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Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Re: OOC Thread

Updated with bio and pic now. Considering using the char pool to make an actual pic.
Re: OOC Thread

Right, well. Should we get some discussion going, at least? I've already had some fun with sectoids, faceless, and vipers, kind of interested to see what else can be done to sex up the setting. Anyone else looking forward to anything in particular?
Re: OOC Thread

I've done a lot of thinking about what my favorites are, and came to the conclusion I can't really pick, or even pick things I'd rule out entirely, heh ;)

Though to be fair, for some it depends on how their handled. For instance, Andromedons. I wouldn't really care to be dissolved the second the "fun commences, but that said, I'm sure there's *some* way they could be modified to do something hot. Maybe instead of acid, the green goo is sticky and prevents someone from getting away, etc.
Re: OOC Thread

Yup, makes perfect sense to me. Could be the creature inside is a fair bit different as well. From what I recall, the original is basically just a grey, or a first-Gen sectoid in appearance. We could replace that with something more fun quite easily.

All the advent troopers are pretty basic I suppose, though maybe their equipment could change. Tanglefoot grenades perhaps, to borrow from DnD some. Sectoid's have mind control, viper's have poison and some bond age, faceless can shape change, so plenty of possibilities there. Mech units can be considered for the same equipment changes as basic advent.

Haven't played the new one myself, pretty sure I'm forgetting a fair amount of units. Chrysalids, egging. Hmm...
Re: OOC Thread

Well I actually think the pilot is different than a normal sectoid, to the point of not even being related, just that how their environment burns us ours burns them, so when the dome shatters we're just seeing a crispy pilot rather than what they actually look like, heh. Either way though there's still that unknown to allow for whatever needs be to be put in.

Also I must say, the "human enclosure" at the alien base provides some ideas for captured scenarios ;) The child's pic of a sectoid walking a chrysald is a bit creepy though.
Re: OOC Thread

I suppose the main question I have remaining is do we want squads or solo operatives? Obviously solo games move much faster for all involved and don't die out/have problems due to others in the game.
Re: OOC Thread

Indeed. The XCOM setting is naturally squad based though, which is a strong counter argument. I think the decision would hinge on "do we think the players can handle it", and I don't mean that in a mean way. We all understand there's things that require us to go at our own pace sometimes. If we all thought we had a good spell where we could be rather responsive I see a squad working, but if not individual might be better.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Well I am generally on here alot since I am currently of the unemployed status so I should be able to respond fairly quickly.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

I check the forums daily with very few breaks. Don't have a comp right now though, so my posts might be a little on the short and crappyness side. Squad based does make more sense thematically, but there are definitely merits for solo threads as well. I'd be up for either.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

I guess we'll try starting with a squad mission and if that goes south we'll separate the operatives. I'll look to get things started soonish.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

I suppose some chatter in the back of the truck is in order then?
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Sounds good to me, yup.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Random fun facts relevant to our interests:

In XCOM 2012, a Sectoid cry was made by dragging a wet lacross ball across carpet.

In XCOM 2, the Berserker's cry is made from a pig, a tiger, a flamethrower, a bass drop, and 5 of the dev's voices.

The Viper's cry is a legit snake, mixed with a pitch shifted baby.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

I'll give Operation Thunderbird 24 more hours before I lock it out and start it.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Interesting way to make a map. How'd you do that, excel?
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Interesting way to make a map. How'd you do that, excel?

Yup. I've always done excel maps, got a hold folder on ulmf full of them from past games :p
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Heh, well most recent games I've played have been vehicle based so obviously different map genre there heh.

I'll work up a post after this soccer match is over.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Huh, we do have two Jessica. And they're both on point. Well rats. I was second to post character, if it bothers folks i'll find a new name and change my posts about. Up to you folks.
Re: Memorial Lounge (OOC Thread)

Mostly came about because I'm an unoriginal twat who sucks at names. Sorry.