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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The Milky Way is a decent sized galaxy, home to many different species of life forms, and once home to the Ancients themselves. Many inhabitable planets exist, although not all of these have life currently.

((Characters who need to be brought into the Alliance will start here in this thread, some of you I have spoken to on how I plan to handle your entry. For those of you who I haven't, something shall be worked out.))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ariana awoke to the dark of her ship, a few status indicators on the wall blinking across from the viewpanel of her coldsleep chamber. The front folded away to allow her to exit, and she stepped out groggily, feeling weak and tired. There was a chair bolted just outside, and she settled into it, reaching out and pressing a button on the wall beside the flashing lights. A projector warmed up, and a few seconds later a hologram appeared, depicting an old and hairless man, wearing robes and leaning on a staff.

"How long has it been?" She asked, feeling her awareness start to return as she recovered, coughing lightly to clear her throat. The response caused a light groan to escape her.

"Far too long, but that is unimportant right now. You are needed at the helm, I am... Unsure." The hologram told her. "Alright, can use the excersize anyways."She answered with the aforementioned groan, standing stiffly. She grabbed her jacket from a nearby locker first. A thick leather duster to cover the minimal clothing she wore in coldsleep, and keep her warm while the life support worked to take the bite out of the cold and stale air.

From there, it was a few short paces to the ladder through the bulkhead seperating the cargo area from the rest of the ship, and maybe twenty feet down the maintenance walkway to reach the cockpit. She sat down in the chair, and started booting all the displays and controls she would need to use, the ease of long practice showing in how her hands moved, almost without her groggy attention at all. "Is it safe to open the window?" She asked.

"Enough to get a look out." Came the reply from the AI, so she hit the controls to slide the shielding over the viewport back, revealing about half before halting the process, looking out...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As the window open, the woman got a good look at what had caused the AI to be uncertain. Only a few miles away, and closing at a decent clip was an object that had to be a ship. Only said ship was at least several miles long and wide, if not bigger. And it was turning in a direction that indicated it was unaware of her presence, but in doing so, she was now on a collision course with something the size of a mountain.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Bloody hell..." She mumbled, wishing the controls would boot up a little faster. It seemed to be unaware of her, or at least uncaring, so she used the emergency thrusters first, low-tech but nearly invisible to scans. It didn't move her very fast, but the massive ship was still a ways off, she'd have time to drift out to a new course again...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As she turned, she saw just how large the damn thing really was. It would be next to impossible with just maneuvering thrusters to avoid it. If her sensors were online enough, they would be registering that this ship was roughly 11 KM long, and 5.5 KM wide. Needless to say, it was huge, and it had quite a few life signs onboard.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

She cursed her luck, she had taken too long getting up here, the thing was too close. The rest of the systems were pretty well booted, but inactive. Shields and weapons were built to be activated a the touch of a button, but she sincerely hoped this thing would take no interest in them, even if her ship did suddenly skip out of the way. "Do we know anything about this thing?" She asked her AI, who was quick to respond.

"Nothing like it in my records, no similar designs of a less outrageous size, either. Best guess is it's some sort of wandering station, maybe a generational ship." The AI told her, the small hologram appearing again in it's place to the side of the cockpit, the image of the old man offering a shrug.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((I'm assuming she's doing an evasive maneuver with full engine power.))

Engines firing, Ariana managed to avoid becoming one with the massive ship and it's hull, though as she skimmed a bit too close, she noticed that the hull actually had what seemed like TREES hanging from it. In fact, now that she began her turn away from the ship, she could see a rather long trail of trees and the like drifting behind it. Soon enough though, she was banking away, a collision averted.

Of course, that's when things really got interesting. As she pulled away, she suddenly saw some kind of flash as shields went up on the large ship. It began to suddenly pull away from her at speeds that should have been impossible for a ship that size, and then suddenly, it was coming back towards her. If her sensors could detect it, they would detect a build up of power from somewhere within the massive ship, and she got the impression it might be scanning her. Perhaps the ship occupants had been startled, and weren't sure if they were in danger or not, though something that big probably had a ton of firepower ....
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((heh, knew i missed something.))

"Sonuvabitch!" She cried out as her ship barely got out of the way, giving her a good look at what looked like landscape falling off the other ship before it turned and started coming back after her with more purpose. Her screens were all over the place with power readings from the thing, and the shimmer from it's shields was plainly visible as they went up. She couldn't tell if it was just scanning her, or preparing to blow her out of the void, so she made the prudent decision to try and run.

"Divert power from weapons, we're not likely to even scratch that thing anyways." She said, starting the charge for the cruise engines, that would hopefully get her out of there before the massive ship decided that she wasn't worth keeping around. She popped her own shields as well, focusing them in the rear. With any luck, the other ships scans would recognize the tactic and simply let her flee, since she was trying her damndest not to appear threatening...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As her shields went up, the massive ship opened fire, a blast easily larger than her entire ship sailing past her viewport, barely missing. Several more followed and missed, but then one landed.

Sparks flew as the blast slammed into her shields, depleting a good twenty percent of them instantly. Yet the massive ship continued to fire despite the fact she wasn't provoking it. She got the distinct impression they wanted her dead for some reason, but why she couldn't know. More sparks flew as damage relays began protesting the insane punishment, and her sensors indicated the ship had a lock on her, and was preparing to fire another salvo. It was unlikely she'd take much more of this, though her engines seemed to be fluttering and thinking of giving out ...

And then in front of her there was an explosion of light as a smaller vessel, still easily larger than her own simply appeared from a purplish cloud. It was a sleek, elegant design, but one clearly built not only for efficiency, but power as well. Ariana had little doubt that the new ship was a capable warship, though it sported features that made her think it might also be a science ship as well. needless to say it was almost on top of her.

And then, something strange happened. Her ship began to move without her doing anything, as if guided by a mysterious force she could not see. Whatever the force was, it moved her behind the newcomer, and she could see it's own shields flaring up as the larger ship resumed firing. If she tried to pull away, she'd discover that the force had her stuck completely, and her ship wouldn't budge. And that's when a transmission came over, audio only and on all frequencies.

"I am supreme commander Thor of the Asgard. Stand down your unprovoked attack Rebel Wraith vessel, or face me in direct combat. The decision is yours."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Syri, how long have we been in travel?" a bored Syilvia said, slouching within her bridge. She looked at at the monitors and windows, seeing nothing but distant stars and planets.

Syri, the Relations and Tactical Officer of the Saerif, replied with a gentle tone, "It's been two weeks and 1 day counting, Syilvia. And we haven't seen a single anomaly. And yes, we're still in the Milky Way. If you're so bored, commander, why don't you set a course for a planet or something? We can't be that far from one or two excitable hunks of rock."

Syilvia swiveled her chair around to face Syri, she had a big smile on her face. She stood up and placed one of her hands on Syri's shoulders, nodding in agreement to his suggestion. She took a moment before she turned back her crew members, "Alright, guys. Looks like we're taking a small vacation! Linda, pull up a chart of the immediate area and indicate any planets or stations around here."

Linda, one of the officers on the bridge said with a upbeat, high tone, "Ma'am, yes ma'am! Pulling up those charts right now. Here ya go!"

Suddenly there was a projected chart of the available planets in the nearby region in at the center of the bridge, for Syilvia and most of the people on the bridge to see. Highlighted were several planets and stations that were around the region. Syilvia looked closely at the charts with an enthusiastic grin on her face. Her hands moved around, hovering over different planets to see a concise summary of them. Syri also looked at the chart, personally glad to see his friend excited and not bored for once. The other crew members on the bridge were mostly too busy to pay attention to the chart, but stole a peek when they could. Some even exhibited interest in Syilvia's unexpected vacation.

"Hmn..well. A lot of these planets seem boring. But there a few really snazzy ones around here. This one is small resort planet. And this planet's known for their cities and nightlife. Oouh, this one's mostly jungle with beaches. Which one, which one. Too many to decide!" Syilvia said, ruffling up her own hair in distress.

"Why not let the crew decide, Commander?" Syri suggested.

"That's a brilliant idea! Make it happen. A Saerif-wide poll to see where our vacation will be!"

Syri nodded and typed a few things into a small panel beside him, "Already on it. And sent. Make an announcement, Commander."

Syilvia cleared her throat and pressed a button to initiate her the intercom system of the ship, "Attention all crew-members. This is your Commander speakin' As a result of our lack of work and my boredom, we will be taking a break from our freelance space duties. Soon you'll be receiving a poll on your communicators. This poll will be to decide where we'll end up going. Please vote so we can make a decision! That is all."

All the crew members rejoiced in the thought of taking a break from their work as galactic freelancers.

Back on the bridge, Syilvia leaned back in her chair with a smile on her face. Syri leaned against the rail and watched the poll results come in. Syilvia and her crew had finished a long string of missions for various clients, without so much as a breather. It wouldn't be long now until their well-deserved break would come to them...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis threw the reverse thrusters on as he dropped out of warp, right on top of one of the oddest sights he had ever seen. What was on that ship? it was massive, and they were obviously growths of some kind... On top of this all, he caught a transmission from someone called Thor of the Asgard... Where in the name of the Maw had he wound up... The Galaxy he was in... Wait... Galaxy!?

Checking his navigational computer three times just to make sure, he realized with sudden clarity that he had jumped WAAAAY too far... Something must have happened that threw him off course. Well Shit... it was too late to do anything about it now. Trusting his cloak, he moved at full and impressive speed towards the vessel, still a ways out, to get a better look at what was going on. He kept his weapons dark for now, he had no idea what the capabilities of that behemoth were or if his cloak would even shield him from detection. If nothing else he could trust to his speed and jump out if they proved hostile... He would make a pass, and if contacted, open his channels and be as polite as possible, he was a smuggler, and this was their home turf...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As Jortis drew closer, he could see that the growths were actually a mixture of integrated hubs on the larger ship, and what seemed to be trees and soil falling off it. Now closer, he could see that the larger vessel was firing on the one that had identified itself as an Asgard ship. Said ship was using it's own shields to protect a much smaller, damaged ship from the larger marauder. While the Asgard ship hadn't fired back yet, Jortis's sensors indicated that it was weapons hot, and could return fire at any time. If it did, he might be caught in a crossfire.

((Gonna let Suri's char find a suitable planet before bringing him in, seems easier.))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Jortis did some quick thinking and made a decision. With the Asgard ship weapons hot and under fire he had no interest in begin in the middle... Firing directional thrusters, his ship did a sharp spin and dropped his cloak, extra propulsion systems coming online as he tore away from the aggressor and towards the Asgard ship, keeping his weapons cold and opening his communications line fully.

As the systems came fully online, a wash of radiation poured out behind the small two winged frigate as it suddenly kicked to full speed. It was an old runners trick, apart from looking pretty in deep space, it also wreaked havoc on the targeting systems of anything nearby. Keeping his directional thrusters warmed up in case of an emergency evasive move, he continued to speed towards the ship. His trajectory would take him right by the shields of the Asgard ship. If they were hostile too then he was jumping out of this area before anyone could pin him, it was the only advantage apart from speed, of killing the cloak and running the micro warp generator...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As he dropped his cloak, he could detect that the larger ship was scanning him, and shortly after they began firing. Each shot was huge, large enough to cause some serious damage if it hit him.

Fortunately, he had two things in his favor. One, they seemed to be firing manually and blindly, increasing the chances they would miss. Secondly, the Asgard ship had now started to move, and the few shots that remotely came close to him splashed off it's shields, seemingly having no effect on the graceful ship.

Then, two things happened at once. First, as the Asgard had warned would happen should the marauder continue it's attack, it returned fire. Rapid blasts of pulse weaponry shot out, causing the shielding of the other ship to flicker. Secondly, he received a hail.

"Attention unidentified vessel, you have wandered into the middle of a battle. My sensors indicate that your ship can not take many hits from the hive, and they also indicate that your trajectory is too steep for a pass. If you are trying to get behind me to take advantage of the shielding and not be struck, adjust your heading by zero point one three degrees or you will accomplish nothing but ramming yourself into my shields. If your intent is to attack, then I must offer you the same warning as I have to the hive."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Shit!" The universal cry of surprise and mild panic, was uttered as a hail of fire issued from the hostile ship, each shot several times the size of his frigate. As he spun and twisted out of the way, he received another hail from the Asgard vessel, and presumably directed at him. Adjusting his heading appropriately with a massive burst from his port side thrusters, he took them at their word. Talk about a terrible place to come out of warp!

"To Thor of the Asgard, I offer no hostility, Adjusting heading appropriately" Was all the transmission he had time for as the fire fight retook his attention...
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Alright, results are in! Looks like...the resort planet it is!" Syilvia's eyes glowed with a certain excitement as she looked at the specs for the resort planet.

"AIla, give me a rundown of this planet," Syilvia said, not really looking at anyone as she muttered the name. Truth is, AIla was the name of the AI that was newly installed into the Saerif's system to help with integration and internal problems that a regular person couldn't handle.

As Syilvia asked the AI, a monotone voice answered her, "The planet's name is Harn, Syilvia. Currently known as a resort planet featuring white-sand beaches, shopping centers, hot springs, and monthly concerts. This month the Space Melodies will be playing. Shall I send a transmission to Harn's resort station and let them know we are reserving services?"

"Sounds great, make it happen AIla!" Syilvia places her hands on her hips.

"The transmission has been sent. A reply should be coming soon."

A man close to the front of the bridge spoke up, directly to Syilvia, "Commander, I've set a course for Harn. As it stands, it'll take approximately 5 hours to get there at our cruising speed."

"Good work, Michael," Syilvia said and sat back in her chair, "Maintain current course and speed."

(Okay. You can ruin Syilvia's vacation now.)
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

((The ship likely can't stand a full hit, it's barely bigger than Jortis', if at all, since his sounds like it has room for cargo.))

Ariana growled softly as she worked to break free from the engagement. Her hands flew over the controls, making the ship dip and swerve erratically as it began to pick up speed, but the wake of the shots passing by her was enough to make her shield flicker, a whine reverberating through the ship as she pushed it through maneuvers not supposed to be ran at that speed to evade the shots. Finally, one of them hit her more directly, and the sirens started going off, her ears popping at the same time.

"Seal it!" She called out, paying it no more heed to that issue as she felt the bulkhead seal off the cockpit from the rest of the ship with a thump. The cruising engines had cut out from the damage, dropping her back down to combat speed. The decompression had thrown her enough to get her clear of the next shot, but the one after that was going to be a second hit on her...

And that's when her ship started moving on it's own, jumping downwards at an impossible angle to avoid the shot, and continuing on behind the second large ship that had appeared. "That you doing that? Is someone hacking the systems?"" She asked, finally giving up trying to fight it and sitting back in the chair.

"As far as I can tell, systems integrity stands. They must be using some technology similar to our cargo tractor to move us, but I can't detect any of the usual fields associated with such. Comm incoming..."

She listened intently, but it seemed to be directed at the other ship and not herself, so she remained quiet. Likely whatever bargaining this second ship wanted in return for it's protection would happen afterwards. Sighing, she left her jacket on the pilot's seat and started putting on a maintenance suit, sealed against the void outside. ":eek:w much can we get going again as-is?" She spoke through the suits comms, receiving a small icon on the visor to indicate that her AI was patching in.

"The breach was a tear from the pressure of the hit, should only need some welding. A lot of the shield's wiring has melted and will need replacements, shields are steady at 30% over most of the ship, weaker in the aft. Weapons and most subsystems are fine, but we lost a great deal of our air supply. Scanning for suitable planets in the area, with luck we can set down on one."

She nodded, hitting the control to save the air in the cockpit before opening the bulkhead to the rest of the ship, heading to the maintenance locker to get the welder and some sheet metal. She listened to the other open comms as they were routed through to her, the appearance of the second smaller ship relayed to her as well as she worked.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The marauding ship and the Asgard Vessel exchanged a number of blows with each other, neither one budging, though sensors would be indicating the larger ship was beginning to take some significant damage. Finally, it surged forward, and for a moment it seemed it was going to try to ram the Asgard ship. Then, a purplish cloud formed in space, and the ship rushed into it, vanishing completely.

Some moments later, the Asgard Weaponry began powering down, the threat apparently gone. With the danger now past, several moments of silence followed. Then, Ariana would be spoken to directly.

"This is Thor, calling to the smaller, damaged vessel. My sensors indicate your main systems are mostly offline, and you are venting atmosphere. Do you require assistance?"

Syilvia and her crew hadn't gone far when suddenly their sensors detected an automated distress signal. It seemed to be coming from a planet near them, less than three light years. They were reporting an attack on their world from orbit, and that they were taking heavy losses.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Commander, we're picking a distress signal from a nearby planet. They're being attacked and are taking heavy losses," one of the members on the bridge proclaimed. A signal was established and the bridge was hearing the garbled sounds of a panicked and helpless world. They needed help, and it didn't seem like there was any other ships in the region.

Syilvia clenched her teeth and then stood up from her chair, "Michael, set course for that distress signal. How far from it?"

Michael was inputting commands on his screen, "About less than three light years out. If we had a visual of the area we could make a pinpoint warp using the new gravitic warp core and we'll be there in about...thirty minutes."

Syri, now in his seat instead of behind Syilvia as usual, was rampantly typing on his screen. It would seem he was bringing up a personal view of where the distress signal was coming from, "Commander, I have a visual of the battle. Or... I should say massacre. It doesn't look good."

"Well there's your visual, Michael. Get us there in twenty, they need our help. Establish a signal with the sieged planet, we need details!" Syilvia said, her eyes going from that excited look to a more stern gaze - a gaze fit for a commander.

"Signal established, commander," one of the bridge members said.

"This is Syilvia Lambert of the Gunship Saerif. We have received your distress signal and are en route to your position. Please respond. I repeat, Syilvia Lambert of the Gunship Saerif is en route to your position. Please respond."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It took a few moments before she got a reply, and when she did, it was with a visual.

"This is Sivea Venal of the Vorians. We are getting your transmission, albeit barely. We've got fifteen ships in orbit attacking us, and we've only five in the immediate area. We're ...."

Then was a sudden flash of sparks from the image, and as they watched the woman's image was cut off.

The visual Michael was getting was disturbing to say the least. Fifteen ships the size of mountains attacking a small number of much smaller ships. Each of the gigantic ships had numerous fighters that were small and fast, many of which were swooping down to the surface of the planet. He also could see that the Vorians were outgunned as well, considering each ship was large enough that it's energy blasts were LARGER that the ship they were hitting. It was unclear if they even had twenty minutes left, the battle was going so badly for them.
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