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Main Street

Re: Main Street

Leianna spins around and throws the claw out at the licker again, still laughing happily as she attempts to actually hit the licker instead of simply grazing it, "C'mon~! C'mon!"
Re: Main Street

Concerned that the one on the ground was hurt Kaci ran to her first. She hoped that the one that was standing up could take whatever it was they were fighting. Looking at the girl on the ground she seemed badly injured (28/70 health is badly injured to me.) Kneeling down near her she says, "Hey, what happened?" She was too distracted to see the battle with Leianna and the licker.

(If she can I want her to use her medkit to start healing the girl I'm just assuming running to the girl takes a turn or something XD)
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Re: Main Street

Trailing after Kaci, Shiva attempts to use sight and sound to locate whatever attacked the woman who screamed.
Re: Main Street

Shiva, Kaci, Leianna and Jen

Updated Initiative
Licker: 11+4 = 15
Leianna: 6+7 = 13
Shiva: 7+6 = 13
Lillian: 4+6 = 10
Kaci: 5+5 = 10
Jen: 5+4 = 9

Licker Attacks Leianna (-10 energy for an additional +2 to attack)
6+4+2 vs Leianna 12, Graze. 16/2 = 8 damage.

Leianna Attacks Licker
7+7 vs Licker 13, Hit. 19 damage.

The horror gives a blood-curdling cry as it gathers itself up and leaps, surging forward and latching one of its maws around Leianna's forearm. She can feel a wave of sharp pain as its teeth graze her, leaving red tracks as it falls back to the ground and tugs... luckily (so to speak), it had grabbed her free hand, so her claw manages to strike out and embed itself in the creature's neck... after a moment it pulls away, shrieking again and leaving Leianna spattered with a mixture of both of their blood...

Shiva, sighting the direction that Kaci had taken off in, is able to follow behind and eventually come to the same double-take moment that she might have been able to, given a clearer day.

Shiva uses Stealth
11+8+6-2 (Critical Fail last roll) vs Licker 15, Success. (Shiva is undetected by the Licker and will be able to attack it from stealth next turn.)

Sneaking down the steps and around the fight, Shiva has a good open space between her and the monstrosity, providing it doesn't move too far...

Lillian Rests (-2 to defense)

Kaci Heals Lillian
11+7+6 (Medical) vs 14, Success. Lillian gains max of 55 Health. (Can not receive more healing until 'end of scene', which will probably be a few IC hours from now.)

Lillian curses as Kaci falls to her knees beside her. "I'm fine, honest," she rasps, having finally pulled that length of tongue from around her neck and dropped it to the cement beside her. Never the less, she holds still while Kaci tends to her legs, which look like they've taken some crushing, biting damage, and to her shoulders, on which puncture-wounds are bleeding fairly profusely. This coming so close after a practical exam, of course, Kaci seems to know exactly what to do, and eventually Lillian is as good as new -- or at least as good as new as someone who's just been mauled and choked half to death!

Jen is able to spot enough turmoil from outside that she can see that several people are in trouble, though Shiva is hard to pick out from the rest. What does she do?

Health 57/65, Energy 80/80, Arousal 0/63
Health 65/65, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/60
Health 70/70, Energy 65/65, Arousal Threshold 0/51
Health 60/60, Energy 70/70, Arousal 0/57
Health 50/50, Energy 70/70, Arousal 0/37
Health 30/70, Energy 35/45, Arousal Threshold 0/54

((Let's see if I don't die trying to keep up with everything. ;) Don't forget, if anyone wants to use 'Inspire', now's a pretty good time to test that out! Same for using Energy to get a better chance to hit (aka, spend 5 energy for every point you want to add to your roll.) Meditation once per scene (or every few hours) will return energy to you. Aaalso, if a few of you gleaned abilities from PM battles that could be useful in combat, feel free to try them out. xD This Licker doesn't stand much of a chance against you fine young ladies.))
Re: Main Street

Leianna smiles a little as she looks at the blood on her arm, "So~ you finally got me..." She spins around and fires the claw out again, laughing, "F..fun isn't it~? Like... Like a game?" Her words starts to waver a little as she continues to fight, a little fear in her voice despite her words, causing her to appear to concentrate a little as she watches her opponent.

(Use her skill to add +2 to her defence/-10 energy)
Re: Main Street

Eep! Jen squeals as she sees the monster. Inching around past it to try and get nearer to the others she bats at it once when it seems to get a little closer.
Re: Main Street

Shiva creeps up as close as she can, noticing how preoccupied the monster is with the strange girl from the other day, she quickly strikes from her silence, raising her bat upwards, and bringing it down sharply, hoping to kill it in a single blow to the head.

"Back to hell," she whispers while raising her bat over her head.

( Shiva makes a stealth attack on the licker )
Re: Main Street

Licker: 11+4 = 15
Leianna: 6+7 = 13
Shiva: 7+6 = 13
Lillian: 4+6 = 10
Kaci: 5+5 = 10
Jen: 5+4 = 9

Licker attacks Leianna
7+4 vs Leianna 12, Miss

Leianna uses Psychic Resilience and Attacks Licker
7+7+2 vs Licker 13, Hit. 11+10 = 21 damage.

Shiva Attacks Licker from Stealth
5+6+2 (surprise attack) +7 (Inspired) vs Licker 13, Hit. 7+5=12 damage.

Lillian Attacks Licker
6+6 vs Licker 13, Miss.

Kaci Inspires Shiva's Stealth Attack
10+7+4 vs 14, Success. Shiva gets +7 on her stealth attack

Jen Attacks Licker
9+4 vs Licker, Graze. 9+5=14/2 = 7 damage.

Another shot goes wild as Lillian shouts for Kaci to move aside, but not before several of the women converge on the beast with their various weapons. Wholly preoccupied with Leianna, the Licker doesn't even notice as Shiva comes up behind it -- partially because of the blue haired girl's claw that slashes into one of its maws. When Shiva moves in and brains it, the mental slashes through its fleshy mouth, finishing it off. Jen's timid beating is really only the icing on the cake.

The Licker twitches once or twice, but otherwise seems well and truly dead... and it's not going anywhere, as a pool of blood grows larger from around its head and its several other catcher claw-given wounds...

What do the women do?

Health 57/65, Energy 70/80, Arousal 0/63
Health 65/65, Energy 60/60, Arousal 0/60
Health 70/70, Energy 65/65, Arousal Threshold 0/51
Health 60/60, Energy 70/70, Arousal 0/57
Health 50/50, Energy 70/70, Arousal 0/37
Health 0/70, Energy 35/45, Arousal Threshold 0/54
Re: Main Street

Morgan rushes out into the street from the Town Hall just in time to see the creature collapse to the ground. Her eyes widen and she goes pale, "T-that's not possible. Am I still dreaming?" She starts pinching herself, trying to 'wake up'

"That thing. I've seen one before.." she stammers. "Well... I think I have. I had this weird daydream before. That's not possible though, right?"
Re: Main Street

Cat steps out of the Grocery Store and takes off running into the fog down the street, Moxie wedged against her breast. Unknowingly she moves away from the town hall. Her instincts have taken over for the moment, and she probably won't calm down until after cowering in a "safe" spot for a moment.
Re: Main Street

It m-must be allied w-with the l-l-l-... the thing th-that tried to g-get in my h-head earlier. Jen says, clutching her two books in one hand and holding the hockey stick away from her with the other.
Re: Main Street

Leianna pulls her claw in, wrapping it around her arm as she smiles at the other girls who've shown up, "Hey~!" She laughs, "Wow... I really got a rush out of that!" She walks back over to the military vehicle, "Hey miss Army person, I'm going to look around this car, okay?"
Re: Main Street

Kaci started to figure out after the girl's yells that the thing that seemed to be crawling on all fours was probably the thing that attacked her. Turning around she sees it falling over dead. Turning to the soldier she said almost as if she was talking to the air, "So this is why we were quarantined..." She sighed then seemed to remember the girl that she just helped treat, "Hey you need help walking?" She doesn't wait for an answer and puts the girls arm around her shoulder to help support her.

(No matter what she says she's gonna help her walk XD)
Re: Main Street

Lily, finding little of value shuffles out onto the street, arms under her white tank-top, pushing out the curves of her breasts. Her hands pause a moment, reaching down, and massaging at her sides for warmth.

"Seems kinda bare.." she mutters, giving a toss of her head, and trying to gather her bearings. Tilting her head, hair cascading over the front of her shoulders, Lily peers at the bare, rounded halves of her bottom, divided by her thong. "..Me too, I guess..." she adds with a dry laugh, beginning to wander the streets - fog or not - for signs of life.
Re: Main Street

Up this street, Cat runs by several doors, though there aren't a lot of buildings and she soon finds herself reaching the open area of the gas station and convenience store... whether or not this area is safer than the grocery store is something to be determined. Moxie whines, picking up on her terror.

Morgan, Jen, Leianna and Kaci
((Where art thou, Shiva? :p))

Lillian gratefully takes Kaci's support as she shuffles clumsily to her feet again. Groaning, she gives a tired glare to Leianna. "Stay out of the cars, ma'am, those are for army personnel only. You want to take it up with Corporal Dyer, I'll get him out here..." She bites the inside of her lip as she leans more heavily on Kaci, working through a flare of pain... obviously she's not going to be doing anything about Leianna if the girl wants to root through the Jeep, but she looks like she's put up with too much bullshit already...

She turns back to the group, saying, "thanks for saving my ass," (including Leianna in that thanks, apparently.) "Damn, that thing's ugly. You say you've seen this thing before?" she asks Morgan. She looks grim, aware of her surroundings but in a dulled way. She's not nearly as shaky as she was before, but that's probably just because she's in pain. "We're probably not too safe out here if... whatever that thing is," she glanced down at the tongue which was still at her feet, giving it a disgusted nudge, "was lurking so close to the doors..."
Re: Main Street

The partially-bare woman can't see much out here... the fog is heavy and dark, almost more like smoke than anything. She can hear only the sound of wind, and faintly the ocean lapping gently in tiny breaking waves...
Re: Main Street

"Ssssshhh, ssssh", Cat tries to calm the dog as she pets his head. "Everything is okay, everything is alright. No creature around to eat us or. . . do things to us. Mommy's going to check out that gas station. And if they have a shotgun under the counter, Mommy is going to kill everything in her path. . ." Fixing her eyes on the door of the convenience stop, Cat walks forward. The panic is somewhat suppressed now, but it still dances in the back of her eyes.
Re: Main Street

Kaci continued to happily support the girl. She didn't like to see that she was still in pain, though. After what Liliana said to what Leianna said about taking the jeeps she says to Liliana, "I know you've been through a lot right now but think about what's going on. What happened to those people last night? If they all disappeared don't you think it would be better to just forget about protocol... I'd rather not be dead and anything you guys have could help us out." She continued to help support Liliana and obliged to her wishes to go back inside starting to walk to the town hall with her.
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Re: Main Street

Leianna sits in the driver's seat for awhile, playing with the wheel while making a few quiet car noises, "Vroom vroom... I wonder what's in the back...?" She climbs over the seats and disappears into the back of the jeep, rummaging around.
Re: Main Street

"I...I feel so confused. Should the streets really be this empty..?" Lily's arms find warmth underneath the swells of her breasts once more. "Back to the club with me I suppose..."

Though, after a few steps of her partially-clad feet, she halts in place, sapphire blue eyes turning skyward to try and understand the happenings.."..I..I don't like this any more. It's quiet, there's no people...there's..more than a storm. Did a war happen here? Is that what happened..? Why I was knocked out..?"

Lily lowers her head for a moment, trying to make sense of things, and quickly gives a firm shake of her head, blonde hair cascading over her front half. "I'm not sure i'll know..but i'm definately not going to find any more out like this.." she murmurs..and then attempts to head to the little dance club that she knew so well...