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Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Nyx vs. Arieta

"We have your favorite loser returning to see if she can't make her win rate anything other than abysmal!" Jinx declared. "Give it up for Nyx! Who must like it here, because she hasn't competed in a single Competitive round yet! Her stay here will be a long one, for YOUR pleasure!"

Jim cleared his throat, "And on the other side of the ring, we have a new entry. She looks like some kinda... Wow those wings on her head look useless." Jim said with amazement.


"Without further ado! LET'S GET IT ON!" Jinx shouted, before the bell rang.


Clock: 32/32

Nyx: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50

Arieta: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 80
WP: 140
Points: 0
Cards: 10
Stamina: 50
Underdog: 0/5


Charisma tied! Coinflip = Arieta goes first!

Arieta is the underdog!

Arieta's offensive!
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

"Hugh those are my ears..." Arieta muttered at the announcers comment about them. Finishing folding up her maid uniform and pushing it just beyond the turnbuckle. Sporting her tank top and spats that had a frilly skirt attached to it to better cover her lower member, Arieta turned to Nyx who seemed prepared for the onslaught to come. "I hope you give up soon Lady Nyx if possible I don't wish to see you in pain..." She states still reeling from these odd feelings she was developing for this woman she just met. Noticing her blush was starting to come back she shook it off filling her head of her devotion to her master! "Yet my duty leaves me little choice so...Forgive me lady Nyx!" She shouts at the end catapulting herself from the ropes closing the distance between them. Trying to deliver a fierce clothesline to that would no doubt cause quite a bit of pain.

(Use two cards, Grapple)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

"Give... Up?" Nyx's left eye twitched when she heard those words. After her recent humiliations, she had a rather short fuse and the thought of willingly bowing her head to anyone pissed her off a lot. "Me, in pain?" She snarled, jumping out of the way of the coming tackle. "BITCH, I WILL END YOU! BEAT YOU TO A BLOODY PULP!"

(Two cards, evade.)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Clock: 31/32

Nyx: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 0
Cards: 9
Stamina: 49

Arieta: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 80
WP: 140
Points: 0
Cards: 9
Stamina: 49
Underdog: 1/5


Nyx Plays: 7+7+8-1=21
Defense 5
Defense 2

Arieta Plays: 4+5+5=14
Grapple 3
Grapple 1

Nyx dodges! "The android gets out of the way! Meanwhile, Arieta waits for her chance to pin her down!" Jinx declared.

"They have similar frames, probably even going once they get hands on. Though Arieta doesn't look a stranger to dodging either." Jim noticed.

Nyx's offensive!
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Growling, Nyx rushed to begin her offensive. The last defeat stung her pride quite a lot, the robot girl believing it to be unfair. She'd not waste time on going easy on this girl, she'd hit her fast and hard, and put her down decisively. "The only one in pain at the end of this is going to be you!"

(Strike, one card.)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

"Hah..." Arieta tried to get proper footing after that miss but she was still reeling while Nyx when on the offensive. Trying to muster a defense she pulled her right arm up to block. Yet still unsteady the reality of that working seemed slim.

(Use one card, Defense)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Clock: 30/32

Nyx: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 48

Arieta: Standing
HP: 33/80
PP: 80
WP: 140
Points: 0
Cards: 9
Stamina: 48
Underdog: 2/5


Nyx Plays: 5+6+6-1=17
Strike 5

Arieta Plays: 1+7+6=14
Defense 1

Nyx wins! She strikes Arieta for 47 damage!

"Arieta takes a nice hit! Poor girl looks shaken from such a normal strike!" Jim stated.

"One more like that and she is OUT!" Jinx laughed.

Arieta's offensive!
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

"Ughya!" Arieta yelped at the strike landed right into her stomach, the blow was so intense that she felt like her breakfast was about to come up and say hello. Tripping backwards but managing not to fall Arieta managed to control her dizziness. Quickly breathing in and out to stabilize herself she seemed to quickly recover from the harsh blow. Yet the pain on her body was apparent as she limped more than rushed at her opponent.

"I normally don't like feeling pain like this...Though when lady Nyx hurts me it feels oddly comforting...I wonder if you'll feel the same thing?" Arieta states as she locks arms with Nyx feeling she had a small upper hand in this field. Her wounds protested every action as her face contorted with agony and maybe a slight hint of pleasure? If she could somehow power through it Arieta would overpower Nyx and give her a deafening side slam! But Nyx wasn't as big as the wrestlers Arieta was use to combating. She could just as easily wiggle away if her wounds pressed on her too much.

(Use 2 cards, Grapple)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Nyx smirked when she felt the blow connect. Judging by the amount of force that went in and Arieta's reaction, the girl would be unable to take another hit like this. If she could take her down with her next blow, she could gain a decent point advantage. Afterwards, it'd be just a matter of keeping the other girl off balance and bringing her down once more to cement the victory. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself, but the robot girl had no intention of losing again. And while dominating a maid wouldn't go far towards improving her reputation, it'd be a start.

As Arieta clashed with Nyx, the two of them locked against each other, the android noticed that she was still affected by the damage the sexbot managed to inflict. Perhaps it'd give her an opening to capitalize on. The machine decided to bait the maid, let her try to attack and dodge at the last moment, leaving her off-balance and on the defensive again. Then she could attempt to strike her again and hopefully bring her down.

(Dodge, one card.)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Clock: 29/32

Nyx: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 5
Cards: 9
Stamina: 47

Arieta: Standing
HP: 33/80
PP: 80
WP: 140
Points: 0
Cards: 8
Stamina: 47
Underdog: 3/5


Nyx Plays: 5+7+8-1
Defense 5

Arieta Plays: 5+5+5
Grapple 3
Grapple 2

Nyx wins!

"Arieta has a huge gap to step over if she wants to hit Nyx." Jim said. "Nyx has put some training into dodging ever since her two losses. It'll be tough to catch her."

Nyx's offensive!
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

"You're too slow!" Nyx bellowed, deftly stepping around Arieta's charge. Now that she had a momentary advantage she seized it, quickly moving towards her opponent, getting back into her effective attack range. The robot girl lashed out, hands and legs shooting forward in a series of jabs and kicks as she began her counter-offensive, seeking to bring Arieta down and establish a solid lead on her opponent. "You'll be the one giving up soon!"

(Strike, one card.)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Losing her chance to grapple her opponent yet again Arieta took a step back to ready herself for the oncoming onslaught. She managed to block the few kicks at the start but started to weigh under the pressure of the assault. If this kept up Nyx would no doubt get the knockout blow she was looking for. She had to try and dodge the next kick and dash right under her to turn the offensive tide back to her favor. Yet it was also dangerous Nyx could change her trajectory and slam her knee into her side or face depending on her reaction time. It was however one of the few options left to her since giving up wasn't an option.

"A true servant never yields lady Nyx...Unless their master has ordered them to do so." She replied to Nyx prediction preparing to dive under her next kick to gain the offensive.

(use one card, Defense)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Clock: 28/32

Nyx: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 10
Cards: 9
Stamina: 46

Arieta: Standing
HP: 0/80
PP: 80
WP: 123.2/140
Points: 0
Cards: 8
Stamina: 46
Underdog: 4/5


Nyx Plays: 5+6+6=17
Strike 5

Arieta Plays: 5+7+6=17
Defense 4

Tie! Offense wins draw + Nyx has higher Card Value!

Nyx strikes Arieta for 37 damage!

Arieta has been stunned! She is sent falling back onto her rump as a fist hits her stomach. Losing the breath in her lungs for a moment, she must take a moment to get her breath back!

Arieta is stunned for three turns. Nyx may take three free actions without using cards (ex. grapple, submission, pin), and then she will be on the offensive and must decide her followup action, in addition to playing cards as per normal.
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

That was it, with a wordless grunt she fell back managing from not completely falling back on the mat. "Heeee...I think I can taste sound..." Gasping for air she muttered as her sensitive hearing played tricks on her mind that was already flooded with sheer agony. With no strength in her legs and barely enough power in her arms just to cover her wound.

She lazily knelled infront of Nyx with her ears shifted downward seeming have succumbed to her injuries."Lady Nyx...I think I can assume you'll make good on your previous vow..." Arieta hazarded a guess of what Nyx intended to do with her. Imagining her own terrors from her home planet. Being flown through the air and dropped/thrown into the water or tree's broke their fair share of bones. Yet most of the pain inflicted by Lady Nyx had taken a weird turn on her body. Wear as when the Harpies picked on her only sadness and a desire for solitude is all that she would feel. Nyx's punches had made her happy as if she was being patted on the head for a job well done. Minus the blinding pain that was responsible for the for mention crippling.

'All this pain...Must be making me daft that's all...I probable won't feel much for long though...' Was the last mental thought before readying her body for the oncoming pain that was sure to follow.

Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Nyx smirked as she saw Arieta move. It wasn't hard to figure out what she wanted to do. Feinting a little bit to make it look like the robot girl left an opening wasn't hard either. And the plan worked magnificently - before she knew it, the maid had ran into the android's fist, crumpling as air was driven out of her lungs by the impact. Incapacitated, she was left at silver figure's mercy. Which left Nyx with her current dilemma - what next?

Nyx couldn't simply keep hitting her opponent while she was down, even if she wanted to. Such a move was illegal as it carried the risk of seriously harming a fighter and her owners took care to program in safeguards against that. Still, this was an opportunity to gain a point lead. Nyx was not a good grappler, so she'd have to disengage rather fast, but she had more than enough time to create an advantage.

Grabbing Arieta by her clothes, Nyx pushed the girl down. Then, in just a few strong moves, she tore the other girl's garments off of her body, leaving her naked. After that, the android disengaged quickly, moving away before her opponent could try something else. The sexbot knew her advantage lie in exchanging blows while standing, not tumbling around with her opponent on the floor. And she'd play to her strenghts this time to avoid embarrassing herself once more. And once Arieta got up, she'd start working on introducing the maid to her fist for the third time.

(Free actions: Grapple, Submission Hold and Strip, in that order. Following that, escape the hold and return to standing position a single card.)
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Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Clock: 23/32

Nyx: Dominant
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 95
Cards: 9
Stamina: 46

Arieta: Submission, nude
HP: 80/80
PP: 80
WP: 123.2/140
Points: 0
Cards: 8
Stamina: 46
Underdog: 4/5


Arieta is taken down in her weakness and stripped until she's naked!

Nyx earns 5, then 15, then 50+15 points, total of 85

Arieta, respond to Nyx's action
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Arieta closed her eyes as Nyx pushed her down awaiting the agony to come. Yet after a few moments nothing came except the feeling of some quick pulls at her clothes though most of the pain numbed those tugs. Only when she reopened her eyes did she see what had transpired as she was now bare for all the world to see. She could now see the thousands of eyes that were on her, some of disgust for her now revealed limp lower member, and many more that were excited of what would come now! Maybe she should of been afraid at that moment but the feeling felt like all the other times she was pushed around. All she had to do was numb herself to their laughs and prying eyes, then she'd be left alone as they would lose interest.

'I can't do that though...Milady will be disappointed and Lady Nyx will view me like the others do...I...I don't want that!' Despite her apparent nakedness she rose not bothering to cover any part of herself even her rather limp shaft. Taking rather deep breaths she seemed like she had little power to go on the offensive. Instead she just seemed to be using the time to recover.

(Use 1 Card, Recovery)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Clock: 21/32

Nyx: Standing
HP: 80
PP: 100
WP: 120
Points: 95
Cards: 9
Stamina: 46

Arieta: Standing, nude
HP: 80/80
PP: 80
WP: 127.4/140
Points: 0
Cards: 8
Stamina: 46
Underdog: 0/5


Nyx uses Strike 4 to get free and stand on her feet.

Arieta uses Recovery WP 3 to recover will power!
4.2 WP recovery

Arieta draws her Underdog Card!
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Rising to her feet quickly, Nyx rushed her opponent once more. She had to keep the pressure up and maintain her advantage. Even if she didn't manage to crush Arieta entirely, as long as her opponent didn't manage to gain any points she'd still win the battle. If she could achieve this single victory, then maybe she'd be able to break her streak and improve her position on the arena. She couldn't afford to keep losing forever - she'd likely end up being sold as a whorebot or a personal slave.

(Strike, two cards.)
Re: Match 8: Nyx(Grave) vs. Arieta(Ferris)

Arieta raised her hands upward preparing to block the oncoming assault. Although her nakedness seemed to make her flinch as she blushed whenever Nyx got to close. Each blow was like a hammer against her will only the next might provide an opening for her followup to hit clear home. Yet pain was something Arieta could adapt too although she could never claim pride in such a thing.

(Use One card, Defense)
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