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Re: Mjorna

Phaydra was coiled up angrily, "On my travels I was nearly killed by a whole group of them. Ignorant pink things. They thought I was going to eat them." she started hissing again.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka just stared for a moment. "Uh... uh... he... he has... a sword??" Was he going to kill them all? After she had just found a sanctuary, she was going to be killed by one of these... humans? She hadn't really had any experience with humans before, but she'd heard stories of their digestiveness and horribleness.
Re: Mjorna

Tork hmphs and turns towards Yulka. "Run to the chapel and tell Wulfric that an armed stranger is approaching. He'll know what to do." His axe slides off his shoulder as by itself and lands in Tork's hand. It has turned from a tool to a weapon. "If they're as bad as you said, we will have to be cautious."
Re: Mjorna

Toya didn't exactly see the problem here. "Is there something wrong with a human being here?" He wonders out loud. And it was legit curiosity, since he himself had never had a bad encounter with humans. Then he heard Phay. "Th...they what? That's terrible!" He said sadly, placing his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra nodded before streaking over to her cart, pulling out her smithing sledge and slithering back to the group. She looked quite competent holding it.
Re: Mjorna

"Ah... right." Yulka slowly eased herself off of Toya's shoulders, before quickly bounding off, as a bunny would, to the chapel. She burst in through the door. "Prior Wulfric? Uh, there's... an 'armed stranger' coming to the village. We think it's a human...."
Re: Mjorna

A long silence fills the chapel before Wulfric lets out a deep, drawn-out sigh. "And here I was, hoping this day wouldn't come. . ." The Deertaur kneels down at a certain spot in the chapel. His bulk won't let Yulka see just what he does, but after a moment one of the marble plates is lifted up and put aside.

"And the past, it rattles with its bones", Wulfric calls out as he pulls forth a long and slender sword, spotlessly polished. "And it whines and it groans, but I will not falter. And I will drag it into the light by its bare skull." A large, round shield follows, emblazoned with the crest of Geann. "For all to see. . .", Wulfric finishes with a whisper. He turns around and faces Yulka. "Stay in here", he tells her in a commanding voice.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka stared for a moment before she just gave a small nod, moving aside to allow the now Warrior-Hero Wulfric out easily. He was certainly... different.
Re: Mjorna

Meda watches Wulfric and Yulka, waving slightly to Yulka, having just been sitting and watching Prior Wulfric, amazed at how devote he was.
Re: Mjorna

Wulfric gives but a brief nod to Meda before he starts out of the chapel, his hoofs clopping on the marble floor.
He arrives just in time to see the large human standing a few yards away from Phaydra, Toya and Tork. His bare arms are crossed before his barrel-like chest. They are not entirely hairless, Wulfric realises: A kind of auburn down covers his forearms down to parts of his hands. It's the same color as the hair in the man's face. A slouch hat sits on his head and casts a shadow over the man's upper face. He certainly looks like he could work hard, but an air of danger surrounds him. It could be just the hilt of the sword that peers over the man's shoulder.
Wulfric straightens himself to his own impressive height. "State your purpose, stranger", he calls out in a commanding voice. The sword is pointed at the ground, but Wulfric knows he can bring it up and close the distance in a heartbeat.

(Giving the others a moment to react to Wulfric's Battlereadyness.)
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Re: Mjorna

Yulka waved back to the person (I don't remember Yulka meeting Meda), before standing around awkwardly.
Re: Mjorna

Toya blinks in surprise, not only seeing another new face, but a warrior as well. "Hey... who's that?" He asks Phay, nervously and quietly.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra blinked and hefted her hammer again, "I think that's the Prior... It looks like there's more to him than meets the eye..."
Re: Mjorna

"Irias of Pashley", a voice comes from under the hat. "I've barely met anybody on my travels. . . and now this is the second encounter, on one day no less, when I have a weapon pointed my way. Why is that, I wonder?"
Wulfric snorts and raises his hand to point at the sword on the man's back. "Could it be because you carry one yourself?" Irias' teeth show as he grins without humor. "What, this?" He points at the pummel in question. "This barely qualifies as a weapon."
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra hissed, "That is no hunting knife." she said, barely able to keep herself still, then she realized she'd spoken out of turn and shrank back away from the Prior. He had only reinforced her feeling that he was frighting by showing up like this. Her tail wrapped around Toya's leg again, only this time she was just looking for reassurance.
Re: Mjorna

The Prior doesn't seem to realize he scares Phaydra. Irias, however, snorts and turns around. The sheath for the blade is a lot shorter than the handle would indicate, and strangely shaped as well. . . "Go on, pull it out and take it if it makes you feel safer", Irias replies in an uncaring voice. To illustrate his point he raises his arms and stretches them out to both sides.
Re: Mjorna

Toya puts his arm around Phay and holds her close, realizing how frightened she was, even if he himself couldn't feel the fear. Yes, he was in the presence of two armed men. But he was raised in the wilds for most of his life, almost constantly in danger. And besides, neither had made a truly threatening gesture yet.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra leans against Toya and glares at Irias, "I'm not afraid of you." she spat, hefting her hammer again, before transferring it into one hand and taking the sword with the other.
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Re: Mjorna

Tork gasps and takes a step back as the weapon is revealed. In a quick motion he throws forward his hand, palm pointed at Irias, fore- and middlefinger outstretched and crossed. It's a common gesture to ward off evil. "He's a deathsman", Tork whispers. Irias doesn't respond, though the look in his eyes changes.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra looks at the weapon in her hand, having never heard of them before, "A what? What is that?"