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Main Street


Jun 15, 2009
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The main drag through Peiquok is littered with cars, most of which are parked up and down the sides of the road although one or two are abandoned in the middle of the road. Military vehicles seem to be clustered around the entrance to the Town Hall, though one or two are likewise deserted in the middle of the street.

The Main Street cuts through Peiquok diagonally, heading towards the North West Exit and the South East Exit.

Along it, or on side roads directly attaching to it, one can find the local Grocery Store, a Convenience Stop (complete with gas station), several Tourist Shops, a Fish & Game Store, as well as the town's Church, which is located kitty corner to the Town Hall.
Re: Main Street

((Tell me if I'm doing this wrong. XD))

Walking out towards the street, the blonde replied, "Cara, and this is Buster," she introduced the fidgety man to Leianna. Her eyes immediately fell to the military vehicles parked in front of the building. If the soldiers had left, they'd have taken these with them, wouldn't they?
Re: Main Street

Buster exhaled sharply, as walking outside seemed to remind him with shooting pains that he spent the night sleeping in such a poor position. He put his hands on the small of his back and leaned against them, jutting out his hips and bending far backwards, considering his thin flexible frame. As he stretched out a bit, he scanned across the outside, staring across the vehicles in disbelief. They can't just dissappear, they've still got to be around here somewhere, they just have to.. or at least some remains or something.

When Cara introduced him to the girl, he raised his right hand up for a quick, half-wave, half-salute, then reached it out to shake her hand. In order to make himself not appear so touchy, he hooked his thumb into his pant pocket to anchor it, but that didn't prevent his four other fingers from drumming themselves rapidly into his thigh. "Nice to meet ya," flashing his small smirk towards her.
Re: Main Street

Leianna looks around curiously, running eagerly from store to store, "C'mon... the arcade's gotta be around here somewhere!" She pouts as she races around in a few circles before trotting back to the two, "I can't find it!"
Re: Main Street

"Maybe it's further in town," Cara replied, finding herself distracted from the younger woman's... rather trivial distress, as far as she cared. Looking to Buster, she again caught his nerviness and as if to answer both of their unspoken questions before either of them had a chance to fidget themselves to death, she moved down the steps to the nearest of the military vehicles. First peering inside, then trying the door if nobody was inside, she muttered, "Maybe they're all just busy. Fuck, yeah right..." She had the bad feeling that she should probably just be heading straight for the car and then out of here. The heavy fog alone was enough to make her a little queasy with nerves, herself. She had always disliked when things were obscured from her, either by human nature or... well, nature itself... and this had been one hell of a big wool-over-the-eyes couple of days on both counts.
Re: Main Street

Buster took his hand back to scratch at his head in a confused manner, watching the girl run about. Jesus, this girl makes ME look sane. He decided to stride up to Cara after she had looked in the vehicles, and spoke to her softly as not for the other girl to hear. "She seems almost naive with how excited she is. I don't know why this arcade is so important to her, but I don't think we should lead her on. She should know this is serious, I don't know how she hasn't caught onto that yet." He peers over to the girl, frowning a bit at the idea that she may be unaware how desperate their situation is, while she seemed so enthusiastic.
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Re: Main Street

The woman cast Buster a sidelong glance, then leaning back, looking behind him so that she could get a better look at the kid. "She's dumb enough not to notice that we're probably fucking screwed here, let her disappear," she replied in the same quiet tone, though her snide smirk attested to the fact that she was joking, even if it was an unkind joke. "Yeah, you're right... wonder if the bleach and blue dye got to her head or something," she mused quietly.

Cara wasn't in the most forgiving mood lately. She was prone to tell the girl to wander off if it suited her; she really just wanted to know what was going on so that she could better avoid the same fate. Shrugging, however, she finally raised her voice.

"Hey, Leena, Leianna, whatever." She addressed the young woman. "I don't know if you noticed, but half the town's disappeared. You maybe want to keep your eyes and ears open for guys with guns, or anything that... I don't know, doesn't look human? We're trying to figure out what happened here, and get out without disappearing, ourselves. You got a ride, or do you want to come with us?" She glanced at Buster, not all too pleased with the thought of toting some dumbass (to her, at least -- she didn't look well on people who were completely oblivious) around with her. Hopefully the blonde had space on his motorcycle! "There are other arcades in other places, y'know?"
Re: Main Street

Cat notices voices a bit behind her and shrugs. Fine, somebody else ventures out there, let them. Maybe they're going to distract whatever the hell it is that's going around here. She doesn't believe in strength in numbers and liked the role of the lone wolf. . . well, maybe not entirely alone, she thinks with a grin as Moxie relieves himself against a tree and almost falls over. "Hurry up, little guy. When we find a grocery store I'll see if I can find something to eat for you." Her blue eyes search the street for that grocery store. Gotta be one around here.
Re: Main Street

Leianna chews on her lip a little as she looks at the two, then she smiles happily and laughs, although there was a little something off about it, "I don't know what you're talking about~! You two watch too many horror movies! Maybe everyone's just sick or something and we accidentally got to town at a bad time~" She looks at the flyer that the arcade owner had given her, then rips it up and tosses it into the air, "Although, I guess going to other towns wouldn't hurt much! Um... I'm not allowed to drive~ anymore~" She laughs loudly again, the same offness from her earlier laugh appearing a little more present.
Re: Main Street

Cara, Buster and Leianna

The three can hear only the sigh of a faint damp wind coming off of the water a few yards away....

Cara searches the vehicle
7+5+2 (Awareness) +2 (Perceptive) -4 (Jinxed) vs 17, Failed.

Cara can't seem to spot anything useful when she looks through the dew-beaded windows of the vehicle, though she notices that the doors are locked. Perhaps someone with a lockpick and a bit (well, a lot) of knowhow can open it up?

In the mean time, it feels odd (and perhaps a little exposed) to just be standing around now that they can finally do what they wish... perhaps they should come to a decision and begin moving?

Cat (And Moxie)
Cat finds it hard to see more than a yard beyond her outstretched arm. Even the sounds of Cara, Buster and Leianna chattering near the Town Hall steps seem muted from here.

However, wandering up the street, she can see through various windows, and eventually spots what she's looking for...

Cat leaves Main Street for the Grocery Store
Re: Main Street

Melissa walks out into the foggy area outside the Town Hall, confidently at first, then slowing down as the fog restricts her vision more and more. "Stay with me, Rosie," she says, holding her hand out for the other girl to hold on to. Melissa definitely didn't want to be left alone in this place, her hand shaking a bit as she grabbed Rosie's. She stumbles around, trying to remember where she left her bike when she was brought to the Town hall yesterday.

(search the area for motorcycle)
Re: Main Street


The air smells and tastes a little thick, and everything feels dimmer and greyer than usual. Rosie gladly grabs for her hand, squeezing it tight as they move through the fog. Melissa hears a noise... but it's hard to tell if it's anything dangerous, or just an ambient noise.

Melissa searches for her motorcycle
7+6+2 (Perception) vs 15, Graze

Melissa stumbles against the curb, her boot making an overly loud, metallic clang as it strikes a gutter grate. From here she can just barely make out the shape of her bike, which is still resting a few feet down the street...
Re: Main Street

Melissa winces as the clang reverberates through the fog strewn street. With a sheepish look back at Rosie, she quietly says, "Sorry." She perks up though at the sight of her bike and squeezes Rosie's hand. "It's right over here," she says as she walks over to the bike and inspects it, worried that whatever happened to the Peiquok might have also happened to her bike. "Probably best not to ride around town right now," she mumbles, "but as soon as the fog lifts we can get out of here."

(inspect motorcycle)
Re: Main Street

As she inspects the motorcycle, Melissa finds that it is thankfully free of all but the dust of the road... However, she can hear a painfully familiar sound through the fog, now: a drawn out groan of pain accompanied by uneven shuffling. It's getting closer.

"Oh, God, what is that?" Rosie asks, holding tightly to Melissa as she looks around without success.
Re: Main Street

Melissa breathes in as she hears the shuffling, a sudden pang of fear running through her. "I... I don't know..." she says, not sure why the sound is familiar, but definitely sure she doesn't want to find out what it is. Resisting the sudden urge to just jump on the bike and ride off through the fog, Melissa says, "We need to get off the street. There's no telling what's out here." After a squeeze on Rosie's hand, Melissa pulls up the kickstand from the bike and grabs it by the handlebars, walking the motorcycle down the street. She moves as quickly as she can in the fog, away from the shuffling sounds, searching for some place they could hide out.

(take the motorcycle, move down Main Street (either direction) and look for a building to enter (any building, except for Town Hall))
Re: Main Street


Melissa wheels the bike along as Rosie follows behind, trailing glances back into the fog. The noises are more muted now, though both can hear another garbled moan. "H... help..." the voice manages, though it's hard to see from where it's coming.

As they walk along, Melissa can spot a church directly across from the town hall, as well as a window with a painting of a big, splashing fish (dulled now, the rainbow colours have all faded save for the red...) They are leaving a stretch of open space that must be the park. Several unnamed doors along the streeth might be what she remembers to have been tourist shops when she was brought in yesterday...
Re: Main Street

Busters's brow furrowed slightly and pouted his lip for a second at Cara's reaction and general attitude towards their new "friend." Raising his hand way above his head, he waved the girl closer before starting. "All right, so both our vehicles are in the park, we should really start heading over." Turning his head towards Leianna denoting seriousness in the tone of his voice, but overwhelmed by the concern in his wide open eyes. "It's not just horror movies. The chance of everything being happy and sunshiney here are very slim. I'd like it to be true, I really would, but I'm not going to take chances, so can we all stick together until we're out of here?"
Re: Main Street

Cara didn't care what the other man thought at the moment. The fact that the girl was so completely oblivious and even laughing maniacally like that didn't set to well with her.

"Alright, let's roll then." She began towards the park without waiting for Leianna to catch up. "Got space for two?" she asked Buster as they moved towards the parking lot. At least he seemed on the verge of sane...
Re: Main Street

With a shudder, Melissa tries her best to ignore the calls for help. Normally she would investigate, but something about the voice made her skin crawl. Casting quick glances around, she settles on the building with the fish painting.

That's right, I passed a game shop on my way into town. Maybe there's something in there we can use.

"Over there," Melissa says to Rosie, motioning to the building. She parks the bike on the sidewalk next to building and puts down the kickstand, then moves to the door and turns the knob, taking a quick peek inside for surprises before moving too far in.

(enter the fish & game shop)
Re: Main Street

Buster waited a second before stepping forward to follow, hoping less of a gap would keep them packed tighter, but considering how animated the girl was, he figured she wouldn't just lag behind.

"I guess, I think one person might be able to come with me if they don't mind hanging onto my back." (I seriously don't know) Buster looked downward at nothing in particular as he walked. "Do you suppose we should just caravan it, and have one of us follow the other vehicle out of here? Or you think you'll be safe once you get to your car?"