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Melissa & Mina's room

Re: Melissa & Mina's room

A typical hotel room, with a small table, chairs, and a single large bed. The messy sheets and some scattered clothing suggest the inhabitants spend most of their time in the bed. A neatly-folded pile of sheets waiting on a chair further reinforces this belief - as does the heady scent of sex, undispersed with the window boarded up. Still, fingers of daylight do find their way in through the cracks, alighting on a jug of water and some glasses.

A half-open doorway leads into the bathroom - tub curtain tucked to one side, towels messily hanging off racks. Small puddles of water on the floor imply frequent and enthusiastic usage.

(Description... because at the moment, I'm bored. Best to get this posted out early.)
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Mina opened the door for the two women, eagerly wanting them to come in, "C-come on in!" she stuttered, both happy and nervous.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melanie's eyes shift to the side as the scent of sex overwhelms her - very aware what a woman like Melissa has to go through..being with a person like Mina.

Melanie shuffles over to the bed - skirt creeping up the rounded halves of her bottom on her sundress - and perches on it, hands folded neatly in her lap...Speechless, but peering from woman to "woman" curiously.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melissa comes in, grinning at Mina's eagerness, drops her pack and leans her rifle in a corner, then pours herself a glass of water and has a drink.

"Bleh, room-temperature water. So... um... did you want something to drink? How about you, Mina?"

She eyes Melanie from a chair. She'd never thought of sleeping with another woman... at least, not until Mina suggested it... but somehow the idea seemed good, here in the comfort of their bedroom.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Mina shook her head, looking very nervous, "N-no, thank you..." she said looking back and forth between the two girls, "M-Melanie..." she began to ask the blond, "I don't like wearing clothes in my room... S-so..." she trailed off, as she slipped her shirt and pants off, freeing her cock as it was already starting to get hard again, hinting at how excited she was becoming.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melissa stifles a snicker. While it's true that both she and Mina spent most of their time naked, it's equally true that they spent most of that time having intercourse - in the bed, in the shower, a couple times on the table even. So Mina's nudist tendencies were new to her.

Still, watching Mina put on a bit of a show as she strips never gets old.

"Ehhh... I'm a bit tired, too... I think I'll get undressed for bed as well."

So saying, she pulls her shirt over her head, plain white bra revealed underneath, before standing and unzipping her jeans.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Mina looked very happy to see Melissa's support, and turned to Melanie with a seductive grin, "Come on! You to! No clothes allowed!" she announced to Melanie, walking over and picking at her dress, wanting it to come off, as her long hard cock was eager to have fun with it's two friends.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room


"B..but.." Melanie mumbles, eyes slowly moving down against the carpet....over the swells of her dress-clad breasts...

She didn't really....before..but..they're both really cute..I..I just want to...

Melanie..presented with a chance to delve into her fantasies, reaches down for the bottom of her sundress..slowly peeling it off her form...bare breasts flouncing out of their confines - standing only in the little red thong she'd pilfered from the abandoned house. Feeling Mina's eyes on her - an all too familiar pink shade flutters onto her cheeks....

I feel kind of ..awkward....

Melanie slips two fingers underneath the waistband of her panties - turning it inside out as she peels it down her thighs, one sleek leg sliding out, and then the next...


"L..like this?"
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melissa, still wearing her underwear, moves over behind Melanie and places her hands on her shoulders. Feeling the tension in her muscles, she starts giving her a gentle massage with her thumbs.

"It's alright for you to stay clothed... if you don't want to... do you smell cherries?"
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Mina nodded, "Yes, it smells good!" she smiled, leaning down to Melanie's pussy, spreading her legs open as she identifies the source of the smell.

Mina looked up to Melissa, "I wonder if she tastes like cherries to?" she asks her lover, backing away from Melanie, "Would you like to find out... Melissa?" Mina asks her, eager to get Melissa as involved as possible. She just couldn't bring herself to do anything she thought would hurt Melissa's feelings, more so than what she's doing now...
Re: Melissa & Mina's room


"I..I don't know..." Melanie chirps out ...the massaging at her shoulders by Melissa sending faint little whimpers trickling from her lips...

Her head lowers, and a soft little gasp pushes out past her lips as Mina hones in between her legs - looking in rather..feverish embarrassment from girl to girl as her body is explored - toned little bottom pressed against Melissa from behind - and thighs shifted wide for Mina in the front.

"A...are you sure we....I ..ah.." Melanie trails off..but her horniness was getting the better of her.especially after Mina's tease-fuck earlier..
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Mina smiled up at Melanie, "It's alright, Melanie! I'll make you feel good!" she told her, as she moved her mouth in, and began to lick her pussy like it was candy, occasionally biting gently on the blond woman's clitoris as she pleasured Melanie's sex, licking up the honey that trailed out of her as Mina's tongue passionately licked away at Melanie's cute pussy.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melissa, feeling Melanie jump and squirm under her hands, decides that this time she's going to have to take her own underwear off, instead of letting - letting! more like having it yanked off - Mina take it off.

So she reaches back with one hand, tugging at the fastener to her bra... but for some reason she can't get it this way.

"Er... Melanie, I can't seem to get my bra unhooked..."

And she shifts around Melanie, presenting her back to Melanie's side.

(You can tell I'm male and single, just from the fact I don't know precisely how a bra fastens... :rolleyes:)
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melanie..still feeling a bit..awkward about this - especially after Mina shunned her so hard earlier lets out a faint little whimper....though her concerns are..quite distracted as Mina slips between her legs - tongue traveling the outline of her netherlips..


"A..ahn..but...but..I mean..you're..okay..I..uh.." Melanie whimpers out as that tongue travels her sex....

Melanie's knees fold inwards as she nibbles at her clitoris - heat quickly becoming apparent in the flush in her cheeks.

And as Melissa shifts and presents her back, she'd feel Melanie's hands sliding up the front of her back - and the rounded orbs of her chest ..and quickly hardening nipples bump against her back - as one hand undoes each hook on the back of her lingerie....

I..I feel kinda like a sex toy..but i'm not sure if that's a ...a bad thing..

( It varies from bra to bra. =p )
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Mina pulled away, and swallowed all of the juices she had collected in her mouth, "You're so delicious!" she exclaimed. She got on the bed, and moved behind Melanie, grabbing her from behind and pulling her so that her pussy was facing Melissa, "Taste her!" she told Melissa, making sure Melanie's legs were spread wide, "She tastes like cherries!"

Letting out a giggle, Mina places kisses on Melanie's neck, and the hands that held her waist moved up, and grabbed at her breasts, massaging them in a circular motion as Mina played with her, leaving her flower alone, wanting Melissa to taste her.
Re: Melissa & Mina's room

Melissa lets out a purr as gentle fingers slide under her loosened bra and give her breasts a caress. She sinuously slides down, shrugging out of the garment as she moves, until she too is between Melanie's legs, the cherry scent growing ever more enticing.

Her first cautious probe elicits a squeak and a jump, and as she gets bolder, her tongue running up and down pink lips, the cherry taste gets ever stronger, ever more tempting...

She abruptly stops, Melanie's juices flooding her mouth, then stands up and plants her mouth on Melanie's, letting her taste flow back into her mouth as her tongue curls around Melanie's.

The kiss ending, Melissa stares into Melanie's eyes, panting hard, wanting desperately to just tackle her onto the bed and tongue and be tongued into mindblowing orgasm... but a twitch as fingertips move, a giggle as she watches from behind, reminds her that Mina's present... and wants in as well.

"Lie back... both of you..."

She tugs off her damp panties, hands fumbling and knees weak, not caring that she's messed up another pair in her excitement and eagerness. Then she almost jumps on the pair, sending them back onto the bed whether they've moved or not, lips unerringly finding Melanie's once more as her crotch rubs up against a toned thigh.