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Miami, Florida, United States

Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin looks at the doctor, suddenly filled with rage as he stomps forward and grasps him by the throat with his right hand, the blade extending from his left "You! You're the man who made me into this monstrosity!" he yells, slamming the doctor into a wall, growling as he stares at the doctor "I want answers! NOW!"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira looks at Sarah, then at the man, and slowly moves past the man, moving towards the area where they had to return the cross, "L..let's hurry."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The doctor glared at him for a minute.

"How DARE you accuse me of ... No, no you CAN'T be here! Your experiment was terminated!"

The guy slowly nodded at the two women and spoke slowly.

"I can show you where I found that crystal if you want, if that's what your returning?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

She nodded. "Exelent, that would help definately! Thank you!" she said, waiting to follow him.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

He nods slowly, then after a moment starts to lead them down a flight of stairs into a newly dug out area of the basement, perhaps a sub-basement of some kind?

Eventually they came to a door way that had been closed.

"Behind that is the area I dug that out of, have to open the door .... right, keys uh ...."

He fumbled for his keys with suddenly unsteady hands.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"It WAS terminated! When you prodded my brain and stole from me my memories!" he yells, pulling the doctor a few inches from the wall and slamming him into it again, his breathing heavy from rage "Now tell me! What the fuck am I? Why was I turned into this!?"
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The doctor only shook his head.

"No no no, you don't understand Kevin. By terminated I mean you were supposed to be DEAD. As in six feet under, you life no longer amongst this world. I don't know how you survived, but eventually the others will find out, even if you manage to silence me."

He was silent for a few more moments, then spoke again.

"Your a combination of several things, yet not clinically a part of any of them. The others wanted a potential weapon that could counter the bio-weapons Umbrella was using. It wasn't until later on I discovered that we weren't creating you to be a counter to their weapons, oh no, we were creating you to be a COMPLIMENT to their weapons. But you retained more sentience than the others wanted you to have, a sense of right and wrong. The order came down to eliminate you and terminate all the research subjects. And we DID, but somehow you, the toughest of all those subjects survived. Since then, I've been here at this hospital, observing for more subjects to take. You see, even though the first stage was a failure, the others had more than one plan in mind, and now plan two is in motion. But we've needed weak minded patients for that. What better place to find weak subjects than here at a psychiatric facility?"

He looked straight into Kevin's eyes and flashed a grin.

"Even if you kill me, there are more of us. You will never stop our organization. Our goals have changed from what they were originally, but that doesn't matter. Soon, the world will know everything about the other life amongst us, and when they do, a new dawn of war will emerge, and we as a race WILL prevail."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira offers to hold the man's hand after watching him fumble for awhile, "Are you okay? If you want, just give me the keys and we'll handle the rest."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

The young man stops to blink at Akira a couple of times, then smiles.

"Yeah, that might be for the best, thanks dear. From what I understand, whatever is happening to us just killed a few people who didn't kill themselves."

The moment he hands her the keys, his eyes glaze again, and he immediately collapses to the ground, breathing, but only just. Seemed he'd been pushing to continue at the expense of his own life, probably feeling remorse over what he'd done, even though it really hadn't been his fault.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin listens on in horror at what he was made for, his left hand over his heart as he listened, lowering the doctor to the ground and releasing him, a tear rolling down his right cheek as he removed the hat from his head, revealing what he looked like. He would blink once, then growl and punch the wall beside the doctor with his left hand, taking a large chunk out of it, then sigh "I wouldn't try to kill you. You and the rest of the team cared for me after I was turned into this. I'll let your little experiments slide. But once this 'thing' finishes turning me into a monster, I'll be back. And I'll kill every last one of you. No one should be made to suffer the same fate as me." he says, turning away from the doctor and replacing the hat on his head, stopping at the door and turning to look at the doctor "You've got one year left of your life. Make it count." he says, then walks out of the door and sighs as he leans against the wall next to said door and slowly slides down onto the floor, his arms on his knees as he thinks.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Seeing the man fall down, Sarah gave a sigh. "Can you keep an eye on him Akira? I'll go ahead and get this thing back..." she muttered, "Before more shit happens...'
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Akira nods and kneels by the man, sitting in a way that the man's head wouldn't be resting on the ground and instead on a shoulder, "It's... it's okay, it's not your fault..."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Thanks Akira," Sarah said with a half-smile, before going onward.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Once Sarah had moved into the proper room, it became evident where the cross needed to be placed.

A single spot on the wall seemed to have been carved out for it, and was currently empty. All she needed to do was place it there. and with any luck, this nightmare would be over finally.

And it was that exact moment the lights in the entire facility chose to die all at once, and not return for almost a full minute. When they did come back, it was very dimly lit, a sure indication that the facility was now on emergency generators.

During the blackout, once more did each of the group get hit with memories, or a visitation. For some who were out cold, it was perhaps a blessing that they were, for if they had been awake, they likely wouldn't have been able to handle it.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin begins to growl as he sees his past again.

He is laying on the ground outside what looks like a medical facility nestled in the woods, blood slowly seeping from his chest, as a man dressed in standard Army gear stands over him with a smoking gun and a tear rolling down his right cheek. He kicks Kevin in the side, and sends him tumbling down a small hill to a cliff that drops fifteen feet into a raging river. His mouth moves, but Kevin cannot seem to hear what he says, falling off of the cliff side and into the river, where the vision begins to fade and Kevin comes to back in the real life, screaming like a frightened child, his hands clutched to his head
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

After as few moments, Kevin's Farnsworth began going off, an incoming message from Chris it seemed.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Kevin manages to snap back to his senses, at least long enough to shakingly pull out his Farnsworth, and answer it "Kevin speaking."
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

"Chris here, what's the situation there Kevin?"

In the background Kevin would see a room that was clearly not from the Warehouse, and something that looked an awful lot like a Yeti or Bigfoot behind him.
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

Sarah quietly continued on, trying to ignore the strange visions assulting her as she nears the slot. Almost... almost....

"No no no no no, now," Eddie raised his voice as she turned. He reached forward to her shoulder and turned her back around. "You were standing outside in that rain all night, you said. Woke up late and stood at the point, across the street, right?"

He took his wounded arm from her shoulder and held it up for display. "So, did it look like the rain kept them away to you? You didn't see anything coming or going that would have done this. A runner. A girl. Anything, Sarah?"

Her escape impeaded, she stared at him hard. "No, I didn't see anything."

Eddie leaned down to her level with mechanical, appraising eyes. He didn't speak for a few seconds.

"Well, let's just hope she doesn't come wandering into my room ever agin, huh? Let's both of us hope that."

"What's that supposed to mean? I allready told you I didn't see anything wierd last night!"

Eddie straightened up and raised an eyebrow. "You know how when something bad happens, and you say 'well let's hope that doesn't happen again'? It was supposed to mean that. Why would it mean anything else?"

"'Let's both of us hope that?!?' Unless I was hearing wrong, that was a threat..."

As soon as the girl puffed up at him, Eddie puffed right back. Bingo. Bing-f*cking-go.

"What'd I tell ya, babydoll?" His arm shot forward and clutched a fistful of her shirt. "I don't make threats!"

In the morning light, in front of everyone, Eddie lifted Sarah off the groun dand whipped her back into the refrigerator. His knife was out and he slashed it across his poorly-stiched wound. Bright blood shot of from his forearm as he pushed up against Sarah and dragged it across her face.

"You want it so f*ckin' bad?!" Eddie screamed, smearing the blood over her mouth. "TAKE IT!!"

She instantly shoved his arm out of her face. With a curse of new anger, she went feral on him, kicking and clawing at every inch of him she could muster. She managed to get a few fingers on the knife hilt, but was struggling to get it free.

Her nails and feet struck at him from all sides, sprinkling glancing blows on his hide as he held her, undeterred. Seeing her tiny hand try and pry his fingers off the knife, he drew his arm back and flung Mona's blade into the carpet. This, he could do alone.

"Ooh, now this does feel familiar!" Eddie grabbed both of Sarah's shoulders, whamming her into the refridgerator over and over until it rocked loose from the barricade.

Even though Sarah was a good fighter before she entered the Cosway crew, she was outclassed. Sarah soon stopped her struggling, her breath going in dry heaves every time she got struck.

As soon as he felt Sarah stopping, he stopped too. He wasn't the sort of man who'd do this (he absolutely was, but liked to believe that he wasn't). He brought the girl back around, away from the refridgerator and back into the middle of the floor, and let her go.

He collected his knife from the slit she'd marked out in the carpet. "Alright, Eddie wants the floor," he rasped to the room.

Sarah coughed several blots of blood to the carpet. It felt like her insides had done loop-da-loos, but she was still alive, however, if her wrist wasn't sprained, Eddie wouldn't have been so lucky.

The room was spinning as Sarah got back up, eyes blinking dimly as if she was back at that moment, Eddie still trying to paste her on the refigerator. "Odviously not fast enough..." she muttered, going to set the cross in it's slot.

((That flash of memory brought to you from the awesome people who I rp'd from back when Sarah spent most her time fighting zombies instead of avoiding tentacle monsters))
Re: Miami, Florida, United States

There was a slight click as the cross fit back into it's spot, followed by a massive flash of light throughout the whole facility. A moment later, any apparation visible to anyone in the facility simply vanished, the threat once more contained. All that remained now was to ensure that this particular area was once more permanently sealed and the cross never disturbed again.