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Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Tanya vs. Torja

"Nope." Jinx said as the two wrestlers got into the arena.

"Jinx, come on. We've seen more bizarre contestants than this. Don't be a child." Jim scolded his fellow announcer.

"Ugh, fine. Ladies, Gentlemen, and other types just as confusing as the little contestant you see in this arena, I bring you a match consisting of two new contestants recently added to the arena's roster." Jinx said in a monotone voice.

Jim sighed. "One is a contestant who is not a slave! She came here of her own will to be raped, fucked, and to do lots of fucking back herself in the arena! She's after the championship belt, the Galaxy Circuit itself! As even more encouragement for her to win, she's trapped here like everyone else! If she doesn't become the champion, she never leaves! Talk about incentive!" he chuckled.

"And in the other corner, the goblin!" Jinx declared with fake enthusiasm.

"She's a dwarf, and here apparently just to fuck people. Not too unusual in these parts of the forsaken universe." Jim lectured Jinx.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW SHE'S A SHE, ASSHOLE!? You think you know shit, but there's no understanding that!" Jinx shouted. "I'm just gonna call it dwarf from now on! Name's Dwarf and gender is Dwarf!"

"Without further ado! LET'S GET IT ON!" Jinx shouted, before the bell rang.


Clock: 32/32

Tanya: Standing
HP: 100
PP: 100
WP: 100
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50

Torja: Standing
HP: 120
PP: 120
WP: 100
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50


Charisma goes in favor of Torja! She gets the first attack!

Torja, choose your action, and then your cards to support that action. If using one card, it may be any card in your hand and it will be treated as nothing but a value towards success. Refer to rules for choosing two cards.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Tanya walks in to the squared circle with a knowing glint in her eye. Her walk is deliberately provocative, preening, and designed to rev the audience up in appreciation of her gorgeous and muscular frame, while at the same time revealing her disdain of the unwashed masses.

She struts to the center of the mat and poses, thrusting her arms up into the air, one straight above her and the other straight out to her side, as if she were a clock showing the 9 o'clock hour. As if on cue, descending from the rafters is a long cord with a microphone attached to it. She had her in with the Authority make sure that it was available to her.

"My apologies for interrupting the announcers. Well, announcER I guess. Jinx sweetie, I know you're a real talent, but you could do oh-so-much better than that vacuous waste of space beside you. Maybe after I get done winning this match you can try me out as a celebrity color commentator, hmm?

"Now, back to the real reason why I'm talking here. I'm here to introduce myself. My name is Tanya Madeeme, but you will know me most as The Dream! I didn't have to enter this competition. I wasn't some poor bitch who was enslaved or indebted or dealing with some inferiority complex like the other worthless sluts who make up this lineup. I came here because I CHOSE to be here! I came here because this sport NEEDS some real TALENT. This company needs someone who will fight through the ranks and prove herself a true champion. Someone with the strength..."

She paused to flex her bicep and smile at the crowd.

"Someone with the looks..."

She batted her eyelashes and smirked at the crowd, blowing them a kiss.

"And someone with that indescribable quality that, for simple minded people like yourselves, I'll just say is DESTINY, to hold that Galaxy Belt above her and show the universe that she - and only she - deserves it! I don't want it for some stupid notion of freedom. I want it because I deserve it. I am the DREAM that all of you aspire to, but none of you can attain. And when I win that belt, I'm not gonna leave the competition, I'm just going to lord it over all the little people who DON'T deserve it! Little people, like this freak dwarf I'm supposed to fight!

"So come on, Toady or Toasty or whatever your name is! Get out here and fight me! You're gonna be the first to enter The Dreamworld!"

She tossed the mic aside and paced back and forth, eying the entrance as Torja came down to the ring.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

"My apologies for interrupting the announcers. Well, announcER I guess. Jinx sweetie, I know you're a real talent, but you could do oh-so-much better than that vacuous waste of space beside you. Maybe after I get done winning this match you can try me out as a celebrity color commentator, hmm?

Both Jim and Jinx could be heard chuckling over the intercom ominously. "I appreciate the love, but my relationship with my co-announcer is quite symbiotic in a way. He ain't leavin' any sooner than I am."
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

The dwarf tilts her head, watching the entire exchange with an increasingly irritated expression. "Right. I was going to go easy on you, lass," Torja said with a sigh as she raised her arms, elbows on a horizontal line with her shoulders. She rolls her head, blonde dreadlocks brushing over her nearly naked back. The look in her crystal blue eyes hardens. "But you just plain suck at dirty talk." Her golden face chains shine brightly in the spotlight, and they jingle as Torja charges towards The Dream. "You'll know my name after screaming it all night long!"

Torja's going in for a grapple, using 1 card
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Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Shouldn't Torja (Rule34) also declare the TYPE of attack they are doing? Rather than just how many cards?

Regardless, I'll gather from the context that Torja is actually throwing a Strike or a Grapple towards Dream, and I'll react accordingly.

Also, since we were both standing, should we each draw one card? Or does that happen only after the clock ticks forward?

Just trying to get my mind around everything, as it's my first match.

The sudden ferocity of the dwarf's attack seemed to catch The Dream off her guard.

"Fast little fucker, aren't you!" she breathed as she did her best to hop laterally and side step the Hardpound lass.

Play 1 Card. Attempting to DEFEND.
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Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

CLEARLY state your action, not just your card. Your action should not be interpreted nor a secret. REVEAL IT.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Clock: 31/32

Tanya: Standing
HP: 100
PP: 100
WP: 100
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50

Torja: Standing
HP: 120
PP: 120
WP: 100
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50


Tanya Plays: 2+6+5
Defense 2

Torja Plays: 2+4+5
Grapple 2

Tanya wins! She dodges the tiny rapist!

"A nice dodge by Tanya, wouldn't you say, Jinx?" Jim inquired.

"Yes Jimmy, that was a wonderful kick..." Jinx replied in monotone while one could hear a magazine page being flipped.

Jim seemed to ignore Jinx's lack of attention. "With Torja's small build and Tanya's muscle, I don't think the fact that Tanya's preference to striking will be a handicap here! In fact, if push comes to shove I think Tanya might be able to out wrestle her opponent."

"She could just kick it and win. That's what I'd do if a small animal charged at me." Jinx replied.

Tanya's offensive!
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

"Hah! Too slow, Tater Tot!" The Dream said dismissively as the dwarf charged past her, the grabby hands missing the human's long, beautifully sculpted legs.

"What's that?" Dream flourished her hand and cupped it to her ear, miming her listening to Jinx's off-handed, monotone remark.

"Seems they want to see my boot to your face! I'm all about giving the people what they want! So long as it's me kicking ass of course!"

Launching herself into the ropes and rebounding off them to gather speed, Dream rushed at the dwarf with high velocity and leaped forward with a drop kick!

Strike attack, playing two cards.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

"Ahhh, bugger me," Torja grumbled as she charged right past The Dream. Deciding to keep her momentum, she launched herself into the ropes and rebounded, only to see Tanya's boots coming right for her face. Thinking quickly, Torja threw her feet forward into a baseball slide, hoping to evade a nasty punt to her face by slipping through underneath.

Torja defends, using 2 cards.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

(I saw a note somewhere by one of you stating Round 1. I made this assuming it was just a single round bout, did you both want this to be competitive? It's not too late to say so.)

Clock: 30/32

Tanya: Standing
HP: 100
PP: 100
WP: 100
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 48

Torja: Standing
HP: 68/120
PP: 120
WP: 89.2/100
Points: 0
Cards: 9
Stamina: 48


Tanya Plays: 2+6+5=capped +4 advantage!
Strike 1
Strike 1

Torja Plays: 2+3+3
Defense 1
Defense 3

Tanya comes in with a drop kick!

Torja is slammed with 52 damage!

"Damn! Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Jinx laughed with sadistic glee. "Drop kicked a dwarf! I love it! I love it!" It sounded like Jinx was kicking her desk in glee.

"Tanya may have walked in here with no strengths, but here we're visibly seeing that she has no weaknesses either! A strong, reliable competitor!" Jim praised Tanya.

"Whatever, if the match is going to go like this, I think I might pay just a little attention!"

Torja's offensive!
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Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

When those boots cracked against her skull, all Torja could see were stars. Much to Jinx delight, no doubt, the dwarf rolled around on the floor, clutching her face and groaning. Finally though she rolled to her knees, beating her fist against the ring mat in frustration. "Alright, FINE," she bellows as she jumps back to her feet and gets back into her fighting stance. "I don't usually mix my fighting and fucking. Thanks for the wake-up call," she growled as she closed the distance slowly, feigning grabs at Tanya's legs to keep her off guard.

Take a moment to recover, then go in for a grapple. 2 cards played.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

"I'll never understand you so-called Ero Fighters. Winning the fight is the most important thing! Why so impatient to get your knickers off?"

Tanya posed as the dwarf got up from the mat, then took on a defensive posture, looking to evade the dwarf's groping hands. She circled, dipped and kept her lateral movement high.

(Tanya plays 1 card for Defense)
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Round: 1/3
Clock: 29/32

Tanya: Standing
HP: 100
PP: 100
WP: 100
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 47

Torja: Standing
HP: 77.6/120
PP: 120
WP: 89.2/100
Points: 0
Cards: 8
Stamina: 47


Tanya Plays: 4+6+5
Defense 4

Torja Plays: 3+4+5
Grapple 3
HP 4

Torja recovers 9.6HP

Tanya wins! Torja's grapple is reflected!

"Dwarf looks out of it. Though she does seem like she'd be surprisingly hard to tip over." Jinx observed.

"She's not a cow, Jinx..." Jim sighed.

"TIP HER OVER!" Jinx screamed.

Tanya's offensive!
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Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

The Dream shoved the dwarf past her, using the diminutive one's momentum to drive her safely out of reach.

"You've got to earn the right to get me on MY back, Tiny Toon. Not that I don't enjoy a good tumble, but I'm gonna knock you for one first! Float like a butterfly..."

The Dream closed in, weaving and skipping about to avoid Torja's strong hands, and then jabbed out with her reach advantage, trying to paste the dwarf's face with a series of quick showy jabs, before changing tack and whipping her body and leg around in a technically brilliant sweep kick, aiming to send the dwarf head over heel.

"Sting like a fuckload of bees!"

(Strike, use 1 card.)
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Torja grunts in frustration as the taller wrestler keeps on evading her grabs. "See, that's the point though. We win BY getting your knickers off - hey!" As she is pushed past Tanya, she immediately puts up her arms to guard her face, hoping to prevent another blow like the dropkick she just ate.

Defend, using 1 card.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Round: 1/3
Clock: 28/32

Tanya: Standing
HP: 100
PP: 100
WP: 100
Points: 10
Cards: 9
Stamina: 46

Torja: Standing
HP: 16.6/120
PP: 120
WP: 74.6/100
Points: 0
Cards: 8
Stamina: 46


Tanya Plays: 5+6+5=capped +4 advantage!
Strike 5

Torja Plays: 3+3+3
Defense 3

Torja is struck again! 61 damage to Torja!

"Wham! The dwarf almost went down on that one! She's still got her footing though, that hit wasn't enough to create an opening." Jinx said.

"Hardpound better do something right now before she's hit like that again." Jim added.

Torja's offensive!
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Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

When Tanya's boot connected with her leg, Torja grimaced and went down on one knee momentarily. Jim is right, she thought. I need to get in close, or she's going to finish me off. Changing her footing around, she pushed herself off the mat, launching herself at Tanya with an all-or-nothing jump.

Attempt to grapple, using 2 cards.
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

"Getting a LITTLE desperate now, Teensy? Come on!"

With a demented smile marring her otherwise beautiful face, The Dream stood still, her arms hauntingly raised to either side as she halted her fancy footwork and allowed the dwarf to close in on her, rolling backward as Torja's strong arms closed in around her.

"Give us a hug!"

[Do Nothing, draw 1 card back from Fatigue]
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Round: 1/3
Clock: 27/32

Tanya: Grappled
HP: 100
PP: 100
WP: 100
Points: 10
Cards: 10
Stamina: 45

Torja: Grappling
HP: 16.6/120
PP: 120
WP: 74.6/100
Points: 0
Cards: 7
Stamina: 45


Tanya Plays: Nothing! Draws 1 card from Fatigue and reshuffles 1 card from hand into Stamina deck

Torja Plays: 8+4+5
Grapple 3
Grapple 5

Torja jumps at Tanya, and Tanya falls backwards with Torja landing on top of her! "Woah, Torja got Tanya into a grapple, and it looks like Tanya let it happen!" Jim exclaimed.

"Oooh my god, for the first time in Sewing history, someone will get raped by a midget!" Jinx laughed.

"Jinx, they're called little people." Jim sighed.

"I wonder, did we start doing dimensions on competitors yet? Shouldn't Torja's cock be small?" Jinx inquired.

"Only a physical photo. Looks like she's slightly above the human average." Jim replied.

Torja plays cards first, because she is dominant!
Re: Match 10: The Dream(Blue) vs. Dwarf(Rule)

Tanya's lean muscles strain against the powerful grip of the futa dwarf. She hadn't anticipated her strength being this strong. Had she grown too confident?

Has this stalled? Rule said something about not getting a new card?
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