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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Harriet raises an eyebrow at the last maid to make herself known, but simply shrugs, moving on. She claps her hands together once. "Well then! Now that we're all friendly-friendly now... I assume you all're nice and refreshed? Hmm? Good! Let's get you into your rooms. After that, I'll show you around the place, and then we can get to work, okay?" She leads everyone outside - taking Rin by the shoulders on her way out. "C'mon," she says, grinning wide. "Maybe if you ask nice, Mae'll let you polish her halo later, huh?"

She ushered every one back out through the dining room and into the hall, pausing just a second to point out that through the door across from the dining room was the sitting room - I.E. the TV room, "which you undoubtedly all saw during your wait - sorry about that, again." The first offshoot led to merely a few bathrooms and a nurse's office - which looked to be quite large, judging from the lack of other doors in the walls it occupied. A strange thing to have in a personal home like this... but then again, it had an angel working in it as a servant.

The hallway turns left. Tall windows, stretching up and taking advantage of the high ceiling to light up the deep-blue walls with bright sunlight, look out across the greenery, a small driveway dividing near from far. Through the double doors at the end lies the garage. A concrete wall separates the stalls from the area you walk into, where a few tool drawers and the like stand. The limousine lies idle here, stretching from the concrete divider to the garage doors. A rugged-looking man, whose dark hair shows through his five o'clock shadow and the hair-roots of his shaved head, wearing a black suit and tie is also here, putting what looks to be the last bag onto a house cart - the maid's bags from earlier were there, too, apparently sitting there since they'd been dropped off earlier. "All done, miss," he says. Despite his politeness, he seems very intense.

"Thanks, Nick. Guys, this is Nick. He's our driver, if it's not obvious." He merely nods at the group. Talkative, he's not.

Domonic takes the bags, and Harriet directs you through another set of double doors on the other side of the garage... which opens into a full-out loading dock, complete with pallets of miscellaneous boxes and pallets pushed to the sides. "At full occupancy, the place needs a lot of supplies," she explains, before explaining that there's another storage room on the left side, beyond which is the kitchen.

You go through a fancier-looking set of double doors, and she immediately points to a door on the right. "Worker's quarters," she says. "It's a big house, with big grounds, so it needs a lot or maintenance," she explains, "but it's only a few people, now, so there're only a couple people bunking up in there. Mm... only six people, I think? This goes into their rec room - split baths and toilets, but the bunk room's shared." She turns away from the door. "Anyway, we're going this way."

She stops right at the corner, near a set of ornate,metal elevator doors. She hits the button, and Domonic goes through them. Ignoring him, she continues talking, "Past this way's just the door to the ballroom - we went through there coming in, remember? - the master bath, which I probably won't be using much, on account of the hot spring - uh, to which there's an entrance down that way, too - and the stairs. Down, to the basement, where the laundry room and stuff are, and up, to the bedrooms."

She hits the button again. "This goes up to the bedrooms, too - down as well, but it's just into more storage. As you're going to be my personal staff, you all should have your personal rooms." Just as she finishes, the doors open.

You emerge in the center of a hallway, where Domonic is stands waiting. The carpets and wallpaper here are similar to the ones on the ground floor - but are purple, instead. "Alright, this entire floor is pretty much bedrooms. There are a few larger suites around for, like, me, or my dad, but otherwise the rest are the same size. Besides those, there's actually the main stacks for the library, and the playroom across from it. The ones over the garage are a little smaller... I think Nick has the one furthest out, but otherwise the rest should be unoccupied. Pick out whichever one you want, it doesn't really matter - just call Dom, I guess, he'll bring your stuff over. You can unpack later - once you choose one, come over to the library." She heads off with Dom, off to unload a few extra bags of last-minute luggage she'd brought with her.


"All done? Good!" she says, as the last maid arrives, and opens the door to the library.

An even more extravagant purple wallpaper covers the walls in here, midnight blues combining with it, with whorls of silver and gold leaf accents. The carpet is a beautiful, dark, rich blue. Just from the door, it looks nearly fifty feet to the wall on the other side. A carved, mahogany railing is seen on the left side, a staircase extending down through the opening in the floor the railing circled. Packed bookshelves can be seen on the right, extending as deep as the room was long. Around the corner on the left side, is a huge area with a few tables and chairs, a few armchairs against the far wall. Windows here place it right above the entrance hall.

"The library. Shhhh." she says, mock-serious.

Looking down the railing, the height of the lower floor hits you. The Mistress leads you down the stairs, into a similar room - one wall full of windows, looking out in the front of the house, while the opposite housing a bookcase, completely covering the wall except for the one place where a door opens into the hallway outside. A single table, with four chairs, occupied space. A locked behind the stairs, in the wall, is ignored.

Connected to the room is the study you saw from the patio. The wallpaper in here is muted - a dark blue.

Out in the hall, she points at the rest of the rooms that share this side of the mansion with the study and library. Besides the door back into the ballroom and a small restroom at the opposing end, there is a small conference room at the end... and a set of double doors that remain locked, behind which Harriet says is a trophy room.

"Well, that's it," she says, "Now, how's about some br- well, I suppose it's a little late for breakfast. Brunch?"

"You girls haven't eaten yet, have you? I've got a few more things to sort out, so I'll be in here. The chef isn't here yet, but you guys'll do fine. Oh, and whatever you make'll be fine, I'm sure, too. Dom can tag along, to make sure you don't burn the place down - have fun!"


Domonic is the last to enter the kitchen. He smile seems a little shaky - especially when he looks Rin's way - but is nevertheless present. "So! What's on the menu?"
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The way of how Cammy said her introducction was very strange, like if she was nervious to say something that could be forbidden for her, but in some way this introduction reveal why she call Harriet her "big sister", of course that it could be more, like why she was choiced to live at the mistress side. Could she be the daughter of a servant? no that dont explain her shyness, even been an orphan that the family brougt was a more accurated possibility, but as this one it could be hundred more, every one worst that the other and Micra was not so curious to search the answer. If Cammy was lying or hiddind something, it will be revealed with the time and Mistress Harriet was not altered even when she know the truth, it must be just a little secret overacted of the "sketch maid".

The android maid let all these throughts for later and follow Harriet throught the mansion, it was really huge and even Micra's Memory was having some problems to remember all, but soon get adapted and made a polite bow to the others workers, even when they maybe dont return the courtesy.

After the tour, Micra remain close the others maids, as she heard how she must choice now a room, one close the garage could work in case that she must repair herself, but the library could have many interesting books and she could socialize more easily with the people of the mansion. All was getting in place until Mistress Harriet talk about a lunch, this caused that Micra remember that she ussually drink blood to sattle her hungry, but her system could digest some food, even when the energy from it will be really low if the food had not the right ingredients.

Now with all in order in her mind, Micra express her choices. Thanks for the tour Mistress, even when i dont have too much hungry, it will be a pleasure to make the lunch for all.

Then get close the butler and after a curtsy she said her in a low town can i have one room close the library?
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Had Rin been an robot herself her head would have crashed to the side as a muted boom went off in her cranium and a trail of smoke started leaking out of her ear. That was exactly how she felt after hearing about Mae's halo and that's pretty much how she stayed as she was led around by Mistress Harriet. She still listened to everything as the tour was given, her head cranking to look at Mister Nick and everyone's luggage before it cranked back into position to continue.

When it came time to pick a room Rin found herself automatically stepping toward a room relatively close to the elevator. She opened it to take a look inside, and once she found one that was definitely empty her entire body fell forward and ended up crashing face first onto the floor. It wouldn't take much to hear the landing, and she stayed there for a few seconds. After a bit she called out to her mentor, and once he arrived she pointed to the floor she was laying on and simply said, "Rin would like this room."

After a few more seconds where she was left to herself Rin finally pulled herself back to her feet. If Domonic were still around he would see that she was starting to look a little better. Frazzled still, but her nerves were back under control. With that it was off to the library, and the sheer size of it made her dizzy. She then recalled the size of everything at the mansion, and she wondered why the Jones Family was so intent on having such a grandiose home. Was it really just a home? She couldn't remember seeing any homes with such a huge garage complete with its own shipping center...

Whatever was going on was interrupted by talk of breakf-no, brunch. At the mention of food Rin suddenly piped up, and she cast a quick look around the kitchen to get a quick look at what was available. When Mistress Harriet left the maid with the silver hair was back to smiling naturally. "Rin will do her best!" Once the Mistress left to do whatever it was she was doing Rin started actively searching through the pantry, the cabinets, and the cooler, and once she saw everything she had a pretty good idea what she wanted to make. Domonic returned at just that time, and when he asked what was on the menu Rin answered in triumph. "Sweet crepes! The batter is easy to make, there's enough fruit for whatever anyone would want, quick preparation, and..." She turned to pick at a small basket she found, and when she turned back she was presenting a rather luscious looking strawberry to the yeti. "These strawberries are the best!" As if to prove her point she bit into another and practically squealed in delight, and once Domonic had his she offered one to everyone else.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

At Harriet's explanation and annoucning that the maids will be getting their own personal quarters, the maid goes a little pink before piping in, "Oh no, mistress! I, I will be just fine in the worker's quarters! Besides, I am used to it by now! It's not a big deal!" However if the mistress would insist then the the albino well developed maid would press her finger to her chin in thought humming for a few moments, "Hmmmmmm~ Well..... If you insist on it, M'lady, then....... If it is acceptable to you, I would like a bedroom close by to your own, please?" She asks shyly and timidly before continuing on with the tour. As she sees the impressive size of the lower floor she looks around wide eyed, Wow~......... I never had any idea how big this place really was........ I've just been working and staying at the smaller estates until now......... She thinks to herself, I wonder what is behind those doors........ Does Mistress like hunting?....... She ponders as they continue on. Eventually they would get to the kitchen and when Harriet mentions the chore of preparing Brunch.

"I can help in making lunch! As long as any requests aren't too complicated! But, I think I should be able to handle most things! I think a nice salad, some fish and other kind of meat would make a good balanced meal for everyone! What do you guys think!?" Cammy speaks up, eager to show her skill and be useful to the household.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae simply nodded along with all the tour. She'd already had plenty of time to get accustomed to the mansion's layout. When the subject of food came up, she was happy to lend a hand.

"We can certainly do a nice fish dish, we've some excellent trout in the refrigerator, fresh from the market this morning. And as a dessert I can make my specialty... angel food cake!"

She smiled beatifically, and then noticed Rin's crazy-meter start to go up again. She let her wings hide completely behind her back and approached the small girl.

"Rin, I feel like I may be making you uncomfortable. That was certainly not my intention." She placed a comforting hand on Rin's shoulder. "I assure you, I'm a very nice... person, and you don't have to worry when around me. I'll guard each of you as I would Mistress Harriet. Okay?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

As soon as she was dismissed, Rin made her way through a door right across the hall from the elevator, even as Cammy voiced her surprise at being given a room. As soon as she finished, Harriet gave her a vexed look. "Don't-"

An audible thump interrupted her, as they all turned to look at the room Rin was in. Domonic peeked inside to check on his protegee just as she called for the alleged yeti, and despite the wall in the way, the muffled "Rin would like this room" was nevertheless clearly audible. He shrugged, stepping over her to deposit her things.

"As I was saying, don't be silly," said Harriet. "I can't have you girls gossiping away my measurements or whatever with the gardeners. Oh, by the way, I'll need you to show Micra and Rin how to do my hair like you and Mae do, you know? It's oh so hard to get it so long and healthy like this without help washing it...", she says, melodramatically feigning helplessness as she brings her wrist to her temple, as if she were about to faint dead away like some dainty lady from the turn of the century.

She then looked down at the sketchbook the maid still had, and she leaned in, whispering into her ear, barely audible even to Camilia herself. "Besides, you wouldn't want 'em to accidentally see your work, would you?" She moved her head ever so slightly, nodding to indicate the still-present angel and gynoid, while a smirk revealed her pearly teeth.

Domonic stepped back out just then, saving Cammy from further torment by her sister. "Dom! Take Cam to the room by the stairs up - the big one, with the view."

She let them get a little ways away before wrapping an arm around Mae's waist and following Dom down the hall. "What about you, hmm, picked one out while you were here? And don't say mine, though you'll probably be sleeping in there anyway."


"Well, there aren't really any close to the library... I suppose the one at the end of the hall's as close as you'll get, that's fine, right?"

Domonic smiled down at Micra as she made her request for a room. He'd already started down towards it. The proposed room was in the elevator hall, only a few rooms down from the one Rin had chosen - and Domonic already had Micra's sole bag in hand as she arrived. "After you, miss," Domonic said, his smile bright.

"It seems Master Lucas only sent with you this one bag, Micra," he said after she went in. "I would have thought he'd send a much more expansive wardrobe with you, Harriet says he enjoys cosplay as we-"

Domonic loses his balance, somehow tripping over himself and falling. The bag spills out over the floor - out clattering all manner of sex toys - vibrators and dildos, handcuffs and whips. Some expensive lingerie spilled out as well - some of it looking somewhat worn and tattered, especially around the back.

"I'm sorry, I don't... oh my."

He flushes bright red, but helps to pile them back into the bag, leaving near-immediately.


Domonic popped his strawberry into his mouth and chewed. A few seconds later he almost squealed as Rin had, seemingly back to his old self. "These are great! But I don't know if crepes and fish will go well together... what do you guys think?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The android was really waiting to show her skills in the kitchen, but it looks like the others maids were also expecting to cook and decide which dish could be better for a lunch, of course that Micra was not hungry and she was most focused in her early mistake, maybe she would had choice a room close their mistress instead separate of the others to dont start a competition for the better places, not like she would expect to use her room to much anyway.

Yes it will be fine, thanks Mister Domonic With a bow said, as she follow the path that the butler had pointed to reach her new room. The pink haired girl decide to just continue to prepare her room quickly before go to the kitchen, her worries about what could be in the bag could not be lower, but soon that changed when the man let fall what was inside, she was expecting some tools or maintenance parts, Micra expected that her life as sex servant doll and lover were over and she should focus in her work as maid, not like she had hated it, her mind and body were build for pleasure her creator and she was glad to serve so well in her work. The ropes on the floor bring her back memories of how they found her, as the manly hands of the scientist do as they want with her, testing her sensibility and pain resistance with many devices and toys that were NOW in front of her in the floor. The man also was a great sadist and many times her synthetic body taste the whips in her back, sometimes her hands and legs were separated from her body to make her feel more defenceless, as she remain in the floor like a toy more with her holes still filled and vibrators on her erogenous parts.

Micra recover from her daydreams and get close the butler Mister Domonic, are you fine?

... My creator must had important reasons to send these things... i... maybe should... I dont know what to say. Could we just forget this event and continue to my room, i really want to... cook for all
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Rin was already thinking of ways to prepare the batter for the crepes to make them match the natural sweetness of the strawberries. Maybe add a small bit of brown sugar and a drop or two of vanilla to give it a slight taste that would enhance the almost awe-inspiring flavor of this perfect little fruit. But at Cammy's mention of fish she suddenly stopped. When Mae started to agree Rin started to get a little more depressed. That went out the window when Mae said she would make her specialty, and Rin tried to keep her smile going at the mere mention of angel food cake. It felt like that girl was determined to give the maid in the glasses a hard time-

Oh God! She's coming this way! Rin straightened herself nervously as Mae approached. But the angel decided to keep her wings mostly hidden, and she actually looked concerned for the well-being of the anxious little maid. "N-No! It's... It's not your fault, Miss Mae!" Rin had to take a few seconds to calm herself down, but eventually she managed to compose herself just in time to accept the hand landing on her shoulder. "Rin never thought that angels and robots and yetis could be real. She's just shocked by it all! Just...just give her some time to adjust! Okay?!" It really didn't sound like she was adjusting at all, but maybe that was because she was trying a little too hard.

"But the maids should just focus on brunch now, yes? Yes!" Right now Rin felt like the center of attention, and she really didn't want that at the moment. So it was time to focus on getting food ready. "Mister Dominic is right. Crepes and fish will not work together. Rin would really like the strawberries, but if everyone else would rather like fish then she will make fish!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"As I was saying, don't be silly," said Harriet. "I can't have you girls gossiping away my measurements or whatever with the gardeners. Oh, by the way, I'll need you to show Micra and Rin how to do my hair like you and Mae do, you know? It's oh so hard to get it so long and healthy like this without help washing it...", she says, melodramatically feigning helplessness as she brings her wrist to her temple, as if she were about to faint dead away like some dainty lady from the turn of the century.
"Miss Hariet! I would never do something like that! It isn't proper, and its disrespectful to you! I was just being modest!" she said in defense surprised that Harriet would think she would do such a thing. She then noticed her looking down to her sketch pad before she barely heard her whisper in her ear about her drawings, "Ah! Uh! B-but..... That's.... That's...... Hgnn... Uhm... It's n-nit what you think, Si-uhm, I m-mean M-Miatress Harriet!" she stuttered out before Domonic came to save her from any more of Harriets teasing.

"Dom! Take Cam to the room by the stairs up - the big one, with the view."
"Uhm, th-that one!? R-really? It's just such a nice room....... Th-thank you very much, Miss Harriet." she said as she followed Domonic up to her new room.

After a short while later they were down in the kitchen, "R-really? That's too bad...... I suppose we could substitute fish with some other meat, but I do believe we need a meal with some sort of meat. Perhaps steak, beef or pork? And a nice salad and some bread? Does any one have any requests or suggestions?" she would ask generously and politely.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

((I apologize, I seem to have lost my place in what is going on at the moment. Are the maids not all in the kitchen making food? or are they selecting rooms?)

Mae nodded sympathetically with Rin. "Okay Rin, I'll give you as much space as you need." She took her hand off of Rin's shoulders. "But really I think there's nothing in creation so varied, interesting and fantastic as humans. You guys take the cake, and I'm so happy that Mistress Harriet has given me the opportunity hang out with you all! We're going to be good friends, Rin, count on it!"

She stood back and beamed beatifically at the little girl and then went about making her dessert.

(At another time, walking down the corridor with Harriet's arm about her waist)
"Ah, Mistress~ I'll sleep wherever you'll have me. The closer to you, the better, for the swifter I'll be able to see to your needs!" Mae flashed Harriet a winning smile.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Domonic claps his hands together. "Well... I suppose a little protein wouldn't be too bad for you all. Best start your first day here well-fed, right?"

"Well, it's decided then. Some kind of trout, along with a salad and some angel food cake... my, that's a lot of cooking, isn't it? Let's get to it!"


Sometime later, after the maids had all fallen into the swing of preparation, Domonic put a hand on little Rin's shoulder, looking at her a little apologetically. "Sorry, Rin... but, the strawberries really are great!" He flashes her a smile. "It'd be best if we used them while they're still fresh - maybe you can make a few for dessert, after dinner? You're a great cook, and I know Harriet will just love 'em!"

"And, um..." He was speaking at a normal volume, and any of the other maids would have no trouble hearing him. Nevertheless, he raised his voice before speaking again, and though he was addressing Rin directly, it was clear he wanted everyone else to hear as well. "Just so you know, I am not a yeti, and I haven't said anything inappropriate about you to Harriet, or anyone, despite what she says."

"You really shouldn't let her get to you so much, you know," he continued, speaking normally again. "You'll go crazy otherwise. She really loves to make trouble..."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

With brunch decided on Rin wondered how she would help prepare the meal. Since Cammy had suggested they go with fish the little maid thought it best for the busty one to tackle the main dish. The angel girl was already committed to angel food cake, so that left the salad. That sounded simple enough, and given how Rin wasn't quite exactly in the best state of mind simple was probably what she needed.

With that decided the girl in the orange dress disappeared in the cooler again and started looking for some fresh vegetables. With the quality of ingredients available it would just take a few minutes to wash and cut them to perfection, so the real work would need to go into the dressing. That's what made a salad truly a salad. To go with the natural fatty muscle of the trout she would need something acidic and slightly sweet. Maybe an apple dressing?

Rin's musings were interrupted by Domonic laying a hand on her shoulder. She gave him a weak smile at first, but once he apologized it turned a little more genuine. He continued and revealed that he was NOT a yeti, and he confessed that he had not said anything inappropriate about her to Mistress Harriet or to anyone else. "Rin... Rin thinks she understands. She's not sure how well she will do, but she will try to remain professional!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

After the shameful incident passed, Micra went to the kitchen, there she found the others choosing what to make for the brunch and the ending menu was a little big for a light dinner, but maybe it will be the best choice to get ready to start to work and dont stop until the night.

It looks like a extra dish would be to much, so maybe i should be in charge of prepare the table and make the drinks, someone want to order something to drink? a tea, juice or coffee? Also, if someone need help, i will be glad to help.

With all decided, Micra dont have to much to add, the others maids were trying their best and the cooking will dont take to much work for them. Then she heard disappointed than Demonic was not a Yeti, it would mean than maybe the angel and her were the only ones who were not human and this could affect her relationship with Rin, could they work together the firsts days, at least she dont have to speak more of how was made and her others dark secrets for the moment.

Then, the pink haired girl get closer to Demonic, her face was getting a little blushed by thinking than the butler could still had in his mind the little incident with her bag Can i ask... which is the favorite drink of our Mistress? Also is not a problem for me how our Mistress act, who know, maybe it could make our days more fun and we will get used to them soon
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"That's the spirit! And remember... no matter what happens, I'm still your mentor here, okay? You can always come to me if you need anything." Domonic gave her a brilliant smile, and then turned back to take a look around, checking on the other maids -

- and saw Micra's pink head, waiting, just behind him. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Can I help you, Micra?" Only the barest hint of a blush colored his cheeks - it would have been easily missed in spite of his pale skin, especially were one not looking for it.

After hearing her question, he paused a moment to think. "Mmmm... wellll, she usually drinks orange juice in the morning. Pulp, and all. Maybe you could make some, fresh-squeezed? There's bound to be a few other fruits in there you could mix in, as well, if you want to get creative - just make sure there's enough for everyone!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae walked, rather than fluttered, through the kitchen, checking on the ingredients for her small angel cakes. She measured everything out to exacting detail and then proceeded to stir, mix, and then pour out her cakes into baking tins. She popped them into the oven, set the timer, then turned to prepare her sweet fruit toppings, which she chilled in the refrigerator once she was done with the slicing.

"Does anyone need help, or shall I just go see to the Mistress while you finish up? If I'm not back by the time the alarm goes off on the oven, simply take the cakes out and let them cool."

The angel seemed to be quite eager to be back at Mistress Harriet's side, already edging towards the door.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

(Okay, three weeks is kind of ridiculous. Let's just move on.)

"What? Ehm... no, we have it under control here, go ahead."

Mae made her way out, and the rest of the maids continued with their cooking - Micra squeezed up a tall pitcher of fresh orange juice, and Rin got to work on on the salad. Tasked with the main course, Cammy decided to bread the trout, parmesan cheese and various seasonings ensuring the crust was as tasty as the fish was fresh. Domonic flitted about, helping as he was able. When it was all done, they started plating everything and setting the table, while the cakes sat on the counter, to be topped later.


The angel made her way back to the study, where Harriet had let them go - but she wasn't there. A quick check next door showed that she wasn't in the library, either - or, not in the first floor of it, anyway. Just as she was about to check the upstairs, though, a voice came from above.

"Oh, you're here?" Harriet called, leaning over the railing at the top. "I was looking for some books up here."

She made her way down the steps, talking. "They haven't set fire to the place, have they? And you've come to whisk me away to safety? It'd be a real shame if they did - the place isn't even two years old, yet. But Dom's there, so that can't be it anyway, can it?" One hand slid along the banister as she descended - in her other were two books, which she tossed on the table when she was close enough to do so. One was some kind of technical manual on energy systems - generating, storing, and using. The other was significantly older-looking, bound in leather and untitled.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Fear not my mistress, there is no danger here from which you'll need whisking," Mae said calmly and confidently, falling into step besides Harriet. She tilted her head to take a look at the two books which were promptly tossed onto the table with a loud thwap. The first title, a technical manual, didn't interest her much, but the old tome seemed more up Mae's alley.

"What books have you been looking for, Mistress? Are you doing more research?"

The gorgeous blond bombshell of an angel drew back Harriet's chair for her and then pushed it in again to seat the lady of the house.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Harriet took the seat, and opened the book, flipping though the pages to show her faithful servant what was in it, but not actually reading it. "Yeah. I was looking to see if there were any kinds of power system Micra might be running on. She said she doesn't have an electrical socket for charging or anything, right? But that can't be right - I mean, how's she operating if she doesn't have any power input? He didn't send along one of those Tesla energy transfer things, and I doubt Lucas knows enough to have put a reactor or anything like that in her... although, he might have made her run on, like, double-As or something, just to fuck with me..."

She caught herself before she rambled on any further. "Oh, but I suppose you aren't so interested in that sorta thing, are you? Here, I actually wanted to ask you about something else." She flipped the old book open, revealing aging paper and fading script in Latin. Harriet waves at the thing. "I've never been one for this theological stuff, really."

That drew Mae's attention. She read a few lines, and-

"It's some manual on different sorts of demons." She continued on nonchalantly, apparently not considering the possibility such a thing might be repugnant to an angel. "Really old, Grandpa said it was hidden away behind a loose brick someplace in France so it wouldn't be taken and burned. I usually let Grandpa translate stuff whenever I went with him on excavations, and my Latin's all rusty, so..." the Mistress leaned back in her chair and stared up to look at Mae's face before she asked. "Mae, can you tell me what you know about ice demons? I mean... you must've dealt with them firsthand one time or another, right? And I don't even know if whatever the book says is true or not."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Harriet's assumption about Mae's attention span for all things technical was accurate. The angel's eyes were beginning to get that vacant, distant look even though she was smiling and nodding while the mistress spoke.

The mention of the second tome had a much more visible effect on the angel. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth pursed in thought, her shoulders tensed and her arms crossed her chest in what one might call a defensive reflex.

"Demons you say?" Mae's tone did not convey that such a subject matter was appropriate for light conversation. "Yes, even though my Latin isn't perfect, I can tell that this book is about that. I recognized a few insignias on the page illustration there." She pointed to the title page where a few icons lined the margin.

"You're not a theological scholar, as you say, so allow me to clarify one point from the start - there are demons and then there are Fallen angels. The Fallen were the ones who once dwelt in Heaven and rebelled, following the Morning Star against the forces of the Bright Realm. When they lost, the Fallen were sent to Hell, a realm then that was nothing yet what humans now think of it when they read Virgil or some other imaginative author. It was there, in Hell's creation, that the evil of humanity had begun to collect, ever since the forbidden fruit was tasted - and it is out of this raw Sin that Demons first formed. Demons are Not fallen angels, they have never been good or pure, they do not suffer the pain of the loss of Grace. They know only sin. After millenia of imprisonment, Fallen have come to resemble powerful demons quite closely, but there is a critical difference. Different Fallen and Demons have different affinities. There are places in the Abyss that are associated with Ice and Cold, elements also associated with Hate and Merciless Action."

Mae tapped the book. "I don't know yet who wrote this, but you must be careful, as a lot of these books don't contain all the critical information, perhaps only enough to get a researcher into real trouble. They often fail to recognize details like the difference between a Fallen of Ice and an Ice Demon, and if you summon one while expecting the other, you'll be very very sorry. Personally, I can't recommend enough that you not mess around with Demons OR the Fallen. They are most unpleasant and on top of that... well... I'm not an Arch Angel - if you summoned a very powerful Infernal, then I don't know if I could truly protect you with any certainty."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

With preparation under way it would take very little time for Rin to prepare her salad. So she actually waited a bit and watched Cammy pull out the ingredients she was using to bread the trout. "Please excuse Rin." She even went so far as to scoop a little of the mixed breading and taste it. Her head cocked to the side a little as she seemed to be savoring the flavors swirling over her tongue, and a rather discreet sniff gave her a rough idea of how the trout was actually going to taste when cooked.

With that in mind the maid with the glasses returned to her little area and started cutting the various vegetables that would be included in her salad. Most of it was simple leafy greens that would not have much flavor on their own, and that took only a couple minutes at most. This gave her plenty of time to work on her dressing, and to start she pulled out a couple of apples and cut them into neat little that no longer held their skin. One wedge was cut in half and popped into her mouth, and as she slowly chewed the fruit she started measuring different amounts of oil and vinegar.

Now came the hard part. Rin was dreading this next step, but it was critical to her dressing's success. One of those wedges was placed on her mouth, and she held it against her gums as an onion finally came into view. Rin held her knife ready, the blade hovering over that damned vegetable for a few more moments. The girl let out a held breath, took in a larger one, then finally began to cut into the thing at almost breakneck speeds. She diced them quickly and threw them into a food processor the moment she was done, and most of the apple slices joined them before everything was minced into a fine mixture that was quickly added to the oil and vinegar and mixed furiously.

But the damage had been done. If anyone had been watching her little display they would have noticed her eyes as she turned to wash her hands. They were nearly bloodshot, and Rin could be heard sniffling slightly as she finally cleaned herself and removed her glasses to wipe at the tears. "Sorry... *sniff* Rin has sensitive eyes..." Every time... Every time she had to even peel them it left her crying and looking like a mess for far too long.

But her dish was virtually done, so she continued working like a little trooper and prepared six small plates of salad, the greens laying a bed on which she poured a bit of the dressing before adding a single wedge of apple. She had hoped to time her preparation to finish just as the main course was done, so hopefully the apples wouldn't be turning brown by the time everything was served. If she guessed right her dressing wouldn't exactly stand out, but it would serve to a bit of sweetness to the meal while helping to cut through the naturally fatty flavor of the meat and cleansing the palette so Mae's little cakes wouldn't accidentally taste like fish. Of course Mae still had to actually finish them. "Mr. Domonic, you should let Mae know that we're almost done in case she wants to finish her cakes."