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Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys smiles and bows before speaking, "My name is Rhys Lynna. I'm here to serve you loyally since you helped me out of that bear trap that got stuck on my ankle in the woods so long ago. I am eternally grateful and I will do my best to serve you until i feel my debt is repaid."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Amakura-san,” Sommarkatze smiled as he bowed, making a conscious effort to keep his eyes down while he did so to avoid disrespecting their new master, “My name is Sommarkatze Elam Varlöwe, I hope you find my presence as useful as the rest of my skilled peers.

Oh, if my name is hard to pronounce, you can simply call me Luva or Lu.” He stepped back, to let the spotlight onto the next maid in line, though he could not hide the mix of curiosity and very slight disapproval at the presence of a pet concerning the Valkyria… Nor his minor suspicions and curiosity about the sheep girl’s story, he’d certainly like to hear more about it later.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Trying to know more about the handsome butler and the rest of maids, Jaqckeline let some of them introduce first and notice some nervousness in some what was so sweet touch on them. She then move close and curtsy with a friendly smile. My name is Jaqueline Ivory and is a pleasure to meet you Linn-sama. Before continue, i must talk for all of us than we understand you and will suport you in all what we can, our reason to be here is not only share our culture but also serve you with all our heart. The echidna said still in her bow stance, she noticed the little pet on the window and she only suppose than Sigrid has train the creature so much to be a real problem, but of course a department was not a good place for a pet to live when this could fly around free of such small space.

Now as you wish, let me talk a little about myself and my kind. Said this she continued with soft words and taking her time to inform her Mistress of what she suppose were important points to talk now

Im from the noble race of the echidnas called "Mothers of monsters" by many, but that is only because we are so motherly like with ours childrens, until the point than each of us can take care of seven group of cute girls. That is why the government put me in charge to guide the rest of us to successfully get accepted in the human culture. Oh...also we can tolerate some more cold than lamias before get sleepy.

There will be more time to meet us better but most of our personal information could be send here by the agency in some days.
Said this she wait for the others to introduce themselves, maybe her speech could help the rest to warm up theirs introductions.

Once they end she will bow again to her mistress before take the word. Linn-sama, can i help you in something? I could brush your hair or do anything more than you need now.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yunha felt a bit embarrassed, she should have just waited a few minutes and she wouldn't have to introduce herself twice! The Yuki-Onna also once again ended up being one of the later speakers, though it did give her a bit of knowledge that the other maid called Jaqueline was a bit of a talker, not that that was a bad thing, but she diiiiid learn more info then she wanted to know about Enchidas.

Yunha would give a curtsy and introduce herself, Hello Amakaru-sama, I'm Yunha, a Yuki-Onna. I look forward to serving you!
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

At the maids' introductions Lynn would smile brightly at each, while serving tea and her usual meal of sweet and sour chicken with fired rice. She would set a plate and cup out for each of them.

"Oh! Rhyss! I am glad to see you again and that you are doing well. And don't worry about repaying me for that! I would have done that for anybody, as I would want someone to do the same for me~ Such a horrible thing to happen to someone..." She said lightly stroking his ram's horns. At the pecking at the window from Sigrid's falcon, Lynn would pet her finger to her mouth in thought for a moment before replying, "Uhmmmm... N-no.... I I don't have a problem personally, but you may want to take it up with Tama-san... I don't know her stance on pets... But I think it shouldn't be a problem!" She said before beaming a megawatt smile at Sigrid.

At the draconic butlers words, Lynn would smile warmly reply "Don't worry, Lu. I am sure you will be just fine~ I trust each and everyone one of you to do no less than your very best while you're here~" At hearing Jacquline's lengthy introduction she would put her hand behind her head and rub at it for a bit, "W-Well, that is very interesting, Jaculeine-san. I'm sure all of you will do just fine, and I trust you to help out your fellow maid in the best way you can~ And I don't need anything right now. You've already done the laundry and cleaned up the mess I made~ I'm most grateful for that. You got to work right after arrival. I couldn't ask for much more on your first day. So after dinner, someone can do the dishes and you all can take turns cleaning up before settling down for the night. In the morning, I'll go over a list of things to be done and you can discuss among yourselves who will better be able to handle what task. Okay?" She said before getting back to her food and clearing off her plate and setting it down daintly on the table.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys blushes and smiles happily as the mistress strokes her horns, bringing both hands down over her skirt, as if trying to hide something. "I am honored you remember me. But next time, if I may be so bold to say, don't worry yourself with making yourself food. I think I speak for all of us when I say we would all be more than happy to cook for you and ourselves," Rhys then tilts her head to the side with her eyes closed and flashing a big smile to her mistress.

Rhys then waits for everyone else to be addressed by mistress and ate and drank her food politely and quietly, taking small bites and sips to avoid making any noise during the others' conversations. He did not speak again until Lynn spoke to them all collectively once more, "Don't worry mistress. You can count on us~."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Thanks for give me the chance to help my colleagues and indeed, we will love to prepare the dinner the next time, as it is part of our work. Jacqueline said first to their mistress and then turn to the cute ram creature.

Using her refined manners, the echidna help to serve the dinner to the rest when the human ended to make it, for this time she was pleased with such kind touch of their mistress of serve them the dinner, showing with the example how important was to serve the others without looking at them down or in an odd way by theirs different races.

The dinner went smoot and quick, filled with soft chats between each others and between these Jaqueline get close the ram maid. Excuse me, Miss Rhys... it could sound out of place now when we just meet, but as i'm of a race with cold blood i require some help to warm my body in the nights and mornings. And your body looks to be the most useful for that task, can you please share the bed with me, at least this night, please?

After ask to the ram girl, the echidna would help to place the dishes, so who decide to clean them could have them in order. In case than nobody decide to clean them, well she will do it.
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Upon being asked the question by the serpentine maid, Rhys blushes and immediately goes to cover her skirt, where her crotch was. Was she trying to hit on her? Did she find out her secret? These were many of the questions that ran through her head before answering. Perhaps if she wore her less revealing pajamas, she could get away with it, but she'd likely coil around her and discover her secret. The risk was too great. But then again, she was to live with these maids in close quarters, they'd likely find out anyway. Rhys sighs and decides to take a chance, "S-Sure, j-just f-for the n-night..."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Submerged in his own thoughts, Sommar almost missed the whole exchange, and was left helplessly silent as the master fixed herself some food. His left hand reached for his right arm, above the elbow, gripping tightly of it apprehensively, a minor but still present sense of defeat washed over him, this was definitely a failure on the maids’ and his’ end that should not repeat itself.

Thankfully smallest, horned, girl spoke words parallel to his thoughts, keeping his concern at bay before dinner started, with no more bumps other than perhaps a mishap of bodily nature here and there.

“I was wondering, should we decide the division of tasks tonight or tomorrow? I do ask because it’s important to settle that before we’re actually required to perform our tasks next time.”

He couldn’t help but to overhear the two maids scheming on the side, though, the serpent maid was anything but subtle in her inquire of sharing a bed, though he had to admit the request itself was not strange, compared to how forthcoming Jacqueline was with the tantamount of complete strangers.

He smiled a little bit, imagining that despite not knowing each other properly yet, she felt comfortable enough to request something like that. On the other hand, it could be a concerning case of blind trust, though he reminded himself of the dexterity and strength inherent to Jacqueline’s species… in which case the one at risk was the smaller girl.

Should he interject? He didn’t want to jump to any hurried assumption with no proof of intent or concern. “Miss, Rhys, Miss Jacqueline…” He cleared his throat, deciding to interject seeing the smaller one’s shaky demeanor and answer.

“I apologize for eavesdropping, but I heard the exchange, if I’m not overstepping miss Rhys boundaries, I could volunteer in her stead, my species might be less well known but everyone knows of the ‘warm’, shall we say, nature of a dragon.”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The echidna was close to hug and thanks Rhys for accept to help her in that critical issue when suddenly the charming butler said her name making her mouth produce an smile by know than he has suddenly got interested in talk with them, a dinner would be boring if this lack of chat continue.

Hmhm, Mr Luva~. There is not doubt on me about your capacity on warm me on a cold night~ Jaqueline said as she giggle and her iris get in a pink color. However, a gallant man like yourself shouldnt sleep with a damsel in the first night, not alone at least. Her gaze returned to the ram creature who fur was so nice at the touch and the Echidnna's eyes had noticed it from the first time than she meet them all. Oww poor thing, your face is all red, do you feel fine, Miss Rhys? She ask as her right hand pressed softly at the ram forehead after notice the red color on the little maid's head. Please dont push yourself too much Miss Rhys, i guess than i could accept Mr Kuva offer until you recover your health or both of us could take care of you in your illiness this night. As she said it, her hand started to pet the poor girl, passing her hand at her hair and caressing her cheek.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Oh thank the gods. They certainly blessed you with great compassion, my lady! P...please excuse me! I must speak with the land lady post-haste!" The nervous and rather bemusing valkyrie would actually dismiss herself promptly, offering a quick bow before she rushed outside, her faithful pet perching on her shoulder and nudging against her face softly as if showing her master affection. "Thank you, sweetie. Mama really needed the pick me up. Lets go talk to nice landlady and see what she has to say about you." In due haste, the now re-energized woman rushed back to where they had met Tama. She'd gently rap on the door, the bird remaining stoic all the while. "Land Lady Tama? It...it's Sigrid. I...I had something I wanted to ask of you concerning a personal matter.
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys flushed bright red as miss Jaqueline suggested that she participate in a threesome with the butler. Rather than feelings of embarrassment, Rhys felt this was a blessing. Another person in be would likely increase her odds of escaping this encounter with her secret in tact. So with little hesitation, Rhys nods in agreement.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

By looking how the ram's face get fully red, Jaqueline gasp and turn to the butler who was the one close them. Her face is fully red, it must be some kind of fever. What should we do, Mister Luv? Miss Rhys please take a bath and then we will look for a medicament, dont worry as you wish we will rest with you to confort you in your illiness~

Jaqueline said in a soft worried tone, but she was not an expert in rams, maybe Rhys have a lot of fur or something in the food caused her an allergy
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Oh, no no no. You misunderstand. My face is red because I am flattered. Yes. Yes I will take part."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Hmhm you should be really flattered to get so red Miss Rhys, very well... i suppose than we could sleep together every night. Jqueline softly giggled as some weight of her shoulders get removed as she was really worried for the ram girl, she suppose than Rhys was so red then because it make her happy have someone to share her bed, Jaqueline easily understand her as she cant get used to sleep alone.

Im so glad than you are completely healty Miss Rhys. The echidna cant hold herself any longer and moves to hug Rhys, pressing her ample blossom at the ram humanoid, her soft delicious natural perfume coating the other maid and her cheeks pressing soft too before get back to her seat.

From now on you are under my care Miss Rhys, think on my like your big sister. You can consult me for anything~ Said this she prepare to end her dinner and clean
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys staggers back, the smell of the perfume and the sudden closeness causing Rhys to cover himself. Her flushed face returning because of Jaqueline's insistence of Rhys referring to her as her big sister.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sommar held a chuckle, the young girl had some back bone after all, amidst all that flustered persona of hers.

“Well, the issue seems solved then.” The dragon smiled calmly, looking at the overly excitable serpent girl and her flashy display of affection, which still seemed worrisome in some level, “If Miss Rhys is fine with sleeping with Miss Jacqueline, I will not intervene any further.” He concluded, his mind at peace.

“If nobody has an objection, I’ll take care of washing the dishes tonight.”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

As Sigrid would run down to the front counter, she would be greeted by a wearing a loose fitting kimono, ""Huh? O-oh... You're one of the new maids that the model upstairs ordered. I'm sorry, but the mistress is currently in her room... I'm standing watch for her. If you wish I can give you the key, just be sure to return it..." She said before handing Sigrid the room key. As the valkyrie would run off to the Land Lady's room and open the door she would find a , with long golden hair and yellow eyes... and her impressive breasts spilling out of her kimono. "OH! OH MY! I-I'm afraid you caught me in an awkward moment dear~ One minute please?~" She said as she turned away for a brief moment before readjusting her clothes and facing the maid once again before batting playfully at her. "There now, Miss Sigrid. What seems to be the matter?~" She said before sitting down on the couch crossing her legs, giving Sigrid quite the view.

Meanwhile back at the apartment, Lynn's face would also flush at the percieved innuendo going on amongst her maids, "Uhmmm.... I have a spare futon.... And a couch bed.... And some could sleep in the floor in my room.... If you wish, no one really needs to sleep three to a bed...." she said her nose trickling a little blood from the heat, "Uhm, thank you, Lu. I would appreciate that. Once you're done, feel free to take the opportunity to bathe yourselves before settling in for the night, okay?"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yunha was somewhere between pouting, and having a stuttering fit at the dinner conversation. The fit was because the topic was incredibly inappropriate for table talk, and the pouting because she just seemed to have faded into the background, admittedly a good maid wasn't supposed to be highly visible according to her mom but still! It was annoying to be passed over like she wasn't there, seeing an opportunity to do something and possibly get some conversation in she said, "I'll help with the dishes too."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Huh? Oh! I am sure Lu would appreciate the help, Yuhna. But before we turn in for the evening why don't you tell us more about yourself? You've hardly gotten a word in the whole time. There's no need to be so shy~ I want us all to be good friends if not family here. It will make things so much easier and more enjoyable for us, being cramped together in this single apartment" she said before clearing he throat as loud as she could to get the others attentions, "Okay ladies and gentleman. Let's settle down for a bit and let Miss Yuhna talk. Then once the dishes are finished and everyone's washed up, I'll go over necessary tasks for everyone before we turn in for the evening. Okay?~"