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Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill, blue stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia slowly enters the next room to hear a small moan be let off in the corner. When turning to see what it was, she saw that it was a red skinned female, her only assumption was that it had to be some kind of demon. Though whether she was friendly or not she couldn't see from the way she held herself. Though the fact she was completely nude set off a small warning light in the back of Mia's mind.

{Run} {Wait} {Eat The Pill(s)} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She heard the moaning from the naked red skinned girl, and decided it best not draw attention as she moved on stealthily through the room, looking around carefully, as she tried to pass through.

Examine Room/Run.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill, blue stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][129]}
Mia escape to the exit comes up short as she meets the lust demon head on. The demon had obviously noticed her and was just waiting for the perfect time to spring out at her. The demon's luscious body in full view of Mia now, as the demon seems to stare Mia into the eyes, awaiting her next move.

{Run} {Wait} {Eat The Pill(s)} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

"w..who.. are you?" she asked cautiously as she gripped her staff tighter, to be ready to use it if the demon made any hostile actions against her.

Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill, blue stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Lust Demon, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][129]}
Mia's words seemed to bounce off of the female's red skinned body seemed to burn with the flames of the torches. Though she made no lunge for Mia, it wasn't obvious her intentions. Nor did she respond much. Her only words spoken was, "sinful." Mia could only seem to think that maybe she meant she was sinful, which if she was sinful, it would most likely mean trouble for Mia.

{Run} {Wait} {Eat The Pill(s)} {Attack} {Talk}