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Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The stillness of space around the glowing green planet was broken as the first of the Alveran ships emerged from hyper-space. It was Talok's ship, scheduled to arrive first by design so the Stargate on the planet would be blocked, and it's arrival triggered the response of twenty Hatak.

As they moved in, more ships arrived, and by the time the Etherian ship arrived, a full fledged firefight between Alliance and Nirrti's ships was already going on. The Etherian ship, the Aurora, emerged at a safe distance, unseen by the Hatak engaged in combat already. She managed to slide to the back side of the planet, away from the firefight. Soon enough, the call came through to beam down, as the full scale invasion was to begin.

The landing area had been chosen perfectly. It was a small wooded area providing cover for the landing party to group up and prepare. It was at a high enough elevation to be away from the site of Nirrti's facility, so their quarry would not be able to spot them and attempt to snipe them down until they were on the way down into the facility. The peace of the area was broken by the hum of the transporters beaming down the landing parties, and amongst the first to arrive would be Ian and Talok, along with a contingent of Jaffa led by Camulus himself.

((Orbital fight can pretty much take care of itself, so feel free to post your arrival to the planet.))
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Arriving on the scene with scarcely more than a ripple in space, the marine like form of the Aurora would glide out of the void, swiftly and silently swooping in toward the planet. Ayla addressing her crew internally, <"Combat bypassed and stable orbit achieved. Opposing fleet appears unaware. Unless they're paying special attention, we shouldn't register as anything more than a large piece of debris to their sensors. The call for insertion has come through. Ready?">

<"Affirmative. Send us down."> Ellisia responds from another part of the ship, standing alongside Marik and Thanus one moment, and gone the next.

"{You should be ready in Ophlankia too Sinnve. They may call on you at any moment.}" Ayla says softly to the sister hugging at her side as they float in the zero gravity pilots chamber of the ship.

"{Mhmm. They can count on me. Don't let the aliens mess up the transporter stuff ok?}" Sinvve replies releasing the hug and floating back to exit the spherical chamber.

- - -

Ellisia and her team arrive in the vicinity promptly, emerging in a shimmer of light that wrapped around them and faded out, distinct from but not much unlike the transporter beams used by the others. This time the official looking cloaks of blue and silver have been swapped out for far more woodland friendly attire, the trio now wearing plainer and less obstructive cloaks in a drab greenish gray colour. Stepping forward Ellisia surveys the surroundings and casts a glance to Talok, waiting for the first move to be declared.

(Quick reminder notes: Marik has exceptional senses and awareness. Sight, hearing, smell. When focusing, can more or less see like a buzzard, and can notice very subtle changes that most would have no chance of detecting.
Anyone standing within about a meter or two of Thanus will benefit from his protective field.)
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Dressed down in a similar manner, Ian looks like he'd be perfectly content stalking through the shadows of the trees, a herald back to his youth and time with his parents. He doesn't look all that imposing, standing amid the warriors around him, but he's certainly focused. He might not be on quite as an alert as Marik is, but he is being watchful, ready to move out when the others are.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

After making sure everyone was present, Talok indicated they should move onward.

Pressing forth, they soon came upon an overlook that showed a massive Ancient facility sprawled below them. They could see a number of Jaffa patrolling about, and there was no clear cut way to get down without drawing attention.

Talok spoke quietly, and quickly.

"Twenty or so guards visible, no way down without them seeing us. Hate to say it, but this looks like a run and gun here. You folks ready for the shit to hit the fan?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Hmm, very well then. Marik can remain here to provide ranged support and overwatch. As long as either myself or Thanus have sight or good location on an target, his arcing aser weapon will be able to strike them. As long as we keep the pressure on them but stay safe, we should be guaranteed a safe victory." Elissia responds, with Marik nodding. "Alternatively, were we to call in Sinnve's Golem now, we could very likely draw off most if not all of their guard and make a straight line into the facility. I'll let you call it Talok. Ready either way."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"If it counts, Ah'm fer the distraction. The less guards we have ta run through, the bettah and it might even pull 'em out from the fort. Granted, too, any Ah can get line of sight on, Ah could prob'ly put a world of hurt on before they get to us. Just depends on how serious ya want the injuries ta be." A grim remark from the normally easy-going Ian, but then Nirrti had been a thorn in their side for a long time. That didn't mean her Jaffa had to suffer for it, though.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok paused for a long moment.

"I'm not sure any of them would surrender, but we can always give them that choice. If you can, disable them from fighting but don't outright kill them unless you have to. Camulus, do you think your Jaffa could clean up the disabled soldiers behind us?"

The Gou'ald nodded.

"Of course. Once we make it through the doors, I'll have a squadron ring down to deal with it. That way if they don't surrender, we still won't have to worry about them moving in from behind us."

Talok nodded, then turned to Elissia.

"Alright, do it. Once they pull out, we'll make our way down and take out any stragglers that stay at home. With any luck, it won't be many and they'll be spread too thin to notice us until it's too late."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ellisia nods firmly. "Sinnve has launched, and will be beaming in above the far side of the facility very shortly. She's been instructed to go easy on the guard, if possible, and Ayla has highlighted our unit on her sensors so as to avoid friendly fire. Lets go. Marik, you can remain with us."

As they move out and get as close as possible without being seen, the bright light of the large transporter beam flashes over head in the sky. Dropping in freefall from considerable height, a wing like spread of blue energy beams shoot outwards from the white figure, and then speed downwards crashing explosively into the grounds of the facility in unison with the golem. The speed and weight of the impact and surrounding explosions of blue light thundering across the valley and sending a thick cloud of dust into the air.

From the centre of the sudden chaos the eighteen foot white titan raises from it's crouched stance and steps out from the crater, arms levelled at anything that moves. As the echos of the impact die down an amplified voice issues from the golem, sounding out loudly across the facility. "I am Sinnve Iasha-voh! Top of my class in the elite Etherian academy of kicking ass! And I have come to help you all write your letters of resignation!" Bellowed out with aggression and an almost sadistic enthusiasm. One arm swings round to fire another high energy beam into what may or may not have been a communications antenna, spraying more light debris across the scene and bring forth metallic groans from the twisted antenna as it topples. On her sensors Sinnve would have a reading of any living creature in the vicinity, including the real strike party moving in from the far side. She felt fairly confident that she could remain the centre of attention for long enough for them to break in.

Anyone sparing the time to look away from the spectacle might notice a slight cringe on Ellisia's face, and a large grin on Marik's. "Do you think they noticed?" He chirps.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Talok merely nodded as a swarm of Jaffa poured out of the facility, staff weapons firing madly at the mech. He watched the facility more, and finally spotted what he wanted.

"South entry, only one guard there now. That's our entry point, and perfect too, it's on the far side from the rest of the fighting. Let's move."

As they drew close enough to the entry, the lone guard spotted them. However, before any one could raise the alarm, the guard placed his weapon to the side, removing his covering helmet. He smiled at the approaching group, then stepped forward a half step, close enough to speak to them without being over heard. Elissia noted though that he didn't seem like a Jaffa. He carried more an air of authority to him than just a simple guard, one that seemed strangely familiar to her ...

"You must be the rescue party. Do not worry, you have gone mostly unnoticed for now. As you might have guessed, I'm not one of Nirrti's soldiers. Please, allow me to introduce myself."

For a moment he fell silent, bowing his head slightly. When he looked up, his eyes flashed gold for a moment, indicating a fully grown symbiote and not a Jaffa at all. When he spoke, it was clearly the symbiote speaking.

"I am Valnak of the Tokra. After sending my last message to your commander, I decided to meet you here myself. I must admit, the mech is a very impressive distraction, more suitable than my initial plan."

He turned to face Ian, pausing for a moment as if remembering something.

"You must be the one called Ian. I have heard about you, as well as the reason you are likely here. Thanks to Talok sending me a picture and description, I have been able to look about the prisoner cells here. There are twenty five survivors still, the remainder have perished. The woman you are looking for Ian, I believe you called her Vanessa? She is still alive, however Nirrti appears to be very close to accomplishing what she has set out to do. I believe within the next seventy two hours she will reach her goal, and at that point she intends to implant your friend with her own symbiote and take her as her new host."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"{Hah, you've got to be kidding me. Brave bastards...}" Sinnve comments to herself, not broadcasting this time. As the first few shots hit her AT-Field, she gauges the threat. The small arms, as powerful as they were, having little impact against the Golems defences. Spare perhaps focusing their fire in very well co-ordinated synchronised blasts, they had almost no chance of breaking her defences. But Sinnve didn't have to let them know this. Wanting to make sure the others got inside, she decided to keep her audiences attention and make a show of working to evade the hail of Ma'Tok fire as if it actually mattered, and let Nirrti's Jaffa believe that they have a chance. A blue glow bursting beneath her golem's feet, she lifts off the ground by just a few inches and dashes back in a slide, spinning round behind cover. Continuing to move between cover whilst firing low powered blasts over and around the Jaffa, making a mess of the scenery and dazing them, but not outright injuring any for now.

<"{Sis! This is too weird! What do I do if they never surrender? Blow their feet off or what? I could try throwing them about a bit, but I dunno.}"> Called to Ayla via their telepathic link.

<"{Just keep it up until the others are inside. They're at the entrance now.}">

<"{Remove or disable their weapons Sinnve. Camalus' men will handle the rest.}"> Ellisia offers her input, her face not showing any sign of the mental conversation going on to those at the entrance.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

There's a sound that seems very similar to choked-back laughter as Ian listens to the broadcast coming from the golem. "Nah, not at all," he responds to Marik's quip.

Likely a good thing the guard acted first, given that he likely would have done his best to knock out a single guard, provided that was all that stood between them and getting inside. As it stood, he kept things in check and let Valnak speak.

Having a total on how many they needed to get out was good. Not as high as what might have been good, but that they were still able to rescue some of her prisoners, well, he'd call that a win.

"Then let's break up the party, shall we? The longer we're out here talkin', the more time she gets."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

The Tokra nodded.

"Agreed. Follow me, I can get us inside the facility and out of the open, however there are more guards deeper inside."

He led them inside, shutting the massive doors behind them after they were inside. From there, they wound through a series of corridors, stopping briefly here and there to knock out patrolling guards. They were nearing a ramp that led them deeper still into the place, when suddenly every last one of them got a rude awakening.

One moment things were fine, the next moment all of them were struck with a horrific headache brought on by the sounds of a female scream of pain. It was enough to cause even Talok and the Tokra to wince in pain and stagger, the Wraith staggering into the wall and almost falling over. After several long moments it died down and was gone, though despite this, Talok was sluggish to get up.

It took a moment to sink in, but when it finally did, a realization sank in to Ian. The scream had been from Vanessa, he was sure of that, but more disturbing was the fact that, according to Valnak, they were still too far away from her still to have heard her scream at all.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Don't worry too much 'bout them, mate. We'll handle 'em," he told the Tokra as they headed inside, proving himself right as the guards were dealt with rather handily by the small group.

The scream was enough to be icewater down his spine, though it took barely a minute for him to figure out how they'd heard her. A mentalist himself, the connection of facts was simple enough. It was the realization of who made it that nearly floored him. Flexing his fingers as he moved his hand away from where he'd been gripping at the side of his head, he let out a quiet curse. That, in and of itself, was out of character for him, but the malice that dripped from the words would be enough of a clue to Talok and Ellisia that they were about to have one very dead Gou'ald on their hands.

Heedless of what might be waiting ahead, he pushed past their guide and broke for the end of the ramp. Any single or small groups of guards that might be waiting were summarily thrown into walls or slammed to the floor. Anything larger than five would probably get him to pull back, but not before making his presence known as more were thrown around.

"Get us to her. Now," came out in a growl toward the Tokra, being as how the layout was still fairly alien, that being the only other thing stopping him.

<"Nessa? Nessa, can you hear me? W--I'm coming to find you, darlin'. Hang on. Please, hang on.">
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Valnak only nodded, seemingly unfazed by Ian's malice, however seeming to sense that they were running out of time. That was one thing in the limited dealings he had with them that could be said, the Tokra very rarely wasted any time, and moved quickly when they had to. Now was no different, and they moved quickly through the place.

Talok was more at the end of the pack, still a bit sluggish. The psyonic blast having seemed to penetrate his mind and rattling the wraith, which in and by itself was hard enough to do.

They were nearing the end of things, when a large contingent of guards appeared, opening fire and sending the others diving for cover. A massive firefight ensued, Nirrti's Jaffa engaged with Camulus and his Jaffa. Such a firefight couldn't go unnoticed for long, and indeed it had only been going on a few minutes when a blast from a side room came flying out.

Said blast was from a staff weapon, possibly a cannon, and it had been aimed perfectly from a hidden doorway. The blast flew out, catching the group unprepared, at least until the blast slammed right into Valnak, lifting him off his feet and slamming him into the doorway they had entered from. He was very still, alive but wounded badly.

Letting loose a vicious snarl, Talok reached onto his belt and withdrew a small device. It was small and round, something Ian had never seen before, and Talok quickly pushed several hidden buttons on it, then rolled it out into the group of Nirrti's Jaffa. A moment later there was a bright flash of blue light, and every single enemy soldier dropped to the ground. A quick look told them they were alive, but somehow out cold. Talok was visibly pissed, leading Ian to wonder if that had been planned for something else, or someone else.

Camulus had moved the second the threat was over, checking on the Tokra. After a few moments of silence, Camulus spoke.

"Ian, I believe Valnak wishes to speak with you quickly. He will not survive much longer."

Meanwhile, on the surface, the Jaffa scattered as the blast drove downward. Some of them continued to fire, while several others moved back into the facility walls. A moment later, several small fighter craft appeared, and they began to open fire as well.

((Death Glider attack!))
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ellisia and her comrades wince and crouch low as the unnaturally piercing scream hits the group. The psionic shock knocking out the knights mental link for a moment.

'We've lost Ayla'
Marik projects with his mind, but the communication not escaping his own thoughts, with him immediately realising the futility of the effort. The knowing look Ellisia returned said enough however. And just as quick as it had left, the link to Ayla re-established. <"I'm here, everything's okay. That wave just caught me off guard there, it won't happen again. Though I would prefer to avoid any more jarring follow ups."> Not wasting any time in accompanying the group, as Ian led an impromptu charge of sorts, the Etherians move out. Marik's long aser beam weapon being put to use in the ensuing firefight. Whilst overall ill suited for tight indoors combat Marik proves his worth as makes carefully timed shots amongst the chaos. Thanus meanwhile stands as something of an oddity throughout the combat, making no attacks of his own and moving little, but quickly and very deliberately when he does. As Marik mouths out silent observations from the rear, Thanus moves in near instant co-ordination positioning himself nearby other friendly combatants and suddenly stepping to take an incoming shot at the key moment. His formidable AT field skills absorbing the individual staff blasts readily, bursting safely against a fleeting pane of light and dissipating just as the man quickly ducks away once more before he attracts any further fire. Ellisia meanwhile sports a small aser pistol. An unusual weapon for her, but in the likes of a crossfire such as this it was the most sensible option. She takes part in the hectic combat with an unsuitable degree of calm. Like the others, acting and firing infrequently, but with deadly precision. Never missing a shot, evading and taking cover at the exact moment necessary. At one point suddenly and sharply kicking a friendly Jaffa in the back of the knees, to which he dropped. The soldier not having time to even consider protesting before a staff blast flew inches above his face. The bolt of energy sailing by close enough to sting at his skin, but thankfully nothing more. For a moment she finds herself at Ian's side, and takes a second to say something, speaking as quickly and clearly as the loud environment allowed. "I won't be so naive as to suggest you be calm. But direct that anger. Don't let it direct you." Having said her piece, her eyes remain locked on the fight at hand.

All the while Ayla's mind whirled busily with the grizzly scene of the firefight, experiencing it from three different angles, expertly processing the cacophony of information, and feeding it back to her friends far below on the surface. A clean and comparatively, almost serene repainting of the fight, with opportunities, safe areas, and threat zones all clearly marked. The recipients feeling it not unlike a natural instinct or sixth sense. To Ayla, the strange and intense mental effort, could perhaps be compared to performing an advanced martial art. Only here, the success and accuracy of her performance was measured in the lives of others, not bruises. She only wished that it were possible to effectively extend this gift to the rest involved in the combat.

Right now, it was Sinnve who received minimal support, as Ayla focused her attentions on the Knights. But the situation above ground, whilst explosive, was relatively simple for Sinnve to keep tabs on. As soon as the main strike party had made their way underground she had begun clipping the claws of the surface Jaffa Guard. Boosting suddenly towards various Jaffa troops and disturbing and furrowing the ground as she went, she reaches out and plucks the staff weapons from their hands, crushing, bending or snapping the long rods shaped weapons. Upon a pair that run, whether for "cover" or self preservation, she looses a pair of low energy aser beams from her back, which arc out and veer towards the fleeing soldiers lancing though the ends of their staves and severing the devices into two. When the Death Gliders swoop in, Sinnve is quick on the draw to dash from the blast zone of the strafing run, and diverts her full attention to evading and addressing the new threat. "We have hostile air presence up here. Engaging!" said as the hum and proceeding shrill of her aser beams shoot up into the sky. A powerful fixed angle shot from her arm guns skimming the Death Glider on it's ascent and only scorching the wing, but a swarm of twenty four individually homing beams from the array on her "wings" swiftly catch the fighter craft in the rear, engulfing it and slicing in from all angles. Boosting off to the side to evade the next run, Sinnve makes the most of the structures of the facility to make it difficult for the flyers to aim a good run on her.
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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ellisia's words do provide something of a pause. The scary thing is, Ian has actually seemed rather calm, at least outwardly. Still, seeing him lash out isn't entirely in character for him. He is, at the very least, directing his anger toward the enemy Jaffa, so perhaps he is listening. Just not very well.

The firefight is likely when they see him striking out the most, having plenty of targets, though he's not quite able to focus on any one of them for long periods of time. And the cannon blast knocks him completely for a loop, staggering him as much as the others.

At Camulus' call, he'll turn his attention from Talok and finding out more about the orb to heeding the summons, hurrying over and crouching down at the Tokra's side. "Easy, mate. We might get ya out of this yet."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Valnak shook his head.

"The blast ... has killed the symbiote. I will not survive more than a few minutes without him. Take ... this."

A small device was pressed into Ian's hand, the Tokra host grimacing in pain.

"It's a holographic map, and also contains information that needs to get to your people regarding a possible threat regarding a rogue Wraith. Talok should know how to operate it... Use the map, it will lead you to your friend."

Another wince, and this time when he spoke, there was blood coming from his mouth.

"Good luck, I do regret ... I cannot help you further. Now go ... save those you can."

With a final gurgle, the man died, leaving a probably confused and pissed off party to do what they needed to. Camulus did a quick check, then shook his head and confirmed what Ian probably already knew.

"He's dead. Effective death sentence, whoever shot him blasted him directly in the symbiote pouch. A very painful death, I'm surprised he didn't show it more."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ian's fingers wrapped around the device, giving Valnak a nod. "We'll take care of it." If they hadn't on their own, he reaches out and brushes the man's eyelids shut and then pushes himself to his feet. Business now, mourning later.

He'll toss the device to Talok, guiding with a tweak if he needs to. "Map on that should tell us where ta go. Let's see if we can avoid any more nasty surprises, aye?"

The gou'ald's words bring a bit of a wry smile. "Good soldier, then. And shows they knew what they were doin'. Let's make certain we don't waste what he gave us."

And provided Talok's got the thing working, he'll follow the Wraith's lead again for the time being.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

As the last of the present enemy fighters are either dispatched or retreat to regroup, Ellisia finds the pause to cast Valnak a solemn glance, though leaves any mourning or last words to others. "We shall have to guide ourselves from now on then. May I study the map for a quick moment? Our ship can record it to it's memory."

If so she would simply look over what the device had to show, casting her eyes over the map and any other information, giving each view a just few seconds study. Not enough for Ellisia herself to reliably memorise anything she had just seen, but enough for the photographic memory of the Aurora to capture and be at Ayla's disposal for further investigation.

Other than that, her team was fully ready to proceed.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Within a few moments, Talok had the device working, tilting it over for Elissia to scan herself. When she was finished, he took a moment to get his bearings, then nodded.

"This way then. We'll need ..."

He cut off when suddenly all the power to the facility cut off, having been followed by a sudden shaking of the entire place. Weapons were drawn from those who had them about the party, but no ambush seemed forthcoming. After a moment, Talok added, "that's strange? Elissia did anyone from your ship do that?"

Meanwhile, Sinnve found that there were more gliders, and they continued to fire. Then, things really got interesting when a blast of blue weapons fire came from ABOVE her, obliterating one of the gliders. A quick glance up revealed a small number of small ships shaped like darts, and they were annoyingly loud. Several blasts targeted the facility, causing explosions on the outside for what might have been power relays.

There was very little warning in space as the area around the Aurora suddenly was disrupted by a hyper-space window forming, and a large ship emerging from it. According to their database, the ship registered as a Wraith Hive ship, but it was a fair amount larger than it should have been. Almost immediately, it launched darts, those fighters breaking to the surface. For the moment, the Aurora was completely alone with a gargantuan Wraith Hive on the backside of the planet, and it was unclear why the hive was there. Nothing had been said about more ships showing up, and there was that civil war amongst them. So the question was, were they friend, or foe?
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