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More survivors?

Re: More survivors?

Azure is still looking for the Cafeteria.
Re: More survivors?

River just laughs for a minute, before doing a little bow.

"You just don't let up, do you?" She asks jokingly, "Go ahead, it doesn't really matter to me." And true to her words, she starts changing right away, slipping into the armour after a minute or two and adjusting it to get the feel right again.
Re: More survivors?

(stamina check?)

"Whew, I am tired lets go eat!"
(Would eating restore some stamina?)
Re: More survivors?

Azure finds the cafeteria, and there was a variety of breakfast foods strewn about in front of Azure after a minute in line, there was just about everything there, and most of it looked well made...

After River slipped her clothes off, Regina's eyes were hooked, following every line of her naked body, adoring her figure as every move she made seemed to entice her. Her eyes were soft, her mouth wide open, and her cheeks were blood red.

Regina spoke in an astonished tone, "Jesus," she exclaimed softly, "You've a perfect body..."
Re: More survivors?

River blushed a little as she finishes slipping into the armour.

"Thanks, you're uh, pretty cute yourself." She says awkwardly, before changing the direction of the conversation. "So, is there anything important left of the tour? They're probably missing me back at the Inn, I should at least make a run back..."
Re: More survivors?

Regina tilted her head, "What?" she questioned, "But Azure said that place was really bad, why the hell would ya wanna go back?" she asked sincerely.
Re: More survivors?

Azure sighed to herself as she served up a small breakfast, taking a quiet seat in the corner and looking over the group of people there. Her exercise last night made her feel refreshed and renewed, despite still being a bit sore.


"This place is so nice... I could just stay here forever... compared to out there..."

She quietly assumed that the rest of her group from yesterday would eventually gather here, waiting for them, pondering what she should do.
Re: More survivors?


"It really isn't all as bad as she makes it seem. At least, not in my experience. And there are a few others there that i still care about, I can't just leave them behind." She says knowing what Regina's next response is likely to be.
Re: More survivors?

Regina gestured with her hands as she hopped out of bed, "Well then bring 'em all here!" she exclaimed, "I'll even see ya safely to the hotel, should you want!" she offered.
Re: More survivors?


"I'm thinking about it don't worry. As for the escort, I was thinking of Running back, I don't know many who could keep up, but maybe some cover would be nice. I'm tempted to see how well the monsters can keep up even. How about we talk about it over breakfast?"
Re: More survivors?

Azure nodded to herself slowly as she came to her decision, standing up and leaving the cafeteria, and heading to talk to Emilia again.
Re: More survivors?

Regina nodded, "I'd love to." she agreed with a smile.

Upon reaching the cafeteria once again, and going trough the ever long line, Regina asked River, "I've been wondering about that TV show, Firefly, that you told me about... Ever wonder why it was canceled? It seemed pretty good, if you ask me."
Re: More survivors?

Azure had no difficulty finding Emilia's door again, as she found the woman's door once more, unguarded, and the painting on the window in the base of the door was similar to her artistic drawings, which she must have made herself, as it resembled a butterfly in a very strange way.
Re: More survivors?


"Anybody who knows for sure never said anything about it, but the biggest rumour going around is that Joss Whedon, the director, pissed somebody off at the network. All of his shows were taken off within a few months, Firefly, Buffy, and Angel, without even proper endings, though I think a different network picked up Buffy and Angel afterwards, I never really watched those. And yeah, it's my favourite series, it was one of the only things I would actually schedule into my day, was that show."
Re: More survivors?

Azure knocked on the already opened door, smiling to herself.


"Excuse me... I've... made a decision. If you'd allow me. I'd like to stay here."
Re: More survivors?

Regina looked at River, surprised when she mentioned Angel as she took a tray, and began taking eggs and pancakes onto a plate she had put on it, "He made Angel as well? Shit, I used to watch that all the time! I remember seeing the ending of that one episode, a long time ago, where that vampire guy... I forget his name, y'know, the guy that heard voices in his head?" she laughs at herself for a moment, "It's been so long! Anyway, I remember he bit that girl's neck, and I'm guessing that would've turned her into a vampire... That was the last one I saw, like I said, it's been a while." she rambled as she collected her food and waited for River to do the same.


Emilia was in her bed, reading a book as she used her pillow for support against the wall, until she turned to Azure, setting the book down.

"Join us?" Emilia asked curiously, then laughed a little, "Azure, you've always been welcome here! You're more than welcome to stay, anytime you like!" she declared.
Re: More survivors?

Azure smiles and accepts the offer.


"I'm glad I'm welcome here. I'll do my best to pull my weight around here whenever I can. Thank you."

(Azure decides to stay at the jail.)
Re: More survivors?

River started dishing herself out as well, trying to recall what she had seen of the show.

"I did see a couple episodes, but i never really watched it. I think I remember two people with voices in their heads, one was some sort of Irish spike demon, and the other was the girl that followed him around, so I don't really know who you're talking about. It did have a nice theme song though, I always like violins. Joss Whedon has done a bunch of things, He has a hilarious web series out, it's called Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along blog, it has Malcolm from Firefly in it. I also think he directed one of the Alien movies, though I'm not sure which."
Re: More survivors?

As Regina led her to a table, she gestured with her hand as she sat down, "Alien is one of my all time favorites," she said with pride, "Whoever thought of that was pure genius, I've always been a fan of alien movies, and I think that one takes the cake." she finished, taking a bite of her pancakes for the first time.
Re: More survivors?

River sat down and started to eat, sticking everything between a couple peices of toast so she could eat it with her hands.

"It is the original, at least in my opinion. I don't know who came up with the idea originally, but they had H.R. Giger create the aliens themselves. That man was fucked up, he had night terrors, and he put them to canvass. Half the shit he made wouldn't have looked too odd walking the streets outside right now."