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Milk Love.

Re: Milk Love.

B. The hospital could also have useful supplies and perhaps information that could be useful. Taking off in a helicopter sounds like it might be too high-profile, but it is an option for now.

If they left to the outskirts, they wouldn't necessarily have to go back they way they came, I'm sure the outskirts surround town. They're also probably full of dangers that we know nothing about. Those dangers might have landed patients in the hospital here, and therefore=> information is a major weapon.

If Kanami pounced Lila, we'd all have fun with that, but it's counter-productive... unless this somehow heals Kanami. Would drinking Lila's milk do that?
Re: Milk Love.

C. But first take her back into the store ^^;

Truthfully B through, but my vote will turn to C if others join in.
Re: Milk Love.

They both decide to go to the hospital. Nurses of the warrior tribe look to them in confusion as they enter the lobby area. The receptionist smiles to the two. "Oh, Lila and Kanami! Glad you made it. You're scheduled for something. Come follow me."

A.) Follow her in curiosity.

B.) Rush to the elevator!
Re: Milk Love.

A! Maybe something neat will happen. And rushing to the elevator is kinda of stupid >.> Why no other option to run out the doors and for life?
Re: Milk Love.

(Cause the choice was already made to enter the hospital. Can't just set foot and go back out. :p In votelock, will further the story when I'm out of it.)
Re: Milk Love.

A. !! Look not suspicious. I'm dying to know what they're scheduled for.. it may not be bad. If it is, then that might be the time for theatrics and fleeing. Cooperation until such a point will relax anyone leading them through. If the leading nurse is nice enough or talkative, perhaps she'll let something slip about the situation.
Re: Milk Love.

Lila and Kanami follow the warrior nurse in confusion. Kanami tilts her head. "Hm? Scheduled?" The nurse then grins, her eyes glowing in expression. "You'll see....." They enter deep into the hospital. Two beds are in place. "Just lie down there and we'll be set."

Kanami and Lila looks to the tables, then lay down. Suddenly, metallic straps clamp onto their arms and legs. Two suction cups move from the cieling. The nurse then speaks. "We will have to extract milk from you in this manner since breaking you is not easy for our authoritive services."

Kanami glares as she looks around. "Hnnngh....!!!! It's a trap, what do we do?"

The milking cups inch to their breasts as the heroines' eyes quiver.

A.) Flip Kanami's hand in the labcoat to try to puncture the tubing.

B.) Flip Lila's hand to her gun to shoot the suction cups.

C.) Left arm struggle (both)

D.) Right arm struggle (both)

E.) Left leg struggle (both)

F.) Right leg struggle (both)
Re: Milk Love.

Struggling won't help unless both of them are somehow superhuman... which I doubt considering how much trouble they've been having with the monsters.

Re: Milk Love.

A. If they haven't removed Lila's gun by now, they don't know she has it. Let's not advertise that we do until we're in a position to accurately use it. Let Kanami try her hand at getting them out of that. Gun can be Plan B.
Re: Milk Love.

Milking machines are the ultimate weapon humans could use. The suctions move onto their breasts, then suckle out. Lila widens her eyes and arches up. "KYAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!" Kanami pants hard as she takes two syringes and punctures the tubes, malfunctioning her pair, but Lila's pair keeps going. The milking machines send surges of stimulations to her breasts, her thighs struggling against the metal. "HNNNNNN....... TH-THIS IS TOO MUCH....."

Lila -200

Kanami -200

The nurses growl and scramble out of the room in search of tape, and to shut off the malfunction alarm so the suctions would continue on Kanami's breasts.

A.) Wait until the nurses leave, then gun the suction milkers!

B.) Toss some syringes to the tubings on Lila's suction cups. Has a chance of missing.
Re: Milk Love.

Lila takes the gun in her jacket quickly and shoots at the tubings, making them stop functioning. She then shoots at the table clasps as she looks to her dripping breasts, the suction cups falling off. Kanami sits up. "Ghnnnn..... They're pulling out all the stops.... They're simply not wanting us to keep a sound mind this time They're hiding something." Kanami takes a power pill, then looks around. "I'd suggest we be REALLY careful around the nurses."

Lila nods, then gets up. The door is open from when the nurses scrambled out. They rush to the hall, and there is two rooms at the other end. One has a light under it, and the other doesn't.

Kanami: 500

Lila: 8839

A.) Light Door

B.) Dark Door
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Re: Milk Love.

B. Dark door. We might not be able to see so well, but neither should they. Also, dark implies a strong chance of currently unoccupied. (If they're conducting experiments in the dark, that'd be either weird, or accompanied by strobe lighting and/or maniacal laughter? hehe)
Re: Milk Love.

Lila and Kanami reach what seems to be a lab of sorts. No creatures. Just various medicines. The light seems dark under the door, but at least it is dim inside. No one seems to be here. The private elevator to the other side is in view. They pass various medicine labels. One of them reads "Natural expansion". They move through the small lab when suddenly, two nurses come in, really mad.

A.) Risk getting groped and throw the Natural Expansion out of the way.

B.) Run for the elevator. Higher chance of a smaller battle.