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ACT [Moeymoey] Breed Lab

Hey Folks, v.0.30 is ready to go. Full Dev-Log and download is available on
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What's the goal of the game ? Run around and fuck everything that moves without getting a gameover? That's what breeding implies after all. Or should the mc avoid all the monsters ?
I noticed that breeding with the type1 werewolf grants a perk. Is that the only one that grants any buffs? I didn't see any of the other creatures to give any other perk.
I seem to be stuck at lvl2 after going down stairs, opening the office, avoiding the type2 werewolf and getting back up. I can't go back down and all other paths are blocked. The door at the end of the dark hallway where the lurker is still doesn't open. I picked every key and card along the way but I only have an id card in the inventory. Am I missing something obvious or is this a bug?
Can someone share a full save for v0.30?
It's in C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Moeymoeys\BreedLab
Edit: nvm. found the secret passage where you use the card. it's kinda hard to see with low brightness.
Edit2: some guidance for the area after defeating the mantis would be great. It's dark as fuck and to make things more annoying some ghost keeps popping out of nowhere. Dodging them is not an issue but they will eventually get to you when you hit some obstacle in the dark.
Edit3: ok so I finished the game and it was pretty good. The only thing that gets to me is navigating blindly in the dark with not much sense of direction. That and the character model could use some more work. She looks dead inside. No emotion whatsoever. Other than that it was a solid and chalenging demo. It's easy to kill everything you encounter but it's a lot harder to survive screwing at least one of every type of enemies in each area and have 100% lust most of the time except for when you really need the lust gauge reset to be able to survive. I liked how you can hide from the snake lurkers behind the crates at the gate after you shoot them and they come looking for you around both corners.
The inventory seems rather small and causes bugs if it gets filled. It basically forces you to use up items.
Because there's no gallery I made a backup of the save file for every relevant event. Problem is that sometimes reloading a savedata will teleport you outside the map. I think it remembers the last level you were in and misbehaves if it differs from the savedata level ?
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So, I was in the underground lab area where you gas the wolf to get the key. I went back to save after getting the gas so I could get multiple tries at the escape sequence. When I placed the gas in the container I tried to open the cage a little too early I guess? So I couldn't open it. Wouldn't let me. Then when I reloaded my save I still didn't have any of the items and I couldn't grab them because I already did, so now I'm soft locked or have to play the whole game over again.
So, I was in the underground lab area where you gas the wolf to get the key. I went back to save after getting the gas so I could get multiple tries at the escape sequence. When I placed the gas in the container I tried to open the cage a little too early I guess? So I couldn't open it. Wouldn't let me. Then when I reloaded my save I still didn't have any of the items and I couldn't grab them because I already did, so now I'm soft locked or have to play the whole game over again.
Reloading from checkpoints can break the inventory sometimes. After a certain "boss" fight I ended up with 2 items of the same type (blue tiara that does 2x damage against tentacles) when I reloaded from checkpoint to replay. What's really sad is that I can't reload the multiple save files I made for each area. Savedata swapping works only if it's loaded for the act and area you area already in otherwise it teleports you outside the map. So making a gallery is practically impossible if you try to reload a save from act 2 if you reached act 3. Perhaps a registry backup is also required for each save to make snapshot.
Edit: both save and registry backups are needed to make reliable snapshots.
Registry key "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Moeymoeys" keeps the last checkpoint location and the save file "C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Moeymoeys\BreedLab\save.txt" keeps the stats.
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Hey Folks, v.0.33 is ready to go. Full Dev-Log and download is available on
You can download it alternatively here:

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Greets :>
Hey Folks, v.0.34 is up.

It is a public and currently the latest version.

More information on itch:

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Greets :>
Last edited:
Hey Folks, v.0.34 is up.

It is a public and currently the latest version.

More information on itch:

That's it for now

Greets :>

While I got to the post through other ways, the link in the post is messed up. You can't actually go anywhere by clicking on it.
I played all the way up to act 3 but I'll try to leave feedback while it's somewhat fresh in my mind, sorted by "what i found to be the biggest things needing fixed" to "QoL would be nice". Of course, take these opinions with a grain of salt. I try not to repeat the stuff other people said such as "Needs restart button". "Where ID card go to in act2" "Wolf2 keeps owning me"

Having played this on a trackpad mouse, it's nice to know combat isn't necessary and you've definitely designed some rooms without needing to fight enemies. If anything, some rooms are easier if you avoid combat.

Having done the lurker 'puzzle room' at the end of act 2, it's obvious that the game's 'beatable' without shoes. I assume you playtest the game with minimal upgrades and nude, and I appreciate that (barring 1 exception) I had all the resources I needed to succeed at every room.

I like the fact the enemy design is somewhat varied and I would like to see more of it. The idea of enemies having "an ideal struggle timing" is nice and reminds me of Anthophobia, another excellent H game imo. It's possible I may have missed a few rooms, but if possible, a datalog of sorts describing enemies in more detail. You can also do perhaps an NPC hinting at 'future enemy weakness' like an NPC getting fucked "now that he came inside me i definitely don't want to leave. And to think I wanted to have him pull out earlier." or something far less cheesy.

Clothing having stats is nice, and there's a sizable variety.

Defo see the silent hill inspiration

Being locked into a room and being told 'you can't leave till you get everything from this room' has definitely prevented me from backtracking for a key item.

The "I found this to be detrimental to my experience":
Mantis Room: I have absolutely no idea what you were supposed to do with the mantis boss. With no shoes, I found dodging him to be entirely unreliable (I tried running backwards and towards the sides). The NPC gave no hints to defeating it either, merely saying "I can't help you if you were to be bred by it". I cheesed it by letting it grab me, breaking free, putting a few shots into it and then letting it grab me again to repeat.

"All the QoL stuff":

Item pickups should be indicated without the player opening their inventory to see what they just picked up.

Speaking of items; can we get a gear window to see what the player has equipped?

"It would be nice if savepoints granted a low durability shoes"

There absolutely needs to be a better tutorial. Or at least a reference for what all the icons mean (i nearly played through the whole game without understanding what the masturbate heart meant) and how struggle works. If you could introduce enemies that weren't rather difficult to hit as the first enemy for the bracelet that'd be nice too. I'd even be okay with you just putting a jpeg saying "here's all the icons and what they mean"

Keybinds don't show all the commands, particularly masturbation which I wasn't even aware of until i looked up a guide for act2.

Is it too late to suggest a "do not force reload" feature? If i fire all my shots but 'i need to move' i'd rather move with 0 ammo ready to fire. A toggle will be fine.

Probably too late to suggest this, but if pacifist route is to be encouraged(?), showing enemy detection radius and more elaborate ! would be nice to have. (Blue being 'enemy is aware of your prescence, red being enemy actively chasing you, etc.)

Overall I like what I see. There's definitely potential with this game, lookin forward to the full release.
For the moment i'm not very impressive. i'm seeing this game as a kind of hommage to GIL to a game on this own.

The aiming are horrible and the bracer pistol have no feel and knowback.Hitting a monster reset instantly the aggro. Mostly monster are like speedrunning and having a kind of X Ray vision ( or i guess they spotting you with RAW circle of spotting ).
It's not like player are underpowered ( like the main theme goal of this kind of game) : monster are literally overpowered and when you get chain grab: you can just reload your saves.

In summary: you can't fly away to avoid encounter because MC are too slow and spotted at very long range, and Fighting are useless because of the insane number of hit required to kill a single unit ( if you can manage to hit them because of limitation of Angle).

Summary: still a good concept and idea But the defaults of the current game are like a Cold Shower.
For the rest, mostly it's fine ( i like the backroom feeling on some rooms), even if myself i'm not fan of those quality model.
TBF I agree with the aim being really hard to hit something, especially with how small some of the enemies are.
Hey Folks, v.0.37 is now public. Full Dev-Log and download is available on
You can download it alternatively here:

That's it for now

Greets :>
Hey Folks, v.0.38.2 is now public. Full Dev-Log and download is available on
You can download it alternatively here:

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Hey Folks, v.0.41 is now public. Full Dev-Log and download is available on
You can download it alternatively here:

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