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Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Well, that settles it. Yer just not allowed ta disappear, without warnin', for a while. Keep things stable and all that." He grins at her.

((I'm for it.))
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

((Yes, feel free. I didn't actually expect a shower scene or anything.))
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Vanessa smiled slighty.


Not too long after, they were approaching Peltas Five and ready to head home.

((Figure I'll let Ian have the honor of posting first in Peltas bringing her back to her quarters or something.))
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

As word came about that they were approaching the station, Ian shifted to Vanessa's side, hooking an arm lightly around her shoulders. "Home sweet haven awaits, sounds like." Leaning in, he tips his forehead against hers. "C'mon. Let's get ya t'where we can formally get ya home."

((That's a switch over to Peltas for the lot of us, then, aye? Meet you boys over there.))
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Stepping through the gate, Siphon dropped low, scanning the area. By the time Ian and Vanessa got through the gate, he seemed only slightly more relaxed. As they became solid, he turned to them with a frown.

"Julia said a Tokra ship stopped by to check in on those wraith after you folks left here. They stopped transmitting anything back a few hours ago, and have now missed three check in's with the rest of the Tokra. So look sharp, those wraith probably were working on something other than what they said they were."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Doesn't surprise me." Ian reaches back and undoes the zat clipped to his belt. "So, recon on the Wraith an' a possible search an' rescue on the Tokra. Let's see what we can see, aye?" He'll let Siphon take point, following behind as quietly as he's able, keeping an eye out for possible unfriendlies.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon nodded, pointing to the entry door Ian had used earlier. As they moved, Ian could see Siphon was getting more cautious, and a looking around more. Finally he whispered, "the hell are they? There should have been guards at the gate, and at these doors. Their ship has to have detected us too, I'm wondering if they're even here still."

Vanessa had been wondering the same thing, though she had kept quiet. Something though caught her eye, and she stepped around the corner of the building for a moment, and when she did, a grizzly sight awaited her. Letting out a small gasp, she stepped back into view, causing Siphon to hurry over. Once he got there, he let out a low whistle.

"Well, that explains part of it. This wraith has literally been torn in half by something."

Sure enough, if Ian looked, the wraith appeared to have been neatly cut in half at the mid-section by something powerful, though it looked almost like with claws and not teeth.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Cautious is good and Ian's not complaining. As Siphon mentions the lack of guards, he does start scanning around, trailing after Vanessa and letting out a low whistle at the sight of the corpse. "Think it's the Klahnell? Or one of them pets o' theahs? And their ship could verah well have highed on outta heah if they were takin' heavy loses." He'll ease down and take a look at the corpse, particularly how fresh it seems, where the bulk of the damage took place. CSI-ing it to the best of his ability, which isn't much, but better than nothing.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon was silent for a long moment, studying the remains before shaking his head.

"I don't think so, but it's impossible to know for sure. Klarnell probably not, but it could have been one of their pets. It definitely wasn't anything indigenous to the planet, that much is certain. Problem with the damn anomalies is that if one opened, it could be anything that did this, and then the question is, did whatever do this stick around, is it still loose somewhere?"

As Ian took a closer look, he might be able to tell that whatever had done this, had done so with little effort. The body looked cleanly cut through, as if whatever had done this literally sliced through the bone like it was tissue paper. There were no jagged edges, only a smooth slice straight through. What was worse was, it seemed part of the wraith's innards were actually missing, as if something had then eaten parts of the body and then left.

Vanessa for her part had circled around close by, looking about. Suddenly she stopped, looking at something on the ground.

"Um guys? What the hell kind of footprints are these?"

Once Ian looked at them, he'd note that they were too small to have been made by one of the Klarnell's pets, in fact, they almost looked like they were bird like in a way.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"So might've just been a random attack. That's lovely." Ian shakes his head. "We're looking for a cahnivore, that's certain. Powerful one, too." He makes a gesture with his arm, a pantomime of cutting out with a blade or possibly a tonfa style weapon. "Cut through the bone like it was nothin'. Then opened him up like an egg. Worrysome thing is, it's a clean cut. Somethin' with a straight edge likely did it. My best guess." He'll push up and away from the body, moving over to see what Vanessa's found, taking to examining the footprints as well.

"Bird or a lizahd. Toes goin' two different ways." He'll take a look at the tracks. "Whatevah it is, it's bipedal. Don't know much that fits the bill on that one."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon frowned at Ian's analysis, unfortunately knowing the man was right on the money. Looking over the tracks Vanessa had found, he gazed about the area, and suddenly they would notice him stiffen.

"Raptors ... Velociraptors."

Vanessa shot him a look, not directly looking up.

"What? How can you possibly know that for sure?"

His reply caused her to visibly shudder as she looked up.

"Because, there's two of them hunting us right now, stalking towards us from just off to our right, about two hundred meters away and closing quickly."

Sure enough, if they looked, there were two Raptors moving quickly towards them, and they definitely looked like they would fit the prints, not to mention the powerful killing machine bill.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Right then." Ian actually keeps very still, scanning with just his eyes to look for more of them. "Pack animals. And two ain't a pack. Ah can't nab 'em both, but could slam one inta the othah. Head inta the complex and maybe see if we can't find the glowy thing Ah can toss 'em back inta."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon thought a moment, then shook his head.

"Even if you do that, we'll never outrun something that damn fast there. We're going to have to try and drop them with stun shots, I don't dare risk killing them for fear of fudging the timeline somehow. Vanessa and I will have to try and drop them down, hopefully you can keep things staggered out long enough to keep them off of us long enough to drop them. The Zats might still work in one shot, but if what I saw earlier with the damn Gorgonopsid is any indication, I'm not sure one shot from my pistol will be enough."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"The what?" He reaches back and pulls his zat from his belt and tosses it over to Siphon. "Use mine, then. Bettah shot anyway." For now, his attention is focused back on the pair of raptors. Since he's not able to grab both of them, he concentrates on snagging the one that's further in the lead and pulling it into the other one, hopefully making them both stagger, even possibly trip, which might buy them a little more time.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"I'll explain after this. Got it."

Siphon managed to catch the Zat, turn it, and activate it for firing in seemingly one motion, even as Vanessa activated her own.

Ian's handiwork had a little more bang for the buck than he'd anticipated. For just a moment after getting up, the two raptors snapped at each other, nearly getting into a fight before they turned back to the three potential meals in front of them. As they came closer, with Siphon and Vanessa sighting them down, one of them stopped, it's head snapping up into the air, and then it started making strange noises. After a moment, Ian could see Vanessa's features change, and she shuddered, sighting that raptor with her Zat.

"Oh christ, it's calling for more of them. It's calling for backup."

A pair of shots, one from Siphon and one from Vanessa dropped the two currently in front of them, Siphon grumbling to himself, then motioning them to move.

"We can't stay here then, we need to get inside. Keep your eyes and ears open there ... SHIT!"

From one side, a shape became evident, streaking for Vanessa. She too had apparently seen it, stumbling backwards and unfortunately tripping. Well, it might have been unfortunate had Siphon not blasted the third Raptor virtually in it's face as it made it's leap, causing it to drop to the ground and slide. It came to a stop, out cold, with it's snout practically between Vanessa's legs, a close call by any means. Letting loose a sharp sigh, Ian could see that particular incident had gotten through past Siphon's mental walls, with him visibly shaky after that close call.

Vanessa for her part, just kind of lay there for a moment, shaking as she watched the raptor breath slowly, still alive clearly, but not a threat for the moment. When she finally found her breath and voice, she looked slightly at Ian.

"Care to move this bastard and clamp his jaws shut while I move away? I'm not too keen on having that thing start eating me from there, or at all thank you very much."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

That, actually, was the reaction he'd been hoping for, to get them squabbling between each other. Too bad it only worked for a little while. As the thing starts calling for the rest of the pack, Ian lets out a curse and starts keeping an eye out for them.

The appearance of the third one, and as quickly as it shows up, rattles him a little, too. "Can do both."

Ian moves over and carefully slips his arms under Vanessa's, helping to drag her back enough that she can move her legs without kicking the raptor in the face, tempting as that prospect might be. At the same time, he's got a press on the lower jaw of the thing to keep it shut, should the thing suddenly wake up while she's extracting herself.

"Got some zip ties in mah bag, but doubt they'd hold somethin' that big fer long. Best bet's puttin' some distance between us and them and hopin' that their fellows like an easy meal." He snorts. "And findin' what spit 'em out in the first place."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon nodded.

"Let's move. Even if they would hold them, standing still with more potentially on the way might be a really bad idea. I'm not too confident I can pull a save out of my ass like that again, these things are stupidly fast. Entry point should be a few hundred meters that way, so let's move."

Once Vanessa was standing, she backed away from the Raptor, shivvering slightly.

"Yeah that was a little too close for my comfort. Not to mention where it landed. I'm not sure if I should hope that anomaly is still open or not. On one hand, trying to get them back could be tricky, on the other hand, if it is still open, what else might come through it?"

Siphon nodded as they moved onward.

"I was thinking that too. By the way, nice call there on what the first one was doing, how'd you know?"

Vanessa shrugged.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. It kinda felt like for a moment, I could understand them. I wonder if it's something left over from what Nirrti did to me, or tried to do."

Siphon's only reply to that was a grunt, clearly not liking the implication behind that.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"And Ah can't handle more'n one. Not while they're up'n wigglin' at any rate." Ian will let Vanessa go once he's sure she's steady on her feet and start backing in the direction that Siphon indicated, though he's keeping an eye and ear out for more sounds of incoming dinosaurs.

"Yeah, but Ah'm a little worried at the thought of leavin' them damn things here instead of when and where they should be," he says of the anomalies. Given the previous conversation, he chuckles, though the sound's a bit dark. "Maybe you'll be able ta tell 'em to turn around and go home."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Vanessa actually thought that over for a moment, then chuckled.

"Well if I do have that ability, and it's because of Nirrti, it would be pretty ironic I think to owe a thanks to her for something like that. Creepy too now that I think of it."

Siphon nodded to Ian as he kept moving.

"I know, I don't like the idea of leaving them here like this either but I don't see that we have much of a choice. It'd be too dangerous without knowing where the anomaly is to try and carry them with us. The issue being too, we don't want to shoot them too much until they start really waking up, or we risk killing them. Sadly though, we may end up being left with no choice if it comes right down to it, though I suppose we could quarantine the planet and let them have it when we're done here."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Here's hopin' it was just a fluke. Yer badass enough as it is, without any side effects needed." He flashes her a little bit of a grin before they beat feet.

"Jurassic Planet. Now there's a thought. Let's just get inside, keep an eye out for any of their buddies, and see what those Wraith were up ta. We'll burn the bridge about these beasties when we get theah."
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