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Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Alright, here's an idea I've heard once or twice and want to try out.

Basically, this is a hotseat campaign in the grand campaign of Medieval II total war. The idea behind it is that we pick a faction to play as, as a group. Then, we take turns playing through it, changing player every time the faction leader dies. While a player is "alive", actively the king, they are free to post their plans and what they're trying to do in the thread, as can the next player inline, offering suggestions and advise to their king. Outside of that, no backseat playing is permitted. Only if the king asks for advice on actual gameplay, such as how to do blah thing, not actual strategic advice, can it be answered; the only person allowed to offer more than that is the next in line to the throne.

This means that each new king has at least a slightly different playing style, will favour different construction and unit options, etc. to more realisticlly emulate a royal line, and breathe more challenge into the game. (I've found if well played, it gets too one sided in favour of the player)

I'd like to run this in the Retrofit Mod if possible, which can be downloaded from . The retrofit mod is basically something that applies the balance changes and new features of the kingdoms expansion onto the vanilla campaign.

I'm looking for up to 4 others to join me in this project, and want at least 2 to make it happen. Please don't sign up if you don't have the time to play; we don't have to get through each new king in a day, but if it takes over a week or two the game will drag on far too slowly.

So we have any takers or suggestions?

Save file location: Medieval II folder/mods/retrofit/saves

Turn Order:


Current King: King Haflidhi played by Sinfulwolf

Command: *******
Authority: ***
Piety: ****

Previous Kings

Jens the Mad played by Incubus

Chivalry: *
Authority: **********
Piety: *******

King Lars the Honest played by Avatar99
Command: *****
Dread: *
Authority: *
Piety: ******

King Fredrick the Mean played by Sinfulwolf

Command: ******
Chivalry: *
Authority: *
Piety: ******

King Henrik Played by Incubus

Command: ******
Chivalry: *
Authority: **
Piety: ******

King Charles Played by Sinfulwolf

Command: ******
Dread: *
Authority: ***
Piety: ****

King Knud(played by Incubus)

Command: ****
Chivalry: **
Authority: **
Piety: ****
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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

As I said earlier, I'm up for this. Could be rather interesting to see how things change between players.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

I'm in.... Don't expect me to do well though xD
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

I'm in.... Don't expect me to do well though xD

All the better, really. The last time I played a Medieval II campaign, I got bored because of how quickly I became an unstoppable killing power with more money than God. I was purchasing (not bribing) cities away from other factions because I could afford to. Admittedly, Milan is rather built to be a massive trade empire, but even so.

Alright, 3 is enough to make this work. The next question is... which faction?
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

I personally would prefer a western faction. I always play as Scotland and England though, so perhaps something like Denmark, or France.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

I'm not a fan of France. Not sure why, I think the biggest reason is an acquaintance of mine I have less respect for every other week favours them.

My quick picks would be Spain and Denmark, with honourable mention to Portugal and Hungary. The biggest drawbacks of both Spain and Denmark is their distance from the holy land; Denmark especially will have a hard time getting there as in event of crusade they need to either go overland, hire a mercenary boat from the southern coast of Europe, steal a city along there from someone who's not catholic, or sail all the way around the Spanish peninsula.

Spain, while geographically distance, has a fairly direct sea route. Also has the advantage of sharing a border with a Muslim faction so you can war without pissing off the church. Looking at their army, it's fairly balanced with no real emphasis, despite the description. They also have some of the best gunpowder units in the game with Musketeers and the Basilisk Cannon and being Spain, IIRC have some nasty naval units/improvements.

So yeah, my vote's for Spain. It's easy enough to use to work and different enough from what I've played previously to keep it interesting for me. Being a starting faction, it also stops any unlock problems with save files that might occur *shrug* I dunno how severe they might be however.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

I'd be more comfortable with egland myself.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

Hmmm, while I don't mind playing as England, I do it so very often, and I wouldn't mind playing as someone I don't usually, so since Inky is suggesting Denmark on top of Spain, I wouldn't mind playing as Denmark.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

Yeah, I've got similar problems with England. I know them too well.

My biggest grievance with Denmark is their god awful positioning. Literally. You're stuck behind wall after wall of Catholics with no easy avenue to the holy land, and you're going to end up at war with the Holy Roman Empire very early on as they almost completely surround you.

But if people would prefer Denmark, Denmark it can be. They do have access to the Serpentine cannon, which is a devastating anti-troop weapon, in addition to their well balanced infantry.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

Like I said I'm not that great. We may lose by the time I'm through. xD So I defer to you guys.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

I doubt you'd manage to get the faction wiped out. :p

If nothing else, if you're losing territory a lot, surely the king will end up dead before he's the last of his family, right?

Denmark does have the advantage that the papacy goes both ways, which might keep people from warring too heavily. I just hate how hard it is to get to the Holy Land.
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

Well, if everyone is for it, I think Denmark. Besides, a bit of fighting could add some spice correct?
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

Well, if everyone is for it, I think Denmark. Besides, a bit of fighting could add some spice correct?

Well, yes but fighting is inevitable. Fighting Catholics is not.

Alright, are we doing this in Vanilla or Retrofit? Turn order appears to be:


New players are still free to sign up and will be added to the list. Do we need anything else before we start?
Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

In the year of our lord 1080, King Knud takes the throne and decides on his policy for the future.

With the lands of Scandinavia to the north unclaimed by a centralised power, the Danish shall set their sights upon them to add to their power base. To go up against the Holy Roman Empire to our distant south now would be folly, but there are unaligned cities and castles that we can conquer. We shall seek to make alliances with the major powers as we conquer the minor ones.

1124 (I think the date system is adding one every turn, rather than every 2 turns, as my king is only 51, when he was 40 when he took the throne)

The Danish have conquered the Scandinavian wastelands! With this northern land secure, the castle we have captured shall be turned into a more profitable town at first chance we can, we have no need to guard our borders from the frozen north, no mortal army could ever invade us through there. Our traders and diplomats are being dispatched all over Europe; every major power we've come into contact with we've secured trade rights and an alliance with, as well as exchanging map information. Have a good idea of what lies in western Europe we now turn our eyes to the east.

As I write this, the Crown Prince is laying siege to possibly the last of the unaligned settlements remaining. Located near the lands of the French, it is a little far flung, but the Council of Nobles seemed to think it would be a good idea to secure it, and were willing to raise additional funds for its development, so I accepted their wishes. The Prince is still young, but has shown a great aptitude for military matters, and lives a simple lifestyle devoid of comforts and distractions. We will go far with that one, I think.

I think I may be retired from the military life, however. I fear I am getting too old, and these new territories up north need someone to manage them. If I were to seek to return to our borders and continue expansion, I am just as likely to die before I got there. It is a sad day when an old warrior hangs up with his sword, but I face it with pride.

1158 (Yup, time thing is definitely borked)

Not long ago, our Allies from a place they call 'Poland' approached us and explained that they were going to war with another ally of ours, the Holy Roman Empire. We listened to their arguments, and considered it, and decided we would side with them in their fight. As well as a chance to expand our borders, the HRE is simply too over-extended to hold onto its lands, and aiding such a large nation so close to our lands is not advantageous; should they consolidate their forces and have the power to hold their vast territory, we'd have a real threat very close to our southern borders. It is a bitter day when the bonds of friendship break indeed, but for the good of our people we must fight. The newest member of the royal family has just come of age, and he shall be charged with leading the assault. May God favour him and he bring us swift victory.

Sadly, many of our other allies do not see things as we did. England, France and Milan have all chosen to side with the HRE, rather than us.


Pope Gregory has died. With his dying breath, he uttered a curse against the city of Cairo, that the armies of god shall rise up and strike it down, a great crusade has been called the likes the world has never seen. Following his death, the Preferati convened and elected his successor, one of our very own cardinals, as the new Pope. Still, this recent turn of events changes things, as we cannot wage war against the Holy Roman Empire when God is calling our armies elsewhere. We must send our armies against Cairo with all due haste!


Death of the Pope, and King Knud. With the Kingdom at war with its powerful southern neighbour and a large portion of their army on their way to Cairo on crusade, the rule passes to King Charles.


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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign


It is with a heavy heart that Charles takes his father's crown, and appoints his adopted son as heir apparent. After years of war on the frontier of the Kingdom, the new King now is burdened with the responsibilities of ruling what his father had established. He turns his eyes south, to the Holy Roman Empire, in hopes of completing his father's goals, whilst an army moves south towards Cairo.


Heavy fighting stains the ground around the city of Frankfurt as King Charles leads his men in a nighttime slaughter of the city's defenders when they sally forth to kill Danish scouts. With the city mostly undefended, the King besieges the few survivors. Even as the Crusaders march south boarding a mercenary vessel to cross the Mediterranean Sea, the Holy Roman Empire throws its men to the will of the pope, joining the holy crusade against Cairo.

As the Pope pleas for King Charles to cease spilling Christian blood, the assault on Frankfurt begins. It is quick and bloody, and King Charles is slain as only a warrior should be, in the midst of battle, his sword stained with the enemy's blood.

And so the Crown passes to the next in line
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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

(No running log this time I'll do better next time.)

2 popes died in the time of my rule. both of the elected popes afterward were allies of Denmark. The current pope is from holland. Denmark cardinals were the only cardinals to vote for themselves. One of our cardinals got killed by an inquisitor. There is a crusade for Jerusalem. England declared war on us and attacked the weakened town of Antwerp which is stricken with plaque. The sick defenders managed to beat back the english infidels. We managed to take Metz castle from HRE. Also pope said don't attack HRE.


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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign


Amidst much gossiping at court, King Henrik ascends the throne. Being one who married into the royal family, he was an unusual choice for heir, and with the rumour of his wife's infidelity spread wide amongst the royal court, he struggles to command the respect of almost any of his nobles. Taking stock of his kingdom and its state, he notices that many of his cities are expanding beyond the outer walls, becoming a sprawling mess and so he sets his chief policy to be that of improvement of his cities. He decides that attempting to negotiate peace with the English would be advantageous to the kingdom at this time, and simply remaining on the defensive in the front with the Holy Roman Empire for now would give his cities time to grow.


Shortly after the Danish Crusading Army seized Antioch, they fought a bloody engagement just outside of Antioch. With only the Egyptian crown prince escaping the slighter, he hid behind his walls alone, but an Saracen relief army was not far behind to encourage the exhausted and now few in number Danish to withdraw and regroup. This marked the end of the second crusade, with a Sicilian army laying siege to and taking the city of Jerusalem and with that, the Danish army withdrew to the newly conquered Antioch and continued to attempt to bring the locals under their thumb. With the king and several members of the royal family now all but stranded in the holy land, a long and bloody battle for survival is sure to begin.


An emissary from the holy land arrives bringing dire news. A sudden appearance of a vast army of horsemen from the east lay siege to the city of Antioch. Defended mostly by poorly armed civilians, pilgrims who joined the army on the road to the holy land, even with four members of the royal family and their personal guards there, it has not a chance of holding off the invasion. While the armies of the king fought bravely, ad even succeeded in cutting down the general leading the enemy forces, they were eventually overwhelmed and were killed to a man. The reign of King Henrik has come to a swift and bloody end. It was, however, not for nought. His goal of upgrading the fortifications around many of his cities, whose populace was spilling out of the existing ones, was completed. All of the cities suffering from overpopulation were upgraded, as well as some of the fortresses. And while he may have died prematurely, he was still an old man, with not many years left.


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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

King Frederick takes the Throne of Denmark. The kingdom is under his rule now, and despite the tragedy of the last crusade, he begins to expand the borders south, while encouraging economic growth in the north.

1272 -
The Battle of Dijon. While the French attacked the gates of this town to Denmark's south, Danish forces stealthily approached from the north, and snuck in the undefended gate. As German forces fell back to the town centre to catch their breath and prepare for the second French charge, Danish infantry and cavalry awaited them and cut them down. As the French raised their flag, the Danes happily returned home, their borders secure as a letter arrived in Arghus from the Pope demanded cessation of war between the Holy Roman Empire and Denmark.

At the same time however, a declaration of war from England is announced. With the south secured by French and Polish allies, the armies of Denmark turn their attentions West, as they board their vessels in preparation of invasion of the British Isles.

1276 -
As Metz prepares for construction on larger walls to sustain a larger populace, England is excommunicated by the church. It is now Denmark's duty to put these heretics in their rightful place. Beneath the heel of our boots.

Before the invasion can begin, England is reconciled. Frederick cares not, for they have been betrayed and hounded by the English far too much.

The Holy Roman Empire tires of Danish swords spilling German blood, and finally come forward offering a ceasefire. With the Pope wanting peace in central Europe, and the English attacking the Netherlands, Frederick accepts, even as Dragon Boats approach the shores of England.

The Pope dies, and Erik the Warmonger is promoted to this most holy of positions. Frederick hopes to have Papal support behind him as he continues his war against England.
The Invasion of the British Isles has commenced, as Danish soldiers rush over the beaches and begin to besiege London.

The Invasion of England ends at the bloody Battle of Caernarvon. Though the Danes have lost their commander that had led them from Shore to Shore, they now control the Southern half of the British Isles, with only the lonely Scots as their neighbors to the North. England's last king is without land, and without coin to pay them his army's disband and he is left with nothing.

A Chapter House of St. John's is established in Stettin, making it the second in Denmark, the first being in Metz. Knights Hospitalier now lend their holy swords to the wars of the Danes.

The Holy Roman Empire fades into the history books. It is a shame that it was not by our hand.

The Pope dies in his sleep, his frail body forsaken by time. A new pope is elected by the cardinals, and the successor is French. Denmark has given their support to his Holiness. Hopefully it will be enough to have him turn a cheek to the spilling of Christian blood as we begin our march north into Scotland, while our longboats send our troops striking inwards from the shores of Ireland.

Our long time standing ally France has gone to war with our brothers in Poland. It is a dark day that we see our two closest friends... and neighbors, go to war with each other. Frederick, angry with France for forcing them to destroy another alliance due to their war mongering has sent a letter to his friend in Paris informing him that Danish troops will not fight alongside the French as they did at Dijon... and indeed he best be careful not to overstep his bounds lest he find Vikings on his shores.

The Pope has called for the third Crusade, now marching to take the city of Antioch back from the Mongol hordes. It is joined by much of the nations in Europe and Danish forces gather outside of Frankfurt, preparing to set off on this noble endeavor, the memory of the previous crusade faded from their minds, just as Danish bones bleach in the scorching suns of the desert.

The campaign in the British Isles goes well. Ireland is conquered, Edinburgh swears fealty to Frederick, and the Scots, battered and outnumbered, retreat to Inverness to lick their wounds, saved only by the Pope's voice of peace. However, as Prince Lars begins to rearm his troops to march north in seven years time, Portugal lands troops on the Isles and besieges the castle of Caernarvon. Lars leaves his soldiers in Edinburgh and moves to Nottingham, preparing a strike force to counteract this betrayal. War it seems, will not leave these lands so easily.

Signs of the Black Death appear in Europe.

The Pope passes on to heaven, and a Danish Cardinal is promoted to this holy position.

World's first Great Cathedral Erected in Frankfurt.

Prince Lars has completed the campaign in the British Isles, striking dead the Scottish king himself in noble battle. The British Isles now belong to the Norse Lords.

Danish Crusaders take Antioch in a brutally bloody battle that sees the sands turned to mud from the blood of the enemy, and the blood of their brothers. The Third crusade is called a success.

Frederick declares war on France by besieging Caen.

King Frederick the Mean dies in a clash with Brigands outside Hamburg, his throat pierced by an enemy spear. His heir, now king Lars the Honest sails on a boat from the British Isles towards Normandy. There he will be greeted with a crown, and French soldiers to slay.

King Lars the Honest
Command: *****
Dread: *
Authority: *
Piety: ******
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Re: Medieval II: Total War Hotseat Succession Campaign

The year of our lord 1358
It is on a ship as he sails to take Rennes from France that Lars the honest hears of his kings death. It is with a heavy heart and soul that he takes up the crown and the command of Denmark.

The year of our lord 1362
His holyness the pope asks Denmark to cease hostilities with France. Lars not wanting to be excomunicated orders all armies in French soil to make camp and await further orders.

The year of our lord 1364
The council of nobles wants to go against his emminence and have Lars take Rennes from France. Luckily the idiot nobles give Lars more time to take Rennes than Lars has to keep the ceasefire. So he will have enough time to obey the pope and still carry out his duty to the nobles.

The year of our lord 1370
It is with a heavy heart that Lars must break our friendship with Hungary as they go to war with our good friend Poland but Denmark must show that they do not side with the aggressor of any war.

The year of our lord 1372

The Timurids invade europe. The stories say that these people use might beasts called elephants for war.

The year of our lord 1380
Danish Cardinal Edmund dies.

The year of our lord 1406
The French heir dies by King Lars sword as he takes Angers from the french.

The pope calls for a crusade on Cairo.

The year of our lord 1408
Pope Gionta the missionary dies. The council of cardinals elect Gustav the missionary of Denmark as Pope. The polish take Cairo and the crusade is successfull.

The year of our lord 1412
King Lars the honest died peacefully in his sleep in Angers Castle. Though he was unable to finish his campaign against the french and the Timmurids are invading his holdings in the holy land he dies assured that his heir Jens the mad will be able to finish these campaigns.

The king is dead! Long live king Jens!


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