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Man for Hire (Orland)

Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The dryad then started at a walk again, and to Orland's dismay and pain, at the same pace as before, while still shouting commands to him like a dictator. "Keep up! No matter how much it hurts! DON'T fall behind!" she commanded him, forcing Orland to at least walk at a normal pace in order to keep up with her, forcing him to endure the pain of his leg, or else she'd do even worse to him...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Evil... Spiteful...Bitch... Comes to Orlandu's mind as he watches the Dryad walk and yell of her commands. He pulls his sword from behind in back and uses the thing as a cane as walks.

It was hard keeping up with the dryad as with every step he walked he winched in pain. He still felt light headed following her but the pain kept him from drifting to far. He starts to watch the woods looking for anything that might give him an idea if the elves had left the path the dryad was now walking.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Watching the path, Orland only noticed that they remained on the elves trail. And as they continued after them, their path led to a rather strange set of additional tracks. And while the Dryad seemed to know as well, Orland could tell some kind of struggle took place, even without his ability to track footprints, given that some of their elven clothing, torn to pieces, were present...

However, it turns out that not both of the elves were taken, as in the corner of Orland's eye, he could see who he remembered as the calmer elf, with only slighlty torn clothing, most covering her decency. And while the Dryad didn't notice her, Orland would likely have to decide something about the elf. Should he just leave her there, so the Dryad won't know? Or should he go over to her, and perhaps help her to both get better, and to find her friend, only to suffer the Dryad's perverted wrath for a time?
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As Orlandu noticed new tracks he feel like something was wrong. He had never see the new set of tracks before but something in the back of his mind said the maker had some type of sinister intent. This was only reinforced as she saw pieces of torn clothing a kin to what the elves wore wearing.

"What the hell did this?" He asked as started to scan the area even more. He didn't really think the dryad would give him a answer but he didn't know what might be going on in her mind right now either.

As he saw something in the corner of his sight he whips he head to make sure it was nothing of a threat. Now knowing it was the elf he almost limped over to check on her. But dryad so close he couldn't would out risking her freedom. Orlandu ops for something else. As he passed the elf he taps her to try waking her up without give away he say her to the dryad. Seeing no movement, Orlandu starts to drag his still wounded leg to leave an noticeable path to him whenever she woke.

Questions, however, started to well up in his mind.

Why was her friend taken but not her? Why not take both seeing as she was out cold? He thought to himself. Things wore not adding up... was something trying to set up a trap of did she really get away from her attack...?
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Leaving the elf behind, Orland left the two elves to whatever fate had in store for them...

Sometime later...

The elf slowly began to recover from having her head hit on the tree, having been knocked back by the spider that overtook her comrade. Her head hurt, but that didn't stop her from rising quickly, and desperately, to look around for her friend, for the remote chance that she was alright. And instead of finding her, all she saw was her torn clothing.

Cursing herself for not being agile enough to save her friend, she tried not to think of what might have happened to her sister during her unconscious period as she made quick footing towards where she knew was the arachnid's cave, completely passing over the path left by Orland, as she didn't have to look for tracks at all to know where she was going.

And upon reaching the cave, and going inside, she didn't see any sign of the spider, asides from the mass amount of webbing, as her gaze was a little too distracted with a disheartening sight, which was the sight of her sister, bound in webs, hanging in the air like a decoration, her belly round, and fat... Impregnated with a mass of spider eggs.

She made a mistake as soon as she moved, rushing towards her friend. She was quickly caught in another web made as a trap to any would-be heroes coming to save her, and quickly found her body immobile. Soon finding the spider that made the webs behind her, even reaching her hands through the hoops in the webs to grab her covered chest, before using her claws to quickly tear her clothing off.

Her screams and cries were useless, she was now within the spider's web. And the spider herself didn't hesitate to give the elf the same fate of her sister, bending the thorax of her body over, and under the elf, a breeding tube coming out of the end of it, and quickly lodging itself inside the elf's folds, eggs soon coming through it, the sounds of the unborn children passing through it only filling the elf with more grief, until the eggs began to push inside her, one at a time, her belly getting more and more round with each added pump. She screamed, begging the arachne to stop, telling her that if she received any more, her belly would burst.

But stop, the arachne did not, cooing the captured elf, telling her that she could fit just a few more inside of her, pumping another, and then another, then another egg, until the spider had no more eggs to put inside her womb. And with a satisfied hum, the arachne drew out of the elf, a few of the eggs that still lingered in her tunnel slipping out, pushing out of her pussy.

The arachne stood, giggling to herself at her two new trophies... As well as the thought of when they would finally give birth to her babies...

Ignoring Orland's question, the Dryad sighed, "What a shame, someone ensnared them before I could." she said with a shrug. And a moment later, she turned to Orland with scorn, "And I have you to blame for your disloyalty. And as punishment, I'm not letting you drink my juices for a whole day. It will be amusing to watch you go through withdrawal. And maybe then, you'll learn some respect for me!" she announced.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

"I still don't see how I was protecting anyone." He said shaking his head from side to side. He knew at least one elf was safe so whatever happened to him now was worth it. Plus is he said the lie enough this dryad might just believe it but the odds wore highly against it. Her comment on respect, however, did piss Orlandu off.

"Respect is not something people learn. Fear is learned... Hate is learned... Respect is earned." He said without thinking. As the works exited his mouth he wanted to take them back. Making the dryad anger would do nothing but cause more trouble for him.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

A fire seemed to erupt in the Dryad's eyes at Orland's unwise words, "Then it's time you learned fear through pain." she said threateningly. And the next thing, vines came from all over once again, with the intent on causing Orland harm. One wrapped around his throat, squeezing him so hard, he couldn't breathe. Another quickly came around, and began whipping his wound, causing immense pain to shoot through his whole body, and the rest of the vines whipped as well, hitting Orland painfully hard, the pressure in his head from being strangled only building with more and more intensity, actually causing the torture to hurt ten times as much.

Occasionally, the tentacle around his throat would loosen, and give him a chance to breathe just one gasp, before restricting him of oxygen again, causing him to desperately make an attempt to get some air into his lungs, before he suffocated, and died.

The Dryad's punishment continued for some time, the whipping getting to the point of drawing blood, until Orland's mind began to fade, and his vision turned to stars, darkening with every passing second he was robbed of his chance to breathe. At that point, the vines suddenly let him go, and withdrew back to the trees that they came from, letting Orland fall to the ground.

And from the punishment, came a rather intense desire. Having been robbed of oxygen like that sprung up the addiction the Dryad mentioned, causing Orland to feel an intense longing in his mind, like a headache, that made him feel that the only cure to it would be to drink her nectar. Else, the need made him feel threatened that if he didn't consume some of her nectar, his mind would just explode from the pressure in his head.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As Orlandu's limp form hit the ground, his mind wonder if this was his end. The world darken all around him. The pain of his body seemed to dulled some how. His mind felt like he was cast a drift as sea. Orlandu felt like he just shut his eye and fall to sleet for good.

However as he finally shut his eye the pain in his head made itself known. His hand shot up to hold his head, trying to lessen it some how. Orland rolled to the side due to the pain now shooting through his head. He squeezed his head with his heads trying to relive any of the pain. He even tried digging his nails into his skin. He didn't want to give in to his growing desire but if he couldn't stop this pain he might have to.

Then what she said before rung out in his mind once again.

"...as punishment, I'm not letting you drink my juices for a whole day. It will be amusing to watch you go through withdrawal..."

He squeezed his head even harder but it words give him a little hope. If he could survive the withdrawal, he might be able to with out her juices.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As Orland suffered on the ground, the Dryad stood over him with a blank expression. And then suddenly, she seemed to leave him, stepping away until her footsteps could no longer be heard. And after a time, she did return, leaving Orland to continue to suffer on the ground, while she prepared a place to rest for a while. The trees bent to her will, and soon, they formed a bed made of branches, and a protective shell made of vines around them to shield against any predators looking to steal Orland.

And right around when Orland felt he'd finally, although barely, gotten used to the headache, he'd be able to open his eyes, and look around to see that a considerable amount of time had passed, so much that it was already dark out. And, that the Dryad was sleeping soundly on a 'bed' of sorts, made from the outstretched branches of the trees...

And from her position, laying on her side, with her legs tucked in, Orland could see her ass, and her very, very tasty looking pussy... And through his intense, maddening desire for her juices, a devious thought told him that if he was careful, he could sneak up on her in her sleep, and pleasure her with his tongue to get her juices flowing.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As he opened his eye after having somehow gotten use to the pain, he looked up in to the sky but was met with a vines. There wore open spaces about the vines letting the sight of the darkened sky and stars. He had lost a lot of time when it came to trying to get use to the pain but he some had adjusted.

He started to look for the dryad wonder where she might have been. He saw her resting on her "bed". Having saw her laying the way she was caused pain ot once more shoot about his head. It had been dull before he looked at her but once he saw her and the way she laid cause the pain to come back ten fold what he had tried fighting before he lost all that time. He couldn't take it anymore. He slowly crawled over to trying to avoid and vines that might warn her something was up.

Has he neared he looked to see if she was really asleep or was in that half sleep half awake state he had done himself. Happy with what he say he started to lap slowly not trying to wake her but to at least get her to release her nectar to relive his pain. It pained him he had to do this but he couldn't hold out any longer verses the pain. If he could every get free he would need to find someone to help free him of this need but who would help him without getting something out of it here on this island.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As Orland crawled up to her, the Dryad gave little reaction, even when he had to step onto her vines a little, the 'bed,' hardly seeming to mind his presence. And as he brought his tongue out, licking along her pussy lips, the Dryad gave a little moan, her legs clenching a little, while a few drops of her juices came forth for Orland's pleasure. And once he tasted the juices on his tongue, it became too much to resist. On instinct, he buried the length of his tongue in her pussy, licking her with primal lust, drawing more, and more love juices to sate his addiction.

She suddenly rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs wide, while her moans continued. Her eyes remained closed, and Orland seemed to be making her ready to cum... If he drank her cum, he'd likely satisfy his addiction for a long time...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu didn't react as she roll aside from moving his head to get at more of her juices. He felt disgusted at himself for acting like an animal but right now he couldn't worry about his pride. The pain was unbearable and he couldn't take it anymore. Whatever he could get for now to at least sedate the pain was all he was thinking about. He tried to force his tongue deeper in to the dayad trying to make her juices flow freely.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The tan skinned woman let out a moan as Orland dipped inside her, when suddenly, he felt her firm hand place itself on his head, holding him to her crotch. "Keep going~" she whispered to him, "Don't stop~ I'm gonna cum." Her moans got louder as more of her juices flowed from her pussy, allowing Orland to drink freely of each and every drop of the dryad's nectar.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

He didn't need and instinctive to keep going anymore then his own need for this damn addiction. He couldn't control himself at this point so the dryad didn't even need to tell him. Every bit of juice that flowed from her he drank, trying drink more then he would every have to end this addiction. He kept working his tongue as well as he could trying to make her flower release all of it's juices. Every laps made him feel less and less human and more of a pet as he did. He just had to survive two damn months on this damned island. That should be all of the time he needed to find some way to get free of this woman.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The dryad gave an orgasmic cry as she gave Orland her sexual juices. Her pussy squirting it's honey into his mouth, the delicious liquid filling his mouth greatly, giving him all of the addictive substance that he'd need to stave off his addiction.

Dozens of tentacles suddenly snatched up Orland, spinning around him, and wrapping him entirely in their green bodies. Orland was pulled atop of the Dryad before he was just as quickly released, his nude body landing on top of her before the vines which had just ensnared him began wrapping around each other several times over, trapping Orland and the dryad inside a 'cocoon' of vines.

"I hunger" the dryad whispered, "Fuck me, and fill me with your sperm," she commanded him.