else.

So this is a game with H content rather than an H game. Meh, skip, I've played enough gallery games already.

For one it basically tells you in advance all the fetishes you're likely to encounter, like a number of births, or a level of corruption value. It also lets you know you're unlikely to find this H game as a gallery mainly because it's going to give you to opportunity to tally up statistics on sexual content, game overs are unlikely, once again giving you expectations. Lastly it's also a mini game of it's own to see how to raise the numbers, as well as possibly being of the voyueristic variety.
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Play more H games, see how they make the H content fluid with the gameplay dynamic and get inspiration that way. Seamless transitions and gameplay of H content type of H games are always going to be more enjoyable over the event finders, puzzle solvers and whatever else.

So this is a game with H content rather than an H game. Meh, skip, I've played enough gallery games already.

For one it basically tells you in advance all the fetishes you're likely to encounter, like a number of births, or a level of corruption value. It also lets you know you're unlikely to find this H game as a gallery mainly because it's going to give you to opportunity to tally up statistics on sexual content, game overs are unlikely, once again giving you expectations. Lastly it's also a mini game of it's own to see how to raise the numbers, as well as possibly being of the voyueristic variety.

I've been fapping to fapping non stop to H-games for the last decade and change, and played enough acts and GOR-based games to come to a conclusion that trying to play an ACTs and the likes are kinda counter intuitive to like the actual gameplay loop, even the games that did it best like Succubus Affection and the RePureAria dev which meld the H into the gameplay best still makes it kinda hard to juggle as a game you play with two hands and a H-game you fap to with one hand(or possibly two!)

I feel like gallery game would be more in the realm of something you would be able to just look at the CG, or a gif in a folder if it's like pixel animations, and lose nothing from being able to just jack off to it and leave since the game doesn't really add anything to it. Ofc there's always context like story and the like that probably adds to it but that if you can cleanly separate the H-content from the 'game' so to say I would even say that a lot of ACTs feel like gallery hunts, because they are kinda contextless H-animation are just really tied to an enemy idea and environment. Which now that I think about kinda makes more sense for why sexual stats exist since is a cheap and easy way to tie context to all the H that happens... hmm

But in any case the hope was to tie the H into the game feel, i.e find other points with gameplay flow that you add H into without interrupting the H too much. For example in Goblin Walker by rusimarudou one of my favorite aspects of the games was that you could sexually harass the the shop keeper in the middle of the shop interface, and I was like "damn that's amazing" so that's like one point where I take inspiration want to inject as much of that spirit into the seems of this games as I can, i.e finding different points of the gameplay experience to insert H into, Last Devil the H-STS-like is another great one since you pay the shopkeep to H her and upgrade her shop selection and made just undress more while you shop. I talk a lot about he shops, but besides the main gameplay that's a big section end you spending a lot of your gameplay time on.

To step away from shops for a second, I wouldn't even say that gallery games are that bad, just that presentation and delivery of the content is like the most important thing to game feel and H-feel. The Crimes of Delta series by well atleast the first game with the Miko is almost entirely a gallery viewer but there are enough abstractions to make it feel like you kinda playing a game and progressing through it unlocking new H-scenes, vs. well like a the slew of "NPCs don't react so I can do what ever to them, let's rape them!"-likes that's an easy premise that's cropped up recently where you just go walk around in an RPGM map with like 5-8 maps press A on an NPC and engage a H-scene, there is nothing added to the CG that on the screen, and there is not real game beyond that. So game feel where H is concerned is something that we are thinking a lot about trust me we don't like gallery viewer too and it was big discussion of how best not to be a gallery viewer, where you just remove the H content and not value would be lost.

It also lets you know you're unlikely to find this H game as a gallery mainly because it's going to give you to opportunity to tally up statistics on sexual content, game overs are unlikely, once again giving you expectations

I honestly find the opposite??? At least from my experience the H-stat screen is something that get's spammed a lot in H-games and well tons of H-game with H-stat screens I played have been filled with GOR and are also gallery viewer, so I can't really build that same expectation that you have. It's basically a meme at this point to me lol, I think my favorite implementation of it was from Amor academy but even then it was mostly from the title, which only unlocked as you hit H-stat thresholds, that you can equip on girls and change their status description which told you about the girl's feelings and stuff about the acts and the title they have which was something that made the world really feel more real to me. But yeah, I guess sex stats like everything else just kinda depends on the execution onto whether is relavent or not. I guess I'll put it on the brain board of things to maybe implement once we have out first real vertical slice release.

Anyways thanks for the replay!
I've been fapping to fapping non stop to H-games for the last decade and change, and played enough acts and GOR-based games to come to a conclusion that trying to play an ACTs and the likes are kinda counter intuitive to like the actual gameplay loop, even the games that did it best like Succubus Affection and the RePureAria dev which meld the H into the gameplay best still makes it kinda hard to juggle as a game you play with two hands and a H-game you fap to with one hand(or possibly two!)

I feel like gallery game would be more in the realm of something you would be able to just look at the CG, or a gif in a folder if it's like pixel animations, and lose nothing from being able to just jack off to it and leave since the game doesn't really add anything to it. Ofc there's always context like story and the like that probably adds to it but that if you can cleanly separate the H-content from the 'game' so to say I would even say that a lot of ACTs feel like gallery hunts, because they are kinda contextless H-animation are just really tied to an enemy idea and environment. Which now that I think about kinda makes more sense for why sexual stats exist since is a cheap and easy way to tie context to all the H that happens... hmm

But in any case the hope was to tie the H into the game feel, i.e find other points with gameplay flow that you add H into without interrupting the H too much. For example in Goblin Walker by rusimarudou one of my favorite aspects of the games was that you could sexually harass the the shop keeper in the middle of the shop interface, and I was like "damn that's amazing" so that's like one point where I take inspiration want to inject as much of that spirit into the seems of this games as I can, i.e finding different points of the gameplay experience to insert H into, Last Devil the H-STS-like is another great one since you pay the shopkeep to H her and upgrade her shop selection and made just undress more while you shop. I talk a lot about he shops, but besides the main gameplay that's a big section end you spending a lot of your gameplay time on.

To step away from shops for a second, I wouldn't even say that gallery games are that bad, just that presentation and delivery of the content is like the most important thing to game feel and H-feel. The Crimes of Delta series by well atleast the first game with the Miko is almost entirely a gallery viewer but there are enough abstractions to make it feel like you kinda playing a game and progressing through it unlocking new H-scenes, vs. well like a the slew of "NPCs don't react so I can do what ever to them, let's rape them!"-likes that's an easy premise that's cropped up recently where you just go walk around in an RPGM map with like 5-8 maps press A on an NPC and engage a H-scene, there is nothing added to the CG that on the screen, and there is not real game beyond that. So game feel where H is concerned is something that we are thinking a lot about trust me we don't like gallery viewer too and it was big discussion of how best not to be a gallery viewer, where you just remove the H content and not value would be lost.

I honestly find the opposite??? At least from my experience the H-stat screen is something that get's spammed a lot in H-games and well tons of H-game with H-stat screens I played have been filled with GOR and are also gallery viewer, so I can't really build that same expectation that you have. It's basically a meme at this point to me lol, I think my favorite implementation of it was from Amor academy but even then it was mostly from the title, which only unlocked as you hit H-stat thresholds, that you can equip on girls and change their status description which told you about the girl's feelings and stuff about the acts and the title they have which was something that made the world really feel more real to me. But yeah, I guess sex stats like everything else just kinda depends on the execution onto whether is relavent or not. I guess I'll put it on the brain board of things to maybe implement once we have out first real vertical slice release.

Anyways thanks for the replay!
I've been playing H games for the last 13 years and I can say the casual gallery or event based based gaming we used to have nonstop with the professional H game companies is a very unappealing method of injecting H content, anyone can attest to this by now not just us. What's the point of playing a puzzle game, a shooter, an RPG with a seasoning of porn? If I want to play low budget gaming experience I'd check the steam early access page, and they don't have to divert funds into a bunch of sprite sex or HCG making their experiences often superior. Want some tits on the side? Use the internet there's porn anywhere you look. There's a reason the very first fanmade H games on 2ch back in the 80s/90s involved Battle Fuck combat, they were tired of gallery gaming. Hell Violated Heroine is probably the easiest example of a successful fanmade H game with a status page, combat sex, sprite sex, etc, you could think of, everyone knows that H game. Need another example? How about Angel girl/Demon girl, the flash H games this forum remembers fondly. Extremely basic yet still miles better than event finders for the simple fact of interactability between the enemies and the player.

You want a good example of an ACT H game? Play Metal Flame, mission mermaden, or erisdysnomia. Hell, even the decent examples of ACT H games do a better job of sticking around in people's memories like Parasite in the city, excess m's H games or full flaps. H games that had the right concept lacking in H content, or had a middling concept, but flooded it with H content to make up for the intrusive weaknesses. These H games even had creators build H games in spritual succession, like Insect Lab, Breed Lab and syahata's bad day. H games like Repure could fall into that category as well, they still do far better than the average H game does both in sales and in our memories.

I agree GOR style gaming is a bad example, so how about simply removing the game over aspect, huh? Most of these H game creators caught to that simple fact rather than regress all the way back to event finders lol. That's why we rarely have to load a save anymore from being kicked back to the title screen, the failure states have been rendered impotent and mainly serve as a break from speed-running the H content. I would rather K.O from getting fucked and either wake up in a captured styled minigame of escape while being raped, or simply waking up at the last save point, than loading a save to be reminded I need to grind my ass off for another 10 levels before I can reach my next H event.

Gallery H games are bad. They're often low effort creations of gameplay with tacked on Hentai. Fundamentally there's little effect involved in such creations as you've hardly got a complex system involved besides the gameplay that's often just copy and paste RPGs or dungeon crawlers, anyone can do that. An H game with a complicated form of interactions between enemies and the player will have more fluid representation of the H, and the excitement gained for the H content will be greater as it's far more involved mentally. If we wanted to fap to the H scenes in a gallery H game, we would be better served extracting the HCG or looking at the reminisce gallery feature because there's no reason to care about the gameplay when it doesn't have anything to do with the H content, save maybe the storyline. But~, when people pick up H games, they expect H, not an erotica, not a binding of isaac clone, and not to be pulled out of fapping because it's time to play the game again. That doesn't make any sense for an H game to pull you out of a fap while in the middle of it, and it never will, nor should it make sense that you'd want to skip the entire game just to enjoy the content you picked up the game up for originally, the H. That's why you integrate it.

The simple fact of the matter is H games have evolved far past what we used to settle for. There's so many good or just decent examples nowadays for H RPGs, simulators and ACT based gameplay, there's no reason for anyone to settle for a subpar experience save for their appreciation of the art or ignorance over information on these titles.
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Out of curiosity would you say that you like Rance? The gameplay and H content are usually isolated from each other you I think mot people can agree that Rance is like a GOAT-ed H-game. I think be both agree that H should be woven into a game at the seems rather than put ontop of a game like ice cream on a steak, the point of insertion seems to be were we disagree for a the most part. I just like not having to scramble to in the middle of fapping to put my hands back on the controller and when I'm in the middle of fighting.

At the end of the day the game is about getting from point A at to point B, While H is about getting into the mood in then nutting. Something that focuses on the later, would focus on the aspect of just arousing you, and then nutting which should be it's focus, but then getting thrown back into the game layer and scrambling to switch tracks makes it hard to adjust to going back to getting to the idea of going back to the game and getting from point A to point B. In away if the H aspect is way better than the game layer, the game layer just ends up being an excuse to go into a place where there are enemies to walk into them and let them H you. The better games giving you the agency to H on command, but a lot end up just being the player getting passively H'd and switching back and forth between from point a to b to enjoying the H content. Atleast for ACTs.

I want focus on the other game layers like the shop and other interfaces whatnot that are ripe to have H woven in rather the 'Game' which have to opposing verbs, of 'go'(get from point a to point b) and 'stop'(take your hands of the keyboard and start fapping)

But again I don't disagree with you, thanks for the conceptual level talk, I guess I should continue making the game to more point out what I'm talking about.
Out of curiosity would you say that you like Rance? The gameplay and H content are usually isolated from each other you I think mot people can agree that Rance is like a GOAT-ed H-game. I think be both agree that H should be woven into a game at the seems rather than put ontop of a game like ice cream on a steak, the point of insertion seems to be were we disagree for a the most part. I just like not having to scramble to in the middle of fapping to put my hands back on the controller and when I'm in the middle of fighting.

At the end of the day the game is about getting from point A at to point B, While H is about getting into the mood in then nutting. Something that focuses on the later, would focus on the aspect of just arousing you, and then nutting which should be it's focus, but then getting thrown back into the game layer and scrambling to switch tracks makes it hard to adjust to going back to getting to the idea of going back to the game and getting from point A to point B. In away if the H aspect is way better than the game layer, the game layer just ends up being an excuse to go into a place where there are enemies to walk into them and let them H you. The better games giving you the agency to H on command, but a lot end up just being the player getting passively H'd and switching back and forth between from point a to b to enjoying the H content. Atleast for ACTs.

I want focus on the other game layers like the shop and other interfaces whatnot that are ripe to have H woven in rather the 'Game' which have to opposing verbs, of 'go'(get from point a to point b) and 'stop'(take your hands of the keyboard and start fapping)

But again I don't disagree with you, thanks for the conceptual level talk, I guess I should continue making the game to more point out what I'm talking about.
Rance is a pretty fun H game, for it's time. The RPG and SRPG gameplay was very entertaining as well, given Alcesoft's budget however it's not likely most indie devs could compete, although some people have indeed. Try playing the RANCE H games now, especially the older ones, and you'll find yourself in a less nostalgic sentiment and more wondering where's the next fucking H scene at. Or perhaps just enthralled by the gameplay, Alicesoft has a great track record of making an entertaining video game experience. But again, they're a professional company with a much larger team and budget, they're bound to make a fun video game with their experience. On that note, try playing Oyakorankan from Alicesoft, arguably one of their better H game and it's a damn shame it never got a sequel. The company Eushully is also another good example of a fun video gaming experience. They made card game, SRPG, Simulator, etc. Most people however mention fondly the gameplay for a reason, the H content in those H games were often secondary. Beautiful art but it was essentially tacked on plot related stuff.

I would place these companies as the exception, not the rule. They didn't have the current indie competition in their heyday and it was mostly raining money for all of them, hardly a reason to innovate the conceptual H game ideal system. There's very few professional H game companies left these days compared to the 90s.
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But yeah think we're atleast on the same page in that the method of delivering the H could be better than what it is and will to give me game a chance knowing that I'm keeping that in mind?
Sure, only reason I bothered to give advice was because the main character has pigtails, wahaha
🙏 blessed pigtails the main character has a combat and a idle form where her pigtails go up an down!


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Alright, so far so good. Art is very nice, gameflow is pretty basic and enemies are dumb as rocks but it all looks pretty good.

By the way, some advice if the other person didn't say this yet: For the laser room areas you've got to run through make sure they're visible on both sides as the player enters the room without having to move from one side of the room to the other. It's just more important you can see those ones because they instantly fire and cover a large area with their shooting.
Just going to second the sentiment that H and gameplay should be connected.

If I want to play a good videogame, I'll go play a good videogame. If I want to fap to a gallery, I'll look at a gallery.

The whole reason I play H games is to combine the two. The active interaction is what makes the H better and vice-versa.

That said, by all means make the game how you want it. If you try to change your vision too much you could just end up with a mess where no one is happy. There are definitely games out there that do well even while keeping them separate, but personally it's not for me.
Alright, so far so good. Art is very nice, gameflow is pretty basic and enemies are dumb as rocks but it all looks pretty good.

By the way, some advice if the other person didn't say this yet: For the laser room areas you've got to run through make sure they're visible on both sides as the player enters the room without having to move from one side of the room to the other. It's just more important you can see those ones because they instantly fire and cover a large area with their shooting.

Aye, there is a bit of build up if you look at the animation, but I guess the first room you enter being that isn't really that great since you can't really see both ends of the room. Maybe I can expand the game window a bit, 1x zoom made the pixel art too small,1.5x makes the pixel art look a little bad, and I guess 2x means the window is a bit too small to really see everything. Tthanks for the feed back!

Just going to second the sentiment that H and gameplay should be connected.

If I want to play a good videogame, I'll go play a good videogame. If I want to fap to a gallery, I'll look at a gallery.

The whole reason I play H games is to combine the two. The active interaction is what makes the H better and vice-versa.

That said, by all means make the game how you want it. If you try to change your vision too much you could just end up with a mess where no one is happy. There are definitely games out there that do well even while keeping them separate, but personally it's not for me.

Aye I feel the same, but you interact with a game on more layer than just talking to NPCs or engaging with what battle(rpg turnbased)/combat(ACT's action), a shop for example is something that can heavily affect how the game turns out since its a huge source of damage/game variation gated by some arbitrary means(progression or money.) So a Decent amount of player focus is directed there, which I think is a great layer to add H to and weaving the H and player interface layers. There's probably a lot more, layers things can be woven into, i.e a lot of walking sim/exploration rpgm games don't have combat but instead they have a tons of interactables that let you feel like the world is real, and that's another layer you could weave H into that isn't just the NPCs holding scenes, or Combat holding H, that create a sense of immersion.
i only wanted to say that there are different target demopgrahics, for example I've been playing h games for a decade as well yet I still love the GOR formula more than anything else, and, that's like, something some people consider to be the worst
but I'm not saying this to start a conflict it's just hey different folks different strokes
wanted to say that to put things in perspective cuz i mean just because it doesn't focus heavily on what someone personally finds important in a game doesn't mean the game is being mismanaged or is objectively bad, it just has different priorities
also more screens in the OP would be nice i don't even know what i'm getting into here XD
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i only wanted to say that there are different target demopgrahics, for example I've been playing h games for a decade as well yet I still love the GOR formula more than anything else, and, that's like, something some people consider to be the worst
but I'm not saying this to start a conflict it's just hey different folks different strokes
wanted to say that to put things in perspective cuz i mean just because it doesn't focus heavily on what someone personally finds important in a game doesn't mean the game is being mismanaged or is objectively bad, it just has different priorities
also more screens in the OP would be nice i don't even know what i'm getting into here XD

Yooooo it's Touma from DUEL SAVIOR!!! Good times~ That was game with an extremely strong game aspect, while the it was mostly a VN and location picker, that lead you into different routes with H scenes, it was great since it flow of the story was being simulated since time passed in the story and the game, So while the level of abstraction was really low the immersion was great since you would look forwards to the game portions and then the story sections hanging out with the girls, man what a great game, I hope I can capture even a sliver of that essence of SOVL that made the game so great.

Next update it's slated for Sunday which should have a few more maps, more polish the general mechanics and add a shop function for permanent upgrades I've already finished the implementation for that today, but it needs to be polished to not look like shit and added to the areas where it needs to be.
Sorry there's not many screen shoots right now, there's like barely 5 minutes of content/gameplay right now since it's also kind of a developmental diary too, the hope is the the first H-scene and bits of story should be in place on the Sunday after the coming one. I'll paste like one or two screen shots for now since ya asked.
Yooooo it's Touma from DUEL SAVIOR!!! Good times~ That was game with an extremely strong game aspect, while the it was mostly a VN and location picker, that lead you into different routes with H scenes, it was great since it flow of the story was being simulated since time passed in the story and the game, So while the level of abstraction was really low the immersion was great since you would look forwards to the game portions and then the story sections hanging out with the girls, man what a great game, I hope I can capture even a sliver of that essence of SOVL that made the game so great.

Next update it's slated for Sunday which should have a few more maps, more polish the general mechanics and add a shop function for permanent upgrades I've already finished the implementation for that today, but it needs to be polished to not look like shit and added to the areas where it needs to be.
Sorry there's not many screen shoots right now, there's like barely 5 minutes of content/gameplay right now since it's also kind of a developmental diary too, the hope is the the first H-scene and bits of story should be in place on the Sunday after the coming one. I'll paste like one or two screen shots for now since ya asked.
i see you're a man of culture! yea duel savior was great, and it was also an unusual mix of side scrolling action stages and vn, so ye games can be as varied as people want, creativity has no limits!
and good luck with your project
i only wanted to say that there are different target demopgrahics, for example I've been playing h games for a decade as well yet I still love the GOR formula more than anything else, and, that's like, something some people consider to be the worst

Sometimes people just need to try and think to themselves like the dev, and imagine how they're going to get this chick to get fucked by this bandit/jerk/monster/creature/alien/whatever, somehow without having her lose the fight, when she obviously does not want to get fucked by him/her/it/whatever to a reasonable degree. And no, "the area is uhhh, magically horny!" isn't really a good excuse, imo.

Sometimes you just gotta lose a battle to get raped. /shrug.

I feel the same way about "random battles in RPGs". These days, every rpg feels like i walk into a field of random monsterous horrors that all seem to just be mildly hanging out in said field, and as long as i don't get within 25 feet of them, they're cool with me jogging by, or even just watching them. It's like playing a single player mmo, and if anyone has ever experienced an empty private server mmo, you'll know how terrible and lonely it is, lol.

I don't think GoR is top-tier, but i've got no beef with it. Honestly, i dislike "Event Hunt" games moreso. When it's literally just going form event trigger to event trigger to watch the VN play out with no gameplay beyond that, just... go make a VN!

Also mentioned earlier was sex stats being kept, I tend to like them, but one of my favorite mechanics is corruption stages, and i like to know just how much of a disgusting slag the FeMC is becoming, especially if i can more closely affect the way the development goes so i can precisely craft a slut of my own interests. Even if all it is is a really big number on how much she's supposedly squirted while getting railed by that one color of tentacles that had the CG i prefer.

....also i still need to try this game, i just like mechanics discussions too much to have passed by.
Sometimes people just need to try and think to themselves like the dev, and imagine how they're going to get this chick to get fucked by this bandit/jerk/monster/creature/alien/whatever, somehow without having her lose the fight, when she obviously does not want to get fucked by him/her/it/whatever to a reasonable degree. And no, "the area is uhhh, magically horny!" isn't really a good excuse, imo.

Sometimes you just gotta lose a battle to get raped. /shrug.

I feel the same way about "random battles in RPGs". These days, every rpg feels like i walk into a field of random monsterous horrors that all seem to just be mildly hanging out in said field, and as long as i don't get within 25 feet of them, they're cool with me jogging by, or even just watching them. It's like playing a single player mmo, and if anyone has ever experienced an empty private server mmo, you'll know how terrible and lonely it is, lol.

I don't think GoR is top-tier, but i've got no beef with it. Honestly, i dislike "Event Hunt" games moreso. When it's literally just going form event trigger to event trigger to watch the VN play out with no gameplay beyond that, just... go make a VN!

Also mentioned earlier was sex stats being kept, I tend to like them, but one of my favorite mechanics is corruption stages, and i like to know just how much of a disgusting slag the FeMC is becoming, especially if i can more closely affect the way the development goes so i can precisely craft a slut of my own interests. Even if all it is is a really big number on how much she's supposedly squirted while getting railed by that one color of tentacles that had the CG i prefer.

....also i still need to try this game, i just like mechanics discussions too much to have passed by.

Lol I feel like you can do anything well, be it game over rape or battle fuck or whatever else. Random battles can be like rng chance to get an encounter every tile step, or like you were talking about symbol encounters that you can avoid on the map, SAGA2 does some really meme shit with symbol encounters dropping you into a one tile hallway and places like a line of 10 strong symbol enoucters infront of you if you want to leave the trap. It really depends on the design and execution, I just really like feeling of H permeating the setting and want to focus on that.
Release 2 is up!, a few more maps another enemy type implemented a shop system with a lot of place holder and a bunch of back end stuff which will make adding content easier going on.
Alright, so far so good. Art is very nice, gameflow is pretty basic and enemies are dumb as rocks but it all looks pretty good.

By the way, some advice if the other person didn't say this yet: For the laser room areas you've got to run through make sure they're visible on both sides as the player enters the room without having to move from one side of the room to the other. It's just more important you can see those ones because they instantly fire and cover a large area with their shooting.
And went along with IAmAKi's suggestion and increased the screen size from 1280x720 to 1600x900, the next update will be the one I'm sure everyone is waiting for The H and the Story, man I really hope I can do it in a week lol.