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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Please place requests for specific mamono in the Lore Request thread.

This thread will be a quick checkup for the various races of MGI. It'll be a source of fast facts about their race containing the essentials of what you'd need to know to be knowledgeable about the race in question. It may not cover every area about a mamono, but all of the main facts that apply to all members of the species will be listed. It will not however address any unique characteristics that arise from these traits. It's just a general summary of the race without any added fluff (because there's a lot of mamono.)

The format for all entries will be one paragraph in each of the sections below:


Physical/Magical Traits, Strengths/Weaknesses and Appearances


General Disposition, Diet, and Society

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Re: Monster Girl Profiles


A demon can be considered, for all intents and purposes, to be the same as a succubus (and vice versa) that watches over the realm of Hell and does not venture out into the human or angel world unless leading a demonic invasion. They can manage to do this by being in a position of power through capturing slaves and using them for sustenance and thusly ridding them of the need to venture out of their territory for food. Such would be why 'powerful' demons are rarely seen and why attention is all on the "Succubus" which is normally (but not always) weaker by comparison. So by extension, a Succubus is a Demon who ventures forth, leaving hell to use her magic and guile to eat the souls of men and women. It is a mere title rather than a different race entirely. Though a differentiation is made because of the fact that demons are both more powerful, and more capable of brutality because they fear not killing their 'food' for lack of need of it. Other than those slight differences, demons and succubi are the same thing.

Physical/Magical Traits, Strengths/Weaknesses and Appearances

Demons can vary their appearances widely, and assume the shape of any manner of beast or human. Though they typically appear as odd colored humans with supernaturally colored eyes and hair that would be impossible for a human to naturally obtain. They also often are seen with horns, bat wings, and a long (and often deadly) spaded tail that can serve a variety of purposes, including but not limited to combat, eating, and torture. Their bodies are made of pure magic, which makes them lack all the vital organs that a mortal being would die without. Because of this, they (and all other demons) are insanely hard to kill. They lack any real weakness, other than their inability to hold energy. Over time, any demon (and non-mortal being) will slowly lose their power. The only way to defeat a demon is to completely exhaust them, either through making them expend their power, or by causing enough damage to their body that they can no longer regenerate. Combat with any supernatural mamono is ill advised unless immensely prepared for the battle.


The more powerful demons of Hell typically exist entirely within Hell, and within the most fortified locations, protected by all manner of unsightly vegetation and high, fortified walls to resist invasion of lesser demons. Sometimes however, even demons will come out into the human world, typically by being summoned by a human who wishes to strike a deal with them. In exchange for granting their wish, a demon will enlist a human as a servant in the human world, or simply take them as a slave back to their own world. Either way, a deal with a demon will always favor the demon, otherwise they're unlikely to even communicate with the human in question.

General Disposition, Diet, and Society

In Hell, Demons of all kinds typically live in a cutthroat society. They kill each other all the time and consume each other's energy to survive, even though eating a corrupted soul, even as another demon, will make the consumer extremely sick as the energy adjusts to the new owner and becomes woven with their current soul. Kind demons exist, but are extremely rare as they are often taken advantage of and killed in favor of the wicked demons abusing their good nature. All demons are forced to harm others to survive, or face the horror of ceasing to exist through their pacifism. The reality of a complete lack of afterlife for a dead demon is enough to strike fear into the hearts of weak demons and drive even newly created, kind women from the human realm into total monsters, splitting other demons open to devour their souls, removing their existence in favor of their own. However, because many demons are still human beings at heart, each demon no matter the type will have their own thoughts about keeping a human as food. Some may see it as a way to return to a world they once knew, and take someone into their life that they won't have to kill. A demon taking a human home to live happily ever after is completely possible (and is often done in Pandemonium, where demons are more friendly). Though, some demons are forever changed by their new life, and become cruel mistresses.

In Pandemonium, the world of difference between it and Hell is striking. Pandemonium is another form of Hell that exists on Gaea, and tries to maintain the human connection demons share to the mortal world and not give in to the savage nature of their other kin. Compared to a chaotic Hell, Pandemonium is organized and governed by laws to not harm human beings. Despite this more peaceful approach, all individuals of power are all women, and men are still heavily oppressed as they are viewed as food and toys for lack of their ability to compare to women in anything but intellect. Even then, demons of Pandemonium are typically older than even human elders, so it is uncommon for an old demon to know less than any human being.​
Re: Monster Girl Profiles


Echidna are an ancient race that has discovered immortality through shedding themselves of their mortal coils and becoming like the ancient races of demons and angels. They learned how to become a raw 'soul' and survive the experience, able to have their body completely reduced to ash and find a way to miraculously come back to life. Through this tenacious method of survival, Echidna usually find a way to live through just about any attempt to rid themselves from the mortal world. Like most supernatural races, they seemingly have no true weakness other than their ego. Facing an Echidna as a mortal requires guile and wit. A true battle will almost always result in your immediate demise unless given supernatural aid (ex. a Hero of the Order would be capable of slaying one).

Physical/Magical Traits, Strengths/Weaknesses and Appearances

Echidna are another supernatural race. This means that they have no set in stone, "normal" form to identify them. However, their origins are that of lamia who came into contact with magic, so the most typical form they choose is that of a snake, though even this appearance can vary wildly depending on multiple factors such as personality, and weaving art-style (see Magic for a deeper explanation into weaving). So, a lamia is typically what's depicted in books when one speaks of an Echidna. When it comes to their strengths though, an Echidna will most likely be well-versed in many kinds of weaving art forms, and will most likely have seen a weaving style that matches your own if you choose to battle her with magic. It is because Echidna are well studied through sheer experience that they are so frightening as opponents to face. As mentioned before, they have almost no weakness whatsoever other than their ego. In some cases though, some Echidna are so far removed from civilization that approaching an Echidna can result in pure conversation. The lack of social contact often makes Echidna excited to talk to you, even if they seem of lordly calibur and beyond your measure. This, in a sense, is a weakness.


Echidna often inhabit areas difficult to find, or areas long forgotten before they make their homes there. Ruins, caves, old cities, anywhere that humans no longer travel while still being in good enough shape to house their royal needs might rarely contain an Echidna. However, some Echidna exist right next to humanity, posing as one of them as she has taken to marriage with one of it's people. With that said, an Echidna could theoretically be anywhere humans have been, or even actively among them in secret. This makes them one of the few immensely powerful creatures that are surprisingly elusive and hard to locate, unless she actually wants to be found.

General Disposition, Diet, and Society

Echidna are beings that compare themselves to the likes of gods. They mingle with mortals, and treat them as play things, developing feelings for them and tossing them away frivolously and without care for the consequences. To that effect, being very interesting to an Echidna almost assures your survival provided you wish to come in peace. Even possibly so if you don't and she considers you no threat regardless. With this attitude, they build their own small kingdom and name it however they please with no system nor rule, creating their own little world to which they call their own.

Their interest will eventually drift to humans however, as they are the main source of sustenance for supernatural beings. How they treat their meals can vary greatly, depending on the particular Echidna and her mood. Similarly, the society Echidna's exist in are entirely their own. It revolves completely around them and their whims, and once again it is subject to the individual. Some Echidna can be welcoming, though most others are not. Almost all however will have some method of trying to find someone suited to them. An equal. To this extent some Echidna produce 'tests' for the worthy. The most famous story is of an Echidna with a desire for a powerful man with rich energy suited to be her own personal lover. A Hero of the Order came and fought through her traps, monsters, and her dungeon of contrived evils to face her directly. Despite still being vastly inferior to her own strength, the Echidna was immensely interested in the man, quickly capturing him and brain washing him into being a devote love slave. He was later seen bringing back a maiden who was supposedly captured by the Echidna, and quickly married her. The maiden was in fact the Echidna herself, who became the ruler of the local town after the Hero was elected Lord, using the Hero as a puppet and slave.

Re: Monster Girl Profiles

(This thread is locked because someone would post a joke about her name here otherwise.)


The Fairy Queen Titania is not exactly a race (like most other entries), but rather her own complete individual. This would normally constitute her as a god, and do not be mistaken, she's not far from such. However Titania can be considered a human sized fairy for all intents and purposes, because that's what she essentially is. Though she also shares much background with the elves, and her age is so vast that she roughly dates back to when the angels first began ostracizing the less desirable members of their group. This makes her a creature even the angels respect out of fear of her timeless experience and power.

Physical/Magical Traits, Strengths/Weaknesses and Appearances

Titania's appearance can vary wildly due to her existence as a supernatural being. This comes with the lack of weaknesses that supernatural beings have, mostly being in the department of lacking vital organs. Though more so for Titania as she does not even exist as a single entity. Rather, she functions much like some other gods (ex: Persephone), and exists both in her main true form and in bits and pieces all around her own realm of fairies and on Gaea. This would normally make it strange that each fairy is in fact, different, however each fairy is born from a small piece of Titania's personality, which can vary wildly depending on which piece it came from. The resulting fragment can be evil, good, silly, naive, stupid, and so on. Like this, each fragment goes off to have their own life experiences and will continue to evolve from the original soul they came from. Thusly, though they are one and the same, Titania is indeed the mother of all fairies.


Titania exists in her magical fairy realm, a world of her own creation where she is present as the magical mist that covers the land. Her existence is scattered, occasionally collecting into bubbles and forming new fairies that often tend to just wander around and try to figure out what's going on and sometimes ponder why they even exist (The pointlessness of a fairy's existence will be covered in their own entry at some point).

Because she is almost never a solid body, Titania can manifest herself anywhere in her world when just a fraction of her bubbles gather on her command. Meaning even complete incineration of what you can see will not kill her because you've only killed a tiny fraction of her. And because she is without absolute form, it is very easy for her to visit the mortal realm, often on a whim and to have fun. Though she is not as pointless as her separate bubbles of existence. Titania is favored by Fate, and often gives subtle suggestion to mortal lives to change the flow of history. Because of this, Titania can be seen technically anywhere, but usually only once every several hundred years while disguised as another race. It is possible she appears more, as the recorded instances are only when she was found out or revealed herself.

General Disposition, Diet, and Society

Titania survives by having her fairies abduct men into her realm, or by doing it herself. This course of action isn't different since before the succubus curse, when Titania was still infamous for stealing men from the world. This behavior had Titania met with mixed opinions depending on who you spoke to. Some men were pleased with the thought of being a sex slave to a goddess. Meanwhile women gave Titania the nick name: "Whore God of Kidnapping". Men taken by Titania are never seen again.

Titania favors the elemental of wind, Slyph, and behaves much like her while acting on her whims for good or ill. Though there's a very good reason for the resemblance as you might have already guessed. Indeed, Slyph is another distant fragment of Titania that drifted off and is still drifting randomly. Titania created Slyph on purpose so that she could govern the wind of Gaea and manage it by simply doing what she does best. Titania will sometimes come and visit Slyph when she visits Gaea, and this is usually indicated when the winds seem to stop entirely for just a short moment. Disasters usually occur because of this, but on the bright side, some people are happy knowing that Titania met Slyph that day, and Slyph stopped for but a moment to talk with her.​
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