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Main Street

Re: Main Street

After the monster stopped moving on the ground, and seeing Kaci was supporting the wounded military woman, Shiva gave the creature a sharp kick to check to see if it still had some life in it. Upon seeing that it was truly dead, Shiva let out a sigh of relief, and turned to watch all of the women wonder about in disorder. She cringed in frustration, "We don't have time for this... If there are more of these ungodly things, I'd rather not be here in this town when they decide to pay us another visit..." she complains in silence.

Heaving a frustrated, and impatient sigh, she gets near Kaci so she doesn't have to speak loudly, and whispers, "There are more of these things around, we mustn't stay here long," she informs Kaci, "Whatever the military was fighting, I assume they lost, and it's only a matter of time before we disappear as well, unless we hurry..."

Shiva went to look at Lillian, who was being supported on Kaci's shoulder, "You seem able to walk," she noted, seeing how well Kaci healed her, a little surprised she didn't think much of her own abilities, "and my friend is correct, you, of all people, should not care for military procedures at this point and time. There are things here that wish to kill us, so anything you have to say that can help us all escape this nightmare, please, say it."
Re: Main Street


Moxie licks Cat's hand as she goes, still shivering, but at least not whimpering now. Cat notices that the gas pumps that she passes are almost antiqueish in age... the stop itself looks like it's had a make-over... probably.

Cat leaves Main Street for the Convenience Stop


The blonde walks along the street, leaving the sound of the beach behind as stores crop up on either side of her. This place looks... unfamiliar, at best. She notes as she passes along a church, as well as a grocery store, several dim-windowed buildings that look like a cross between bars and trinket shops, as well as some other buildings. She doesn't seem to be able to find her dance club however.

((Waiting on either Jen or Morgan to post before I do one for the group just yet.))
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Re: Main Street

While Buster was getting his bike started, Cara had taken a moment to roll her windows down (a feat which required leaning across to the passenger seat and twisting the knob near the dash repeatedly... good old DYI technology...), a precaution she knew probably wouldn't mean much, but which gave her comfort. If she heard a shout or if the noise of Buster's bike disappeared all of a sudden, she would rather know about it ahead of time.

That done, she pulled out onto the street and waited until she spotted Buster moving before heading... let's see... left? (That was the way that she remembered headed northwest, though she could be backwards) onto the main street. She moved slowly, having visions of that Leianna chick dashing out of the fog and into her front fender. Who knew where she'd disappeared off to.

"Okay back there?" she called, leaning her head out the window to get a better look at Buster, since her side mirror was showing mostly fog. Motorcycles were stupidly difficult on clearer days, sometimes. He might as well be a noisy ghost today if he slipped out of her mirror's line of sight.
Re: Main Street

She turns back to the group, saying, "thanks for saving my ass," (including Leianna in that thanks, apparently.) "Damn, that thing's ugly. You say you've seen this thing before?" she asks Morgan. She looks grim, aware of her surroundings but in a dulled way. She's not nearly as shaky as she was before, but that's probably just because she's in pain. "We're probably not too safe out here if... whatever that thing is," she glanced down at the tongue which was still at her feet, giving it a disgusted nudge, "was lurking so close to the doors..."
Morgan looks at the body again and shivers, "Yeah... I mean, I think that I have. It's hard to explain, it's just like..." She closes her eyes, trying to think. "I just have this feeling about it. Like deja vu or something from a dream." She blinks and almost whispers, "It jumped at you, right? And then... it's tongue..." She looks at Lillian, nervously.
Re: Main Street

(I actually have no idea how motorcycles operate, despite 3 sitting in my garage) Buster started off his bike and headed out behind Cara's car, following close enough that he would be able to slightly see in through the windows, just in case of any drastic change. He had high hopes for escaping, but something inside of him was making him seriously doubt their chances of leaving this town so suddenly. It was a scary feeling, but Buster figured all he can do for now is stay close, try to gather people, and move onward. When Cara shouted out to him through her window, Buster raised his hand and gave a little salute, signaling to her that he was still with her.
Re: Main Street

Jen slowly notices everyone starting to leave. Not wanting to be alone out here, she immediately follows the largest group. Namely, Shiva, Kaci, and the injured soldier. She keeps her two books clutched closely to her chest, the only source of comfort in a world that is quickly unraveling at the seems.
Re: Main Street

Kaci, Leianna, Shiva, Morgan and Jen
"Ugh... hold on a minute," Lillian asks, pausing before she and Kaci reach the steps. She might be able to fight, but she's still not feeling too well. "I need to grab a radio... would someone get that girl out of there and then grab it for me? Should be on the back of the seat..."

Leianna Searches
7+8+4 vs 14

Digging around in the back of the Jeep, Leianna notes that there probably isn't as much here as there could have been. She comes up with a length of fishing line and a couple of empty duffle bags, along with a single hard-shelled case that, upon opening, revealed only the foam within which the guns inside had been packed. Not even ammunition in this particular vehicle...

In the meantime, Lillian casts a grimace towards Shiva, replying, "with all due respect, ma'am, what I do and do not care for isn't for a civilian to decide. If you want to do any good, I'd kindly appreciate if you grabbed the corporal, told him what you saw. There are few enough people in there now that we could probably use the vehicles out here to get them out, at least as far as the exits. That good enough?"

Turning back to her original conversation, Lillian has reason to grimace again. "It tried to strangle me with the damn thing. Managed to put a hole in it and the thing tore off, though." She looks a little green, and not just because she's a lowly Private.

Jen, seeing that the soldier and Kaci don't pause too far away from the rest, doesn't have far to run.
Re: Main Street

Nodding back, Cara returned to scanning the road. She was pretty sure that they were headed back for the town hall -- like Buster, she was thinking of picking up anyone who'd fit and moving on, if at all possible. That in mind, she listened for anyone on the sides of the road, having switched the radio off to hear better.
Re: Main Street

Shiva raises an eyebrow at the woman acting as if she had superiority in her position, twisting her mouth in distaste at her attitude, and her eyes glaring with annoyance, "You believe your military position actually means something now?" she said, still in a whisper, but sounding serious enough, "It means nothing. As well, going by car, when as far as we can go is the exit, is not very wise," she says, shaking her head in accordance to what she's saying.

She then takes steps toward the building, encouraging them to go inside, "Tell your higher up yourself," she tells Lillian in her whispering voice, and moved over to the other side of her, opposite of where Kaci was holding her, forcibly taking the female private away from Kaci, "I will cleanse her wounds for infections," her eyes fixed on Kaci, "Please, could you get her radio, while I see to her wounds?"

Without waiting, Shiva pulled Lillian along with her, going inside, letting, or forcing her to use Shiva for support as she attempts to lead her back inside, out of the fog, so as to tend to her bandaged cuts. The bleeding may have stopped, but the infections and pain still seemed to be a factor.
Re: Main Street

Kaci stood stupidly looking at Shiva drag Lilian away for a second. She wondered if she had any bad intentions with the girl. Wanting to follow them she just sighed and told herself Shiva wouldn't do something like that. Then obeying the girl's wishes she goes to her car and starts searching through it for her radio. She said to Leianna as she was searching, "Don't you think that girl has been through enough alerady? I know we are going to need the armies' stuff but could you just get out for now to help her calm down. She deserves that much after what happened to her..."
Re: Main Street

Because of the slow speed, Buster was a little more comfortable to divert his attention from the road every once in a while. He would continuously turn his head back to the park they just came from, and looking back to the street, looking for anyone, hoping someone would see him turning backwards and looking themselves. He just felt unsure about something behind them and needed any type of confirmation, if by anyone.
Re: Main Street

Leianna pockets the string and looks up at Kaci and laughs at her, she then slides out of the car, "We can go fishing now!... if we can find a hook and some bait~!"
Re: Main Street

Slightly disturbed by Leianna, but still wanting to stay with the largest group of able people, Jen stays with the pair as they check the Jeep. Although, she does tend to stay closer to Kaci and farther from Leianna. Finally getting over the shock of the creature enough to speak, she squeaks out, W-where did that m-m-m-m-... thing c-come from?
Re: Main Street

The awkward silence of the streets begins to wear on Lily - though not perhaps as much as being half-naked and toting around out in public..the rounded, bare curves of her bottom on display with each step showing them off in a rather..dignified manner.

Her arms remain folded underneath the curves of her breasts, tufts of blond hair scattered across her eyes and shoulders - hands reaching up to idly remove her headband from her hair, and tie it around one of her wrists.

"..Maybe...I..guess..checking out the beach would be a little bit more natural..this could pose for a swimsuit, maybe.." she mutters with a sigh - taking a look at the curves of her bare body - before heading back to the beach area - and deciding to explore there, to see if she can find any normal human life to question about her circumstances...or perhaps a ...sharing young lady who'd care to spare some clothes..
Re: Main Street

"..Maybe...I..guess..checking out the beach would be a little bit more natural..this could pose for a swimsuit, maybe.." she mutters with a sigh - taking a look at the curves of her bare body - before heading back to the beach area - and deciding to explore there, to see if she can find any normal human life to question about her circumstances...or perhaps a ...sharing young lady who'd care to spare some clothes..
Morgan tears her attention away from the dead monster and jogs up to Lily as she starts to leave, "Hey, are you okay? I don't know if you should be wandering off alone." She takes another quick look back over her shoulder, biting her lip at the sight of the thing from her nightmare, “I don’t know how safe it is to be out here. Where are you going?”

Pausing for a moment, she gives Lily and embarrassed smile, “Sorry. You can go wherever you want, I’m just a little freaked out by everything that’s been going on. I’m Morgan.” She looks down the street in the direction Lily was traveling, “I’m not getting anything done just sitting around here. Do you want some company?”
Re: Main Street

Of course, the still scantily-clad Lily notices the jogging woman, and waves her over as she nears - two fingertips reaching down to adjust the waist strap of her dancer's thong. Thankfully, Lily seems to be unaware of the gutted monster beyond her line of vision.

Folding her arms underneath the swell of her breasts, she cocks her head to the side - idly chewing on a few bladed bangs. "..Well, I was going to the beach to try and find someone - but it seems that I found what I was looking for.."

Lifting one hand up to ruffle cutely at the back of her own hair, she tilts her head to the side. "I was going to ask you if I could borrow some clothes..." ..she adds, eyes peering down over the curves of her own body. "I mean, it's kind of cold.." she adds with a laugh...turning once, and giving a gesture of her head back to the bare rounded halves of her bottom, divided by her thong. "I..I fell asleep in the club I was in..I think, and i'm out here, and now there's nobody out here..do you know where I could get some..clothes, maybe.?"
Re: Main Street

Buster and Cara
The two inch forward and come near the Town Hall... they can see several women standing around, though what exactly they're doing is hard to tell from here...

There are also several other survivors moving up and down the steps, apparently into and out of the fog, either heading for their cars to try to escape as well, or wandering aimlessly...

Lillian snorts, but makes no reply. If Shiva is going to be this way, she's not going to argue with her. That's what Dyer is for, after all...

Shiva and Lillian move from the Main Street to Town Hall

Kaci, Leianna and Jen

Kaci Searches
4+7+6 (Awareness) +2 vs 16, Success.

Kaci finds the radio with ease, noting that there are also a few flares stashed away in the compartment between driver and passenger seats... though how useful they'll be in the fog is dubious.

The three can see and hear an old car and a motorcycle moving towards them down the street...

Morgan and Lily
For some reason, both women see the other as foggier than usual, as if there is an especially thick sheet of the mist between them...
Re: Main Street

Lifting one hand up to ruffle cutely at the back of her own hair, she tilts her head to the side. "I was going to ask you if I could borrow some clothes..." ..she adds, eyes peering down over the curves of her own body. "I mean, it's kind of cold.." she adds with a laugh...turning once, and giving a gesture of her head back to the bare rounded halves of her bottom, divided by her thong. "I..I fell asleep in the club I was in..I think, and i'm out here, and now there's nobody out here..do you know where I could get some..clothes, maybe.?"
Morgan waves her hand, trying to clear some of the thick mist and get a better look at the other woman. Strange, she thinks, I didn’t even notice how quickly the fog rolls in around here. Hearing Lily mention the beach, she turns to look down that direction before smiling, “Yeah, I’m not sure if that would be the best place to look in this weather, but it's a possibility. I don’t really know where all the other people have gone but they must be around here somewhere.” She rubs her upper arm, nervously.

“Finding some clothes would be a good idea,” nods Morgan, following Lily’s look and noticing the girl’s state for the first time. She blinks, “I don’t have anything here. I got grabbed by the soldiers yesterday and quarantined with everybody else with just the clothes on my back, but if you want to come with me back to my motel room I might have something that would fit.” She looks down the road, “I’m staying down the road a ways… hey, that would give us a chance to look around at those tourist shops for more people, too.”

She looks at Lily, "Try to stick close though, I don't want to get lost in this fog."
Re: Main Street

Th-those are vehicles, right? N-not m-more things out t-to e-e-e-e-... get us? Jen says, worried that the sound of the engines and the fog lights might instead be the rumbling of some glowing eyed beast.
Re: Main Street

Cara, leaning out of the side of her open window, called, "hey! We're getting out of here! Anyone who wants to pile in, do it now or else you're on your own!" Sure, it was harsh, but she wasn't going to stand around and navel gaze all day until something bad happened. She, of course, hadn't had any experience with their monster incident, but she only expected the worst... "I can take four or five, if you can all squeeze in! Don't know about Buster, but let's move our asses, ladies!"