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Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Hali vs. Cure White

"Ladies and Gentlemen and others of indescribable gender, we bring you a normal match, between a chick without a dick, and a chick with a dick! These two are meeting each other for the first time in the arena, and they have no reason to harbor ill will towards one another! Until after this match of course!" the announcer declared, as Hali and Cure White stepped into the ring.

"Without further ado! LET'S GET IT ON!" the announcer shouted, before the bell rang.

Clock: 32/32

Hali: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 140
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50

Cure White: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 120
WP: 120
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50


Hali's Charisma 4 versus Cure White's 4 = Coinflip! Hali wins!

"No hard feelings, alright? If I win, I'll choose to play with you gently myself instead of letting the public have you!" White promises, offering to touch gloves.

Hali is on the offensive!

Defense 5
Strike 2
Strike 2
Strike 5
Defense 1
Grapple 2
Strike 3
Defense 1
Defense 4
Defense 2
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

"Of course!" I offered a bright smile to my opponent as she stepped forwards. I did as well, her offer was one of good sportsmanship and I was one to accept this as long as I could. I was asked to wear my blank and pink outfit, to contrast Cure White's elegant white outfit.


I looked her into her eye and tried to measure her intent... I moved up trustingly and moved my fists forward, bumping with hers and stepping back. "Good, but don't hold back here, and I'm not one for rough play myself..." I lied, knowing full well that I was the most submissive girl in the world to rough sex... Other than that, I knew we were both strikers and I knew that we'd both be a hard hitting pair, and it would be a knock down drag out fight until one of us wasn't willing to get up anymore.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. "Alright, if you're ready!" I shouted, I came forward hard, I had to come in hard for my first hit! "GRYAHH!" I came in hard with a right hook! (Coming in hard, Strike 5 + Strike 2 = Strike 7)
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Clock: 31/32

Hali: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 140
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 49

Cure White: Standing
HP: 22/80
PP: 120
WP: 108.4/120
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50


Hali plays: 7+6+6=19
Strike 5
Strike 2

Cure White plays: Nothing! Draws 3 replaces 3

Hali strikes Cure White for 58 damage! "First blow goes to Hali, while the dick girl just takes it like a champ!"

Cure White is moving in to strike!
she uses two cards!

Defense 5
Strike 2
Defense 1
Grapple 2
Strike 3
Defense 1
Defense 4
Defense 2
Strike 1
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Smiling as her first strike hit home hard. Hali smiled as she saw her opponent stumble back. She wasn't down yet though, she was still coming at me, and coming at me hard. Gritting my teeth I went to meet her half way, I wanted to ensure I could keep fighting. I wanted to keep up my strong offense, and that required a hard defense!

[Defense: 2 cards, Defense 5, Defense 1]
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Clock: 30/32

Hali: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 140
Points: 5
Cards: 8
Stamina: 48

Cure White: Standing
HP: 22/80
PP: 120
WP: 108.4/120
Points: 0
Cards: 9
Stamina: 49


Hali plays: 6+7+7
Defense 5
Defense 1

Cure White plays: 3+6+7
Strike 1
Strike 2

Hali wins! White makes a small jab and make Hali take a small jump back. "Is White taunting Hali after that hit, or does she really have nothing?" Jim pondered.

Hali's offensive!
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Smiling as she deflected the blow easily. Hali stepped forward with a big hook from the right, hoping a second big strike would bring down her opponent, and give her time to recharge! Drawing a breath, she stepped in for her attack!

2 Cards: Strike 3, Strike 2
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Clock: 29/32

Hali: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 140
Points: 5
Cards: 7
Stamina: 47

Cure White: Standing
HP: 22/80
PP: 120
WP: 108.4/120
Points: 0
Cards: 9
Stamina: 48


Hali plays: 5+6+6=17
Strike 3
Strike 2

Cure White plays: 5+7+7=19
Defense 5

Hali misses!

Cure White's offensive! She's striking!
She's using one card!

Grapple 2
Defense 1
Defense 4
Defense 2
Strike 1
Defense 5
Recovery WP 4
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Honestly stunned by the miss, Hali stands there, mouth agape, taking a few steps back, but not putting up her arms to defend herself. She tried to shake her head clear but Cure White was already coming in on her. With a wince of anticipated pain, she knew she was about to be in a world of hurt...

[Do Nothing]
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Clock: 28/32

Hali: Standing
HP: 47/80
PP: 100
WP: 126.2/140
Points: 5
Cards: 10
Stamina: 44

Cure White: Standing
HP: 22/80
PP: 100
WP: 108.4/120
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 47


Hali plays: nada, draws three cards

Cure White plays: 5+7+7=19
Recovery PP 5

Cure white comes in swinging! Hali blocks a few swings, but one punch lands square in her gut! 33 damage to Hali!

Grapple 2
Defense 1
Defense 4
Defense 2
Strike 1
Defense 5
Recovery WP 4
Recovery WP 3
Defense 1
Defense 1
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Hali yelped, pushed back by the blow to her belly, "Gy'nh!" She winced, biting her lip as she considered her options, "Another hit like that and I'll be on the ground!" I thought to myself. I felt I could put up a good defense, but right now, I needed to take a breath... I stepped back further, hoping to keep a distance for a moment...

-2 Cards-
Recovery WP 4
Recovery WP 3
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Clock: 27/32

Hali: Standing
HP: 47/80
PP: 100
WP: 136/140
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 43

Cure White: Standing
HP: 22/80
PP: 100
WP: 108.4/120
Points: 5
Cards: 10
Stamina: 46


Hali plays: Hali recovers 9.8 WP
WP 3
WP 4

Cure White plays: Nothing! Draws an extra two cards
Cure White reshuffles two cards from her hand back into her deck.

"Too tired to attack? Then I'll finish you off!" Cure White announced, coming in strong!

Cure White is striking With 2 Cards!

Grapple 2
Defense 1
Defense 4
Defense 2
Strike 1
Defense 5
Defense 1
Defense 1
Grapple 2
Re: Match 3: Hali vs. Cure White(NPC)

Whimpering, I was unable to put up a strong defense, but I threw up my arms, I had to try to stop her from coming in. She was a fellow striker, and I knew how hard she could hit. Furrowing my brow I put up my arms and tried to throw her attack to the side!

(2 Cards: Defense 1, Defense 1 = Defense 2)
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